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>> No.8277493 [View]
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of course you or me will prefer btc, but (((they))) will never give up their FIAT, they may use erc20 tokens to transfer their USD backed tokens (assuming eth is safe and fast) but they will never give up on FIAT, they will fucking fight till we all die but won't give up

>> No.7890964 [View]
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we need more property taxes and shit
more welfare
more degeneracy funding
more wars and funding israel

it's funny how people are so fucking blind, they think all that taxation is justified.
(((They))) tax the shit out of citizens to keep them wageslaving til 65, otherwise we would have people retireing at 35 or working 2-4h a day. But in order for (((them))) to never work, average joe has to wageslave til he fucking dies

>> No.7808982 [View]
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Don't be evil goyim. Get yourself some nice slavery for the next 35 years. It's (((good for the economy)))

>> No.7795682 [View]
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(((they want to protect you)))
it's good for you, don't you see that you evil goyim?

>> No.7763604 [View]
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the amount of cucks in this thread is beyond me

if you make below let's say $50k just sell it for fucking cash f2f and keep cash at home. If you make more that depends where you live but you're a faggot if you liquidate your coins and compromise your entire trading strategy because some faggot scared you on crypto-crypto taxes without cashing out to FIAT.

Just trade without worrying and when you decide to cash out pay what you owe for previous years and that's it.

Also all you trade history keeping KEKS, you do realize that your fucking excel sheet is as much of a proof of anything as my last nights dream right? lol you can fake the trade history to your liking, preferably showing them you didn't trade anything in the previous years and only during the year of cashing out.
Those who sell their coins just to pay taes are absolute degenerate nu male cucks and I have nothing but a feeling of disdain for them

>> No.7660450 [View]
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tak jak mowie najwazniejsze i powtarzam to do wszystkich

ZANIM CO KOLWIEK PRZELEJESZ Z GIELDY DO BANKU upewnij sie 3 razy z doradca podatkowym jak to bedzie wygladac, jak rozliczenie, jaki podatek, co potrzeba itd, bo jak przelejesz bezmyslnie to ci skurwysyny juz w banku zamroza jesli im cos odwali i wtedy nie ma odwrotu, a gdzie tu jeszcze droga do US, tak jak mowie, uwazajcie anony na swoja sytuacje jak sie okaze ze beda problemy to nie przelewac nic do polskiego banku, zawijac kiece i jazda na bialorus/holandii/puerto rico etc

byla historia jakiegos typka z zachodniej europy co bezmyslnie przelal 500K E z krypto do swojego banku i mu serce stanelo jak sie zorientowal ze mu dojebali prawie 90%! podatku bo tam takie progi komunistyczne skurwiele maja gdzie niegdzie

>ja pierdole anoni czemu nie mozna po prostu zaplacic te 32% nawet i miec swiety spokoj
patrz na pic rel,
tak jest swiat urzadzony zeby takich szarych ludkow jak ty i ja zniechecic do jakiej kolwiek formy inwestowania, oni chca zebysmy tylko zarli spali i charowali jak jebane woły cale zycie, no i wydawali na bezsensowne gowna, kazdy rzad probuje zmusic swoich obywateli do wagecuckowania do usranej smierci zeby bylo kogo doic do ostatnich dni

dlatego NAJPIERW sie upewnij czy taka bajka przejdzie, bo moze sie okazac ze sie przypierdola
>hurr durr skad te pieniadze pochodza pewnie z prania/dealowania,
ale jesli ci powiedza ze 0 wkladu wlasnego i brak historii jest spoko to wyplacac nicz sie nie bacz, tylko sie upewnij ze wiesz na czym stoisz zanim co kolwiek zrobisz, bo tak jak mowie, skurwiele zamroza konto i twoje tłuste zarobki pojda na zasilek dla seby i jessici

>> No.7346045 [View]
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I remember reading something about 'modern money mechanics' and it sounded equally satanic

>> No.7343293 [View]
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