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Search: "In times like this"

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>> No.58622054 [DELETED]  [View]

If I had 100 billion $ I would just pump the market and make people happy. Marketmaking is cringe in times like this. But I understand that it's just business

>> No.57777478 [View]

why? we already did that. Only idiots and geniuses understood.

You wont ever see because your lot in life is to be average. It's the best place to be normally when society is functioning. In times like this it only pays to be on the fringe, midwit.

>> No.57615519 [View]

Linu bros this might be the start! Swinging in times like this is extremely dangerous. Overnight or day or within a random hour she could pump hundreds of percent and its unpredictable but we CAN compare previous patterns that are similar and apply that for some logic

>> No.57056786 [View]

Holders get 5%, the other 5% goes to the Liquidity Pool. The tax system was copypasta'd from the original Safe Moon contract which encourages new holders and whales to hodl instead of sniping and dumping. You get taxed on everything, selling, buying, even transferring to another address. By being a long term holder, you get the benefit of reflections in new D0b0 every time a transaction is made, which in times like this and in the bull market can mean several billions in literally free D0b0 depending on how big your bags are.

>> No.56827355 [View]
File: 340 KB, 700x992, raifort hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure this boomer's heartrate will go to zero before that happens.

I genuinely struggle to understand bobo's in times like this. It's one thing to be a bobo after the bullrun has ended, like in 2022. It's another to be a bobo now, on the verge of 2024. It's brutally obvious that we're in, at the very least, a prebull market. The most optimistic retracement would be around 30k, and I honestly don't even think that's gonna happen.

>> No.56399858 [View]
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6 years /biz/bros. been waiting to at least get to ride a pump and dump or something but I've just taken hit after hit. got a few wins but to only be up a couple grand after 6 years and putting so much of time and attention towards it, just all feels for naught. how do you persevere in times like this? I need some motivation anons

>> No.56375575 [View]
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Filtering is a blessing in times like this.

>> No.55670538 [View]
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In times like this


>> No.55026769 [View]
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The tech bubble is over. Ai and underpaid jeets will do all the consoomer work like apps and tv and appliances. But wait who benefits from this? All the money is being redirected to govt programming.
You see anons for years and years no one wanted to code for the govt. shitty pay. No wfh. Shitty accommodations shitty perks no snacks . Drug tests. Why would any good coder, who generally does shit like smoke weed and sleep until 11am and wanna eat snacks go work for the govt? There was literally no benefit unless you were a die hard patriot or something and do you think millenial and zoomers who can program a computer are like that lmao
So what’s theyre doing now destroying the tech sector, let the jeers maintain it and at the same time we have tons of GOOD AMERICAN programmers unemployed. Cyber security jobs in the govt have been massively understaffed and especially now we are in so many global conflicts and hacks and leaks. Tons of coders are gonna flock and grab the safe comfy govt jobs for less pay but better security in times like this. Its been in demand with no supply for years and this was their ultimate plan to drive more coders into underpaid , more strict govt coding posituons to secure our cyber webs

>t. code monkey who is considering applying to govt cyber security job. Chill comfy, and im not desperate anymore for a 400k salary

Profit from this how you will

>> No.54191764 [View]

Yeah but covid+putin's aspie invasion has clusterfucked the whole economy since governments were forced to choose from printing a fuckton of money to save people from bankruptcy or don't and let the weak die and hopefully this not meaning a total clusterfuck by itself

However, we have to maximize the things we can control and minimize the things we cannot control, which leads you to ask: what the fuck do we invest in in times like this?

Gold is manipulated as fuck
BTC will get banned because they will be mad too much money is going there for something that is "bad for the environment" and produces nothing and it's outside of their reach (but they can and will bank fiat onramps crashing the price)
So what the fuck is out there?

The SP500 is going to crash as it should or it will be used as a store of value even on a recesion?

If rates are going to pivot, wouldn't that mean money is going to be more accessible again thus making the SP500 go up?

>> No.54162403 [View]

I think this is a good idea. In times like this when banks are struggling, a system like FedNow could support them more easily.

>> No.54083475 [View]

Please try to make your posts a little bit more optimistic and patriotic. We need this especially in times like this when our glorious country is under threat from foreign agents.
You live in the best country in the world and big part of this success can be attributed to outstanding job done by folks at Federal Reserve. I'd like you to remember that.

