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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.164634 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 138 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sony is selling their last major building in Japan.

This is the place where the Walkman and the PlayStation were born.

When I read this news I almost wanted to cry. There is no way this company can recover at this point. It's really over.

It's happening.

>> No.164596 [View]
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Sorry for letting the thread 404, continuing here

modified 548 short stop @ 574
added additional shorts @ upper 1h & 4h supplies
with 574 stops and 549 cash ins

>> No.164521 [DELETED]  [View]
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Semi-poorfag here

How do I go about making money from forex/shares. For the past few years I've been doing my research on how it all works and everything, but my problem is not having enough money to make a decent amount of money from it. I work and whenever I get my paycheck I help my parents pay for the mortgage because my dads not as young as he used to and can't work that much.

Sometimes I feel like I'll be able to make a lot of money off the market but then other times I just think "why me? What makes me so special that I will do what millions of others couldn't do?" and just feel bad about it all.

So how much do I need? Currently in uni so I'm having to balance everything but I can make it work. Even if it means day trading pennystock so be it. Only problem is I'm in the UK and don't have an american trading account so can't buy into American shares.

>> No.164519 [DELETED]  [View]
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Post stocks that seem under valued. I'll start:


They've definitely had a shitty year but surely that stock doesn't stay around $11 for too long with the strength of the brand, Pepsi caving and raising prices and the potential growth in Indonesia.

>> No.164518 [View]
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>not using LeNewMemeNiceMayMayManCoin


>> No.164486 [DELETED]  [View]
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Previous thread: >>163137

>> No.164485 [DELETED]  [View]
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Bonds are some of the worst investments out there right now. And that's saying a lot given how overvalued stock markets are.

Here's the bottom line: adjusting for both taxes and inflation, bondholders are losing money, even on risky issuances. Think about it-- if you make a 4% return and pay 25% in taxes, your net yield is 3%. If inflation is 3%, your entire gain is wiped out... so you have taken that risk for nothing. If inflation rises just a bit then you are in negative territory.

Even if deflation takes hold and prices fall, anyone who is deeply in debt is going to feel LOTS of pain. Instead of their debt burden inflating away, now they'll be scrambling to make interest payments. So while bonds are a sensible deflationary investment in theory, in practice deflation will only increase the likelihood of default. This puts many bond investments at serious risk.

Last, if interest rates rise from these all-time lows, a bond's value in the marketplace will plummet. So not only will you have made zero income, you would be looking at a steep loss if you try to sell.

Longer term, fixed rate bonds in weak currencies are almost guaranteed losers and should be avoided at all costs.

>> No.164474 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 175 KB, 4602x1835, YouTube1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /biz/,

I´ve got a good a idea for a YouTube-channel.I´m quite sure it would appeal to a lot of users.

Do you guys know any devent books/websites etc. teaching someone how to run a YouTube-Channel successfully?

>> No.164442 [View]
File: 89 KB, 1281x610, M2Group.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stock speculation general.

Speculate about your current stocks that you believe will do well in the coming weeks. It's about Ausfag hour and I'm an ausfag, so we'll start with ASX stock.

First up is M2 Group (ASX:MTU), an oil/energy company. As many Australians know, fracking and shale oil is being set up here, so many investors have good hopes for energy companies in 2014. Amongst on of the more promising companies is M2 Group, which is very likely set for a good week.

Keep an eye on them, definite possibility they'll make some gains this week.

>> No.164362 [DELETED]  [View]
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If I keep gold/silver in a safe deposit box, can my wife try and take half/all of it in a divorce if she found out? Can a good divorce lawyer force me to reveal the contents of my safe deposit box? Things are getting rocky in my household and I'm prepping for the worse. I don't want her to clean me out completely

>> No.164354 [View]
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Indeed... Monster... JobSeeker...

So why couldn't I build my own?


I want to hear why you think I can/cannot profit from this.

>> No.164339 [DELETED]  [View]
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>not investing in Argentina
It's like you hate your future self.

>> No.164247 [View]
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This is disgusting. It's like every man and his dog(e) believes a get-rich-quick scheme is to just create another crypto-currency with a silly logo.

And I'm betting there are more than just the hundred listed here.
Whats to stop the market from being flooded with useless coins? Buttcoins are going down the shitter, and it seems once they've been mined out (no more coins are released), who is going to keep transaction mining for paltry amounts when they can just switch over to the next currency in line?

>> No.164246 [DELETED]  [View]
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>That one business idea you'll never have enough money to start

Fighter jet races

>> No.164243 [DELETED]  [View]
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Why is it so difficult to become rich /biz/.
>work my ass off at minimum slave job because no real education or experience.
>try to use whatever money i have left to start tiny business selling shit.
>every market i research has big fish that you would never possibly be able to compete with.
>mfw i will be poor forever.

>> No.164189 [DELETED]  [View]
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could you /biz/cuits explain the free market to me? specifically how it would benefit the general public/improve upon the current system (if it even does that?).

I mean, wouldn't everything end up like the US's telecommunications industry?

>> No.164163 [View]
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Hey guys. Im sorry to ask but i have an assignment for business and im retarded and dont know what to do, so can any of yo help me?

Assessment: I need to write a business report : I am an marketing manager and we need to pick a magazine targeting 50+ people (i pick business week) and my goal is to attract more advertisers. I need to write the report to my ceo.

So reckon anyone can give me a hand?

>> No.164150 [DELETED]  [View]
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Hi guys,

I'm an advertising creative at a big ad agency.

I dunno if anyone is interested but I am happy to answer any questions if so.

>> No.164135 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 59 KB, 600x400, wells-fargo-plaque-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's /biz/'s opinion on Wells Fargo?

They recently fucked me over and I'm thinking of moving to Capital One, BoA, or Chase

>> No.164133 [View]
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How accurate is this comparison of majors? If you studied math/physics and Philosophy, you would be smartest in both quantitative and verbal reasoning.

>> No.164122 [DELETED]  [View]
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What's the easiest country in which to "finance" yourself without giving up too many creature comforts? I'm currently living abroad, but the savings in daily expenses (compared to the USA or Europe) is not enough to justify the loss of comfort and community.

Recently I went to Thailand and ended up in an ex-pat area. Cheap cheap cheap and I met a lot of great people. Right now their gov is a mess, but I'd still consider moving back there. I have like $20/day passive income, and could definitely have lived on that if I moved to Thailand. However I'd probably want to work part time for fun money and the social experience. Plus I'd need a way to get dat extended visa.

Anyone else with similar daydreams?

For enjoyable ex-pat living a country should have:
>semi-relaxed visa laws
>cheap currency / favorable exchange rate
>not too much kidnapping and murder
>not hate white people
>not be a "hijab" country that will execute you for having sex
>a good ex-pat community already in place
>easy travel to other places
(thailand fails here unless you're in bangkok)
>good weather and easy livin

Anyone living the ex-pat life? Pic related- spain would be great if it weren't for the EU's strict visa laws.

>> No.164101 [DELETED]  [View]
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best /biz/ movies, let's hear them

>> No.164072 [View]
File: 53 KB, 640x972, haha-business.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you guys do enhanced indexing? If so, what are you underweighting and overweighting in say, the S&P?

>> No.164063 [View]
File: 129 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /biz/raelites

Com Sci or IT?

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