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Search: coinbase insider

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>> No.58668880 [View]

Your "source" has nothing to do with your claim. The creation of BCH was led by miners Jihan Wu, Roger Ver, and the client was coded by a team of big block bitcoiners led by amaury sechet. Coinbase employees had nothing at all to do with the creation of BCH. The price was not scam pumped. The ath was a result of people swapping for BCH from BTC. Coinbase suspended trading of BCH for a short time when it was ath. Nobody was charged or investigated for insider trading.

>> No.58668682 [View]

I can't believe I need to actually provide a source on this, were you not there? https://www.financemagnates.com/cryptocurrency/news/coinbase-suspends-bitcoin-cash-investigate-insider-trading/
also a scam but that barely matters in this market. scams moon all the time. the creator of litecoin dumped his bags on normies when prices were ATH while telling people to "hodl"

>> No.58650155 [View]

Coinbase, a international crypto giant with their own stock and with government ties, cannot be that retarded, right? They started this onchain summer right on time based on their insider's knowledge, right? They didn't start it right when the market is taking a enormous shit, right?

>> No.58613264 [View]

Insider here, BTC stocks running so low now, Coinbase is down to about 0.84 BTC left. There will be no more acquisition until holders sell in significant numbers.

>> No.58564430 [View]

I get a headache whenever I enter the TG, Discord or AVI threads. It's always "You will make money soon but we won't tell you when so you won't do insider trading(actually because they are a bunch of alcoholic fat fucks that cannot honor a deadline)".

I choose not to check this piece of shit coin until end of august. I will market dump everything on the 22th of august whenever the price is high or low. That's when AVI will reach it's ATH and it won't go anywhere else without coinbase shilling base. I hope you all do the same, this piece of shit is as useful as onchain summer goes.

I can already see Kerasu trying to spread copium in the TG after he reads this comment, just like he always does.
>BUT we will have Le Arcade! Normies join! We will have bla bla bla

I cannot stand that homosexual anymore. Matter of fact, I cannot stand anyone in that TG anymore. A bunch of faggots that cope every day.

>> No.58545710 [View]

UBPS insider here, 800k mc but early AF
>Fair launch, community run, homegrown biz coin, most memeable coin on base
>will actually be able to send nft letters to wallets on the blockchain for the price of a US postage stamp (1 ubps)
>Several coinbase employees are confirmed holders
>Turns out the Armenian dev is an American ex-pat who only moved to Armenia to run his business with better tax incentives
>All top wallets are owned by bottom-of-the-bell curve diamond handed retards who simply will not sell until 100M MC
>Jannies seethe with rage at the mere mention of United Base Postal Service (ticker: UBPS)
Buy a bag now or rope later

>> No.58545698 [View]
File: 93 KB, 1202x673, IMG_20240419_101312_752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UBPS insider here
>Fair launch, community run, homegrown biz coin, most memeable coin on base
>will actually be able to send nft letters to wallets on the blockchain for the price of a US postage stamp (1 ubps)
>Several coinbase employees are confirmed holders
>Turns out the Armenian dev is an American ex-pat who only moved to Armenia to run his business with better tax incentives
>All top wallets are owned by bottom-of-the-bell curve diamond handed retards who simply will not sell until 100M MC
>Jannies seethe with rage at the mere mention of United Base Postal Service (ticker: UBPS)

Buy a bag now or rope later

>> No.58522175 [View]

5g is some insider cabal guy.

The downside to this is he is shady and morally questionable

The upside is
He will be able to secure binance/coinbase. Which isn't too bad. Just get out before he dumps his stacks.

>> No.58491394 [View]

>Team is in bed with cb
Complete lie but ok

>They are not even hiding it anymore
You mean they're not hiding their flat out lies?
Why would Coinbase work with a completely new team, working in their free time, on a product with little direction and allow said team to leak "insider info" to its holders on tg?
Keep in mind, Coinbase has a history of developing all its smart contracts in house. But no, suddenly, this one time, they decided to adopt a gamefi project by some literal whos whose idea of good marketing is hiring some prostitute and her crack dealer to host AMAs.

>Release of smart wallet
NOTHING to do with AVI. AT ALL.

>Avi team were handpicked by Jesse to attend their smart wallet seminar for devs only
They were invited to some seminar, doesn't mean much. Thousands were invited. I'm guessing all they're doing is announcing the Smart Wallet API ahead of time to all major projects on Coinbase. This is shaky evidence, at best.

>> No.58475118 [View]

I was invited to a mina hackathon last month. does that make me a mina insider? you think attending a zoom call coinbase was presenting about their wallet is somehow indicative of insider connections? come on dude....

