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58558483 No.58558483 [Reply] [Original]

oldfags post /biz/ relevant shitcoins from your past.

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>> No.58558830

traded my nulink for 65 chainlink. fun times

>> No.58558835
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>> No.58559538

Nu Link should rage pump, that could be the fire to pump LINK. Price competition from a meme knockoff.

>> No.58559557

Still mad about REQ

>> No.58559565

Why would you be nostalgic about his shithole kek

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58558423 No.58558423 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin has broken out against the M1 money supply for the first time since March 2017

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>> No.58563801
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dude this is looking at like yearly trends

the key part of this shit is basically that 2021 was supressed due to ftx/celsius, we didn't break out, so the whole "diminishing returns" meme greatly underestimates how high the blow off top will be. That seems quite possible to me

>> No.58563808
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historically similar chart

>> No.58564010

I am convinced there's a dedicated fud bot in /biz/

>> No.58564151

Hopefully the FED cuts on the 11th of June and we start POOMPING.
I want to retire already.

>> No.58567170

>implying Bitcoin will have a 2017 type run
keep dreaming.

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58558415 No.58558415 [Reply] [Original]

Poorfag I know, but recently finished saving up my emergency fund so can seriously start investing rather than fucking around with chump change.

I have £1000 and thinking of investing it in the following Vangaurd funds:

£275 FTSE Emerging Markets (VFEG)
£175 FTSE 250
£175 US Equity Index Fund
£150 S&P 500
£150 FTSE 100
£75 FTSE All World (VWRL)

What'd we think?

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>> No.58558570

Yeah I agree, I mean for example here FTSE 100 has still been making money whilst the UK goes to shit. Though I think with this outlook you would just want to go 100% on VWRL, which is still valid mind.

I would still like to go more in on emerging markets, I think they're generally undervalued in the long run in short cos people are expecting the status quo to stay as it is longer than it will, but plenty of variables there really.

>> No.58558621

Yeah, if emerging markets is something you're interested in I'd just split between VWRL and VFEG depending on your taste for risk.

>I think they're generally undervalued in the long run in short cos people are expecting the status quo to stay as it is longer than it will
I'd be careful with things like this especially if you hang out on 4chan which is full of doomers. Although intuitional investors aren't saying things like "the west is falling" in their investment theses they are considering things like future political instability etc. when pricing US stocks while balancing out the very positive aspects like high financialization and resource richness.

>> No.58558658

Since your 25 100% equity is good, but more risk doesn't always mean more return. Make sure you're earning interest on emergency fund

Make sure you're always low cost, ETF's

Max out benefits from work like pension matches otherwise you'll be paying tax twice on the same money and be losing out on the match part.

32.5% of your portfolio is in the UK which has had trash tier performance for the last 5 years. The only benefit you get is that you're mitigating currency exchange risk as it's your home currency, but with the poor performance you'll lose all gain in value to inflation. Consider

The best thing to do is to just continuously invest in one etf, like tracking the S&P, keep it simple and dont look at it. Daily Market volatility will stress you out.

>> No.58559162

im UK and i was thinking id just all in SP 500 (VUAG), i dont see the point in overcomplicating this

>> No.58559201

if you get 28k a year why are you investing such a low amount?

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58558399 No.58558399[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is biz going to fade it's own spurdo?
>same devs of OKAYEG
>ylilauta finnish og meme
>multiple apu hodlers as top wallets
>eth mainnet

Am I missing something?

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58558373 No.58558373 [Reply] [Original]

How can I transition from a pretty comfy 110k IT job in the u.s. Midwest to being an overworked Japanese salary man? I have this strange urge to commute to work on a train, work all day doing who knows what, and spend everything I make on drinks after work. I'm 38 and don't speak any Japanese, btw.

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>> No.58558739

>会社(wfh) で働いて三千二万円がかかる。
I don't feel like I've seen かかる used like this...
I am confuscious.
He lives in Japan and works from home for an American company and they pay him bank. He passed the N1 language proficiency test. He cums inside women every day because he's rich. His dream has come true and he's 24 yeas old.

