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>> No.54880940 [DELETED]  [View]
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>its over

It hasn’t even begun

>> No.26020643 [View]

I thought people here were more open minded, I wrote a lot of things legitimately thinking of helping and be helped, or a community of people who are going to make it to the future but I feel most are just stressed to all hell.

I will take my leave, for good, promise made. Good luck when the mooning comes. Hopefully soon enough.

>> No.26020077 [View]

I am very much fluid, and don't have an identity to which I am fond of over another. I don't think it applies to me as well as you think.

I am merely seeking survival, thank you very much for your remarks.

>> No.26019930 [View]

If you honestly believe in this post, then I suppose it's case closed.
Know that most attacks on me are based on the poster's ego, and are not helpful at all to what you may want to achieve.

But sure, if there are no other questions, and you're all stressed to all hell, I will take my leave. And no, I don't mention myself here at all as it's usually if always followed by smearing of the stressed folks.

>> No.26019629 [View]

I avoided that talk with you because National Socialism is irrelevant to where we are going. It's not about whether it's evil or not.

Say, suppose what binds members of the same race is what you see. Listen here, this world is comprised of TWO relevant dimensions, what you see and what you don't. Cause and effect.

You may think as to what binds us together in the future are what you DON'T see about us. Not physical features. Or what? Do you think your genes prescribes only what you see about a person? That your blonde hair and blue eyes AT ALL matter in the scheme of the code? Or that it tells you about you behaviors, your future or anything relevant about you and your choices and beliefs?

The REAL society we will live in are those bound to the same EFFECT, or destiny, that is, one who understands WHAT MATTERS IN LIFE is as much as knowing what questions to ask, and obtain this answer.

Know that this is all that matters for survival is knowing the right question in the right time. There are millions of equations to answer and being the whitest, blondest, most intelligent being speaks NOTHING about you ability to pick out the right questions to ask and answer. It is ultimately about the sight, about your "perception" and your ability to manipulate your reality. This is not about the a tribal factor or any of the such.

Whether you are correct or not about National socialism is IRRELEVANT to any of the questions you should be asking. UNDERSTAND you have the right answers to WRONG questions and you are FAR, FAR from where you need to be.

I understand what you speak of better than you can imagine, including how Lincoln was a huge, huge pawn in the scheme of international bankers in making a transaction WE ARE STILL PAYING THE PRICE FOR TODAY.

But as you have already understood, these answers you have ARE CORRECT but are not RELEVANT for your evolution or survival. You asked one relevant question in your post,and I suggest you think about it.

>> No.26018990 [View]

Check warosu, I had a talk about where we are going, and what you need to understand to make sure you are where you need or want to be.

>> No.26018926 [View]

I am one of the most down to earth, humble people you'll meet. I understand true wealth is from within and you're all on a similar path as me.

But there's those who disrespect and smear you, and your attitude should be in accordance to that.

>> No.26018750 [View]

A new purpose has resurged, for now, one guy kept saying I was avoiding a discussion with him, and I shunned.

Thus I am inviting him to ask away what is it that I ignored. If during the purpose of the trip I did not answer questions that I could have then the trip did not fulfill its purpose yet.

Ask away. What do you feel you want to know.

>> No.26018510 [View]

No I don't know what you "ment".

>> No.26018429 [View]

The only person I had a discussion with that I avoided was that Nazi person. I told him what binded people in the future was what's within them, and so on. He was very into his own thoughts and I felt I should leave him to his own opinions.

If you recall your questions you can feel free to ask again. I probably did not do it on purpose.

After dumping as much information as I can to help whoever is willing to read and evolve, I stopped using my trip. Make no mistake, my main concern is with evolution, and I believed in mine, and there's no reason to not believe in the path of others hence I did what I did. Surely those who lead others to XRP believe in your evolution also.

What are you blabbering about?

>> No.26017841 [View]

I have seen you post about this before, and I ignored it many times, but do ask away. What is it from me that you want?

The only question I have avoided are a few - What is the "truth" if all is an illusion, if there is a society in the future of 500 million, what binds these people to the same fate, etc.

I did not belittle the intelligence of those asking these questions at any point. I know the answers to these and I was very clear this must come from your own effort, and I have done A LOT to make sure you were on the path to find this answer. Something NO ONE would do for any one here. I still don't regret doing this, but I do not enjoy all I got in return was disrespect and smearing.

Now ask what is it that you challenged me about.

>> No.25640799 [View]

I feel the purpose of my tripcode is truly finished now.
Best of luck to you all!

>> No.25640693 [View]

Probably did not because I either agreed, or did not see it as relevant for preparing one for what's to come.
Now I can clue you in, but I cannot give you all the answers. That physical traits is what guides one to bond, there are two sides to the story, and in other for you to see what is beyond what you currently do, perhaps it's good to think about traits that you see in a person, and traits that you do not see in a person, but exist nonetheless, and how this turns into the whole story.

>> No.25639919 [View]

I know what it means, but that is my journey, and if you read into my words maybe with enough effort of your own you'll understand.

Not my friends, but suffices to say if I could snap my fingers and live in a world where they did not exist (or could not exist) I would do so. Much like if I could choose for viruses not exist, I would do so also. But it's part of the game, unfortunately.

I want you all know that, I do not condone any of what I write here. I do not relish in it, I do not enjoy it personally.

But I do want to survive and go forward, and this is entirely my take on the "eyes" one should have to make it to where we're going.

A lot of wisdom will be required. A lot of thinking needs to be done.

>> No.25639614 [View]

That's an adventure of its own. Good luck!

