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Search: star citizen

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>> No.58377835 [View]

you could be redeeming USD
I would rather RMT on roblox or star citizen

>> No.58142487 [View]

Star Citizen is a similar case. There is a vision, there is plenty of no strings attached money and there is no accountability. Both are too big too fail in terms of funding in my opinion though. Internal strife is probably the only thing that can topple these projects.

>> No.58071560 [View]

>You can't create a citizen/civilian star trooper system in a country like the US without introducing even more instability.
Slavery worked pretty well for centuries. And half the free population didn't have the vote until the 1920's.

>> No.58071532 [View]

Problem is when everybody is forced to be a part of the company because we have a massive protection money collecting cartel that survives off tricking people that it's their friend. You can't create a citizen/civilian star trooper system in a country like the US without introducing even more instability.

Also, the people who actually go through with military service are retarded too. You want them to be the ones with all the "say"? They literally opted in to a system that exists solely to make kids butcher each other to line the pockets of jews.

>> No.57977908 [View]

some games are still extremely good but you have to actively look for them, also matter of preference

>war thunder
>elden ring (japs still make good games)
>star citizen(janky as all fuck but its an experience)

but you are correct most big titles/corps are slop mills now, churning out the same rehashed pozzed shite with no innovation or risk taking. i miss the old days when studios would almost always try to create something new that hadnt really been done before, youd have no idea about how the game even worked because no one had even tried it.
trading is probably my favorite game these days anyway, hardest of all games with real risk and reward

>> No.57976753 [View]

Is chainlink the crypto version of star citizen?

>> No.57703091 [View]

well make it three autists then
and i care nothing for star citizen, nor anything /v/ says since that board is truly a waste of time
imagine the same shilled wasteland as us but without the gains component just for the hour of mindless entertainment one uses a day lol

>> No.57703000 [View]

>biz lingo
Lmao. It's 2 autists and a half who say this, tops. Most normal anons would find it extremely cringe even when posting ironically. You know who else uses the word avocados? Star Citizen cultists when speaking of their beta testers (who are called Evocati). Not surprised at the parallel here to be honest.

>> No.57612458 [View]

For me its shameless tg mod shilling and clean paid advertisement combines with development hell rivaling star citizen

>> No.57233151 [DELETED]  [View]
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It's insane, how could they hired 500 people at the top of the bubble and not realizing that maintaining such expenses would eventually destroy their coin?
Best part is they keep hiring, if they aren't ghost job offers.
I don't know how their fan club can fund this madness.
LINK is the Star Citizen of crypto.

>> No.57008205 [View]

lying about progress made them money. as long as it makes them money, they will continue to do so. the only way foelr sergey to change is if people stop buying their tokens. but as long as they keep buying, why should they spend the effort on development instead of more lying, seeing as that generates money? it's star citizen, except you can't fly in your tokens, you can't even look at them properly

>> No.57002814 [View]

Cardano is the Star Citizen of crypto. Really cool, really expensive to develop, has all these features, not finished yet, barely any users

>> No.57001074 [View]

>Muh star Citizen
So what about AVAX? >>56998166 Avax has 50% of its total supply circulating, just like LINK. It's diluting tokens at about the same rate as Chainlink. Seems like a very normal practice that doesn't prevent tokens from pumping.

>> No.57001030 [View]

it's not that hard. chainlink is a company. when a company makes money, it reinvests that money to make more money. chainlink makes money by selling tokens. therefore, they reinvest they money they make from selling tokens into ways to sell more tokens. it's been said countless times, but that's just star citizen all over again. the only remaining step is for token buyers to accept it, which they can't, because admitting that you are the sucker takes courage and self reflection

>> No.56934924 [View]

You're a fool. Star Citizen is a cult and a scam. I can explain all the reasons why, but I won't.

> Its a scam, because it just is, OKAY?!
Go believe its not a scam, I don't really care.