>> No.58558762 [DELETED] 

Ebin plan

>> No.58558850

金をかかる is to get money no? I thought it makes sense and I'm sure I've heard it but I guess 稼ぐ is fine too. Also mb it's 32 million yen oops

>> No.58558864

This works for me.
>is to get money
Nah, I think it's more that it takes money to do something (i.e. spend money) just like how the word is used to say how much time something will take to accomplish
>お金がかかる はお金を支払うこと、と お金を使うことが必要という意味 です
>32 million yen

>> No.58558875

The plan would be to get a Japanese wife and have 1 kid, but only see them for an hour a day because I'm so busy being a salaryman

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58558372 No.58558372 [Reply] [Original]

Where are we?
I'm guessing just passed media attention.

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>> No.58558392

return to normal

>> No.58558398

Take off (because I don’t believe there will be a real bullrun)

>> No.58558559

between enthusiasm and greed

>> No.58558575


>> No.58558579

there is no "we"

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58558354 No.58558354 [Reply] [Original]

Why Bitcoin over the S&P 500? I’m investing 300k usd soon but don’t know which one to buy. I understand Bitcoin has gone up more than the S&P but how do we know it will continue?

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>> No.58558564

it does and I sold it. It was around $.30

>> No.58558573

>Bitcoin is literally nothing, you're investing in nothing
you don't invest in a currency, turbo retard nigger brain
bitcoin is just a nation-less currency with no governing body

>> No.58558591

So what percentage to buy of each one then? 80% SPY and 20% BTC?!

>> No.58558652

Doesn’t mean it’s not true.

Correct, so SPY has a bottom (profitable companies won’t sell for nothing) and no top (due to inflation).

>> No.58559166

idk depends how much money you have and can invest. If you're starting from 0then spy compounding returns mean basically nothing

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58558342 No.58558342[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>i shilled you omisego in summer 2017
>i told you to do the icx ico two months later
>i told you to buy salty walties and rotate it into VEN before their mainnet and ticker change into VET
>i told you to swing link at sibos 1.0
I have been helping this board for 7 years straight now.

You either understand the concept of smart money or you don't. You have been warned.

>> No.58558349

>Portfolio Value: $8m
>Portfolio assets combined: $1.5m
nice fake screenshot

>> No.58558353

>what is a cropped image
>what is checking debank yourself
>what is etherscan
Newfags never cease to amaze me. Literally takes you a second to look up kek.

>> No.58558363

holy brainlet

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58558314 No.58558314 [Reply] [Original]

Day 1045 of snailposting every day until BTC is at 100k

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>> No.58559066
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No it's a shitcoin.
I hold BTC with conviction and Doge as a meme.

>> No.58559581

I don't you pooskins

>> No.58559610


>> No.58560829
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Another day of going no where.
If your moon is 100k, then never.
Why would we go sideways and then suddenly go up?
That makes no sense Anya.

>> No.58561086

When it hits 100k you're going to come in here and say something sappy like "I always believed in you snail. I was just testing you" and it's gonna be such a happy moment for all of us.

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58558311 No.58558311 [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]

The most obvious, immediate use case for crypto is in gaming. Aviator is going to be that token. There isn’t a project out there with devs that are as intelligent and focused as Aviator’s development team. As people are becoming more skeptical of meme coins with no use case, projects that have lively, energetic communities with coins that actually have a use case will see dramatic growth. Aviator will be one of the top.
Get out of meme coins while you’re still ahead. Get out before you get rugged and put those gains into projects that have value and purpose. Look into Aviator and be a part of something

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>> No.58568623


Just stay in your lane and make your own threads you fucking retard. Why are AVI threads always full of schizos and people shilling other bags? Do AVI holders go to other threads and say:

> Hurr dump your dog shit token buy AVI

No, we don't, because we're mostly oldfags who stay in our own lanes.

>> No.58568857

hey fellas

>> No.58569149

Wassup? Stacking those avi's?

>> No.58569204
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sup my schizo nigga, are we going to break the record again? how much avi you holdin?

>> No.58569489

more than 1 million but less than 300 million...i stare at the chart every hour of my time awake. and i dont think today it will be broken unless something happens in that freakish telegram that really makes my asshole pucker
no im happy where i am

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58558290 No.58558290 [Reply] [Original]

and leveraged this a bit by 100k, so not much.

Strangely, don’t ask how, I make 500k this year gross, around 290k net. Should I pay off the leverage or just buy more?

I am in my late 30s, I lost money a few years ago in a venture, but am highly paid now again.

Anyone else have similar non-crypto related decisions to make?

>> No.58558419

Do you think she’s done it?

>> No.58559411

what are we looking at here

>> No.58559416

a pre order

>> No.58561404

lmao so he just grabs her up and does it?

