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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.21034586 [View]
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>> No.19756737 [View]
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>"muh white incels"
>networth demoralization thread
How's the weather in Tel Aviv today? The existence of young white multimillionaires like me that still post here just for shits and giggles must piss you off to no end.

>> No.19096875 [View]
File: 108 KB, 501x585, happy ferengi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see so many Retarded Richards (retail) flooding our board. The following paradigm should be easy to solve by anyone who frequents /biz/ for more than 6 months.
>Consider the following:
You have a low-cost, easy to produce product that outperforms its competitors. You've got your domains registered, your product's name, theme, Et al. sorted out.
>You've sourced everything you need. Cheap. You know how much you can charge and make a profit.

You know your target audience, and thus, which influencers to contact. The only issue?
>You currently only have enough funding to produce 10 (Ten) of your product, and have those 10 in front of you, packaged, ready to go.
Let's see if /biz/ can work its way out of this riddle with 0 (Zero) blowjobs.

>> No.16877820 [View]
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>I see nothing wrong with an economy built on lies and the extraction of wealth/time from the productive for thew benefit of useless eaters

>> No.16505010 [View]
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Shalom fellow /biz/raeli!

>> No.16413396 [View]
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Most /biz/ post I've seen on here all day.

>> No.15784949 [View]
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Never had an issue with mechanics. Then again, I don't cheap out and do my research to make sure the transaction will be a pleasant one.

>> No.14847425 [View]
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>I use it as a jumping off point to teach people about the jews
Unironically this. Remember anons: people for better of for worse associate money with authority. By being perceived as rich, your ability to redpill without social pushback goes through the roof.

>> No.13435198 [View]
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Agreed, but 1MegGreg created more damage than any other bad actor in bitcoin's history so far. Even a lvl 99 neckbeard manipulator can't kill bitcoin, but Greg certainly managed to slow it down.
The silver lining to the last four years, though, is that if you were paying attention to this epic shithead's antics and understood the nature of bitcoin, you could have easily increased your stack.

>> No.13416224 [View]
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thanks goyims heh
*smug smile*

>> No.13389615 [View]
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Eternal Jew is eternal

>> No.13323142 [View]
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This fucker knew the Fed is a giant scam the whole time, too.

>> No.12689106 [View]
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goyim will do what goyim are told. unzip.

>> No.12666733 [View]
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I remember somebody in 2016 telling me how "skullfucked" I was when bitcoin dipped to around 200. Needless to say I'm not a wagecuck now.

>> No.12650420 [View]
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LCI earnings call in 2 days. If it's neutral or good news compared to what is already known, the short squeeze is a done deal.

>> No.12602909 [View]
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Congratulations, anon. You have just identified the biggest scam in human history which 99% of the population cannot even comprehend on even the simplest level.
You now have two choices:
(1) Commit yourself to the destruction of this living nightmare
(2) Sell your soul, climb the ladder and squeeze every last drop of blood out of the willing slaves that have made this system through their apathy. After all, the Rules of Acquisition do not care about financial repression.
(3) Some combination of (1) and (2)

>> No.12465706 [View]
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Surprised nobody has posted a thread shilling this shit yet. Does /biz/ even know that one of the oldest dapps is currently mooning
>tfw OG holder up 55% in last 24 hours

>> No.12402489 [View]
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How is the weather in Tel Aviv today?

>> No.10737489 [View]
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Between Christmas and new year's eve I was staying up all night contemplating whether I should apply the changes I thought up to my portfolio, only to wake up with deep regret every morning for losing out on easy profit from undertaking seemingly obvious actions due to my indecision.

Yes, I was full-time pink wojaking in the midst of the golden bullrun for missing out on that extra 20% gain by not converting my XRP to XLM on the evening when all information pointed at the fact I should do it, or for not selling all my cripple when I knew the price was ridiculous, unsustainable and probably based on assumptions I knew were false. I had somehow become emotionally incapable of executing any new trades after my mother (I was still in high school) had threatened me to sell the previous dip and the profit I missed because of that was rapidly growing into the thousands.

Having money didn't even make me feel much better. I only felt great rushes of hapiness when making profit, unless I was underperforming another option I had considered.

I hodled everything all the way down and I'm still far in the green, but I realised I will never find happiness in money made by any form of wagecucking. It is true profit, one that outperforms my active involvement, that I long for. And so, a megajew was born.

>> No.6809882 [View]
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>> No.4840967 [View]
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Just transfer all of your shit into BTC and then back to coinbase and withdraw.

>> No.3848473 [View]
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Why the fuck is it so hard to get good banking service?

Why do banking kikes absolutely demand to work 5 hours a day 5 days a week?

>> No.3807754 [View]
File: 108 KB, 501x585, 1401380982248[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pick a JUST that is somewhat stabilizing
>put a buy wall several percent under the best bid
>an actual whale panics and hits me
>I offer small bits of his carcass that cross the stack of bids above mine
>smelly panjeets hit my offer and hit the best bids making less than 1%
>the price starts falling people stop stacking in front of my bid
>i pull my bid and move on to the next coin

>> No.2563230 [View]
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please be dying.

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