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58612119 No.58612119 [Reply] [Original]

There can be no second best

>> No.58612123

Guess there can be no bitcoin.

>> No.58613181

>7 tps

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58612104 No.58612104 [Reply] [Original]

Told you retards, no up before autumn

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58612101 No.58612101 [Reply] [Original]


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>> No.58612184

Why did you want to make money in crypto in summer?
That hasnt worked out for 3 years now since normies are here and selling for holiday and going outside.
Winter they come back.
I told you retards this 50 times since march

>> No.58612316

Bitch you thought because you didn't bought RETARDIO dip once, pretty sure of it, no one here buys gems

>> No.58612356

All you have to do is hold, brother. Look away and it'll be okay.
...unless you invested in shitcoins, in which case, you're fucked.

>> No.58612361

The real bull market hasn't even started

>> No.58612392

normies can't afford to eat
they have no crypto

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58612086 No.58612086 [Reply] [Original]


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>> No.58634473

i hadn't heard of this.
fucking crooked big oil corps

>> No.58634499

nvm, looks like it may have been the government that prevented a rescue
as if i needed more reason to hate feds

>> No.58634502


>> No.58634713
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>> No.58634828

what's a stop loss?

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58612073 No.58612073 [Reply] [Original]

>wealthiest men and women on earth
>all criminals, brutal murderers, child rapists, cannibals
>hardworking Joe
>9 bucks an hour after gov taxes
Makes you think huh.

>> No.58612350

might makes right, simple as.

>> No.58612359

This is why violence is the only real cure for evil.
>inb4 glownigger

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58612071 No.58612071 [Reply] [Original]

its dumping again

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>> No.58614821

got 10k in btc
should I buy more btc or grab some eth for variety?

>> No.58614844
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weird the bitcoin treasury meme stocks are outperforming btc

>> No.58615030

BTC has always been a long term hold. Its so easy you just buy and hold btc. I dont even have to think about it like I did every day when I used to hold stinkie linkies (sold at 32$ a link)
Its going to 250k in the next 3 years then 1 mil min in 7 years.

>> No.58615538

how much would that 85m of apu need to be worth for you to consider making it?

>> No.58615763

ok when do i get in?
around 20K?

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58612062 No.58612062[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So obviously spurdo is, which I only learned because of the gold token (fuck the Mumbai one). But the today a gondola token popped up on dextools socials and it dropped down to 8k mcap (12k lp). I’m tempted to buy a bag and sit on it and hope someone CTO’s it (the same way they did apugurl), but I’ve never heard of gondola. Token is on ETH and starts with 0xD43.

>> No.58612081

Never touching another coin besides btc / eth again. Unless eth gets replaced.

>> No.58612097

That’s valid.

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58612060 No.58612060[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.58612248

I just fucking lost everything bro

>> No.58612265

I keep seeing him posted for months but still don't know who this is

>> No.58612272

Maybe get less pairs of shoes, what are you a woman

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58612049 No.58612049 [Reply] [Original]

Absolute losers lmao

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>> No.58612154 [DELETED] 

Discord Mods. They do it for free. They didnt make the site or contract or anything. They just chickened out lol

>> No.58612158

The Twitter account is constantly putting out good material and it has a solid Twitter presence with a lot of impressions on every tweet. The mods didn’t disappear, and all of the good Twitter accounts are still super active.

>> No.58612288
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>> No.58612355
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Not a loser, but a proud RETARDIO owner

>> No.58612586

This picture summarizes the mumbai spurdo, perfectly.

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58612011 No.58612011 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.58612033

Just aped.

>> No.58612199

Is this coming back?

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58611922 No.58611922 [Reply] [Original]

I just want to buys some fucking Bitcoin. I've tried all day with several different exchanges and each time it's some issue with the kyc verification or linking my bank account or some other bullshit Please someone tell me if there's an easier way.
t. room temperature IQ

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>> No.58611968

And what if I don't want to wait a few months?

>> No.58612488

>Please someone tell me if there's an easier way
Buy on some non-kyc CEX/DEX?

>> No.58612530

The KYC for Kraken is easy. What do you mean lol

>> No.58612533

Are you an illegal alien or a criminal or some shit KYC is easy

>> No.58613264

Insider here, BTC stocks running so low now, Coinbase is down to about 0.84 BTC left. There will be no more acquisition until holders sell in significant numbers.

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58611911 No.58611911 [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]

>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report FY23
>GameStop Investor Site

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
DRS Guide:
Avoid DSPP (more information under legacy links):
HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence:
SEC GME/meme stocks report:

DD Compilation:
Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods:
Cellar Boxing:

>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: >>58610494

As always:
>sneed hedgies

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>> No.58614072

I can't believe I can't log in to Schwab during market hours. If I used them for anything besides ToS access I would transfer my assets asap.

>> No.58614076

Jannies are upset and go on mass ban sprees when there are 10 generals still up on the board. We need to wait until page 10 on each general before we can bake to prevent that.

>> No.58614285


>> No.58614293


>> No.58614766

lizards aren't demonic, anon.
they're just reptiles

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58611897 No.58611897 [Reply] [Original]

What percentage of cash (bonds, monetary funds) do you have anon?

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58611887 No.58611887 [Reply] [Original]

I unironically have 48 thousand dollars in a wallet I don't know the password to

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>> No.58612027

should probably find that

>> No.58612042

Did you try ilovecum?