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58558285 No.58558285 [Reply] [Original]

It's used to pay validators? Can't you pay with ETH or some stablecoin?

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>> No.58559657

yeah, that token can be the native coin though, making it easier to transact as you don't need chuck e cheese tokens and can just pay in dollars. but then you can't capitalize on the gullibility of the mental lower class that is crypto "investors"

>> No.58559998

Naw, using a native token decreases the cost of attack because it will be pulling double duty securing both the chain and the oracle. Aggregating value into LINK means that any blockchain's oracle security budget can be immediately bootstrapped to secure huge amounts of value just by using Chainlink. The sum total of all oracle activity across all chains is a much better source of security than the activity on one chain

>> No.58560946

I already exposed the broken tokenomics years ago. All the smart people sold and moved on, take one look at twitter and you can see that all thats left of the link "community" are 90 iq moonboy normies, indistinguishable from gme and xrp retards.

Here is the problem with the token
>if they price their services in USD denominations, the token is completely useless and it's just an unnecessary complication.
>if they price their services in link denominations and the token price goes up, it will be completely counterintuitive and negatively impact it's customers with wild price fluctuations and will have increasingly expensive fees which is not wanted by clients.
Here you have a paradoxical fuck up which is impossible to fix without removing the token altogether.
The retarded fat man admitted himself that tokenomics were just an afterthought that he didn't put much thought into.

You guys ever actually wonder why all these supposed insiders and banking execs aren't rushing to buy up all the link tokens for the super guaranteed risk free 1000x? It's because they are actual smart money and they know that the token is not needed.
Link was never meant to be a long term play. It was a simple ico flip that got carried away and memed a little too hard (with the help of sergeys paid shills).
The OGs all disappeared in 2020, leaving their fat heavy bags to the coping newfags which they even gaslighted with "never selling" memes.
Ill admit thar It was a god tier pump and dump in terms of execution.

>> No.58560962

I had to sell 20 link to buy new boots and pants. That's how down bad this market is.

>> No.58561164

Yea you can pay with anything you like - its automatically converted to $link for you during the transaction, since $link is the only currency token really needed. BTC is really the only money needed. They're a good pair.

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58558279 No.58558279 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this appearing on pancakeswap?
It is most likely a scam but I have traded many scam coins and this is the first time this has happened.

>> No.58559920

try the transaction on pooc*in

>> No.58560667

Just tried it and similar thing happened. Cant swap it. Its like the coin is blocking approval though I am not sure how. I thought the approval was through the dex.

>> No.58560880

you've approved the max amount and still can't swap? can you swap any amount at all?

>> No.58560926

btw "approve" is a function on the erc20 contract. you're telling the erc20 contract that pancakeswap is allowed to use your tokens. it's possible that the deployer edited the approve function - did you notice anything strange when you did the transaction? i.e. did metamask tell you that it was a normal approval?

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58558278 No.58558278 [Reply] [Original]

Will Venu Sports be allowed to exist by the government? If it is allowed to exist, will it be as bad for the cable companies as they're fearing?

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58558274 No.58558274 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any upcoming news or events that could cause a pump?

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>> No.58559249

Bitcoin can both crash 80% in a more stable currency while going up 1000% in a hyperinflating US dollar. Enjoy your $700k Bitcoin which will be worth $14k in today's dollars.

>> No.58559258
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Yeah but chart green

>> No.58559280

>and this is what? The fourth time? Each generation is getting easier and easier to fool
>the profits are too easy redditbros. We can't invest in Bitcoin anymore.

>> No.58560613

Yes. The problem is the projects you’re waiting on to pump whole team should probably be facing fraud charges. It’s why they only pump when you’re at work and dump as soon as you walk through the door

>> No.58562693
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>exSat and all its tools for Bitcoin L2s go live.
>Bitcoin L2s and dapps explosion
>Bitcoin pumps.
You are welcome.

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58558270 No.58558270 [Reply] [Original]

I had friends in school but I was more of a loser than I realised at the time. I wasn't invited to any of the parties as a teenager and I didn't go to my school's prom. I remember playing online video games on my Wii on prom night.

I ultimately resent my time at school because I shouldn't have been anywhere near at least 50% of the kids due to me being academically inclined. There was no benefit to being near most of them.