>> No.56934495 [View]

Star Citizen is actually legit and the playable state it is in right now proves that, it's just really ambitious and there are no magical shortcuts to achieve something with its ambitious scope. The following video isn't a tech demo, it is showcasing what they have already accomplished with their game engine and the assets for the MMO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWm_OhIKms8

And they did that while a large majority of their development crew was working on the single player game campaign and not the MMO. They are about to wrap up development on the single player story campaign, and move all those developers over to the Star Citizen MMO.

High time preference gamers chimp out about it and jump on the hate bandwagon simply because it has a different fundraising and development model than other AAA games, even though everyone is sick of traditional AAA slop like Bethesda's Starfield which always disappoints. Its a case of people wanting high quality end products in the same amount of time and budget, which makes zero sense.

When I found out that Star Atlas was doing crypto shit, I instantly ruled it out as a legitimate game though. I'd say they are totally different things, but Star Atlas is trying to cynically and irresponsibly cash in on the market which has supported Star Citizen. Crypto simply doesn't add anything to games like this and isn't necessary for funding development of a legitimate game.

>> No.56933920 [View]

From the beginning it looked like Star Citizen 2.0, a game that will never be fully finished and funnels money from a niche group of people who love sci-fi shit where they can role play that they are in another universe with endless possibility

>> No.56921955 [View]

the model of selling digital collectibles for imaginary future benefits is mainstream since star citizen pioneered it. losing a lot of time and money is what crypto is all about for the 99%, might as well pay an established company like chainlink to do fun activities and dream about the future together with other anons. wagmi marines, the website displays a higher number again!

>> No.56812283 [View]
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tldr :
>(((justice))) : Tru dat. Law shouldn't apply to billionaires, it's not really fair to them.
>sentencing : Give 'em a good boy star!
It's just hilarious the level of openly displayed corruption. Why even bother with a jewdicial system at all at this point when you look at farces like that? Ah yes, to keep the law abiding citizen in a state of perpetual fear and racket them along the way, almost forgot.

>> No.56762004 [View]

>if star citizen was a crypto porject

>> No.56717921 [View]
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Ecuadorean here
We’re going to visit, my friends and I are going to spend our US dollars at your top of the line restaurants and pay $100 for 5 star meals and $200 a night at 5 star hotels. It’s gonna be a blast, maybe I’ll export an argie qt and get her to earn some USD in Ecuador or perhaps take her to the US since I am also a US citizen.
I’m buying a house next year with my crypto gains and I was thinking of la mariscal in Ecuador which is a low crime developed city, or maybe consider getting an argie residence through and investment visa that I’m sure is right around the corner.

>> No.56533182 [View]
File: 50 KB, 534x289, banu-merchantman-bitcoin-star-citizen-1-238730715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me in 2013 finding out about bitcoin
my friend tells me about a new upcoming scifi space game called Star Citizen
I'm skeptic because it's from kickstarter
he proposes we both back it with $40 each since it's the average AAA game (at the time)
I instead propose a bet, I will buy $40 worth of bitcoin while he backs it with $40 and when the game launches we check who has the best perks
ten years later
I'm still holding onto my 3 bitcoin while my friend comes up with weird explanations of why the game is finished in some way and that it never will because it's endless like space itself

>> No.56496085 [View]

>star citizen

>> No.56218020 [View]
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Anyone else from the UK student-debt-maxing like me? Took out a bunch of loans to get my compsci degree a few years ago, then moved to Japan permanently (dual-citizen), and I haven't paid back a single penny, and it makes me kek every time I think about it. The interest must have substantially increased the initial debt, although i don't know the number since I don't care enough to log in to my account, but it must be way over £80k by now. The SLC sent me an email a year or so ago asking me to update my details, which I took great joy in completing ignoring.
Is there literally anything the SLC can do? If, God forbid, I return to the UK, I can't see how this would affect me in any way, as it doesn't affect credit score, and the debt it will eventually be wiped.
>nooo you have to pay it back, or you're no worse than a nigger!
You see, that's the thing, I need the money more than the hordes of boat niggers/pakis/albanians being put up in 4-star hotels
>nooo you can't be jap/uk dual citizen, you have to choose one when you're 22
Plenty of half jap abominations like me have dual citizenship from birth, it's extremely difficult, if not impossible for the gov't to force someone in my position to choose one.

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