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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.58605431 [View]
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No idea man, probably would have to look at shit like the patriot act for what conditions feds can knock on your door and make you pipe down.

Yea lmao good luck for them trying that, retail owns the float several times over so they would have to vote for it, and people will follow Cohen’s vision 100%, maybe that was the purpose of dfv’s peaky blinders “no fighting” post a couple weeks back?

>> No.58161516 [View]
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>Still comfy holdin' and waitin'
Total hedgies death

>Current Basic Data
>Real-Time Trades

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Watch Along
youtu.be/AaalT8rn9lc [Open]
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
youtu.be/FCiL4v7_z9E [Open]
>Failure to Deliver
youtu.be/I0WXg5T3cBE [Open]

>Theoretical DDs
>DD Compilation
>Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods
>Cellar Boxing
>Comparison DD

>GME short
>Percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021: 226.42%
>SEC GME stocks report
>HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence

Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
'MOASS' is a matter of time

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Further information can be found by DYOR
Please don't feed spammers and sliders

Last time on /GME/: >>58159955

As always:
>sneed Hedgies

>> No.58129050 [View]
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>GameStop is the new Berkshire Hathaway

>Current Basic Data
>Real-Time Trades

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Watch Along
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to Deliver

>Theoretical DDs
>DD Compilation
>Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods
>Cellar Boxing
>Comparison DD

>GME short
>Percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021: 226.42%
>SEC GME stocks report
>HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence
Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares, MOASS is a matter of time
>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
Total hedgies death, DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

Last time on /GME/: >>58097000

As always:
>sneed hedgies

>> No.57609726 [View]
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Chinese Markets will be closed 9-17FEB24. Maybe this lines up with the RC tweet. 14FEB BBBY Hearing, Pulte says he will pay in 2.15 hrs (15FEB). Carl Icahns birthday 16FEB. Markets closed 19FEB for Presidents Day (Winking a Teddy Mt. Rushmore NFT). Maybe this week will be the greatest week in history!
China is a sleeping giant. Let her sleep, for when she wakes she will move the world

>> No.57164344 [View]
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The seething tranny baker is spamming copy pastas to try to sell the idea that the GameStop logo is allowing a bot to find the threads. That’s it. That’s the big reveal. He is just gonna keep crying and saying shit like “to told you the logo was a bad idea! See what it’s letting them do!”
That’s it. That’s the big reason for this asshole literally spending all day copy and pasting old posts just so he can try to convince us this is a bad idea, get control of “his” bake” back, and stop getting his asshole gaped by the people paying him.
Pretty fucking dumb, and shows just how much logo posting blows his spot up. The bullish thing is that this is the best the other side can come up with. Pretty hilarious honestly. He thinks spamming and pretending to be a bot that is finding these threads because of the logo is going to get us to change our mind about seeing that gorgeous logo in the catalog everyday

>> No.57145295 [View]
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Just baked the real one without frenchie >>57145276
Get in bros

>> No.56931860 [View]
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Guys I'm seriously in the shit. The love of my life is literally so pissed off with me right now. Throughout all of 21-22 I was reading out all of the DD to her, I sounded like a cringe Redditor but she went along with it because she (like I) was so convinced by it all.
Long story short we put our savings in, went without vacations, cut back on xmas and birthdays. We went in really hard at 180, we tried lowering her average, and we've still only got 2000 or so shares. We've probs got about 70k in this thing at this point. All week she's been super pissed at me, crying, swearing, I've never seen her so incensed. She's gone to stay at her sisters who fucking hates me, and the sister is now convincing her to sell her half of the shares as she thinks it's going to continue tanking. I'm fairly certain my gf is going to leave me. WTF should I do?

>> No.56856658 [View]
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First complaint of logos happened Sep 22 2023, but probably sooner

First instance of recent thread splitting happened 26 Sep 2023
https://archived.moe/biz/thread/56192656/#q56202752, only change to OP was removal of "sneed hedgies"

First thread in which 2nd post got a major rewrite, mostly including more info not necessarily bad info Sep 27 2023

First thread in which OP's started correlating GME with AMC (AMSNEED) and OP got reorganized a lot. (Sep 29)

RRP disappeared but came back later(Oct 6)

First thread in which OP started including BBBYQ (October 6th)

Correlating with RRP, it does seem to appear that all the noise really started picking up once RRP started falling off a cliff, especially at the big dump on Sep 29th. What an interesting coincidence!

