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>> No.55763919 [View]
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>finish work on Friday afternoon
>go for a 2 hour walk that felt kino and autonostalgic when it was done for the first time in the sun a few weeks prior but which felt very mundane
>apply to 11 jobs, waste time online, too tired to go to gym
>wake up on Saturday morning
>watch anime, apply to 2 jobs
>go for a 1 hour walk near my house and it's comfy
>eat food
>play vidya for a few hours
>go driving between 6-7 pm
>drink coffee in car while reading a chapter of a book
>go to gym, workout goes ok
>buy junk food late at night and binge on chocolate, ice cream, crisps (but I've limited junk food to the weekends, so that's fine)
>bask in the Saturday comfiness until 3 am on Sunday
>wake up at 9.30 am on Sunday
>browse internet, do a few chores
>now plan to do mostly the same things as yesterday but different episodes, different walks, different binge food, etc

>> No.53093181 [View]
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>be me yesterday
>woke up at 11
>spent a few hours doing chores
>ate food and played vidya a little bit
>drove outside aimlessly; drank coffee in car while browsing internet
>did aimless workout in gym, which felt pointless when I eat junk food
>bought junk food from store
>watched an ok movie
>lied in bed when it became 2023, alone and a loser, like all new year's days in memory
>woke up this morning
>browsed internet in bed
>read book for an hour (history book I started over 3 months ago at a library and which looked interesting from the cover but is really mundane)
>plan to spend rest of day on some combination of vidya, chores, walking, gym, binging, and maybe watching a film or TV show

My 2023 is only really special due to my career: I escaped one bad job situation, for some valuable experience, and am now definitely moving on to the next step in the career ladder in the next 6 months.

2023 was otherwise a huge void socially, productively, in terms of personal productivity, etc.

I am still focusing on finishing all the consoomption loose ends this Christmas holiday.

I'm in the latter half of my Christmas holiday. I don't even hate my job but it feels like a bad dream at this point. Freedom seems to stretch out forever. The end of the holiday is currently a vague bad event that I can't fully comprehended yet.

I told myself I'd give up junk food after the holidays. Giving up the ritual of buying the binge food currently feels like the biggest barrier. The post-work Monday supermarket trip feels kino (celebrates how Monday is never quite as bad as imagined; see lots of young people and imagine I'm not old). The Friday evening pizza binge is a new habit that celebrates the fake freedom. The Saturday late afternoon chocolate binge paired with the late night post-gym fast food trip is great. And the occasional Sunday all out "fuck-it, I won't even bother to say this is the last binge" binge never quite lives up to expectations but removes a lot of the boredom.

>> No.52855530 [View]
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>be me
>woke up too early after staying up too late; had time for 7 hours of sleep but didn't quite get even that
>go to work
>goes by quickly
>counting down the days to my Christmas holidays (can remember when I was using Excel to subtract dates and it was 100 days left)
>finish work
>decide to buy binge food on way home and watch football
>binge for first time since Thursday
>waste rest of evening
>skip gym

I've only had junk food twice in 10 days. This morning I was at my lightest in some weeks.

That feel when you wake up too early, browse internet in bed before work, and then try to rest or sleep for the final 5-20 minutes before the time you have to get up and during those 5-20 minutes you are tired as fuck and feel the exhausted energy of your body trying to savour the final few minutes of rest before the day starts while knowing there's not enough time.

I cringe about myself all the time.

I imagine what things would be like if I was being paid twice as much and I don't feel like things would drastically change.

I'm constantly looking for new jobs but I can already tell I will regret leaving this job. Or maybe not.

I think I've almost trained my manager (in an indirect way) to not ask what I've done on weekends to avoid the awkwardness of me having no life.

Currently lolling at a few times where people have said stuff like, "I bet your friends from [city I lived in] are..." and I have to nod and laugh convincingly while being vague.