I was a totally friendless loser during four years at university. I was really distressed about it and also mystified, until I was r9kpilled and then incel blackpilled (including lookspilled). The latter pill nuked my brain. It was top of my mind for at least a year and I was being rejected from lots of job interviews at the time.

I hated my degree and felt like a total loser during the entire time at university while surrounded by young people having the times of their lives. In retrospect I should've worked harder and used the time to learn more, rather than moping. But it's easy to say that now. It was a total blackpill overload.

I become the ugly loser nobody talks to within the first week of all of my jobs, both part time ones during university and office jobs. I currently have a laughably pointless, low work, overpaid, wfh bureaucrat job.

It feels really humiliating having zero friends, no interest from women ever, living in a boring part of the UK. Life is boring.

>> No.58558275

these longass retard posts feel like someone asker chatgpt to write a 4chan post in incel style. saged and hided either way

>> No.58558277
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go to the pub

>> No.58558325 [DELETED] 

Fuck Apu

>> No.58558367

> Business & Finance

>> No.58558834

>popular in high school
>partied too much in college, got bored of school and saw office wagies werent making much money
>drop out
>get my cdl
>go over the road flatbed (flatbed drivers are the chads of the trucking world)
>see incredible sights of my great nation
>wake up with a sense of pride, pursuing a meaningful adventure everyday
>shipping/receiving office ladies always 'miring my big muscles from tarping
>get 1 yr experience, go to new company paying big money for easier job, home way more often
>dedicated route to locations of several large retail stores
>they always love to see me cause 100 charisma
>making 6 figures at 22
why didnt you just take the truckerpill, anon?

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58558235 No.58558235 [Reply] [Original]

Jasmychads I think I’m gonna cum

>> No.58558238

Move your mouse a little to the right and click all time

>> No.58558302

We’ll be back up to $1 in 2025 faggot

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58558217 No.58558217 [Reply] [Original]

I do all my food shopping at the gas station

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>> No.58562263

I sometimes feel bad buying food because it always ends up being the biggest expense of the month, how do I avoid these things? I want to be able to get to November and have everything from my Maga be a profit and not money recovered

>> No.58562267

Seems like you’re shilling MAGA on every thread. Getting worried it will dump?

>> No.58562310

buy high, eat low

>> No.58563075
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>be me
>livin in texas
>find out local gas station has a self checkout
>have a wonderful idea
>first of all find out when are the times where the staff is distracted but the self checkout is not being used
>after two weeks of careful examination i found that between 2pm and 3pm the staff is busy charging fuel for a bunch of semis
>use this window of oportunity to buy groceries for the week while only paying for the groceries for one (1) unit of day
>nobody notices
>repeat the following week
>nobody notices
according to my calculations i've saved 800 usd that i've already invested in hottie, i started this proceedure in april and my current portfolio worth is
>check metamask
you should all try this anons, it's the real make it mentality

>> No.58563164

how long do you intend to keep that strategy going for? there's no way you're not getting found out soon

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58558209 No.58558209 [Reply] [Original]

>there are "people" on this board who still don't own a single link

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>> No.58563076
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>chainshitters are such a scum of the earth

>> No.58563095

Yeah. I'm trying to make money, not be a part of some baggie cuckold "community."

>> No.58563103

Can you stake link?

>> No.58563115

I own exactly one link.

>> No.58566432
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based even though for me its kermit, i aprove of this sentiment of unbridled rage

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58558159 No.58558159[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello chuds, chads and memers

I have been looking for meme coin markets for awhile now and I've noticed how most of meme coins are either made by a western boomer who has no clue about memes, a bot user, an asian scammer or by a lazy copycat/ai art spammer. I however randomly stumbled upon a meme coin while doing research on Youtube. It seems nice. It's already collected 25% through Initial Liquidity Offering without zero advertising or botting. Pretty neat, huh.


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>> No.58558186
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Welcome fren :D

>> No.58558200

so is every other shit coin on here

>> No.58558222

if you feel compelled to defend him like this, it is most definately a scam.

>> No.58558224
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It's a shitcoin I admit that heh. Like pretty much every meme coin. Butt token is audited and it was minted by using UNCX tools meaning it's not ownable. That means no shady functions.

Only thing that can fuck "investors" over is the greenhorn dev that might do an oopsie and shit all over the bed! but HE promises to be careful

>> No.58558226

check out one year later (if this token ever hits the soft cap and gets listed automatically to Pancakeswap). Then you will see it wasn't a scam. btw read my name.