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Search: chainlink ranks

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>> No.54211812 [View]

Matic, Polkadot and Solana were launched 2-3 years after Chainlink and have performed better than Link ever has. Even a coin like Tron, which literally does nothing, ranks ahead of Chainlink. Yet, Linkies won't dump this shit token. They spam biz with Link threads as a distraction from suicidal thoughts.

>> No.54097017 [View]

>No one on /biz holds the sixth largest cryptocurrency
You have to be deep down into the Chainlink cult to believe this.
Maybe if you step outside your bubble for a moment you could see why Link has been losing ranks for 2 years straight.
XRP won their case against the SEC, while Sergey is stil hiding his unregistered security in the Cayman Islands.

>> No.54061159 [View]
File: 339 KB, 713x845, E0B5C375-362E-43EA-B037-0E327EF7B5B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>takes 3 months to move up two ranks
>loses 2 ranks in a day
Honestly,I’m glad chainlink is crashing and burning. Those retarded linkies staked their stacks thinking they will be the next 1%. It pisses me off. I’m glad they are losing money and can’t even sell their worthless shitcoin. Good riddance you faggots. Bye

>> No.53098368 [View]

I miss the 2017 days when everything would gain or loss massive ranks. Chainlink was the only one to rise and fall. Everything else was fake shit premined vc garbage that just appeared out of nowhere

>> No.53097090 [View]

Generally token ambassadors are supposed to spread awareness about the project to gain interest from developers and also sell tokens to interested parties who will in turn do things for the community to help that core developer-project connection thrive. Not so for Chainlink community ambassadors who think it is their mission to root out wrongthink and trample dissent within the ranks.
By your own argument price≠fundamentals or two more weeks and the fundamentals will be price in, teh future guys!
But the purpose of ambassadors and motivated community members is to cultivate an environment where people want to contribute to the project so that it can become successful and then they see a return through the token. I think you guys have failed to do this
>book of the new sun thread had no discussion of the project and seemed completely disconnected to crypto discussion
>the same hyper nuanced discussion of price≠fundamentals like itt including false comparisons to scams that sold more and pumped harder than link (probably because token ambassadors were doing their fucking jobs ignorance is bliss)
>meme history (no new memes ever)
>fud spam (google images saves)

>> No.53042867 [View]

>He also recently created that shitty Binance oracle
brainlet that got to the link marine high ranks by just following memes here.
is binance oracle going to be a direct competitor of chainlink? is it possible for it to be better than chainlink and perhaps replace it?

>> No.52742736 [View]
File: 4 KB, 186x186, chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever wondered how employees at Chainlink spent their time.


Community managers are using colleges to bring awareness for Chainlink and blockchains to students in the form of a lecture with the ‘guest speaker’ being a team member from the bis dev team.

Tell me why it is sensible for bis dev employees to speak to college students? Is this a good use of resources from the business development department. Are community managers clueless about the technology of the company they work for?

2 employees make a combined income of over $300k (~41000 link tokens) a year, spend their time speaking to colleges.

South Bank University ranks at near the top of UK league tables consistently, so this isn’t about finding good talent, what it is for?

Tell me why this is needed because token is needed starting tomorrow.

>> No.52516257 [View]

The fact that link stealthily climbed from like rank #160 to rank #5 during a bear market when no one except us noticed until it maybe hit the top 15 in MC…. And now has dropped 20 ranks has to be the most bullish thing imaginable. They are fucking hiding it. I know most of you faggots haven’t even held a chicks hand… but when you are having sex you SLOWLY insert your cock the first time, going almost all the way in but then you slowly come back out some…. And then when she least expects it you thrust your hips really hard into her and shove your cock all the way into her. That huge thrust is what’s coming for chainlink.

>> No.52514103 [View]

BAT is the lowcap. In the last bear market chainlink was sitting at 80-90 on cmc before running to the top 15 or whatever. You cant be so low that you arent credible and you cant be so high up that theres no room to grow. People watch the top 100 daily. When they see something moving up the ranks they take notice. Nobody is looking at sylo. Been doing this for 8 years and have no fucking clue what that even is.

>> No.52335823 [View]

>protip: vitalik likes merkle trees so chainlank hates em
Merkle trees are on-chain only, so they're useless outside of single-chain shitcoin casinos.

It's not a great look for literally any crypto, but it's a reality for all of them.
But somehow Chainlink keeps dropping ranks.

>> No.51545001 [View]

This is the purest cope I've ever seen. Chainlink simply frontran the entire market, it had its bull market before the general bull market. But it lost all relevancy during the bull market which was fueled by Defi 2.0/doge and layer 1 wars and nfts. Chainlink was losing ranks while it was still kinda climbing in price but it was only being held up by BTC. BTC, ETH and basically every other coin ran away from mid 2020 to now. We're down 80% against the general market, hence we lost 20 ranks.

>> No.51419660 [View]

Chainlink adoption has exploded in ghe past two years, yet Link kept tumbling down the ranks.
Stop being retarded.