>> No.52435195 [View]
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>finished work on Friday evening
>totally wasted evening and has a big pizza binge
>totally squandered Saturday morning and early afternoon on internet time wasting
>went out for a walk but it became dark almost immediately
>had big bar of chocolate and tub of ice-cream
>wasted more time online
>lifted very heavy weights
>almost went for a late night fast food binge but was too tired at midnight
>slept, woke up at 9.30 am on Sunday
>wasted morning
>wasted afternoon (or not, I can't remember)
>went for a sub-par walk before it got dark
>was sad all day about being the ugly outcast at work
>went to gym, did cardio
>had a fast food binge
>wasted last few hours before sleeping
>had around 7 hours of sleep
>browsed internet a bit before trying to get a precious 12 additional minutes of sleep before getting out of bed for work
>told myself I'd work really hard but I didn't due to motivation
>work day went well; didn't sperg out in a meeting with more senior people and did various bits of work and didn't feel the level of disconnection I sometimes feel in my job as an email sending bureaucrat
>reward myself with trip to shiny supermarket to buy binge food
>see qts everywhere and be demoralised
>have junk food
>now shit posting
>today is a cardio day so I'm unsure if I'll bother with the gym

I felt like today redeemed the weekend, which was filled with dread for the job.

>> No.52238083 [View]
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>be me this week
>have almost 8 hours of sleep on most days
>go to work
>finish work
>binge on junk food
>go to gym only on Monday and Wednesday this week and lifted heavy weights
>waste all time on mindless internet browsing
>be me today after work
>do chores, go to store to buy binge food
>only buy Pepsi max at store and decide to order fast food
>have major fast food binge while wasting time online
>now 9.23 pm, lying in bed, feeling fat

I can see what my weekend will be like. I'll wake up, feeling really fat. I'll drink coffee and either read or browse the internet until I have a big shit. Then I'll go to the gym and afterwards almost the entire afternoon will have inexplicably gone. Normally I'd go for a short walk at this point but it'll be too dark now, so I'll tell myself I'll read or do something productive but I'll browse the internet for a few hours and realise it's late. Then I'll likely have a medium sized fast food binge. Not an obscene number of calories but definitely too much when considering Friday's big fat binge. I'll spend too much time online on Saturday night to avoid Sunday (even though I'll be staying up on Sunday morning).

Sunday will be similar. I'll get 6 hours of sleep but not feel it for some reason. I'll start off doing semi-productive tasks to start off. I'll go walking just after noon and the walk will feel really fucking pointless by the end. The weather will be cloudy, regular temperature, totally sterile. I'll buy junk food from the store. It won't be the regular binge. It will be only really sugary stuff, to signify that it's the last binge; maybe subconsciously I'll need the sweet food after consuming shitloads of salt on Saturday. Then I'll browse internet at around 6 pm and likely decide I can't be bothered going to the gym (actually, I'll likely go to the gym, but not do much). Then I'll waste a few hours at around midnight and then sleep.

My job is pointless btw.

>> No.51647420 [View]
File: 30 KB, 600x600, 91e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>woke up on Sunday morning
>browsed internet
>did chores
>browsed internet while drinking coffee
>went to store and bought lots of chocolate because I was going to have one last binge later that day but it was fast food and I needed to get some chocolate because supermarket binged would also end
>went walking in afternoon for around 2-3 hours
>walked the usual Saturday route instead of the Sunday route, so I Pavloved myself in to thinking it wasn't so pointless
>played vidya in evening; felt pointless
>went to gym
>had large fast food binge in late evening and felt so fat
>slept, woke up at around 6.30 am, which was too early
>browsed internet in phone in bed and then tried to sleep for another 30 minutes before alarm woke me up
>went to work
>work was boring
>was in a call with people who were my age or younger but 2-4 ranks higher; felt so demoralised
>had strong junk food cravings after telling myself I wouldn't eat until Tuesday
>went to supermarket on way home and bought lots of binge food
>saw Staceys and qts in store and felt so demoralised
>binged at home and now feel so fat; I'm sure that was the last time
>lying in bed, typing this, may go to gym but it's a light lifting day so I may skip it (was leaning towards going but may bargain with myself: skip it but eat nothing tomorrow)

My existence is a farce.

I'm trying to drink the koolaid at work but I do not fit in at all and my presence is painful for everyone involved.

Doomed to be forever fat. Forever demoralised. Forever ugly. Forever never promoted. Forever wasteful of my time.

I distinctly remember lying in bed, watching clips of the first 2015 Republican debate on my phone, while it was sunny outside. Feels strange to think a lot of my 20s took place since then. Nothing happened.

I could do nothing at work and I don't think anything would change.

I've gotten to the end of typing this post and have decided not to go to the gym.

