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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.58514360 [View]
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The criticism back then was easily refuted. Were in a completely different timeline as to what was expected. I agree that fud is generally bullish, but to turn a blind eye to the absolute cucking of holders since 2021 is not acceptable and people should be more vocal to light a fire under sergey's ass to make holders rich.

Losers like these two (>>58514102
>>58514352) always propose a weak defense, laugh and generally have nothing to say, because they know nothing about the project or the lore. They probably think they "made it" by holding like absolute retards. I would know because that was me at one stage and got absolutely btfo by being a LINK maxi.

>> No.55657097 [View]
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What ever happened to this guy?

>> No.53837568 [View]
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I used to have much older ones but lost my folder :'(

>> No.30048103 [View]
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>What's going on in this thread?
Kek always favours Link threads.

>> No.28842171 [View]
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>imagine not having a suicide stack of linkies
If most of the faggots here bought link instead of getting rugpulled by pajeet they would have made it already

>> No.27647184 [View]
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Is this dude still alive?

>> No.26578651 [View]
File: 1.84 MB, 2160x3840, 1 (805).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is ChainLINK and /biz/ the same as Trump and /pol/?

Unironically, yes and I will tell you why.

The concept of memetics was originally introduced by Richard Dawkins in his book "the selfish gene". Essentially, he posited that ideas and concepts are subject to the same mechanics as genetics in the way they "reproduce" and spread throughout cultures. Memes are essentially just ideas and ideas have to go through a natural selection process that determines whether the components of the idea are fit for survival and propagation.

Consider4chan as an environment in which ideas are naturally selected. 4chan's platform is a uniquely harsh environment where only the especially fertile ideas are able to survive - posts only last 2 hours tops, there's no upvote/downvote system or identification that is tied to an idea's introduction. An important part is to understand that just like in genetics, the things that survive are not necessarily the best "logically" but for whatever other indeterminable reason they are the ones that experienced reproductive success.

Take pepe for example I mean what is it about pepe that we can't fucking drop - consider the amount of reproductive memetic strength for pepe to get posted every day so so often. Every meme-like post on 4chan could be the next pepe but because posts disappear so fast the majority of them die. For whatever reason, the attributes of pepe make it especially powerful in terms of reproduction. That intangible quality that allows pepe to have completely enchanted those who have been exposed to it.

Now think about chainlink and how it seems to display those same qualities! Possibly even in a harsher environment (/biz/ competitive vs. /pol/ already groupthink). It's worth investing in chainlink for this memetic quality ALONE.

Couple that with the actual strong fundamentals and it's a certainty that chainlink will be successful, provided the team is able to produce the product they envision.

>> No.25937520 [View]
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>If only you knew how comfy things really are

>> No.25820305 [View]
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do you think he made it yet?

>> No.23702059 [View]
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For the third time, let's just get a few things straight faggots:

>people from shitcoins like RLC were invited to CHAINLINK'S conference, NOT the other way around
>QNT did NOT hold a conference on smart contracts for the cryotosphere; CHAINLINK DID
>QNT, XRP, RLC, PNK ..etc - the Chinese are working with NON of these, but they ARE working with CHAINLINK
>DEFI doesn't depend on QNT, XRP, RLC, PNK or any other shitcoin to function, but it IS reliant on CHAINLINK
>you don't get lambos getting a PNK paint job
>you don't get graffiti artists throwing up RLC pieces on walls
>you don't get onlyfans thots posing with a printout of the XRP logo
>you don't get multiple people tattoing the QNT logo on themselves

other than BTC & Eth, all you other pieces of shit need to BOW down, bend the knee, and KISS THE FUCKING RING!

>> No.23701994 [DELETED]  [View]
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Let's just get a few things straight faggots
>people from shitcoins like RLC were invited to CHAINLINK'S conference, NOT the other way around
>QNT did NOT hold a conference on smart contracts for the cryotosphere; CHAINLINK DID
>QNT, XRP, RLC, PNK ..etc - the Chinese are working with NON of these, but they ARE working with CHAINLINK
>DEFI doesn't depend on QNT, XRP, RLC, PNK or any other shitcoin to function, but it IS reliant on CHAINLINK
>you don't get lambos getting a PNK paint job
>you don't get graffiti artists throwing up RLC pieces on walls
>you don't get onlyfans thots posing with a printout of the XRP logo
>you don't get multiple people tattoing the QNT logo on themselves

other than BTC & Eth, all you other pieces of shit need to BOW down, bend the knee, and KISS THE FUCKING RING

>> No.23169919 [View]
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>> No.21792621 [View]
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It went from $6 to $32 in the last 12 hours.


>> No.21759774 [View]
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Anyone recognize this? Owner told me he purchased it trading crypto. Is it possible in real life????

>> No.20355151 [View]
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Let's go boys

>> No.20148351 [View]
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gather and discuss. 30k link marine here

>> No.18539516 [View]
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ONLY those with 10k LINK or MORE can post ITT, poor fags & new fags STAY OUT!

>> No.18397461 [View]
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how long before /biz/ on Bloomberg

>> No.18211718 [View]
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pls pls pls green text some stories of how you got that cash op, biz has been boring af lately

>> No.17552932 [View]
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>> No.16689121 [View]
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>> No.16463021 [View]
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How could so many be so wrong?

>> No.16136521 [View]
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drove outta the 'hood toyota
drove back lambo

>> No.15869489 [View]
File: 1.84 MB, 2160x3840, IMG_2298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally mine for the past year, at least. Whenever I start to worry, stress out or feel down I look at it and remember what the fuck I'm doing this for.

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