>> No.53966372 [View]


>> No.53734089 [View]

What a retard lmao. It's in times like this that it's easy to see who has no clue what's going on and just does divination based on staring at graphs.

>> No.53609000 [View]

It's a tough maneuver. But in times like this it's good to channel a bit of that Top Gun spirit: https://vocaroo.com/1mdLgCESultL

>> No.53556531 [View]

The SPY was at 217
There's going to be red days especially in times like this, but, this is clearly a bullmarket now, imo.

>> No.53325776 [View]

In times like this, Utility is better than pump and dump, I will rather DCA into UTK and EGLD where I know at least 20X is guaranteed

>> No.53052754 [View]
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Watch literally just the fed, they dictate rates and basically set the major trends in the market and global economy. Rates going up? usually means the fed wants the economy to slow down, rates going down? usually means the fed wants the economy to speed up. You can try and get into the different sector cycles but even hedge funds who's full time job is to read the tea leaves can't even beat the market index.

Buy VOO and whatever your age is as a % of your portfolio to bonds in 10% increments
I am 29: so my portfolio is 80% VOO and 20% Bonds.
Usually good to have a mix of corporate bonds, and long duration treasury, and in times like this inflation protected bonds (VTIP)
I have essentially been just buying VTIP since the fed started taking inflation seriously and bonds have hit the lows. It has a 6.3% annual yield and is better than buying Tbills imo.

other than that just focus on making as much money as you can. because savings and how much you can invest over time is the real game changer. 10x ing your $500 is: one extremely unlikely and two: even more unlikely to happen a 2nd or 3rd time.
Best to just make as much as possible and invest everything after 6 months expenses and not loose sleep at night.

>> No.52951953 [View]


Some theories:
1.)Normies spend so much money that in times like this, they simple scale back their spending. Avg biz lurker probably assumes people are already "just scraping by" - not the case. My friends/family who live "paycheck to paycheck" make like 90k a year and could simply stop spending so much money if they needed to, or sell their house that they really couldn't afford in the first place.

2.) As biz lurkers, we're already hyper-aware of our spending, so we are more easily triggered. Things aren't *that* bad, they were just really good for a really long time.

3.) Jobs generally are paying more to retain workers, so that helps even if it isn't exactly keeping 1:1 pace.

4.) Federal Reserve is unironically attempting to quell inflation with the tools at their disposal. Despite how painful this is on asset prices, at least the underclass isn't about to revolt about anything (yet).

5.) Creature comforts are at an all time high and are cheap as hell. There are enough cheap or free bread and circuses that until people are literally starving or freezing, I don't think there will be mass protests.

6.) People are returning to tradition as far as cohabiting is concerned. Even boomers know that it's tough out there and aren't in a rush to kick their kids out at 18. Living with family is back in style (especially when half the population is now hispanic lol).

7.) College scam is almost over. You don't *need* to rack up 80k in debt to get a decent job, at least in my experience. It definitely helps but the meme of being unemployable forever without a degree has ran its course thanks to online courses, certs etc. College is a lot of fucking money, that's an extra 5k a year for 16 years if you look at it that way. That's not even factoring in opportunity cost which is probably at least $10k a year in lost wages for 2-8 years.

8.) new school of Investing has made so many ppl rich that we all have hope now. Dumb answer but I think it's true.

>> No.52535954 [View]
File: 64 KB, 1214x459, 2022-11-20 21.32.07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep in times like this BRK.B is the better choice. Less bubbly, more stable.

>> No.52517133 [View]
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You can have some fun with your friends by organizing game nights rather than being a loner. You can utilize the interactive platform on GameStarplus for fun game nights. Having friends around in times like this is underrated.

>> No.52472439 [View]

Projects offering asset management solution to the core of it ain't common, yet very vital in times like this

>> No.52433133 [View]

Non custodial wallets are safer in times like this. Waiting for a withdrawal to be processed for 26hours is a terrible signal

>> No.52426350 [View]

what a fucking idiot piece of shit
in times like this he posts cryptic shit like that
fucking wanker
least he cd do is maintain a drop of dignity

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