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Search: "sublayer"

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>> No.55466649 [View]

Never gonna happen, part of the reason why it's so valuable is because it's sitting out there for free waiting to be collected. All you need to do is convince a dumb goy to make a faceberg account or download an app
The transactions take place between the middlemen, which is a sublayer of faggy tech companies like Snowflake no one really knows but are making billions, and the corpos buying/selling data through the middlemen. There is no room nor desire for user/consumer self-custody of data and it'd be peak delusion to think it will ever happen. You'd be better off not using any of these services and letting this fake data economy starve itself out.

>> No.54657262 [View]
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>> No.54641672 [View]
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Hey OP just want to say this exact part is also what made me raised an eyebrow during this whole podcast. Specifically Sergey using the term "sublayer". This is the first time he used that term, and looking into it, I couldn't find substantial discussion on it.


This especially made me curious because they've recently hired Ted Yin, who's a L1 consensus expert, co-created the Avalance protocol with subnets and before that the HotStuff protocol with Dahlia Malkhi. Why do they keep hiring L1 specialists? Dahlia has been publishing a lot of research on consensus mechanisms which is odd for Chainlink not being a blockchain... Unless they are working on Chainlink's ability to eventually become this type of layer. Whitepaper v2 described Chainlink with CCIP as a "metalayer", or some of us used the term "layer 0" before LayerZero took its name.

>> No.24948103 [View]

Yes that letter is correct...the Messiah is not a person, but a "stage" in which the world finds itself.

And yes to that also, it's likely a process of degeneration of both memetics and genetics, and war being waged on others, with the end result of them being borne without a spark in them.

Zoomers are most affected by this. They live in a world with all of information at their feet, but filled with obfuscation, lies, and disinformation, and people willing to take from them rather than give. Hence their culture having a sublayer of hopelessness and depression.

Christ teaches very interesting things that are the opposite of how the other side seeks to conquer the world. Being "free from the cube", ultimately means being in the world, but not of the world.
With no fear of death, no attachments to materialistic desire, and to see the other as your brother.

Not really a recipe for a nation that can be divided and conquered, for sure.

>> No.24473114 [View]

MAKER approached kleros with an offer - integrate Kleros into the sublayer which maintains the DAI backing, so that they can choose collateral in a decentralised way. It will very likely end up being a "DAI collateral" badge on the TCR which will have *extremely* strict requirements as to what the Maker DAO should purchase to back their DAI with. Half of defi runs on DAI. It's critical infrastructure at this point, so the requirements will be monstruously complex compared to what has previously been done by Kleros. They will probably need to create a new subcourt for very experienced Solidity coders to stake in.

>> No.23566478 [View]

>imagine thinking the game is this simple
>remember when you thought this

Just kidding I was always based idiots. What other crypto would you buy as the coin to "transfer" all the wealth/debt into the freeish market crypto space. Btc? Lol China no. Eth? More like fee. Tether? Based. Jk.

It has to be XRP.




>> No.22902904 [View]

An oracle for literally anything, the foremost proof of humanity sublayer, contracts for anything which involves a service, trust via verified whitelists like t2cr, defi insurance, etc etc etc. If you're too lazy to do it then don't do the needful, just fomo in at $5 with the rest of /biz/.

>> No.22834126 [View]
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FUD away, responding to bait of all levels is where most of the fun is for me now, plus it helps the new frens go through the DD process.

I just wanted to make another thread to extrapolate on my explination, I am not worried about sufficient network volume considering Microsoft backed baseline protocol will include chainlink in its software offerings, as a sublayer of their dev stack, and I have reason to believe LINK will be involved in SWIFTs new payment settlement layer which uses blockchain to allow banks to have instant transactional finality for very little cost.

Im not sure I understand the question, I do not claim to be extraordinarily intelligent by any means, could you provide an example use case of what you're explaining? Like if a website which provided a data feed could provide a proof to the end user their data feed is correct before the end user has submitted account information? It'd more be along the lines of: the website owner pays node operators for API calls because it provides the website owner with data it can use to craft a service for the end user, who pays the website builder. Buying chainlink let's you profit on the network growth without having to develop technology with it.

What the fuck are you trying to convey, you mouth breathing, cock gargling, shit sucking nekker? Type it out in English if you can manage the mental strain.

The aggressive hiring and ari coming aboard at the same time as t-systems jumping in on the node business for profit tells me that everything we've been waiting for as a catalyst is already ready, and the Launch of our price catalysts are months/weeks not years from release.

>> No.22297250 [View]

Arbitrum is the solution to the spam attack we saw a few days ago. It’s a sublayer solution that goes around ethereum gas costs and allows each chain to communicate with offchain information via the chainlink network. So if a smartcontract user wants to execute their contract they will do so through arbitrum/chainlink. Chainlink will reach consensus, then send to whatever chain is cheapest or specified, that blockchain will execute settlement and send back to chainlink.

>> No.22021168 [View]

No I don’t think that will be the case. You’re not going to have to move between wallets for the sublayer token to represent you in various transactions. Only final settlement will result in transfer.

>> No.21908179 [View]
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Not a scam. If you want to know more check the website. Also there is this text from the creator of CID:

"Time to clear up any misconceptions.

Crypt-id is step one of building the underlying ecosystem of a greater project, specifically, my plans for world domination. The name is a play on words, with "Id" being used by it's dedinition in psychology. Crypt-id is a sublayer, comparable to the relation between id and ego.

