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>> No.57448084 [View]
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nta but I can relate, and it's probably not related to pron, at least it's not for me. Attractiveness is not defined by how god tier a girl's body or face is. At least as far as I'm concerned. It's a nice bonus, that much is true.
My issue is how "femininity", for a lack of a non-memeword, is more often than not absent. Call me a weeb all you want, and I know they're mostly whores deep down, but it really did strike me upon returning from my trip in muh grorious nippon. Their girls are mostly shit looking, flat faces, don't even get me started on the teeth, and subpar skin. Your average gril is 4/10 over there and represent 80% of the offering. At home, the average is 6/10 and represent 50-60% of the offering.
And yet, more often than not, they simply wore cute feminine clothes, dresses, decent skirts, nice sweaters, adorable little hats (hated the "loose" fashion currently going on though, not my cup of tea, though tight shit isn't my cup of tea either. i'm a normalfag). It extends to feminine accessories, like, I dunno, some cute red ribbon in the hair. When was the last time I saw a fucking ribbon at home. Maybe not since kindergarten.
It's the attitude as well. The average one is maybe 4/10, but god damn I loved when they went full d'aaaaw kawaiii desu over cats sitting in some temple like the own the place (they know they do). It's fucking cliché, straigfht ouf otf a shitty anime, and yet it's all these little things that makes my heart melt. Not a 9/10 look. No. Just a girl acting like a girl. That's all it takes.
Why can't I have thee attributes, but with the better looking girls at home? It used to be like this. When was the last time I saw an actual summer dress at home. It's all jeans and shit, even in summer. Or worse, slutty mini jeans or whatever shit.

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