>> No.56826457 [View]
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I can't see this dragging until January. Things are too flat as of late.
I'm optimistic Jiemi will run Late November/December
MSM will attribute this to positive earnings in December
I'm saying this is misdirection because how tf will JIEMI reach a gorillion dollars based on Starfield games alone
MY speculation is this is the result of the algo sperging out but MSM will have to point at something, anything to explain the run up, most likely throwing normie FOMO in the mix

>> No.56805812 [View]
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Hey, knock it off. Leave Ryan Cohen alone. He's genuinely doing his best to turn around the company, I think he's just having unexpected setbacks. I think Ryan really believed in the future of web3, NFTs, all that jazz. I mean, he sunk 1 billion of the warchest into the marketplace, so obviously it was supposed to have some impact even if it wasn't the NFT dividend we all wanted. And the splivvy I think was filed incorrectly on purpose by the CFO, which is why Ryan Cohen tweeted "whoops" and then fired him. Either that or it was filed correctly and Ryan didn't believe the DTCC would commit international securities fraud to kick the can. He did not have an answer for that and instead began the long, hard arduous process of making us profitable, which he has achieved and will be reflected by our Q3 and Q4 results. Everything should come to a head by March/April next year regardless as RRP is draining too now

>> No.56795149 [View]
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You do know that isn't the same as short interest, right?

>> No.56770312 [View]
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WAGMI soon? I'm not handling the return to the wagie dungeon very well, especially after 3 years of remote work. Why do companies have to be so cruel? A sperg like me was never cut out for playing this stupid rat race game. MOASS needs to happen so I can fuck off and enjoy peace and solitude

>> No.56740626 [View]
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Another batch of downie grunts not realizing 4chan is a fed honeypot. Same as the last 3 times. Never gets old to see newfags head willingly into the slaughter.

>> No.56715911 [View]
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When I was a younger man I delivered for Pizza Hut too. You knew exactly where the black neighborhoods were. I always wrote down addresses of people that didn’t tip. Usually in majority black neighborhoods. If you got 3 strikes you were out. Once a quarter or so, I would get up at 2:30 in the morning and do my 3 strikes runs. I’m talking I pound on their door for 10 seconds and yell nonsense like POLICE OPEN UP and then book it out of there. One time I got busted because I pulled out a little too fast. I was straight up honest with the cop he dabbed me up and let me go. It wasn’t a bad gig I was pulling $700 a week part time and had some amazing regulars.

>> No.56677239 [DELETED]  [View]
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RRP is the logical play. GME turned out to be a marathon, but although the distance is long there is a finish line. We absolutely will be seeing some fireworks along the way as GME is loaded with far too many anomalies. Wallstreet would 100% orchestrate a pump and dump on GME, yet we have data showing that retail is buying and NOT selling. Yet the price goes down? It makes zero sense. GME even has a visionary goal of revitalizing the company, so it is not merely a brick and mortar. Yet none of these prospects are priced into the stock. No debt. None of it makes any sense whatsoever if you do not account for the systemic short position used to balloon a $10BN portfolio into controlling $65BN of assets. Vampire bit off more than they could chew, and shorting an liquid stock to this level is single handedly the most dangerous move you can make in all of finance. MOASS, and infinity squeeze are the logical repercussions of doing so. We all own what they need to buy, and simply "providing liquidity" is not good enough. They sold what they do not own, and as retail we can demand ownership of our investments. And this is what they cannot procure. Probably NONE of our stocks in anything are anywhere close to representative of what we have bought. We simply have no reason to believe the whole market isn't a fraudulent ponzi scheme. This is what Wallstreet has done. They have been caught, and they all need to go into the woodchipper of justice.

>> No.56646845 [View]
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This seems to be a comfy weekend thread to talk about ideas. I got some.
gaming is the global entertainment culture (not movies) and Gamestop stores should be part store part theme park. it should cater to customers both irl and online and it should focus on targeting customers of all strata of society.
I imagine the Gamestop of the future to be a giant neon-lit cyberpunk tower in the middle of (You)r city. on the outside I imagine cinemax sized screens streaming the hottest e-sport event and a literal rollercoaster ride crawling around it's facade. above it float giant balloon in the shape of mario and sonic.
the building should be designed to filter the incoming traffic onto the floors they are most likely to spend money on.
>1st floor
the normies will stay on the first floor designed to be the most obnoxiously loud and shiney bling bling wahoo arkade and mini-golf bar designed for a guy to entertain his date or for a dad to entertain his wife and kids.
food: burger and fries.
>2nd floor - the arena
e-sport bros are funneled via escalator up into the deathmatch arena floor where e--sport celebs are training or are battling it out and where commentators are talking their heads of non-stop. this floor is all about the hero and heel characters and wwf like drama and fights (irl and online) are encouraged.
food: beer and giant pretzles.
3rd floor - the VR lounge / club
casual gamer chads and stacies with big wallets meet up here to experience the top-notch state-of-the -art gaming experience with adult-only VR games. this floor is sponsored by onlyfans and turns into a club playing hardcore edm ar night.
food: bottle service and sushi.
4th floor - the convention
this is where gaming adjacent subcultures like comic book nerds and cosplay roasties meet up to live out their autistic furry fantasies. there are different rooms styled like the mario castle or the kakariko village to encourage heavy larping.
> basement - the dungeon
[to be continued]