>> No.25639455 [View]

Yes, certain islands, and certain countries are designed for this given their isolation. I recall some people learning how to ride submarines as it is relevant for these places.

My friend, what do you want me to tell you? The world envisioned is perhaps an evolution of national socialism but taken to beyond the racial traits.
Unfortunately you have to understand that within people exists the potential to be "enlightened" as much as you, and that is the bond we'd share moving forward. Not whether one is aryan or not.

But again, you have to think about this a little, or don't, if you won't have a family.

>> No.25639366 [View]

Do you as you feel it's proper and relevant for you to do.
Good luck.

>> No.25639261 [View]

Folks, I believe I have shared what I could in helping you achieve certain mentalities. Now it's entirely up to you.

Now back to XRP.
We just blew past 0.30 like it was nothing.

>> No.25639183 [View]

I am not making a case on any particular way.
As I have said, the society of tomorrow is people who see MORE to brotherhood than immediate family, and immediate similar traits.
Something that can be "risen" in any human given he properly desist of his illusions, something you are clearly not ready to do.
But no matter, in the end it's irrelevant whether you understand what I say or not.

>> No.25639108 [View]

Haha, no I don't smoke or do any drugs friend.
But they can be helpful, depending on which, and depending on who you are with.
That one good friend of ours who passed away after trying Ayahuesca...it's a rare situation, but it's one of the pursuits.

>> No.25638910 [View]

>I will never have children
Maybe it was a good thing that I did not waste much time with you then.
My words are meant for those who will follow into tomorrow, not for you.

Most interesting, by the way, since you are not going to continue then you can behave any way you want, believe in anything you want.
Enjoy the ride, my nazi friend. Believe in anything you'd like to believe.

People who wants to have a family will see to my words resonating with them and create their own "mini-national socialism" where the nation is their own family, and socialism is where they help one another. Growing "spiritually", achieving perspectives and understandings, all in order to continue flowing into the future.

I understand national socialism, by the way. It's not very hard to understand as it is simply seeing the wider society as a true extension of your family. This is easily achieved by allowing people connecting with their immediate other based on what they can see (physical traits).

This has been rejected however, for a true brotherhood of those who can see even MORE. A world, apparently, your heritage will not live to see.

>> No.25638565 [View]

There is no worship. And your statement that "it's not possible to improve the world until they are gone" is most IRONIC given this is exactly what I am talking about. Guess what, in THEIR VIEW, they say the same, TO YOU. Some of them at least. And they have the power to change the context of our lives more than you do. Read what I am writing multiple times...or don't. Your choice.

That view in tai-chi is extremely interesting, and has to do with "cycles" that occurs in nature. It is absolutely true, by the way, and if you contemplate that with other key perspectives you will achieve a higher growth.
As to your question, you may see it this way I think. When you inflict an insurmountable amount of energy forward, this energy is said to come back to you.
Interestingly enough, the symbol of Ripple designates this, as it is originated from certain aspects of the ying and yang.

The reason I claim your actions are not proper for the betterment of "your people" is because your support for ideologies and ideas are presently inconsequential to the way events will follow.
What road does National Socialism has in the public spectrum, political or militarily? You could make all the arguments you want, and you can regurgitate what you do, over and over and over, and you will not get anywhere. That will not translate in your children knowing what tomorrow IS if you keep obsessed on what it COULD BE. Asking irrelevant questions makes for irrelevant answers and puts you and your children BEHIND those who are making RELEVANT questions to the RELEVANT context.
You have to study a lot more, and leave your comfort zone. Either way, as I stated, I do not care. Your children will pay or benefit for every single action you do today.

>> No.25638216 [View]

Again, these illusions are what would inevitably lead to the conflict between elites and the wider populi.
Humans, by the merit of information they passively receive from their brains (with no scrutiny) will define another person as EVIL (e.g. you are EVIL because you are white and privileged, or because you own a ferrari and I don't). Because humans take the contextual(microscopic) relevancy (illusion) as the WHOLE (macroscopic) TRUTH is what ultimately leads them to do illogical things.
This is how brands like Balenciaga make so much money. This is how advertisement works. The cognitive biases people cannot control. The illusions that feed into their ego and what they are succeptible to.

This is why the media and fake news are the way they are.
Absolute truth! If the media were to be HONEST when you ask them "Why do you miscontextualize the news?" or "Why are you the way you are?" they will tell you.
BECAUSE OF YOU. Because of how your BRAIN works. Because if we were to be truly honest the business model would collapse. You can only control yourself and your own family and their values. What others believe in and the illusions they embrace, their own problems and what they feed their ego is completely outside of your control. There is no use in trying to fight this. It is impossible.

Thus, the enlightement will come to those who pursue it, and the future society will come to those who understand what I am saying in every possible way.

Limited spots, by the way. You can doom your children and feed your ego in being "right" and continue to entertain illusions that are contextually irrelevant and has no future(e.g nazi ideologies) or you can finally grow.
This answer must come from your own growth. This is the fundamental natural law that will lead you to discover the others.
There are hints written here. Take it as the one major test for what's to come.
Your answer to that question may be the greatest gift to your heritage.

>> No.25637971 [View]

Of course, this obviously applies to the illusions you hold. While you see the elites as EVIL they see you as something else, and obviously seems themselves as something else. What they see you as depends on the context you put yourself in with regards to your reality. You see yourself as good, and if you are unwise they will see you as evil, whereas opposed if you put yourself in a wiser position or a different position they would see you as good.

The difference is your inability to overcome your illusions by understanding a being working for their own interests in clash of yours (lion and cattle) and lack in understanding any contextual perception of what is happening is not in line with the whole.

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