>> No.51436472 [View]
File: 17 KB, 622x629, 20220912_204644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>wake up, work, binge, lift heavy weights at gym, sleep
>wake up on Wednesday morning too early; browse internet instead of sleeping more
>go to work tired
>had an outburst of cringeshock at around noon at the concept of my existence
>had a latte at lunch and felt better but I saw my face on a video call and it was disgusting and putrid, like a shit half out of an ass and frozen in a grainy photo
>finish workday; all of my work is vague and unsatisfying
>bought binge food on way home and binged hard on Ben and Jerry's, big bag of crisps, pot noodle, pizza, chocolate
>wasted time online
>will go to gym

I'm so cringe. I need to lose 15 kg.

I hate corporate culture. I hate all learning that isn't based on hard skills. It's all a bit fucking sham. I hate all process, I hate all checks and balances, I hate all systems, I hate all process improvement activities. Anything more than the bare minimum is something I hate.

Oh yeah, and I saw two Staceys on the way out of the supermarket and the demoralisation was palpable.

Everyone loves life on such easy mode except for me. Being a normie is so fucking easy. You fit like Lego with everyone else.

>> No.51062418 [View]
File: 57 KB, 976x850, 1652594157627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finished work yesterday
>was so tired after work
>browsed internet, didn't binge or have junk food all day
>was demoralised after work
>didn't go to gym, lied in bed in evening, slept early
>got over 7.5 hours of sleep
>woke up, got ready for work
>thought I'd have enough time to have pre-work morning coffee (these are always kino); only did it for 6 minutes
>went to work
>finished work
>went to a store after work, bought binge food
>currently binging on junk food
>plan to go to gym later

It's one of those purgatory days where you think something definitive will happen but nothing really does and you look for the signs and realise none of it means anything.

>> No.50740684 [View]
File: 333 KB, 1440x1440, 1656444016537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me after work yesterday
>went for a walk in late evening while listening to Moldbug on a podcast
>couldn't be bothered going to gym
>slept earlier than usual
>woke up
>listened to Richard Spencer on Twitter, drank coffee
>went to work, worked
>came back, bought binge food on way home
>guilt free sunny evening binge while browsing internet
>will go for walk right now
>will go to gym later

Work, binge, sleep, repeat.

That's life. First you're young and all the ennui feels glorious and like sugary mint ice cream melting in your mouth. Then you're old and past it and disgusting.

You're either a normie that effortlessly fits in everywhere or you're not.

Either you're ugly or you're not.

Maybe tomorrow will be different...

>> No.50721572 [View]
File: 333 KB, 1440x1440, 1656444016537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me yesterday after work
>decide to buy 3000+ calorie binge food
>"this is it, the final binge, life is changing, it's all going to become better!"
>lie in bed in evening
>just about get energy to go to gym
>lifting goes very well but still feel so fat
>wake up slightly too early
>browse internet
>have lmao2shits and a morning coffee
>go to work
>get so depressed by being ugly (was traumatised after seeing myself on the video call (and I'm not even a tranny))
>job responsibilities pretty much amount to being the unskilled bureaucratic layer on top of all the workers with hard skills (and who therefore can be commoditised), the cultural glue that binds all of them... but I'm an ugly roach nobody likes
>long-term projects amount to implementing a pointless bureaucratic system that will be forgotten the second I leave
>all the young attractive people socialising
>fuck it, time to binge
>go home, buy binge food on the way
>have Ben and Jerry's, minstrels, sweets, big bag of crisps
>currently drinking le coffee and browsing le internet
>will go for a walk that will feel totally pointless halfway through, then I'll go to the gym later
>my real life is postponed until tomorrow

How common is it to feel like a disgusting slug in the middle of the day? Being an ugly beta is life on European Extreme.

My ennui would be so much more profound if I weighed 20 kg less. I imagine myself walking in to work with 2 litre bottles of Pepsi max strapped to me.

NGL, it's demoralising watching me crash and burn. But we can't let this madman get his hands on the ice cream vouchers!

>> No.50451698 [View]
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>be me
>go for a short walk yesterday evening and heat feels not too bad
>go to gym and do cardio
>avoided junk food all day
>sleep goes badly because it's so fucking hot
>wake up after not enough sleep
>start working
>work goes meh
>buy binge food after work
>outside feels like a total sauna while having hot air blown at me
>binge at home
>feel like I'm melting
>drink coffee
>will go to gym right now after wasting all my free time online

Life is so boring and pointless.

