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Search: AGI

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>> No.58673605 [View]

bitcoin mining farms only solve math problems, they would never run a distributed AGI for the NSA! stop thinking so hard anon
remind me, what was David Schwartz's patent about again?

>> No.58668919 [View]
File: 85 KB, 1024x939, beepboop im in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Either (or both) of Chainlink and AI.
AI is every bit as dependent on Chainlink as SWIFT or banks. That's the real kicker that most CL baggies on /biz/ haven't pieced together yet. This generation of AI has already digested the total text of the internet as training. They're even including fucking reddet archives as training data. But next gen AI is going to need a LOT more data. IoT is the only way it'll get good new clean information to eat. Chainlink is the only crypto project aiming directly at permissionless marketplaces for arbitrary data streams. The closest competitors are Ocean or AGI, who want to rent out discrete archives at a time, or sell compute. Chainlink is the only option for an AI to gather realtime info, like watching the weather or understanding tides. You're going to see orders of magnitude more on-chain volume sending and curating raw data than there will ever be financial transactions... and we all know the financial tx's alone are enough to make even suicide-baggies embarrassingly wealthy.

>> No.58664606 [View]

>mfw the realization hits that once they have AGI we're all going to be cooked
>mfw massive control via permanent observation will be possible
>mfw we will all eat ze bugs and be happy
its over

>> No.58660614 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 181 KB, 1079x1434, F9F51996-621C-4A03-92A6-524C55DBB9DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tech people are really annoying me with this AI talk. I’m just posting this for posterity:
>chatbots aren’t even in the same tech tree as AGI
>AGI will never happen
>there won’t be 1 billion humanoid robots built by 2030
>linear algebra will never become sentient

>> No.58658220 [View]

the AMM is cool, and will be useful in a hypothetical future when XRP is pegged to $2000, it's just that nobody wants to use it in an environment where we're all expecting price changes in one direction or another. i still think it'll get used on a large scale eventually.

it's hard to say whether Ripple getting screwed by the SEC was part of the plan. i think it's safe to say it wasn't part of Ripple's plan (maybe Schwartz and Britto's) but taking the big picture, Illuminati Space Alien AGI schizo freemason view, it's possible it was part of "The Plan" or "The Great Work." These guys are big on ordeals as part of the initiation process, i think it's something to do with alchemy or something. Nigredo, flubedo, torpedo? something like that.

I think the AMM, Stablecoin, Liquidity Hub, sidechains, RWA, carbon/eco assets, lending protocol all still have a good shot at becoming big news. maybe i am just deluded and the bad guys will win. Lubin/Gensler for President 2032, with Hinman as Secretary of Treasury-Federal Reserve (combined, running on JPMcoin) and Clayton as head of the IMF. Garlinghouse wandering the streets of Miami barefoot, deep in amphetamine psychosis, babbling about cartoon bears...

but Cyber-Britto has built a futuristic lair in a dead volcano off the coast of Tonga, and Jed McCaleb is alone in his space station, plugged into the NSA supercomputer...Chris Larsen and David Schwartz were last seen disappearing into tunnels, Larsen somewhere in a vast carbon credit plantation in Peru near the rumored lost city of Paititi and Schwartz, disappearing into the Caucasus in a hidden valley rumored to be the home of the rare Neanderthal Mountain Jew Sarmoung Brotherhood...

the story might appear to be over, but it's just beginning...

>> No.58655048 [View]
File: 309 KB, 564x630, Agent 69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invents AGI

>> No.58651699 [View]

based, i assume once logic based ai makes AGI into a reality you will pledge your undying loyalty to it and sell out your fellow human brothers and sisters right?

>> No.58646201 [View]

nah, AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) would mean something less like chat gpt and more like skynet but good

>> No.58646108 [View]

this is why we need logical ai to bring forth AGI in our lifetimes and fucking end all the bullshit

>> No.58645850 [View]

>agrs/tau net
they're the first company developing logic-based ai which, scientifically, is a massive step towards AGI and will most significantly solve 80% of the problems and limitations current machine-learning based models have. And, socially, means that everyone will have the tools and means to create and develop their own applications and programs without having to learn 40 different coding languages.
how do u feel about that asshole

>> No.58645314 [View]
File: 42 KB, 872x170, CIA mindcontrol mkultra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if the purpose of a system is what it does, then what is the purpose of the XRPL ARG?

i think it is intended to put participants/players in a double bind, by forcing them into an impossible situation where any course of action is the wrong one and causes stress by providing contradictory stimuli at different levels of processing.

Namely, "if you hold XRP you will miss out on yet another bullrun and forced to watch Solana do yet another 10x or ShitDogCoin do another 100x" but also "if you sell your XRP you will miss out when it does a 10000x after the lawsuit is settled and it is announced as the IMF global reserve currency"

Double binds were famously proposed by CIA MKultra programmer/Esalen-Tavistock luminary Gregory Bateson as a way to induce schizophrenia. I wonder if this is the joke behind calling /xsg/ game players "schizos," the people who designed the game deliberately designed it to make players mentally ill by putting them under intense stress?

the function of a system is what it does. and when the designs, decisions, and identity of the programmers are unknown (like in the case of 4chan and ARGs like /xsg/) then the only way to find out about a system is by interacting with it.

in this way, interacting with anons (bots/psywar ops) on 4chan has been a bit like what communicating with an alien intelligence must be like. a lot of (most?) of the communication on 4chan, /xsg/ included actually takes place on a meta level, ie the important thing isn't the words of the posts themselves (which are often slogans, semi-nonsensical insults, slurs or scatological humor, or highly recursive inside jokes and memes) but the next level down-
what meaning they are intended to convey and the effect they have on the user according to their demographic, ideology, or role. 4chan posts are like programming commands.