>> No.58612246
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i feel the pain, im pretty sure i have 100 btc in a 2008 wallet i forgot the password to, i try not to think about it too hard, takes away the focus from grinding on gravity legion, maybe once they launch ill get somewhere close to that ballpark

>> No.58613511
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>I don't know the password
I'm in a similar situation, and a very dangerous one because most of my passwords are on a damaged SSD, before it all happened I was able to get some of my $Kendu out to repair that thing, my financial future now depends on a guy I met on FB marketplace

>> No.58613517


If I tell you the password can you give me $3,000?

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58611828 No.58611828 [Reply] [Original]

Wow I can't wait for my 2021 alts to pump to 25% of their previous ATH in the next alt season

wagmi bros

>> No.58612310
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hey at least you have alts, some of us here have been waiting for some nft games to release since 2019 (looking at you chunbi village and gravity legion) and even though the games have release the tokens, for some reason, are still not launched

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58611760 No.58611760 [Reply] [Original]

Don't mind the pic it's just quasi-related. In my opinion we're going to see a huge pullback in the beggining of the next year(march and february are always popular for such an event but I could see the market crabbing all the way to october of 2025). Why? Fundamentally we've been due for a market correction for a while now, it's telling that traditional stocks aren't doing so hot while indexes are floated up by the holy AI smokeshow. gold is going down, oil is going down which technically is good but I see this as governments just spending money to appease citizens in an electoral year (the us and EU, even russia), but as soon that deal is done the governments and central banks are going to start fucking us in our collective anus.

Am I wrong, in your opinion?

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>> No.58612837

Every anxietyfag thinks there just needs to be housing crises merely because one just recently happened. It's cringe as fuck, you're stuck in the past. It sounds like every silent generation biddy that never used a bank again after the great depression. Meanwhile another banking crisis where deposits were actually at risk, uh, never happened.

>> No.58612932

The relatively new asset classes and lending techniques that cause the 08 crash are still used today. The manufactured booms and busts will continue without consequence because there is too much wealth at stake to go unstolen.

>> No.58613046

i hate to tell you little zoomie zoom but you'll never own a house. The pic you posted is more accurate than the drivel you typed. There will be a crash around the 25/26 period, but the prices will be even higher than now, much higher. The crash will bring prices down but ,maybe only 20% below where they are now at the bottom. And you won't buy because 1) that's still fucking expensive 2) you're poor 3) you're too dumb to time the bottom.
Good luck. p.s. yes my spacebar is broken fuck you

>> No.58613287

Yeah yeah I saw big short too. The reality is the situation now is not even close to what is was then. Namely, that few people actually have mortgages, especially subprime borrowers. They key difference here is that properties are owned by institutions versus being owned by individuals and institutions owning related debt. That was really the whole cause, a misallocation of risk. What actually will happen simply is RE will get more expensive and more people will rent.

>> No.58613367

you fucking retardes I literally told you not to mind the pic. fucking americans and your piss poor readin comprehension. go load up on out of the money calls on the sp i guess if you're so hot

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58611741 No.58611741[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Oscar and Datboi rug
>BANANAS still holding strong

I just know that when the market picks up again this one will do extremely well

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>> No.58611866
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>> No.58611881

Everytime I post about bananas on biz I get a ban… but yeah it’s an ok bet as far as base shitcoins go.

>> No.58611903

I think monkey peepo is cute. Is it on base?

>> No.58611994

this will rug also

>> No.58612111


what other low MCAP token has shown such resilience though? there is nothing else to buy

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58611701 No.58611701 [Reply] [Original]

A pod, UBI and bugs sounds pretty good rn

>> No.58611715
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take the neet pill

>> No.58611902

ubi only works when there aren't entire industries designed to make society worse for everyone

>> No.58611989
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>omg sugary drinks and fatty foods!! OMG OMG

>> No.58612002

im fucking about to. have a few hundred grand saved up and no debt, I'd last a good while

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58611684 No.58611684 [Reply] [Original]

I wish everyone rich and famous could experience being poor, in the ghetto, and having a retarded chimpanzee for a parent. then they'll see how many of these problems money can easily solve.

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>> No.58619007

Jim is right though, it's just a different set of problems. Being rich is easy. Being rich and famous would actually suck.

>> No.58619033

>Being rich is easy.
1% of people in the world have a mill. Average home price is 400K in USA.

>> No.58619099

lmao americans dont know what poor is.. you arent poor until you are deprived of food shelter and water..

>i didnt get a car on my 16th birthday im so poor

>> No.58619118

The bottom X% of retards and/or tax negative people should be culled, but only once. If the threat of death for dropping productivity looms over the people who are left, you get all sorts of other problems because people get scared. You also end up with people unwilling to take risks because the price of failure is too high. So just do one culling, then go on as normal with the remaining. They earned it.

>> No.58619452

He killed himself because he went full SJW during #MeToo then got exposed as a hypocrite faggot. His BPD whore gf who had regrets about sucking Weinstein off and was one of the pseudo-leaders of the movement but then it came out that she sexually assaulted a 15 year old boy on set and that Bourdain tried to pay the kid off. Once this came out he an hero'd

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58611635 No.58611635 [Reply] [Original]

I want to buy this dip but i also want to buy more drugs
Which one biz ?

>> No.58611927

Just take out a loan then buy the dip with your real money.

>> No.58611984

why is gosling transforming into steven seagal?

>> No.58612005

what dip?

>> No.58612463

nigga open the charts