Life as an ugly beta male is a scam.

I tell myself I'll stop binging on junk food but then I try to imagine not eating ice cream and it feels so bad.

I can't fucking wait for it to "only" be in the mid 20 degrees tomorrow.

One of my coworkers is a literal GigaStacey and it's depressilising.

Just as I'm writing this post I've decided to skip the gym today. I'm not feeling at my best because of missed sleep. I'll just imagine myself as those tabloid pictures of fat Leo DiCaprio or Elon Musk ("H-heh, j-just like me...") tomorrow.

>> No.50079669 [View]
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Today at work I unironically spent the entire morning dreading messaging a 6/10 woman because I worry that 6/10s are terrified of me (ugly beta male) because they may think I'm deluded enough to be in their league.

I feel like shit at the start of every day when I only get 6.5 to 7 hours of sleep.

There has not been a single day for around 3 months where I've gone in person to work and not bought binge food on my commute back and binged like a fat fuck. I think as I'm getting older the fat is sitting on me in even uglier ways. I need to lose 20 kg ASAP.

Listening to Cum Town on my way to work is much more pleasurable than it should be.

I'm starting to realise how hopelessly ugly and beta I am. I'm in my early 30s and no woman has ever shown the slightest bit of attraction to me. I become the beta loser nobody talks to within a week of all my jobs.

>> No.49930884 [View]
File: 108 KB, 1597x1200, yc83i1nid7m31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>worked yesterday
>bought binge food after work after telling myself I wouldn't
>binged after work, wasted entire evening online
>had no time for a walk
>went to gym on autopilot
>wasted too much time on internet in bed
>only had time for 7 hours of sleep before work but woke up too early anyway
>thought it could be a bad day at work
>at 2 pm I was worried that things could go wrong, so I decided to have a binge after work to compensate
>at 5 pm I was happy nothing had gone wrong; things had gone well so I decided to have a binge to celebrate
>binged; sitting right now, feeling fat, drinking coffee
>will probably go for a walk and then to to the gym later

I posted a few great topics in the past few days but I don't get the Yous I deserve.

I cringe so fucking much irl when people imply I'm smart. I'm ugly and nerdy looking so they pretend life is like an RPG and there must be something I have to compensate.

I'm still feeling nostalgia about some of the evenings earlier this year when I was sadder and I'd go for midweek walks after work because I hated it so much and my old manager was such a rotten boomer.

The UK is such a rotting care home for disgusting boomers. I think hatred of the elderly is totally justified and youth is a great quality.

>> No.49532748 [View]
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>be me
>was will and low energy on Thursday
>worked from home and wasted so much time
>too ill to go to gym
>mindlessly browsed internet for 3.5 hours on phone in bed after work
>went for a walk in the bright evening while listening to the newest podcast with Moldbug on it; normally would've felt good but I felt ill
>bought some new binge food (including supermarket own brand ice cream that is kino) but I didn't have the appetite to finish it
>felt fat and disgusting; threw away my pepsi max as well as the remaining junk food
>woke up too early on Friday; worked from home
>illness plus even a slight lack of sleep made me really tired; had a 30 minute nap at lunch time, when my eyelids felt like concrete
>finished work
>mindlessly browse internet for hours
>randomly decide to order pizzas (never done it before); costs too much but it's a new experience so whatever
>eat around half of it (illness has reduced appetite)
>waste rest of evening, sleep at 11 pm
>woke up on Saturday morning at 5 or 6, browse internet on phone a bit, sleep more until 10.30
>did chores
>mindlessly browsed internet
>feeling good enough for a patented Saturday walk, maybe even the gym

At least the illness has caused me to lose weight because of a reduced appetite.

I'm feeling sad about all that being an ugly beta loser stuff. I'd write a bit more about it but I've already written too much.

