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>> No.56769480 [View]
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what are the sui/make it stacks for this piece of shit?

>> No.54707124 [View]
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Seems that way, unless some Asian player beats them to it, or Apple.

>> No.53411283 [View]
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haven't seen a Harmony thread in a while. did I miss the poompa?

>> No.50647827 [View]
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let me get this straight, bitcoin is a ponzi, and litecoin is a softfork of bitcoin also making it a ponzi, a ponzi where the creator sold all of his coins, and everyone on social media shits on it for not performing, that ponzi is supposed to moon just out of nowhere... lol. i am buying GME.

>> No.49855604 [View]
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>> No.23819678 [View]
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Shut the fuck up faggots you have never ever fucking tracked an animal killed or gutted it much less tried to make a shoe out of its hide. I have and its a lot of fucking work go read some fucking books about what life was like when you had to build a house with your own two hands fight other tribes and look for food. How much do you want to bet you cant even go camping by yourself for 3 nights before crying to mommy and asking to go back to your ac cubicle?
>it was so much fun and not work at all its soooo much harder to stock shelves at a store or do excel spreadsheets waaaaaaaa I want to live my fantasy where I hunt buffalo one day then sit and relax for the rest of the year

>> No.19947977 [View]
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you're joking right? murisharts spend embarrassingly large amounts of time thinking about Russian anti-democracy trolls, European fine imports, and what not to buy because they're triggered by China.

>> No.19055331 [View]
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It is a protected project for the elite to use in order to hide transactional information. No one working on it wants it used for thing that would hurt its brand image. Significant effort has been made to keep it off the darknet.

>> No.18859727 [View]
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Those steroids are going to expire in 4 days ahahhahahahaha

>> No.18856340 [View]
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Lol even teenagers needs testosterone these days if they want to be at the same level their grandparents where

Your opinion is based on dunning Kruger syndrome

>> No.18728444 [View]
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Get your self a cheap 3d printer that runs marlin like a monoprice and learn how the G code works to move the arms around and stuff also how the g code operates with things like end stops.

Then move on to more advanced stuff like designing a model in fusion 360 and convert it into g code.

3d printers are amazing similar to actual CNC machines it's just addative inatead of subtractive. They both run on Gcode.

But ya 3d printer and fusion 360 will let you know if this is for you or not before you actually invest into it. Good time though CNC machines are cheap AF on ebay. I been thinking about a used HASS myself.

>> No.18490918 [View]
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Good project set to make z addresses spend able within Ethereum smart contracts.

Will moon however it's less popular because no one shills it. Best kept secret in crypto imho. Devs work very closely with Ethereum guys. Also listen to podcast "Zero Knowledge" if you want to know more. Its extremely dense podcast but worth trying to understand.

Lol anon compares it to scam coins

>> No.18485909 [View]
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Yes after the Reddit news almost every Ethereum thread ended up 404'ed. Ethereum fud threads stayed up however.



Probably a lot more soon. Personally I think Uniswap is the future of all exchanges. Uniswap is going to get huge quickly.

>> No.17928363 [View]
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You begged for this

>> No.17756358 [View]
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I’ve been out of the game since Jan of 18 and made a little money back then. Crypto has been kind of blah at best since then like I figured it would, nothing like the rush of 2017 that’s for sure. Having said that this mega dip looks pretty tempting. Say I had a few grand to throw at btc, eth, and bch I’m kind of thinking that might be a decent move. whatchall think. Not sure whether to just pull the trigger now or wait to see if it keeps plummeting. Covid is definitely still getting worse before it gets better so I tend to think I might wait a few more days or weeks. Time in is better than timing the market, I know, but I figure I’ll leave it alone for 6 months to a year anyway

>> No.17646415 [View]
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>spy calls over the weekend after a huge market wide drop and when the whole world is in panic over a virus


>> No.17499029 [View]
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we want fags now

>> No.17006003 [View]
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>> No.16963950 [View]
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>puts his money in old shitcoins like btc and eth

>> No.16626603 [View]
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absolutely based

>> No.16403961 [View]
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>people HATE pedo furries who do badger dances now lol when did this come from

>> No.16374618 [View]
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ok. boomer

>> No.16368889 [View]
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Ok. Boomer.

>> No.16363310 [View]
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you got to save for a year before you can get there, and get a second job when you have gotten there. unless you get a better job.

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