>> No.51391943 [View]

You just described the entire tech industry. Though chainlink holders have a proportionally high amount of females and a proportional low amount of trannies in there ranks

>> No.51292121 [View]

Linkies COPING hard. You can draw all the magic lines you want on any chart, but it doesn't change reality. I just checked the price and wow what do you know, LINK is down more than almost everything else! Rank 27! LINK is only three ranks above a total fucking scam ponzi LUNA Classic. It's 9 ranks behind ETH classic. A literal hacked and dead ghost chain from 7 years ago. Oracles are important but they are not worth hardly anything because they are not SCARCE. No one is "competing" for chainlink "oracle space" like they are blockspace which is why the price will NEVER go back to it's ATH in ETH. Stop fucking posting about chainlink you retards. It's NOT COMING BACK. ITS DEAD. It's like fucking XRP but at least XRP can hold a pump and ranking. I lost so much money holding this bag of flaming dog shit. Fuck you all for shilling this trash here. And none of you can debunk this because you know it's fucking true unless you bought at literally the bottom in 2017 you're underwater on ETH and BTC. WORTHLESS.

>> No.50521337 [View]
File: 219 KB, 1024x574, FAJXfTIWUAIcMJg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fails to deliver an ETH clone 7 years after ETH and has almost non-existent adoption
>still top 10

>delivers the first ever functional oracle network and is one of the most adopted cryptos with continued exponential growth
>dumps 20+ ranks

>> No.50521060 [View]

>Cardano fails to deliver a fucking ETH clone 7 years after ETH
>still top 10

>Chainlink delivers the first ever functional oracle and is one of the most adopted cryptos with continued exponential growth
>dumps 20+ ranks

>> No.49848275 [View]
File: 111 KB, 750x761, 1655747644936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly it's still blowing my mind. I've been having the same internal monologues on a daily basis for a few years now and my thesis is still as fundamentally correct as it were at the beginning when it was just projected speculation and autistic research. Except now it's rooted in adoption metrics and demand for real usage. It still astounds me on a daily basis that the market is still utterly blind to it.

It went up to top 5 in the bear market, when fundamentals rule over marketing, and dropped to around 30 during the bull market when marketing rules over fundamentals. Except we've just entered another bear and it's already climbed back to 20. Top 5 is always where it belongs and this much is inevitable. Looking at the top ranks today and it's all just so baffling but we had the same observations in 2018. XRP is a complete scam and not used by anything, Cardano is a pumped up ghost chains without smart contracts yet its the second biggest value chain after eth, etc. Absolutely mongoloid market that will correct itself in the bear.

Projects that are not generating any value and only sustain themselves on marketing and investors stupidity have no long term fuel. Meanwhile Chainlink now has sufficient runway to keep building for the next decade, shipping out new products that will ensure its absolute monopoly on its cornered niches, generating real user fees and network value, and with real value capture via its tokenomics. The simultaneous release of CCIP and staking will profoundly change its standing across both institutional and retail markets, as it won't be able to remain unseen and ignored much longer.

From the get go, crypto's only real value prop was in the blockchain. Blockchain's value prop was in the smart contracts. And smart contracts are only enabled by the oracles. Off chain, cross chain, data pipeline and computation bridges, from layer zero to layer two, cross system from enterprise to cbdcs, from web2 to web3. You just win.

>> No.49702246 [View]

I hold LINK but i dont understand the euphoria that's going around. It's as if some linkies are blind to the rest of the market. Literally every other coin has also pumped 20%+ against eth and btc. And it's evident in the fact that Chainlink has not gained any ranks, it just rose with the tide.

>> No.49638463 [View]

sell the houses and dump it all into LINK, this maffia stooge representing Blackrock or equivalent thinks he's securing a comfy position as Blackrock Baron in the upcoming techno-feudal revolution, joke's on him though you will be a Chainlink Duke and several ranks above him.

>> No.49406281 [View]

it's 50 ranks below chainlink

>> No.30318661 [View]
File: 46 KB, 720x539, 1564139372136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based finns. That's the chan where spurdo and apustaja come from. Also has a strong concentration of LINK holders, which is why Finland ranks high on google searches for Chainlink.

>> No.29985802 [View]

Ever heard of pumpamentals kid? Cute picture of a dog in Elon Musk twitter was enough to Doge to flip Chainlink in the ranks, even if Bill Gates would be tweeting about Chainlink no one would even give a shit, it would just be cringeworthy and have same kind of reaction like Gates pro-vaccination tweets and other stuff like that

Link has no pumpamentals, and it is all about pampamenthals in crypto. Back in 2017-2018 a single picture of an Apple sticker on a skateboard was enough to cause OmiseGO go crazy. That was a project with solid pumpamentals, I miss those times. I still chase the pampamenthal, fuck Chainlink.

>> No.29238344 [View]
File: 75 KB, 834x617, Screenshot from 2021-02-20 13-09-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No TA bullshit or insider faggotry just good old supply and demand

- Chainlink's twitter continues to release more and more bespoke feeds
- This anon was right: gas price per feed is decreasing in some instances despite continued high overall eth gas costs
- In the aggregate chainlink, despite adding new feeds nearly daily is falling in the ranks of eth gas use and is now using half the monthly eth gas it did last month

Chainlink feeds are now cheaper, which makes more use cases cost feasible
Lower eth gas costs mean less node incentivization fund needs to be used and less sell pressure
The first phase of Sergey's virtuous cycle is beginning
Buy Link

>> No.28925840 [View]

Chainlink would be over $70 with Polkadot's market cap

Honestly guys, Polka was like 10 ranks behind Link last summer

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