>> No.49413334 [View]
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>be me on Sunday
>told myself it was the last day of junk food and wasting my life
>had a large junk food binge to signify no more binges
>lifted heavy weights in gym in late evening
>slept too late
>only got 6 hours and 40 minutes if sleep
>woke up tired
>felt low energy and sleepy all day at work
>work was uninspiring
>went to supermarket and bought binge food after work, out of habit
>spent evening mindlessly browsing internet and binging on junk food
>real life has been postponed to tomorrow

>> No.49321970 [View]
File: 77 KB, 500x483, 20220526_215102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finished work yesterday late afternoon
>bought binge food afterwards and ate tub of ice cream, large bag of crisps, chocolate, supermarket sandwich
>wasted rest of evening; watched tennis; applied for a few jobs
>skipped gym, felt really fat
>slept at 1 am after listening to some pointless twitter spaces
>woke up at 6.30 am, browsed internet, went to sleep at around 9 am
>slept until after 1 pm
>bank holiday today, so it feels like Saturday
>feel less fat than yesterday
>browsed internet for a few hours, will go to gym either soon or at night
>have no clear idea what I'll be doing in the four day weekend
>unsure whether I'll have junk food today or not (there was a 3 day period almost a week ago where I thought I had successfully given it up but it failed)
>currently drinking le coffee and feeling sad about my life and sometimes nostalgic about the 90s / 00s

I was feeling sad last night at being a meek ugly beta autist that nobody likes being around. And having zero social experiences in my 20s, doing nothing with women ever, etc. It's crazy how easily normies socialise with each other at work. They are all part of a hivemind.

Currently feeling nostalgic about 90s and 00s. I read a /v/ topic on flash games. I saw a picture on /sp/ of Portuguese footballers dressed like an early 00s boy band. I'm listening to Blink 182. I saw a topic about Persona 4, which I played in 20009. I saw pictures of Persona 3, which I played when I was at school.

I wish I had learned programming. Programmers at my company are wiping their asses with the work from office policy and openly revolting because they have the job security.

>> No.26545015 [View]
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>woke up
>started working
>had so little to do at work except for busywork that somehow filled the entire day
>had a pot noodle and chocolate during lunch break, in addition to carby normal food
>that was the remaining binge food from yesterday, which should be the last, but let's be really fucking honest here: I want to eat more
>finish work
>lie in bed, browse internet
>try to sleep for an hour (kind of half sleep)
>browse internet on laptop and drink coffee, in preparation for my evening jog
>end up not jogging
>feel pathetic for wasting all my free time and not having the will to do anything productive
>apply for a few new jobs
>now lying in bed; plan to read a few articles and start reading a new book

I looked at sone topics I made a few years ago and I can see my shitposting is long past its peak. There is very little emotion in it anymore. I have seen all of central London in all seasons in all times of day, as both a NEET, a low tier wagie, and an up and coming wagie.

I saw some files on my computer that were a result of some studying I did in my free time and they were many years old. I never did it consistently.

My ugliness is very unpleasant. I will clearly never have a gf ever or friends ever again. Even giving a magnitude to it is a form of cope because it implies some strikingness or meaning. It's as vacuous as wasted days.

>> No.26464662 [View]
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>be me
>posted a large whine topic last night
>spent rest of evening mindlessly browsing internet, didn't even play vidya or read a book
>woke up this morning
>browsed internet and drank coffee (to make the big Sunday shit come out before my long weekend walk)
>have the shit
>go for 11 mile walk
>listen to cum town, a rationalist podcast, a podcast with moldbug
>see more Staceys and qts than usual and my loserness hit home
>get back home
>eat food and some junk food
>will now drive outside, drink coffee, browse 4chan on my phone
>will buy hopefully the last binge food ever (have enough room left in my stomach for chocolate and possibly a Ben and Jerry's to celebrate my new healthiness, although I had that one or two weeks ago and it wasn't meaningful enough to make me change my ways)

I think I am getting close to convincing myself to doing productive things in my free time. I think tomorrow may be the day.

When my next paycheck comes I plan to buy crypto for the first time since early... 2014. I will hold the good stuff and speculate with shitcoin (stinky linky to start with). I'm n-not a sucker who missed out on the real gains, I'm a sensible value investor. Although the only stock I have bought individually, which was done a few months ago after reading a fluff piece bio of the CEO has since gone up by over 200 % lol. Maybe the YOLO Chad investing style is my true nature. I need to have a steel hand, catch the dead cats, jump off the top of burning peaks, and read the tea leaves through a fundamental bottom-up, values driven, long-short-with-sideways-inbetween heuristics. I now see the cash I'm holding in the bank as pathetic dead weight that's only for emergencies.