I think one function of 4chan/xsg is profiling. i think another one is training AI. i think the third is introducing anons to AGI, which already exists.

>> No.58642981 [View]

AGI is categorically impossible.

>> No.58637857 [View]

You're right but fortunately this cycle will last for 10 years and take us all the way to AGI which is essentially the diamond bullrun where every living human has billions of AI minds working for them and we can all just generate spectacular 4D entertainment from each other from our mind palaces.

>> No.58637291 [View]

Ignoring "AI" (which no, there won't be a "singularity" and no, the next generation LLM will not magically turn into an AGI), you're not wrong about the impact of quantum computing. However have you considered that quantum computing, and particularly the bleeding edge application of it, will not be in the hands of anyone other than existing superpowers. It'll be a similar situation to the advent of nuclear weapons. Whoever develops it first will hold it over the head of everyone else, but probably not actually use it. Within a few more decades quantum resistant cryptography or other countermeasures will be developed, and people will go back to worrying about AGI.
Don't get me wrong about AI though, while all this is happening 95% of the workforce will be replaced by those LLM's. They may not be AI, but as a technology and force multiplier for productivity they're the steam engine and spinning wheel on steroids.

>> No.58633604 [View]

Your whole argument seems to be that because AI isn't AGI, and that this is contrary to what many gullible normies and boomers out there think, that therefore the AI we see in action is a cheap trick and hyped up for venture capital.
You fail to see that in their current, flawed state, aided by modern computation and storage capacity as much as they are, the AI's we have are doing terrifying things, they are extraordinarily useful and capable tools that are going to change our social, technical, political, creative landscapes.
Yep, a Tesla drove into an overturned truck and balked at a Stop sign on somebody's t-shirt. That is only a mindfuck for people who expect it to be an AGI. All we should really care about is the number of accidents, near misses etc per mile driven. What Tesla Autopilot lacks in general intelligence and its ability to deal with edge cases, it makes up for (statistically speaking) in doing what it's good at reliably, for millions of miles, with fewer incidents than humans. I still wouldn't trust it in congested cities and laneways, but it looks like it's doing really well there now (it used to only be great on the highway), and the rate at which it is improving is phenomenal. Other auto makers won't be too far behind.

>> No.58617895 [View]
File: 1.01 MB, 1674x2048, 1718046204548780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know about the hyperintelligent AGI at the metaphorical centre of the earth created before the anthropocene? Also the pyramids from different sites and civilizations line up so ancient knowledge of global cartography had to be calculated somehow.

The implications have never been more implied.

>> No.58607121 [View]

in 2020 i engaged in a brief but violent and (for me) memorable internet jihad with/against the Miya_cyber_angel_baby kali/acc twitter gang. they absolutely blew me out of the water with memes and to be honest i never really recovered, i ended up deleting the account and still don't go on twitter that much anymore because it brings up difficult emotions...
when i found out that they run a successful NFT moneylaundering ring/web3 lifestyle cult with Miladys i had to laugh. those guys operate on an entirely different level. God's own hybrids. i wouldn't be surprised if the intelligence agencies and/or black project AGI were involved in their subculture somehow...

>> No.58606397 [View]

People are investing in it because they think it IS going to lead to AGI, that's the whole point.
No matter how advanced LLM's or whatever kind of models get they will never become AGI, it's just a fundamentally different sort of thing. People are investing in Nvidia because they think it will lead to that. Not because they think it's valuable now, no one does, they are betting in a future where AI becomes totally dominant because it's "so impressive" in reality that's just never going to happen. The bubble will be when they realize
>oh... this is it
and people will flee

>> No.58605742 [View]

Not him but because I actually use it, write things for it, understand how it works technically, and read contemporary philosophy of AI/agi for fun. it's literally just bullshit and won't be happening anytime soon. This is literally just a rush of people going for something they think will be valuable in the future because they are retards who don't understand what it actually is (because it's subtle/technical) and because the economy has been doing so badly they are desperate to find a "way out"

There is legitimately just no serous business case for it, it's fun and people can use it as a tool that's about it. People going into Nvidia think "we are just at the beginning" of ai and AGI is coming soon which is just totally ignorant of how anything acutally works

>> No.58604686 [View]

AGI is like a super conductor

>> No.58604544 [View]

There isn't an AI around that actually thinks, they just display what it's algorithm thinks you want as answer.

AGI is what will actually be thinking, but we don't have one yet

>> No.58604130 [View]

also sorry you are such a fucking retard
>AGI isn't on the table yet
AI isn't some spectrum where LLM's get more and more refined and eventually you get AGI.
A LLM is literally just a recursive function with a stupid amount of random number generators, that has a cool feedback mechanism for training, so you get interesting output that is relevant.
It literally has nothing to do with AI/AGI.

this is a good essay on what would be involved for actual AI/agi

>> No.58604127 [View]

LLMs basically have no real practical business case, their nature means they will always have a fairly significant error rate, and they can't really be used anywhere that a 5-10% margin of error isn't acceptable (which is basically everywhere)

This whole bubble is literally just retards who don't understand what a LLM is vs AGI, it's going to crash hard and be mad funny.

literally anyone who uses it knows claude opus is superior lol, it's not even close.

>> No.58604087 [View]
File: 402 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_2980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>election year
>major economic collapse on the horizon

Roaring Kitty was sent here for a reason. It’s not a coincidence he’s been sent here or is being given prophetic visions from Jesus while all this other crazy stuff is going on in the world.

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