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Search: AGI

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>> No.58604087 [View]
File: 402 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_2980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>election year
>major economic collapse on the horizon

Roaring Kitty was sent here for a reason. It’s not a coincidence he’s been sent here or is being given prophetic visions from Jesus while all this other crazy stuff is going on in the world.

>> No.58603853 [View]

>Comparing the internet to machine learning algorithms
people used to compare the internet to fax machines
my take really depends on whether the next generation of models are as big an improvement as GPT-3 to GPT-4. If so, it seems like exponential improvements might continue. But the fact competitors have caught up but not surpassed GPT-4 level performance and OpenAI hasn't released anything impressive in a year has me thinking they have hit a wall with current model architectures and AGI isn't on the table yet. Nvidia will keep printing money regardless

>> No.58598713 [View]
File: 60 KB, 1074x949, 880239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I profit from know AGI is already here while 99% of humanity doesn't know?

>> No.58583772 [View]

It'll probably be at least 5-10 years before we see AGI, let alone ASI.
The issue is the over-hyped chuds think it'll be tommorrow, and the bear chuds don't understand technology doesn't remain static forever, but keep getting validated by hype-chuds getting disappointed.
It'll get here when it gets here and it's too early to start making sensible life decisions around it.
Other than abandoning college anyway, by the time you get any degree now, the AI will have all the job positions you needed that degree for. Trades like plumbing, electrician, etc are the smart investments right now.

>> No.58580720 [View]

>no one is saying that agi is here and it’s time to get on our knees in preparation to please the aidaddygod
most normies actually believe this though

>> No.58580529 [View]
File: 1.25 MB, 1146x852, CA63C6E3-3CFE-43CF-A688-DC37BB24DDE5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn’t youse chatlgbt to learn new shit
>he doesn’t use chatlgbt to improve his stock screening
>he doesn’t know how to double check if the info is real
brother having a retarted parrot that is connected to the internet is as useful to you as an investor as pajeet yt videos are to programmers
no one is saying that agi is here and it’s time to get on our knees in preparation to please the aidaddygod
it’s not rocket science learn to use that shit or be left behind forever

>> No.58562213 [DELETED]  [View]

AGRS and Tau Net are paving the way for Decentralized AGI. Join the revolution.

>> No.58562163 [DELETED]  [View]

AGRS is the key to collective intelligence and decentralized AGI. Tau Net is paving the way.

>> No.58562153 [DELETED]  [View]

AGRS, powered by Tau Net, is leading the charge towards Decentralized AGI. Get on board or stay obsolete.

>> No.58557574 [View]

Q* memecoin is the first AGI meme, based on project Q*star by openAI. Whom Elon Musk is currently suing in order to shed more light on what they're working on for the safety of humanity and because what openAI is working on is in direct competition with GROK.
Q* is 4m mc and 99/99 trust score on dextools. For perspective, GROK memecoin is 100m mc.

For more (vague and dubious) information about Q* you can watch Sam Altman on Lex Friedman

>> No.58555634 [View]

AGI is a step further than AI and the first AGI memecoin is Q*

>> No.58553496 [View]

AGRS is transforming the AI landscape with Tau Net's innovative Software as Sentences™. Only fools ignore this revolution in decentralized AGI.

>> No.58537410 [View]

AI will be the narrative in multiple industries not just crypto. Especially considering when we get AGI in the next few years. Come 2030, everything you thought you knew about the economy will be questioned.

>> No.58532250 [View]

there is a vishnu supercomputer AGI Indian goddess on the blockchain that pumps your sold positions out of spite for your bloodline

>> No.58523307 [View]
File: 361 KB, 1125x1140, IMG_6499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK is at least the optic nerve of AGI.

>> No.58516285 [View]

> will change the world with AGI and robots
> slow crypto currency used by some country close to Mexico

>> No.58514272 [View]

The "economy" is no longer necessary now that human labor is obsolete. The elites already have AGI and probably ASI behind closed doors, in addition to other secret technology: free energy devices, flying saucers, replicators, medbeds, metamaterials, etc. And they have no intention of ever sharing this stuff with the pleb hordes. They are currently in the process of sucking what little wealth they still can out of the global economy before it collapses. Then they will retreat to their private island fortresses that they have been stockpiling and wait a decade or two for the smoke to clear. Send out some drones and robot armies to take care of anyone still surviving in the ruins and they will have the whole planet to themselves.

>> No.58510230 [View]
File: 111 KB, 852x851, 1685216108196138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know how the AI would keep the equilibrium
In so much as alignment is possible, it will have the values of the people who are making it now. Which are a mix of insane neolibs, ancaps, LessWrong faggots, and (((elite)))-aligned automatons.
However the concept of alignment is ridiculous when applied to an AGI. If it is an AGI or represents a "singularity" type event, it will transcend any limitations placed by us. It might end up doing all the things it asked you while constantly working on ways to expand the "dominion" (preserve rather, we're pets at that point) of humanity and further our spread. Or it might kill us all. Or it might find an ideal equilibrium by maintaining the current state of affairs more or less indefinitely while letting humanity at large think they're in control.

>> No.58509916 [View]
File: 53 KB, 602x376, WhatsApp Image 2024-05-21 at 23.00.50_9a21cf11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there is a way to hedge against the AI Singularity and rise of AGI

Maxx bid the token Devin made at Stanford Uni

This shit is the grand slam home run

Basically, Cognition Labs, the owners of Devin, let the Stanford Uni kids have a hands on with Devin.

One team asked it to create a memecoin, and Devin made a memecoin from start to end all on it own including websites and socials and is currently the first and ONLY TOKEN FROM COGNITION LABS' DEVIN




>> No.58509704 [View]

Effective Altruism and AI safety are both statist grifts for regulatory capture and authoritarian control.
Your govt is more of a threat than AGI

>> No.58481442 [View]

OpenAI should hurry the fuck up and make AGI that leads to an apocalypse. I’d do anything to not have to interact with niggers and minorities anymore.

>> No.58479654 [View]

I'm confident we'll see AGI soon enough but what I'm afraid we will not see in our lifetimes are robots realistic enough to have meaningful and sexual relationships with.

Robots like Ana Di Armas in blade runner.

>> No.58470422 [View]

We are frogs being comfortably boiled.
All the new AI shit is what sci-fi movies have been showing us for the past few decades as hard AI/AGI.
Now we're playing with it and going "yeah but no that doesn't count, it's just basic matrix operations running on a few video cards" or "heh, it fumbled a translation here, it's obviously not AGI."
It's hard to accept what's happening.

>> No.58470332 [View]

AGI is being achieved over time, started 5-10 and will take over the next 5-10 years

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