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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.55558349 [View]
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>Rich people have more in common with poor people than either have with the middle class tiers.

>> No.54459819 [View]
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>Muh red herring
Kek, you're him aren't you? >>54448885
You have a knack for misusing pretty words you learned. You also can't consider something bullish unless it SPECIFICALLY, EXPLICITLY calls Chainlink AND NO OTHER CRYPTO, by name, otherwise it's a nothingburger.
>"Citibank mentioning Oracle 115 times is not bullish, because... because they didn't mention Chainlink specifically and only in an image containing other oracles!!"
L M A O. To imagine I would run into your brainlet ass AGAIN because you lack basic reading comprehension is beyond hilarious.

He will keep this up all day anon. 47 posts of misdirection, lying, pil pulling and whining in the other thread. All because he can't read (and didn't sell Chainlink at the top).

>> No.54022504 [View]
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>bank goes tits up
>first thing anon does is run to /biz/ to type he hopes his favorite... I mean most hated crypto business had money on it

>> No.52791221 [View]
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Omega cope by trannies who kept spamming "2 more days chudlinkers! Pool won't fill!"

>> No.52775442 [View]
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>The real reason is because of phone keyboards, the $ sign is on another page so most people will intuitively type the number first.

>> No.52637113 [View]
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>> No.52549472 [View]
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>they don't hold bags retard

>> No.52493407 [View]
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>>entire global tech market laying off 10% + across the board
>>company with zero revenue and no working product in a hiring frenzy
>noLinkers: This is bearish!

>> No.50806646 [View]
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>Still 0 input on what xer/xir/xirs portfolio might look like or what picks were made
It's quite obvious you don't want to share since your portfolio would have fared similarly, or the total value is so low or the picks so poor you would be laughed out of the thread. You're like an obese person on /fit/ shitting on physiques without posting body.

That poster has been nothing but hostile since the start of the thread. My hostility is not sudden nor undeserved. After 44 pbtid, I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on what kind of person I'm dealing with :^)
>Basically every strategy this bullrun short of buying and holding LINK was much more successful
We've been in a bear market since november 2021, arguably since may 2021. It's been almost a year. What plays were made this bear market?

>> No.50627834 [View]
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>This is the most bearish pump I have ever seen
>bearish pump

>> No.50332737 [View]
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>Don't pull muh reverse psychology on me!
>Heh, you look like this >:)

>> No.50262224 [View]
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>Nice to see FUD thread #8128 instead of shill thread #11 this week

>> No.50115601 [View]
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>it only attracts investors and not PnD faggots
It just means that people who got in early have a cohort of "investors" who are guaranteed to hold to 0 (because of the "sell disincentive"). It's just a pump and dump with extra steps that facilitate people that got in earlier.

Imagine attaching a "Proof of Weak Hands" tier gimmick to your supposedly super serious and technically superior Oracle project, set out to dethrone a 50B TVL ecosystem. Lol. Lmao even.

>> No.49819528 [View]
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>Chart in image runs till early 2020 (COVID crash)
>Perfectly illustrating the bottom ($5k), even calling it "Fire sale" territory
>Bitcoin mooned to $60k in the course of 12 months
Yeah, what a stupid chart lmao

>> No.27039757 [View]
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>getting in trouble for pumping BTC

>> No.25872486 [View]
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>Quantum computers will render BTC useless!
"Quantum computers will spawn quantum resistant encryption algorithms"
>B-but BTC is supposed to be decentralized! Anyone who can decide what the entire bitcoin network does, is no different than having a central bankster. So you can't implement it!
"The community will vote on it. Since it is in their interest, the vote will pass and BTC will be forked to deal with the supposed Quantum threat"
>W-wel in 2017 miners voted and then developers did something else anyway!
Do you move goalposts for a living?

>> No.25169491 [View]
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>I seen that on the pornos.

>> No.22051729 [View]
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>Band Protocol will provide oracles to Tron. Chainlink is done.
Never in all my years in crypto would I expect to read this conclusion. Well done anon

>> No.21350679 [View]
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Holy samefag. At least try to be a bit less conspicuous jesus christ

>> No.21136614 [View]
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>so a middleman cannot listen in or tamper with the data.
So close, yet so far

>> No.20952180 [View]
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>Their website and just a quick google search.

>> No.20874219 [View]
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Almost anything written in that report en verbatim /biz/ construed Reddit FUD. Debunking it is easy as shit. I'm not debunking 66 pages of regurgitated /biz/ pasta though, so come up with a few points and I'll debunk them.

>Asked this almost a dozen times over the last 2 weeks
>Not one faggot replied with points they would like to see debunked
Sloppy job, Simeon.

>> No.20811557 [View]
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>It's a 300 million dollar market for the predictable future
When was price discovery and speculation ever based on real world value? Currently ETH's only real use is DeFi too, and ETH has a marketcap of 36 BILLION. Get the fuck out of here with these Dunning Kruger posts.
>assuming full DeFi success
I'd say working with 90+% of all DeFi projects is already a pretty big success for LINK.
>which makes LINK and it's marketcap hilariously, almost hysterically over-valued.
Welcome to crypto, retard.

Full disclosure, I hold both LINK and TRB but thinking TRB is in any way better than LINK is hysterically wrong and naive. At least take out 10 minutes to look at TRB's whitepaper and see for yourself.

>> No.20739439 [View]
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Is this lad having a stroke? T-Systems is monetizing their data through the Chainlink Oracle Network, as a node operator, completely according to plan. The first of probably dozens of companies that will be falling over each other to monetize their data, in turn fueling the Chainlink Ecosystem.

Niggle me this no-linker, how does an oracle ecosystem dedicated to getting real world data on the blockchain, function without data providers?

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