>> No.56613266 [View]
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It hurts. It hurts so much. Everyday it hurts. I’ve invested 100% of everything I have in GameStop stock. With the recent drs book unveiling, I get the feeling we are going to have to wait until next earnings to “try again” with igniting the MOASS. But TPTB weasel their way around shit every time.
We have the lowest in volume in history, and on earnings we had 60 million. GME is REAL. The fuckery is REAL. But I can’t do anything but try to make it throw another miserable day of my worthless, loser life, while I wait for MOASS. And it hurts bros.
The man who I was when I bought GME is dead. The man who will MOASS is not the man who not all in. This entire experience has changed me. The waiting has sapped me of my spirit. When MOASS finally, finally, finally happens, im going to buy land on the northern coast of Alaska and never interact with humanity ever again.
Just let the MOASS happen so I can get off this ride. Every day is bullshit with a fake market and it hurts to watch this boring shit continue

>> No.56608657 [View]
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Sure thing bud. Don’t look into Nick lewin or maxwell dillan or any of the other lawyers who specialize in taking down ponzis and financial criminals. Oh and they’re all working for the meme stock companies and their associates. I wonder why that would be…

>> No.56584891 [View]
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Wonder why you don’t post stuff like this to meltdown. Would you lose your upvote slaves?

>> No.56520408 [View]
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2 more weeks. Shills need not ask for whom Nick Lewin tolls, he tolls for thee.

>> No.56508730 [View]
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They just booted up 4chan.org this morning and happened to stumble into this thread and are now very angry and annoyed at people they claim don’t even own the stock they’re mad at. They will now stay here for the rest of the day. Very normal very cool.

>> No.56504627 [View]
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I can't see this dragging until November. Things are too flat as of late.
I'm optimistic Jiemi will run Late September/October
MSM will attribute this to Dumb Money release in September
I'm saying this is misdirection because how tf will JIEMI reach a gorillion dollars based on the movie alone
MY speculation is this is the result of the algo sperging out but MSM will have to point at something, anything to explain the run up, most likely throwing normie FOMO in the mix

>> No.56489293 [View]
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I’m a loser and GME is my only hope of any quality of life. I open the chart up and the stock is down my fellow GameStop investors. The only reason I don’t kill myself is because I don’t want to explain to Jesus why I gave up before I had the chance to use MOASS money to further His Kingdom. I’m so fucking tired of waiting. Every single hype day is a possible chance for Wall Street to fail to keep things under control, yet every single time they pull something from their ass and we have to wait another month or two months or quarter.
At this point I really am holding GME just to see what the fuck happens if I don’t sell. Wall Street broke international finance law to see what would happen to me, it’s fair for me to not sell GME for $20,000 a piece to see what happens to Wall Street I suppose.
Don’t forget to pray today everybody. God wants our desires to come true. He is our Father in heaven and like any good dad he wants to spoil us and make us happy with gifts and good times and successful pursuits. Thank you Jesus for loving us

>> No.56450938 [DELETED]  [View]
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I'm never participating in a /gme/ thread without GAMESTOP somewhere in the OP pic. Simple as.

>Fat tranny avatarfaggot baker is actively threadsplitting when I bake first.
I never threadsplit when he bake first. Ask you WHY?

>They lose their shit if they lose the bake, WHY?
They only get paid for that when megama'am / (((Aile))) is OP. So if you want to make Israel poorer, support this thread. They always devolve into BedBag&Bankrupty spam/flood the thread, so they can bake a new thread without GameStop logo and get paid. Simple as.

>muh GameStop logo is for building case and coluding
The threads are literally named after the ticker GME and stock name GameStop.
There are dozens of other threads on /biz/ (a fucking a business and finance IMAGE board) where literally every topic has the shitcoin logo or image EVERY SECOND OF EVERY DAY AND NOBODY CRY.

>All faggots screaming about who bakes the threads, are all a bunch of forum sliding (((shills))).
It doesnt matter who bakes them.
Baker holds no power in the threads.
He can't ban people, delete comments, see your IP, nothing.

Why are the shills SO OPPOSED to the idea of having the GAMESTOP logo visible in the picture? Ask yourself WHY.
I'll say it again, I don't care if the tranny bakes as long as it uses a GAMESTOP pic.

GameStop pic or MOASS, you chose trany hedgies

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