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>> No.54671295 [View]
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Poorfags ain't losing focus on quantum resistant too, being a huge fan of the PoR consensus is getting dicks hard.

>> No.54308581 [View]
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Why are you gay?

>> No.53871618 [View]
File: 14 KB, 219x230, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bury that shit and get huge earnings from on Maiar Dex's onchain staking, metastaking, and metabonding. IMO, this is still the best passive income that's getting dicks hard.

>> No.53692477 [View]
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Recent projections suggest that the metaverse could generate up to 5 trillion dollars for dickheads by 2030, and that is one of the reasons why I'm focused on
MultiversX & xMoney.

>> No.53242312 [View]
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Don't get it twisted, juicy APY in the ongoing liquidity mining pool on AlliancebBlock can get dicks hard.

>> No.53194351 [View]
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Oh yeah anon, that sounds like the best for passive income because its onchain staking, metastaking and metabonding on MaiarExchange has good for bitches, but the burning mechanism is a top notch, it ain't a hard dick for soft pussies.

>> No.52219699 [View]
File: 14 KB, 219x230, IMG-20220912-WA0015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea faggot asides cashback rewards that it offers when using the platform, the different tiers of stakings will launch definitely in this Q2 with APY of 35% can't get enough of the juicy experience.

>> No.51640393 [View]
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Denm that sounds like some god-forsaken pussy fegs you need to get some sense , crypto payments has alot to offer as you can get cashback of 0.5% when you stake it, and stop posting some shitty quotes,

>> No.51529157 [View]
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You sound horrible dude,but you got some nice point,making money need alot, imagine paying with low fees, zero cashback losses,zero locked funds for flagged card payments, it makes business easier and juicy anon.

>> No.51432814 [DELETED]  [View]
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Wtf is this sound like some dirty asian pussy,web3payments service has been so freaky sexy as the provider leader for realestate industry, over 4000 properties are now available to be bought with crypto using any of the web3 payment technology

>> No.51409389 [View]
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Your such a moron saying that what were you thinking faggot my first time experience using crypto to pay on an online store for what I bought, gave me the feeling that digital payments is meant to have been adopted all over the world.
I'm glad that platform is pursuing this vision seriously.
Crypto is way better anon

>> No.50302356 [View]
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>Because it isn't the dip yet.
Waiters are big losers anon, buying crypto assets at throwaway prices and build discipline in the investment process is the best way to earn in this crypto.
And old poor fags are putting hard dicks on QAN NFTs after the binance partnership with Cristiano Ronaldo to enjoy a fixed transaction fees.

>> No.50002411 [View]
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>Does Luna or Lunc still have any hope, I want something solid
Luna isn't that bad dickhead, Investors predict Luna to reach a price of $21 by July 1, then $27 by August 1, then $42 by September 1 and finally $71 by the end of December.

Meanwhile a Quantum resistance is a key feature to look into, as well as its QVM feature that brings any language coding for smart contracts that can potentially bring millions of skilled devs over to blockchain.

>> No.49950500 [View]
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OP this is really silly, imagine all the Ethereum node runners validating transactions for the network how much money they are making from the network fees we all hate and complain so you know you can be Validator and Run a fucking node QANX to give your miserable life a meaning

>> No.49409487 [View]
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>on QANX
Oh yeah Like a juicy wet pussy, dicks are getting hard as jeet's IoT devices can communicate
and interoperate among each other

>> No.49346204 [View]
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Chill OP, don't get dicked like horny juciy pussy.
Qanplatform offers high level of decentralisation due to low hardware requirements to run a node/ be a validator and quantum resistant security.

>> No.49278785 [View]
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>Something absolutely fucking massive is happening this week
Source: A slight tingling sensation in my balls

Yes right whatever you say is true and right and I'm still not fucking buying your fucking shitcoin and any of your fucking bags, because I have no intent of being rugged as fuck

>> No.49272577 [View]
File: 14 KB, 219x230, 1654006289954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chill OP, don't get dicked like horny juciy pussy.
Qanplatform offers high level of decentralisation due to low hardware requirements to run a node/ be a validator and quantum resistant security.

>> No.49270498 [View]
File: 14 KB, 219x230, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chill OP, don't get dicked like horny juciy pussy.
Qanplatform offers high level of decentralisation due to low hardware requirements to run a node/ be a validator and quantum resistant security.

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