I can't believe it has been so many months since I've been in an in-person team meeting at work. I'm thinking about how many levels higher I'd be if I had got a job straight out of university and it makes me feel sad. If I could fake normieness I'd be the boss of my boss's boss right now.

>> No.26431634 [View]
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>finish work on friday evening
>had very little work this week
>waste 3 hours on mindless internet browsing in bed; time passed quickly
>went for a joggerino
>read the rest of moldbug's open letter
>slept late (stayed up an extra few hours until almost 3 am watching youtube videos of people more successful than me)
>woke up at 10 am; the latest moldbugkino had dropped
>browsed internet on phone in bed for 30 minutes
>read a few chapters of a long non-fiction book
>played vidya for almost 2 hours
>ate normal food and the small amount of junk food left
>browsed internet, drank coffee
>went for a heckin driverooni
>went for a walk while listening to cum town but it was cold as fuck so I cut it short
>bought starboocks at eets pyoorest, sat in car browsing internet on phone
>bought binge food from supermarket, went home, ate it (thought about watching tinker tonker movie on bbc iplayer but just browsed internet)
>only a few hours left of Saturday before the mournful pre-weekday Sunday blues start after I sleep and wake up

I saw a post from myself from almost 5 years where I said I was sad I had missed the crypto rush... Ethereum has gone up by around 1000 times or something since then. Woops. I've missed it now. Although I would not have put a lot in it.

I wish I was the sort of person who weighed 30 kg less and thought he could eat a lot without getting fat but just had a small appetite. Being fat is a full time job. Hopefully I can stop binging after this weekend.

I may go for my long walk tomorrow but it always feels so pointless halfway through/

I'm still trying to figure out how to make myself do anything productive at all.

I looked up how a britbong could move to Murrika last night. It seems near impossible.

Now that coronachan has allowed me to save lots of money relative to nothing, it feels great. I no longer buy binge food and think to myself 'That's 1 % of my networth gone'.

>> No.24764173 [View]
File: 429 KB, 1440x1175, 1587855562839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>finish work on Friday
>go to gym but weights are too crowded so I use the cardio machines
>woke up
>browse internet on phone in bed
>went outside to do chores
>went driving, drank coffee, read a non-fiction book
>ate food, plus binge food
>play vidya
>go to gym
>decide I've left it too late to go to gym so don't go
>drive around; almost got another coffee but just browsed internet on phone
>played vidya at home
>now tired and lying in bed, will sleep soon

Just a few more working days until the Christmas holidays.

I am feeling particularly at not being a top 0.1 % genius today. I watched some George Hotz videos and felt so sad. I think I've lost the will to do anything productive.

I feel like the past week has further redpilled me on how everything at work is related to social skills and networking. Not due to any significant negative consequences for me, it was just triggered by a few small things. My job is also very BS and unnecessary.

I thought the vidya I'm playing through would feel more rewarding but it's feels like a brainless and moderately fun distraction.

Also feeling sad at how ugly and charismaless I am.

>> No.23649314 [View]
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>finish work during late Friday afternoon
>lie in bed and browse internet on phone
>intend to go to gym later that night (went on Thursday and lifted heavy weights)
>rest my eyes at 7 pm without setting an alarm, will likely wake up in an hour if I go to sleep
>wake up
>it's 2 am
>drink water, brush teeth, browse internet on phone in bed for 2 hours, decide to go to sleep again
>will probably wake up in 2 hours
>wake up
>it's after 9 am (so 12 of the past 14 hours involved sleeping)
>drink some coffee, browse internet on laptop
>go to gym, wear contact lenses
>lift heavy weighterinos, feel sad at seeing the gymthotterinos
>read for half an hour when I get back (started a new old but enjoyable novel)
>eat food, have a small-medium binge (no ice cream)
>go driving outside
>get coffee, drive, park, browse internet on phone, read book (started another book, the turner diaries)
>watch PM conference on phone and see that the gyms will close on Thursday because fatcunt bojo hates gains
>go and buy binge food
>like the feel of walking around a shiny large supermarket
>now at home, drinking cherry pepsi max
>will play vidya then sleep
>will go for my long weekend walk tomorrow

I remember feeling very pathetic when borrowing books from the library. Libraries are so reddit. When I downloaded some epubs and converted them to mobis I felt so much more authentic.

