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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.58258223 [View]
File: 1.39 MB, 2488x1233, B53B8D73-3600-4664-A9D5-20568DAB2358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if i keep claiming everyones an 'avocado,' they'll forget that i spam a dead board that i clearly hate being on like its my fulltime job!
hey btw...
the pool is STILL full

>> No.58055972 [View]
File: 1.39 MB, 2488x1233, 1000002291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let him use his "echo chamber" insults bro
he thinks they make him smart, even though everyone including him knows that he's furious every day over the fact that there isn't a voting system on here so that he can't upvote his posts for more visibility
instead, hes stuck shitting up the catalog with 6+ fud threads at all times while samefagging multiple times per thread to give the illusion of consensus

>> No.57483094 [View]
File: 1.39 MB, 2488x1233, 1000002291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitting up the board
>meanwhile the board looks like pic related every single day
fudcucks project

>> No.57441446 [View]
File: 1.39 MB, 2488x1233, 27C15661-494B-4A16-AAE6-DDDE6BD07322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct. Fuddie threads, as always, are made by the same small collection of drug and porn addicts over and over again and have no merit whatsoever. At the very least, it's funny to torment them and make them seethe because they know this, and biz knows this, but they have keep up appearances because when they fuck up they never get to live it down.
>Muh advocates
Every single accusation they make about 'advocates' is just audacious projection, because they'll do this while tabbing between the half a dozen fud threads that they keep up at all times for a token they apparently don't hold or care about, for no real reason at all - and they'll even shit up biz on holidays like Christmas because why would poorly paid outsourced third worlders observe Western holidays? And yeah the pool filled up that quickly, so there's the most damning proof that their efforts have been pointless on all fronts. I wonder how long their funding will last? Not long, I imagine.

>> No.57402814 [View]
File: 1.39 MB, 2488x1233, 1683696809860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related is what biz looks like every single day almost
every single fudcuck post about everyone else being paid actors or advocates is projection, pure and simple
there is no argument against this and the responses are usually just esl fuddie cope while they double down

>> No.57345118 [View]
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>fudcucks are so desperate for a gotcha that they're clinging to typos now
>they unironically try this shit while pumping out dozens of low iq ESL fud threads a day
how many more hours do you have before your shift ends? I definitely wont be here because I have a life, but its hilarious knowing that you'll be stuck here for the next however many hours just for the pool to stay closed anyway LOL

>> No.57210119 [View]
File: 1.39 MB, 2488x1233, 1702928903162456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even fathom how sad the life of a top buyer must be. Perpetually seeking revenge against an imaginary enemy, instead of facing the music: he bought the top because he is both the worst of a normie (top buying fomoing frenzied idiot) and a terminally online loser (can't afford to live a normie life, so he resorts to fighting imaginary headcanon with the rest of the twitter losers)

i mean lolcow falls short at this point

>> No.57111326 [View]
File: 1.39 MB, 2488x1233, 1675903671186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rage mode is their "default" mode
you're talking about a group of online cucks so impotent that they literally spent thousands of hours trying to fud on biz and twitter, and then the 0.2 early access pool filled up in about 5 hours anyway
at least they have those large collections of cock cage and sissy porn images they saved to make those fud memes to "pwn the linkies," im sure thats a comfort to them after all that effort made 0 impact whatsoever

>> No.57060714 [View]
File: 1.39 MB, 2488x1233, 1697344424803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pyth / jump trading mouthbreathers have always been pretty fucking retarded and obvious desu

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