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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.29149870 [View]
File: 14 KB, 860x400, chainlink-combo-logo-860x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's say I believe everything in this market is worthless except BTC and ETH.

Bitcoin is VALUE stored in a protocol, and Ethereum is VALUE put to work. You cannot increase value by just holding Ethereum, but if you get creative enough and put your value to work, you can increase your value flow over storing. Bitcoin is the store of value and everything else is trending to zero, we will theoretically reach a stage where by its simply best to keep your value stored, and during deflationary spirals, its best to put your value to work. The amount of people trading bitcoin on the short term trend asymptotically, and the amount of capital stored into DeFI protocols growing.

But the LINK shills are really starting to get to me.
If you successfully build and launch a network that can act as a secure middleware between the deterministic world and the non-deterministic one, you reach a level of utility that remains constant. If you take the most sought after forms of yield currently on Ethereum, liquidity providers, You can see a decent ROI % from the utility of users trading on the DEX, but your profits are cut from impermanent/permanent loss. Even on other DEXs that don't rely on Arbitrage your profits are instantly cut by users flooding into their liquidity pools.

But with LINK, if you provide Utility that remains CONSTANT, whats cutting into your value is the amount spent on GAS. if you use Off-Chain reporting and cut the gas fee by an order of magnitude, we will witness the most profitable network of putting your VALUE to USE as all DATA flowing into all of DEFI will first flow into CHAINLINK.

we are already witnessing DeFi protocols switching to Chainlink oracles not as a luxury, but as a necessity in order to secure themselves from Flash loan exploits. WHen insurance hits this scene (which I believe is coming next), it will open up the network to a vast amount of web APIs.

Am I going crazy? Is this the singularity the marines talk about? Someone help me.

>> No.21731740 [View]
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>> No.20966486 [View]
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>> No.20603969 [View]
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What am I in for?

>> No.17848792 [View]
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>> No.17298956 [View]
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>> No.17251934 [View]
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>> No.16925856 [View]
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Most people put the estimates at about $10/year per 10,000 LINK.... the math in determining is pretty complex and requires a background in stochastic calculus to really figure it out.... we had a couple of quants arguing over the finer points, but this was the geometric mean that was decided upon. Better to just buy a bag, wait for a pump, and then sell to ETH or OMG which well offer much better staking returns to do better tokenomics

>> No.16906569 [View]
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Which one should we track?

>> No.16764661 [View]
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I don't have anything to say I just wanted to make one.

>> No.16380055 [View]
File: 14 KB, 860x400, chainlink-combo-logo-860x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you brainlets realize people have been spouting the same shit since the announcement of Chainlink?
Do you seriously believe Craig is the first person to talk about this issue?

Chainlink is not promising some omnipresent AI thats able to dictate complete truth on Earth. Has Sergey ever come on stage and announced the creation of HAL 9000 that can execution transactions with 100% certainty? Of course not. Chainlink is simply a vehicle of safely delivering data from point A to point B. Essentially a second layer that can tell a public chain when a change has occurred outside of its operating protocol. It's that fucking simple. This isn't rocket science. Ari Juels hasn't declared that he has made a breakthrough akin to Temple OS that receives messages from god themself. The term "oracle" is a misnomer. Like blockchain. I wish people would stop using it but the church bell cannot be unrung.

The tricky notion of Chainlink succeeding is not becoming some god protocol that pulls data from multiple universe to determine total truth on this Earth. The tricky notion is creating a decentralized network that can traverse a growth period in which sybiling the network is game theory optimal.

>And basically he put into words what Ive been thinking for over 2 years but could never really put my finger on
If it took you two years and another man explaining it to you, then you are a fucking moron. End of story.

>> No.16299954 [View]
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Is fasting a meme, frens?

>> No.16298065 [View]
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assblaster gone
drunkanon gone

think these are the only two convincing larps

>> No.16258303 [View]
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What price are we going to be at tomorrow? It's following the same pattern as yesterday.

>> No.16219455 [View]
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what percentage am i on the link marine ladder? am i part of the 1%?

>> No.16207745 [View]
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/biz breadcrumbs was just a major psyop to help prevention neet suicides or at least keep them alive for "one more year".

>> No.16145594 [View]
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>> No.16053479 [View]
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am i going to make it?

>> No.16048321 [DELETED]  [View]
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How did it get to this?
A 4chan meme is now worth $1,000,000,000 USD.

Chainlink competitors (oracles):
https://bandprotocol.com/ ~ marketcap $4.4 million: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/band-protocol/
https://mobius.network/; ~ marketcap $3.2M: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/mobius/

Chainlink has limited to no revenue to date.

Investors are currently paying a 300x (30,000%) premium over competitors.
Generally, for a company that has monopolized it's industry, the risk ratio is justified, yet in this peculiar instance investors are paying a massive premium for a company that no established marketshare with less than <100 active customers.

It's biggest claim to fame: "Swift Partnership on the horizon"... Never became a reality.
The shills constantly talked about Swift and how much token appreciation it would bring to the project.... well Swift is now developing their own oracle and the shills have gone quite on this.

The shills have moved on to EOY $1000 claims with no substance.
A $1000 LINK price would equate to a market cap of $349,783,945,220 ($349 billion USD) a feat not even Bitcoin has achieved and would put it's value close to JP Mogan Chase, one of the world's largest banks with over 250,000 employees. Chainlink has two core employees, the rest are office shufflers.
The biggest thing to happen to LINK has been, wait for it.. A Google Cloud blog post.

colorsdontlie: "News outlet and journalists keep reporting on "partnerships" with Google and Swift. But if you actually read the source for the
"partnership", it's just a blog post by Google Cloud that promotes their own service (BigQuery) and shows an example about how Chainlink users
can use Google Cloud if they want. In no way is Google partnered or planning on using Chainlink themselves."

>> No.15859948 [View]
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>> No.15841767 [View]
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PLz give me this information about Link, i was buy Link on binance exchange...i am investing here because i want to buy new bike...
Today i heard news about Link, plz tell me is this real news of fake?

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