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>> No.50618723 [View]
File: 30 KB, 2339x981, zcash-logo-horizontal-fullcolor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zcash - Privacy and convenience in one
Zcash is a digital currency - fast and confidential with low fees. It's perfect for mobile payments. Zcash is based on Bitcoin's codebase. It shares many similarities, such as a fixed total supply of 21 million units.

>What is Zcash?
Transactions can be "transparent" and similar to bitcoin transactions in which case they are controlled by a t-addr, or they can be "shielded" and are controlled by a z-addr. A shielded transaction uses a type of zero-knowledge proof called zk-SNARKs, which provides anonymity to the coin holders in the transaction. Zcash coins are either in a transparent pool or a shielded pool. As of December 2017 only around 4% of Zcash coins were in the shielded pool and at that time most cryptocurrency wallet programs did not support z-addrs and no web-based wallets supported them. The shielded pool of Zcash coins were further analyzed for security and it was found that the anonymity set can be shrunk considerably by heuristics-based identifiable patterns of usage.

>That sounds hecking awesome! Where do I buy it from?
https://www.gemini.com/prices/zcash (the only large exchange that supports shielded withdrawals)

>Can I mine it?
Not right now, you need to buy an ASIC, for those try:
Googling "buy Equihash ASIC" or "buy Zcash ASIC", some of the most popular models are by Antminer

>When are we getting rich?
The unaware masses will realize the truest potential of Zcash and 21 million coins exists, just like in Bitcoin, so it must moon.

>Was Zcash a pump and dump?
While on opening the price dropped heavily, and there was heavy promotion by celebrities. But the fudders are just salty that Zcash is better than Bitcoin, and price drop was caused by a bug in the block rewards for the first few blocks.

For more info see z.cash

>> No.29605069 [View]
File: 31 KB, 2339x981, zcash-logo-horizontal-fullcolor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coins that make biz seethe to. I'll start.

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