The fundamental purpose of these projects, is to establish a cult of personality around myself, your TYRANT!

Yes, cult of personality. Through various efforts, I am establishing a network to support my own agendas.

What agendas you ask? What else? World domination, just like everyone else, but better, because I am better, superior, greater than the others.

Those who take issue with this, are strongly advised to leave and never look back. Those who stand in the way of their rightful and proper TYRANT... let's not talk about them too much.

Those who support the rise to power of their rightful TYRANT, will be rewarded for their efforts.

Distribution of all tokens related to this cause, are at the sole discretion of your rightful TYRANT. Do not beg, do not demand, do not expect. Expectations are the foundation of all illusion, and are rarely rewarded."

>> No.21472231 [View]

your buying a quantiflux mechanism that operates in the sublayer of the network. so basically quantative calculations acting as the equillibrium holders.

>> No.20236616 [View]
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Sick and tired of this week's scams? Look in the archives for the actual legit projects which haven't mooned YET. John Mcafee's Ghost+CID partnership confirmed. We are awaiting the game now and waiting on GHOST to move their buttocks.

Crypt-id is step one of building the underlying ecosystem of a greater project, specifically, my plans for world domination. The name is a play on words, with "Id" being used by it's dedinition in psychology. Crypt-id is a sublayer, comparable to the relation between id and ego.
The fundamental purpose of these projects, is to establish a cult of personality around myself, your TYRANT!
Yes, cult of personality. Through various efforts, I am establishing a network to support my own agendas.
What agendas you ask? What else? World domination, just like everyone else, but better, because I am better, superior, greater than the others.
Those who take issue with this, are strongly advised to leave and never look back. Those who stand in the way of their rightful and proper TYRANT... let's not talk about them too much.
Those who support the rise to power of their rightful TYRANT, will be rewarded for their efforts.
Distribution of all tokens related to this cause, are at the sole discretion of your rightful TYRANT. Do not beg, do not demand, do not expect. Expectations are the foundation of all illusion, and are rarely rewarded.

>> No.20061140 [View]
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Crypt-id is step one of building the underlying ecosystem of a greater project, specifically, my plans for world domination. The name is a play on words, with "Id" being used by it's dedinition in psychology. Crypt-id is a sublayer, comparable to the relation between id and ego.
The fundamental purpose of these projects, is to establish a cult of personality around myself, your TYRANT!
Yes, cult of personality. Through various efforts, I am establishing a network to support my own agendas.
What agendas you ask? What else? World domination, just like everyone else, but better, because I am better, superior, greater than the others.
Those who take issue with this, are strongly advised to leave and never look back. Those who stand in the way of their rightful and proper TYRANT... let's not talk about them too much.

>Website here.


>Coingecko here.


>Trading here.



Working on ghost/Matic integration with dapps being made as we speak! May the tyrant be with us and our glory!!

>> No.18897140 [View]
File: 27 KB, 225x219, 0082299b907e4e16e778c33c61150c1e_225x223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypt-id is step one of building the underlying ecosystem of a greater project, specifically, my plans for world domination. The name is a play on words, with "Id" being used by it's dedinition in psychology. Crypt-id is a sublayer, comparable to the relation between id and ego.
The fundamental purpose of these projects, is to establish a cult of personality around myself, your TYRANT!
Yes, cult of personality. Through various efforts, I am establishing a network to support my own agendas.
What agendas you ask? What else? World domination, just like everyone else, but better, because I am better, superior, greater than the others.
Those who take issue with this, are strongly advised to leave and never look back. Those who stand in the way of their rightful and proper TYRANT... let's not talk about them too much.
Those who support the rise to power of their rightful TYRANT, will be rewarded for their efforts. Now praise Kek, for he brought me to crypto.

>> No.18144349 [View]

Tachyon has a physical sublayer like optical fiber and coaxial cable which makes networking easier

>> No.18144292 [View]

Tachyon has a physical sublayer like optical fiber and coaxial cable which makes networking easier

>> No.18120067 [View]

Tachyon has a physical sublayer like optical fiber and coaxial cable which makes networking easier

>> No.17813833 [View]

Tachyon has a physical sublayer like optical fiber and coaxial cable which makes networking susceptible

>> No.17405705 [View]

Tachyon has a physical sublayer like optical fiber and coaxial cable which makes networking easier

>> No.9734289 [View]

"if only they would accept it shitcoins in return for processing power, we could bypass eth"

No shit sherlock. How can newcoiners be this brainless. How is this ever going to happen. Why in the hell would ETH become useless background noise. DO you really think you could get enough nodes to ditch the baselayer token for new sublayer tokens? Ie, convince enough miners, who have invested their time and resources in ETH, to jump ship at enormous risk to themselves to get paid in shitcoins on the hope that the rest of the miners will soon want shitcoins too?

Dont stop believing friendo

>> No.3185504 [View]


Means "Segregated Witness", unlike most of the buttplugs here, this has nothing to do with racial tensions. this deals with how the network is recorded while nodes are away

>Lightning Network
Deals with a sublayer and transactions

>Smart Contract
Think of regular 'Contracts' but without the need for a mitigating lawyer or attorney to ensure both parties meet their obligations.

>Block size
With Blockchains (the ledger which records transactions) the "Block size" refers to the size specifications each individual Blockchain deals with. for example, current Bitcoin has a 2MB block size meaning that it will take 2MB's of transactions to fill up an entire block and have that block added to the blockchain.

Deals with the speed in which nodes are mining or verifying a block.

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