>> No.58449104 [View]

muh coinbase insider muh wallet integration muh jesse tweet muh invite only cond

>> No.58443393 [View]
File: 110 KB, 1156x681, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just took a look at where I sold 4M of this, now down 50%. Like this guy >>58442487 came to realize no one gives a shit for utility this cycle. I still think the project will rebound with their coinbase connections, but wouldn't doubt it's all insider pump and dump schemes, like most VC stuff >>58442480

>> No.58434150 [View]

Circle and coinbase saw what a bunch of scammers can do to the reputation of the company that is "totally not involved with this decentralized scam network but effectively build them and provides liquidity through subsidiaries to run various grey area stuff totally not involving money laundering, tax evasion, bribery, black accounts....."
They are warry, funny, nobody is going to come back to the scam networks to help obfuscate the scams run by the "comapnies totally not involved because its 'decentralized communidy, lol'" with their liquidity - the reputation of the entire circus is destroyed, and coinbase as circle were not, not guilty with their listing of every bullshit and poorly run insider listing scams

>> No.58333623 [View]

Insider here.. It won't be those two to start. But the kenis team knows the AVI team that knows Coinbase.. I'm not saying anything other than this.

>> No.58206373 [View]

it’s simple as gettin insider info and knowing apu is getting listed on coinbase. can’t speak for binance, but assume around the same time. screen cap and remember this. may 13th

>> No.58095994 [View]

insider chain, nothing interesting pumps only "memes" that came from senile semiretired cryptofags who were relevant in 2017 and detached coinbase wagies

>> No.58092243 [View]

just got in LOBO looks like a promising coin and an actual insider with coinbase

>> No.58091260 [View]

Especially bullish for $LOBO since they're putting together their own dex and they have an insider with coinbase.
he's never mentioned coinbase and the whole cex connection could be a larp anyway
but definitely the dev knows what he's doing

>> No.58090892 [View]

I bought a bag of both $LOBO and $RIKU. Insane amount of normie appeal and undervalued at the moment. Especially bullish for $LOBO since they're putting together their own dex and they have an insider with coinbase.

>> No.58087417 [View]

A totally sensible evaluation of it. But I doubt there would be any Coinbase insider transactions, or at least those that would be easily traceable. I can imagine they are very methodical with such a thing. But I guess that doesn't stop individuals doing it with personal accounts, but not way to tell that.

Keep an eye on it, the atmosphere around it is very different to its previous history on Bsc/Eth. Those photos I shared have only recently been shared as well.

>> No.58055392 [View]

Absolute worst thing fudders can come up with now is that the creator of Base potentially just found out about SkyBridge and is excited for it after asking for the same product be built (and the bridge is production ready, audited, trademarked, behind an LLC, faster, cheaper, with branding, has a UI/UX, other projects using it). They also think it's bearish that our founder was on Shib Defense team that worked on listing tokens on Coinbase directly. They also act like one of the most regulated companies on the planet will be telling every other employee about potential listings/Ventures and open themselves up to insider trading lawsuits.

>> No.58025179 [View]

>malinvestment never happens
malinvestment is increasingly common and incredibly likely status quo for the shitcoin space. Coinbase just blindly assumed alt scam season could keep repeating forever with no diminishing returns. They don't have elite insider info on what consumers will want to do or not do in the future. They will be as surprised as you to get diminishing returns on altcoiners panhandling the shit token they just created five minutes ago with zero effort.

>> No.58018253 [View]

past 1m mc it's likely to get a coinbase listing, allegedly a member of the team has connections or an open line with them
it was also on base insider >>58012436 which isn't super popular but it is something

>> No.57985738 [View]

Fuckin with people aside, coinbase has announced that there will be no native token. That could be one of those reverse psychology teasers like other L2 networks have pulled, but in the case of CB and their absolute necessity to stay in SEC compliance as the #1 US crypto exchange, I think it's likely the truth.

The other thing that they're doing differently is airdrops in general. Since there's no native token you can theoretically farm for, some of the dev teams who've received CB grants have been airdropping each other's tokens randomly. DOG, the oldest dog meme on the network announced an L3 that uses dog as the gas token. The big project they're talking about on this new L3 is a memetoken generator that anyone can use; no web3 coding skills necessary. What makes it more interesting though, is that this meme launcher will automatically airdrop (I think 10%) of the supply, which means: CB is probably gonna push dev teams on these random community airdrops to build hype instead of appealing to the usual crowd of jeets and airdrop farmers like most L2s.

This is all speculation on my part. I have no insider info, I'm just trying to read between the lines and think about what I would do as BA if my goal was to onboard 1bil normies to "my" L2.

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