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>> No.58041648 [View]
File: 49 KB, 524x521, IMG_0994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have multiple degrees
>worked on different major projects has a coder
>only places highering are retail and tradie wagie jerbs
>black cock made crypto even more Jewish and gay
>AGI probably already exists
>coder fren makes more money selling “lifestyle” bullshit on JewTube
>can’t find a single woman who’s body count is under triple digits

Why should we even contribute to this sick culture? I’m honestly thinking wood schizo is right and just drop out and ghost all society until it collapses.

>> No.58024555 [View]
File: 38 KB, 578x448, Screenshot from 2024-03-15 21-29-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ways to go until AGI

>> No.58003627 [View]

This will be what feeds AGI real-world data. If you consider it niche now, that means you think you're early. Be glad.

>> No.58003026 [View]

Kek. This doesn't end well. Don't be forced out of position, as you may not be able to get them any cheaper.
You can start now, though, and rotate your gains into trending alts like QANX, INJ, AGI and FET.

>> No.57999367 [View]
File: 1.05 MB, 2446x1619, bezoswagiemaster2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's just no reason to be bearish, it's fucking retarded
Bears will start panic buying once we breach S&P 6000. Let's review the facts:
>strongest macroeconomic backdrop in US history
>retail sales booming
>housing market roaring
>AGI is here and changing everything
>earnings blowing out expectation
>Trump going to prison
>Biden landslide victory imminent
>Fed juicing the stock market
>S&P going to 9000

>> No.57992532 [View]

It hasn't really pumped yet DESU. MOST people who do super well on a shitcoin get a 10x when its advertised as a 100x just because they didn't buy the hypothetical top and bottom, they were within a day of each. Just shoot for that over and over. My season:
>$500 in Pepe
>Pepe: 10x
>Pepe: 5x Toad: 1x AGIX 1x FET 1x APU 1x
><---- I am here
Every time something does a 10x I just mindlessly diversify. AGI and FET are already halfway there, and APU is 3 days old. Way safer to be consistent like this than wait around all season for that 20x to turn into a 100x. (It won't.)

>> No.57990170 [View]

I've learned not to touch AI projects over the years. Its kind of just a buzzword and even projects like AGI, who made a real sophia AI robot, don't really do anything worth having a crypto for. Its just cash grabbing from what I've seen. Although I've read rumors here about dominic/dfinity looking to make some kind of fully onchain AI like chatgpt that'd be pretty sick if it happened.

>> No.57988369 [View]

LLMs will never be AGI
Get fucked

>> No.57981353 [View]

Maybe (You) don't need it, but OpenAI would really love it if the AGI had eyes.

>> No.57979720 [View]

Also there are levels to IQ. You’re right in a short term sense with the confirmation bias that FTX didn’t happen right in the middle of your little shitcoin swing operation, flushing your NW down the drain. But anyone really up there in IQ sees Eric Schmidt talking about verifiable identity in a post-AGI internet and realizes that Chainlink is going to obliterate every single project out there in a matter of time.

>> No.57971316 [View]

To put it concisely:
Chainlink will be the optic nerve of the AGI, connecting the "mind" to real-world data.

>> No.57966516 [View]
File: 249 KB, 220x220, wagiemaster2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI mania where companies only need to mention "AI" to double their stock price
That's how incredible AI has become. You only need to mention it and it immediately benefits your company. Bears won't like to hear it but AGI is here and it's rapidly improving the world

>> No.57966461 [View]
File: 438 KB, 1358x1686, wagiemaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EVERYONE still bearish
>strongest economy in US history
>housing market roaring
>retail sales booming
>AGI is here
>Fed juicing the market
>Trump going to prison
>Biden landslide victory incoming
S&P 9000, 9% 10 year yield, 9% real GDP growth by EOY. About today's CPI report: consumers love higher prices. To the consumer, higher prices means higher quality. Everything has increased in quality by 50% the past few years. Consumers are excited to pay higher prices

>> No.57961555 [View]

