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>> No.59688302 [View]
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It had a potential... To go even more up. But then Trump family fucked up and released Melania coin.

Instead of market cap going to Trump, it went to Melania and then to neither

>> No.59328209 [View]
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>> No.59105120 [View]
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I got 3k from my great grandmother for graduating. How should I invest?

>> No.59054319 [View]
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I was going to buy myself a $3k watch but I decided to put that $3k into a shitcoin which rugged instead. So now my coping mechanism is pretending that I'm wearing the watch I was going to buy in every day life. Everytime I look at my wrist for example I imagine I'm wearing that watch, and when I walk down the street I imagine people seeing the watch wrapped around my wrist and admiring it. It's powerful what your mind can do when you really need a way to cope.

>> No.58925464 [View]
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>Early retirement requires being an autistic single male with 0 interests outside of sitting inside on the computer all day long, never having a girlfriend, never having kids, not owning a car, never having any interest in going out, no interest in traveling, not paying for anything outside of the extreme basics.
im really gonna make it, arent i....

>> No.58832302 [View]
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Kendu Inu holder here
We didn't crashed that bad and we're currently recovering, so I'm not panicking

>> No.58826573 [View]
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I really don't see how the hell we're going to recover from this. Anyone have some copium?

>> No.58758182 [View]
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You know, I thought I'd have it figured it out by now. I'm 33 years old and don't feel like it. Don't get me wrong, I have my shit together way more than all of my peers. 6 figure job, healthy physically, and hobbies that breathe life into me. I'm quite lonesome these days though. I feel this affects my aura and makes me come off as more of an autist than I already am. It also makes it really hard to help anyone, because I feel like I still haven't been able to fix myself and so therefore I really can't fix anyone else and this feeds into this whole urge to continue to distance myself from people.

Anyways, thanks for reading my blog. I've been having a rough couple of days reflecting on where I am at and how I still have a long way to go.

>> No.58742920 [View]
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Always remember that Matt Furie lived with his parents when he created Pepe.
Nowadays he's a 4chan icon and an important currency and no one judges him.
He even started with a fucking dinosaur called Spike and now biz is trying to sell SPIKE tokens to everyone and afaik dev is not living with his parents but still everyone is buying it, no matter if they're 18 or 30.

>> No.58333291 [View]
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What a strange fucking day, gold up $8, silver up .33 and my stonks barely green

>> No.57912333 [View]
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they really are showing a lot of chutzpah to still be shorting so much with gold breaking out



>> No.57728000 [View]
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>always been broke but held 50mil for months
>people now treat you like a richfag with 20mil
i always knew this would be the one

>> No.57559389 [View]
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>24k LINK

go on without me bros

>> No.57378709 [View]
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Eventually the loneliness eats you up inside, especially if you weren't always this lonely and actually fairly close to others.

Is there a way out or will I decay until I eventually find these feelings unbearable and kms?

>> No.57010491 [View]
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I'm not worried at all about Salt. It does kind of suck though that's it become one of those you just tuck away and let the team keep slowly advancing. A buyout or catalyst, like TPR news, could always happen and would be a nice surprise.

>> No.56630470 [View]
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Want to go to the gym together?

>> No.56612370 [View]
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You need to lower your living standards.

>> No.56549444 [View]
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Thank you. You guys help keep me sane ironically.

>> No.56536502 [View]
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I had a dream last night about “Solana Killers” like the eth killers last run, this will be a solana killer run. What are the best solana killers to invest in this run. My dreams never lie to me.

>> No.56340500 [View]
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Brad has said he likes to put out news releases on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Maybe tomorrow?

>> No.56267873 [View]
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How much BTC do I need to have in order to make it next run. Answer honestly bros.

>> No.56160169 [View]
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>have been buying the dip for 3 years
>keeps dipping

>> No.56092203 [View]
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There was a Lagoon bro with around 500,000 shares at a .39 average. Also remember a bro who had a GoldSpot position (now EarthLabs) worth around $130k around the peak. I'm pulling for everyone, even Renew Fag Dane.

>> No.56062241 [View]
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What if I told you Bitcoin [ticker: CRYPTO] is going to bottom out somewhere between 3k and 10k, probably 8k, and then a healthy (no retarded shit) bullrun will finally commence which will take the Bitcoin price to between 110k and 130k - where from a new bear market will begin.

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