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Search: Incel manifesto

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>> No.58535652 [View]

holy incel manifesto bro literally just have sex you fucking loser

>> No.58404125 [View]

holy incel manifesto
didn't read, still fudding

>> No.58382885 [View]

Ok I read your incel manifesto.
Those last two paragraphs are hilarious.
Kek fuddies.

>> No.58362966 [View]

This shit is such obvious incel cope holy shit.
Youre so clearly some low iq ESL who's probably currently writing his manifesto before he shoots up a school.
Its funny how some low iq subhuman like you will take any little chance to claim how everyone else is stupid and go so far as to claim "50% of people don't think" unironically.
Thats really what this entire thread boils down to. You rejects aren't really any better than cashiers.
Youre probably getting rugged on some dogshit coin as we speak or getting liquidated on a 100x long. You people just have zero self awareness.

>> No.58360293 [View]

>no LPL pooler incel manifesto
lol have sex no lpl poolers

lpl chuddie kiddos stay based and chuddie kiddos pilled

>> No.58353993 [View]

look bro I'm a near 30 year old kissless virgin but even I can tell you that you just wrote a cope incel manifesto, get real

>> No.58295887 [View]
File: 619 KB, 1666x1175, 1693458698861470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't read the incel manifesto

>> No.58284212 [View]

>incel manifesto
have sex

>> No.58271572 [View]

>The incel manifesto

>> No.58210466 [View]

wow that's a nice little fudcuck incel manifesto you have there but...
the pool is still closed
try again

>> No.58055135 [View]

>incel manifesto look everyone I said the words
Go back

>> No.58054018 [View]

Incel manifesto. If you're this creepy over some random jeet coomer I can't imagine what you do for your highschool crush

>> No.57977529 [View]

wow thanks for the extremely organic incel manifesto, fellow OG
i unstaked and sold all of my link the second i was done reading this post

>> No.57959361 [View]

>writes fuddie incel manifesto #48573 and then replies to himself
wow im sure a spot will open up in the pool any second now
amazing work

>> No.57867633 [View]

Why do you fud at this stage in the game? You must know you're keeping company with some genuine incel manifesto bottom feeders? What's the motivation?

>> No.57743611 [View]

nice incel manifesto. maybe instead of waiting for someone to decide "what to do with your", you try doing it yourself?

no one will magically come to save you, you can only save yourself, if you truly want it that is

>> No.57690638 [View]

Not reading your incel manifesto. Sell or fuck off.

>> No.57580042 [View]

>scorned incel posts his diary manifesto

Yeah that’ll help you get laid lol

>> No.57313818 [View]
File: 132 KB, 1024x1024, oj 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>endless incel manifesto blogs
lol that description is true, but they are well worth reading for his logic system. He isn't stuck on a crypto ideology.

My favorite thing I learned from my fellow negro is "He who sells first, sells best." This logic shook me out of my "hope it goes up" pussy approach.

>> No.57310585 [View]

dude writes endless incel manifesto blogs only to be wrong every single time lmao

>> No.57271365 [View]

dude stfu I'm not interested in your incel manifesto either tell me how link will moon or shut it, I'm staking 70% of my stack but I keep the rest ready to sell if we reach $1000

>> No.57245364 [View]

nice incel manifesto, didn't read a single word

>> No.57223066 [View]

this tard has made a bad call after bad call for a year straight, in fact ever since he started writing his incel manifesto blogposts he has only lost literally tens of millions of dollars

>> No.57222081 [View]

>the fud
What was all the FUD meant to do exactly?
Like... who even knows how many incel manifesto tier posts they made about how much they hate link that were just never read or replied to, and then the pool filled up anyway.
It's like not a single thing they do matters or effects anything.

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