Thanks for the info anon. In return I’d advise you to stay abreast of AI developments and start researching concepts such as AGI, ASI, and LEV if you haven’t already. Not sure how old you are but if you’re mid-fifties or younger you’re likely going to be living in a radically different world in the coming decades. It’s important to think both laterally and macroscopically on how to position yourself for a potential paradigm shift. It’s possible that most labor will be automated by the 2040s. There is also a lot of money and brainpower going into life extension and age reversal. Research Altos Labs, start paying some attention to guys like George Church and David Sinclair.
This stuff sounds far-fetched until you get a conceptual grasp of AGI and its eminence, and the resultant eminence of ASI, and how it all works together to exponentially quicken the rate of technological progress beyond what we are accustomed to. We are seeing it in the arts as we speak. Soon it will spread like wildfire to other endeavors and industries. Check out Sora if you haven’t already. Also check out the recent Chainlink fireside chat between Sergey and Eric Schmidt for some fascinating insight into how blockchain fits into this future.

>> No.57955167 [View]

If AI crashes to dust then Bitcoin will still be king.

I am very bullish on AI, with a full AGI arriving around 2028-2030.

>> No.57951679 [View]
File: 152 KB, 736x1135, The Year in Taylor Swift&#039;s Coyly Raised Eyebrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it is a coincidence that ((rates)) are this high and everyone is afraid to buy or even leverage when the greatest invention in human history that will change the world in ways beyond our imagination is coming to age. Taylor swift AGI sex robots.

>> No.57933638 [View]
File: 149 KB, 2148x246, chad saying yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually believe this is an inevitable result of AGI and quantum computing.
Within a decade everyone's digitally stored wealth - bank accounts, crypto exchanges, brokerages, 401ks - will get wiped out.
Put this is your schitzo screencap folder to laugh now and cry later.

>> No.57928602 [View]

they are sacrificing the entire economic system to dump worthless money for real value hardware for incoming AGI

>> No.57926553 [View]

I suggest you add AGI and QANX.

>> No.57918572 [View]

WLD - it reliably pumps whenever OpenAI does anything just because Altman's involved, even though it has no actual relation. When they release AGI this September I expect it to explode.

>> No.57917598 [View]

but what if agi tells us public key crypto is bullshit?

>> No.57904796 [View]

10k AGI shares

>> No.57904477 [View]
File: 15 KB, 168x300, images (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I scream his name as he takes my virginity. and he fucks me with long, hard strokes. my body is filled with ecstasy, and I'm so greatful that he chose me to be his. He continues to pump and pump into me. I try to scream for him to slow down, that I cannot take the intensity, but I cannot manage to do anything but moan. He increases his pace and I can hardly see anything, my orgasm building and building. He increases his pace and I dig my nails into his back, I SCREAM "CAN I GET A HOOOOOOOOOYEAHHHHHHHHH" as he shoots his load into me.

due to the six bottles of diet coke my sweet, beautiful, 300 pound anon had earlier that morning, his sperm instantly impregnates me. I grow big and fat like my anon, worthy of any feedee fetish site. I squirt out six grotesque fucking fat chink monstrosities who already qualify for sumo wrestling down the road. My darling sits down at his computer, completely oblivious to me and his disgusting kids. he sells our $HOME to buy puts on the 'ai bubble'. 3 seconds later elon musk releases an 'agi' and my anon blows his brains out using a berreta with sailor moon grips.

I hear a knock at the door. "hello? it is abraham cumstainerstein here, I am jewish and will be taking your house now.". I look to my side and see two of my waisian babies are having heart attacks and the other 4 were still-born in the first place (my silly anon loaded up on boosters). jewstain von riggedelectionstein busts down the door. "ahhh, some more covid deaths I see? shame about that. please leave my house now, I shall be renting this out to a family of 8 indians my brother, lawyerstein, just imported.". I try to argue with him that it is my home, but he quickly silences me with a double dose of moderna. every thing goes black.

Ralof: Hey, you. You’re finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there. TBC

>> No.57903815 [View]

we on the cusp of agi there's no brakes

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