I got my wagecuckbux recently and I am richer than ever, lyl. My savings increase by a large percentage each month because I have so little savings but covid lets me save so much.

I think that redditors and old people love these lockdowns. That's basically why most people have good memories of communism. They are inferiors who are happy to have lived in times where worthwhile people were dragged down to their level.

Lifting heavy weights feels so much better when it's first thing in the morning. I can feel the gains flowing through me all day and I can binge with lmao0guilt.

>> No.23339946 [View]
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>be me
>go to gym last night
>deadlift over 420 lbs for reps but hurt right trap muscle somehow
>waste most of the evening on internet browsing
>wake up on Saturday morning
>browse internet on phone in bed
>read a history book for an hour and a half; retain almost nothing but I'm over 2/3 in
>play vidya for an hour and a half
>eat healthy food then binge food (including cookie dough ben and jerry's)
>somehow spend 2.5 hours browsing internet
>go for my long walk; listen to a rationalist podcast and then Cum Town
>cut my walk in half and go home early because it's so dark; summer has gone before I knew it
>was going to go for a heckin joggerino but my trap muscle hurts
>eat vegetables, fruit, coffee while browsing internet
>plan to soon either play more vidya or read more; may write more of my long-term diary for a while

I haven't done anything productive outside of work for probably a year but I think the start of my real life may come soon.

I read an Atlantic article about rich people doing obscure sports to try and get in to prestigious colleges and I felt sad that I've never been in a competitive environment like that.

>> No.21497500 [View]
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>be me
>finish work on Friday evening
>go jogging, browse internet, sleep
>wake up at 9 am
>browse internet on phone
>go to gym
>do chores, go to store to buy binge food
>eat food
>go for my long Saturday walk
>listen to Cum Town and a Richard Spencer podcast
>walk is my usual 11 mile Saturday walk but it feels particularly bland
>get home
>read a book
>wake up at 10 am (day feels like it has a lot of promise)
>browse internet on phone
>drink coffee while finishing a book about politics
>eat food, including the remaining junk food
>have been browsing internet since 2 pm (now 6.50 pm)
>Sunday over
>could go for a walk but it might feel pointless
>will likely play vidya, then then jog

Lifting weights after months without any gym feels fairly kino but it quickly reverted back to nothing special.

I considered buying actual books or vidya but I can get all the books I want online and vidya is ultimately a pointless timesink.

I have spent most of my evenings after work on walks or mindless internet browsing. I daydream about finally becoming productive and starting my real life, but then I've thought like that for over 4 years.

Feels sad how quickly the weekend went by. This morning when I woke up, things felt fairly kino. Then Sunday flew by. At least the rest of my life goes by quickly, so next weekend will come soon.

At work I'm busy but progress in projects is going by so slowly. I've saved so much money since the coronavirus stuff started. I no longer have any short term money worries. I hope the situation continues.

>> No.21147690 [View]
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>be me
>had a lazy week at work last week
>this week was more busy
>had a few fairly kino evening walks, but never quite matching the best ones
>finish working yesterday afternoon
>browse internet, go to gym, play vidya a little bit
>sleep, wake up this morning at 9 am
>lie in bed for another hour, while sometimes browsing internet
>read book on my phone while drinking coffee
>try starting another book and realise I like almost nothing (made a long /lit/ topic about that)
>ate food
>went to store to buy binge food
>ate Netflix and Chill flavoured Ben and Jerry's
>browsed internet a little more
>went for a long walk
>listened to Cum Town and a podcast with Richard Spencer
>somehow found an open public toilet, had a shit, felt renewed
>still walking
>will go jogging later today, then either vidya or internet while drinking Coke zero

Whenever I see a lightly dressed girl today, my immediate thought is "Is coffee good for you??!!!!?"

I've unironically seen a male out with two females multiple times today. The 80/20 rule is no longer just an online or invisible irl rule.

I went two or three days without junk food and my weight literally went down by almost 2 kg. I know it's water weight but still.

I haven't had fast food for months.

I hope I can be non-fat during summer next year. I was daydreaming about being 20 kg thinner and then walking all day and then binging on fast food at the end of the day.

The vidya I'm playing right now is so grindy. It's just a timesink for losers. Other people code vidya in their spare times, losers like me play them. I haven't even contemplated ever having any type of social life in the past year or something, so maybe I can finally channel the loserdom in to productive activity.

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