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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.29474654 [View]
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... Liechtenstein?

>> No.13627217 [View]
File: 59 KB, 533x800, DcH-ysnU8AA54LR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im seriously down like 12% in the past 3 trading days in my stock portfolio

good thing im up 37% on my crypto over the past week

TWTR is showing its dominance more and more every day. severly undervalued when compared with the other social media giants
GOOS and LULU are roastie thot memes and you already missed it
MNST is overvalued

just my 2 cents

>> No.11326053 [View]
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in the future, Oracle will be a human job. humans will go out and bring information into the blockchain. a jury of highly reputable Oracles can decide whether a landscaping job has been completed, so the contracted company can get paid. Oracle detectives will fulfill requests like "what color is my neighbor's toothbrush","is x still alive", or "what is the temperature at x location".

>> No.9232132 [View]
File: 59 KB, 533x800, DcH-ysnU8AA54LR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/smg/ - Stock Market General

Off the lows Edition

Popular brokers for stock trading:
>commission free and no minimum to open

> How is it free?
Robinhood earns revenue by collecting interest on cash/securities and fees from their Robinhood Gold service

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
Not being approved in 3 days seems to be the new norm. Nevertheless, call/email their support if you've been waiting more than that.

> When is it coming to my country?
The only "plans" are on an Australian and Chinese beta. Neither of which has gained much traction.

Interactive Brokers
>$1 commission per 100 shares. $10k minimum to open, $3k if 25 or under. Lowest margin interest. Free API access

TD Ameritade
>$6.95 commission per trade. No minimum to open. Fantastic data/charting through their free ThinkorSwim service

Degiro (Cheap broker for Europeans)

Free in depth charts:

Premarket Movers:

Earnings Report Calendar:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBAQtjyqNHw (embed)
Options basics (part 1)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuTTzfa4ePE (embed)
Options Basics (Part 2)

FED shitposting schedule

previous thread: >>9227835

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