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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.53212196 [View]
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Guys, I think we are ALL going to wagmi

>> No.53197395 [View]
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>BBBY up 26%
>GME up 1.28%
who's the distraction stock now, faggots

>> No.53162314 [View]
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No doubt that some people have made money shorting GME. However, the "systemic short" position cannot be closed because there is no liquidity because 90% of all orders are longs as opposed to short transactions.
The big boys are trapped in the trade and they will be carted off to the chop shop to be turned into tendies.
You're a little fish and we caught ourselves a Moby Dick. We have the white whale harpooned and are currently reeling it in.

>> No.53158114 [View]
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Right? I actually think its fun to have someone to argue with while we wait for our tendies. The eternal crab was insufferable. Having shillies literally seething and DESPERATELY trying to provide the anti-MOASS thesis and failing (while also betraying that they know more about the day-to-day news surrounding GME than almost anyone else) is what keeps me going. This is the most excited I have been for GME since July and I think the splivvie poison is starting to work its magic. The shorts can't maintain the forced injection of leverage. The buy pressure we all enjoy is also depleting shares at a much faster rate and the hedgies can only drop the share price lower as their margin costs are eaten up on a daily basis. Capitulation is soon, folks. Go ahead and start writing your two weeks notice because I don't think we'll be working this spring.

>> No.53143750 [View]
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sounds based if you ask me

>> No.53061771 [View]
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buy more please :D

>> No.53031852 [View]
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I'm a shillie and I own some gme. If you're wrong then it's no harm no foul and I keep working at my job that pays good money. In the very off chance that you tards are right, which you almost assuredly are not, I get rich with you retards. Same reason I own some XRP.

>> No.52985536 [View]
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>Please buy more
I made two purchases this week. Normally I don't even pay that close attention but you kept reminding on what awesome deals were going on that i was able to DCA to a comically cheap level.

>> No.52981862 [View]
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now this is some schizo posting I can get behind

>> No.52980287 [View]
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Checked. I'm slurping up a few shares as well. Something very spicy is brewing somewhere.

>> No.52970726 [View]
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>> No.52963049 [View]
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I for one think the military could do more to be even gayer. If liberace himself isn't shooting semen and depleted uranium at the enemy, it's not gay enough yet.

>> No.52949310 [View]
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Yes it do. I bought 100 shares and wrote a covered call. Deal with it.

>> No.52933827 [View]
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Based OC. The absurdity of the shillies being FORCED to shitpost here with us is the best part of this timeline.

>> No.52785279 [View]
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Why not just short it?

>> No.52770626 [View]
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Can you feel the rage building?

>> No.52755959 [View]
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I believe it

>> No.52730326 [View]
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Doesn't matter. Shorts didn't close and I own what they NEED to buy.

>> No.52669245 [View]
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I'd like to take this moment to remind people you can just filter phrases and hide 90% of the shitposts/fud/irrelevant nonsense. The shills will say that's for pussies but there's really no sense in fighting them besides pride, they have no goal other than to slide threads with nonsense. They're usually the ones saying racist or antisemitic shit as well, which isn't saying anything bad about anyone that's racist or antisemitic but it's a common smear tactic employed widely. Every time I see a hidden post I just laugh and make a mental note to buy more and that's way more rewarding than arguing with esl's and shitting the place up.

>> No.52551005 [View]
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Actually the DTCC refused to ship shares for the share-dividend overseas because they need every single share for themselves. Their actions betray the fact that the short squeeze is 100% guaranteed and on the table. This is akin to someone being on an airplane that is going to crash and he runs and grabs all of the parachutes for himself and the entire time he is saying "lol everything is fine, nothing to see here!".
All the hedgies can do is hide and try to survive one more day. They were already fucked and the share dividend blew them the fuck out. It's simply a matter of time because the shorts can never close and they are the ONLY people even offering any shares for sale. They are so fucked that all they can do is continue to sell more and more shares they don't own. And they are so fucked that no one can even unwind the trade. All the government, the SEC, the hedgies, the DTCC can just sit and watch as the plane flies directly into the mountain.

>> No.52512373 [View]
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Au contraire, I think it's going to make me a metric fuckton of money. The short thesis has been proven and shorts have to close. And they can only close by buying what I own.

>> No.52474739 [View]
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>> No.52447249 [View]
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>mfw crypto crashes
B..but Btc going under $40k is im..impossible! N..never going under $20, that's r...ridiculous. R..right guys?
It is time for your crypto nerds to bend the knee. PM chads were right all along and there is still time for you take the plunge and save yourselves. You have been warned.

>> No.52347610 [View]
File: 1.92 MB, 498x362, mhhh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver prices have been very anti-semitic lately. The war chest weights 330 million ounces and at current the goyims know levels it will be gone by the end of next year. If the goyims know levels were to rise it might even be as little as 3-6 months left.

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