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Search: aleph

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>> No.29122602 [View]
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post your undervalued gems biz, no bsc no rugpulls just coins that haven't pumped much that could go barapolic this bull run. I'll start Aleph (ALEPH)

>> No.29002427 [View]
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4 eth
500 Ren
100,000 PPay
10,000 Aleph
300,000 Perx
10 XFund
10 Dex

>> No.28909794 [View]
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>This integration will enable all solo devs and teams of builders to access aleph.im’s decentralized cloud services. Aleph.im enables any DApp built on Solana to fully decentralize its stack by providing a Python and Javascript Client Libraries to integrate its decentralized database (inc. file storage), computing and DID framework.

In the age of crazy fees, I think I'm pretty bullish on em.


>> No.28833252 [View]
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it's over gilles.

+18% tokens staked in 20 days. Node Operators and Staking growing strong. Aleph is the future.

> 36 Nodes Activated. 47% of Circ. Supply Staked. 75% APR for Node Operators. 18.5% APY for stakers.
>Binance Smart Chain Integration
>PancakeSwap Listing (BSC)
>Decentr Partnership
>Exeedme Partnership

>> No.28817693 [View]
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Going to share a couple bread crumbs today because I have finished accumulating. What you are looking at here is Aleph's node network. I circled the private node. The private node is the node being used by the yet to be named partner. That node is currently an unnamed partnership believed to be announced in April. Rumor has it that it isn't even a crypto partnership but an actually company using Aleph.im. Check it out for yourself here: https://account.aleph.im/#/

Sitting at a 30 million market cap and 40 cents this is your chance to get in before the baloon to $4.

If you are looking to buy alts on the dip as you should be look no farther than Aleph.im. It honestly does not get much easier than this.

>> No.28786911 [View]
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Surely you guys are looking at what alts to add in this dip. Well I have one for you. Aleph.IM basically the AWS of crypto fully decentralizing defi. If you look at the node list of active nodes on Aleph there is a private node that is a partnership yet to be named. I don't even think it's a crypto company partnership which is pretty huge expected to be announced in April. Charts are looking real good and Aleph is extremly undervalued at a market cap of 30 million. Also just added to pancake swap so you can buy without the insane uni fees for you plebs out there who can't afford gas. This is your chance to be early. Buy a 10k stack before you get priced out so you can stake from your wallet and get that juicy passive income.

>> No.28620696 [View]
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2016 OG here so listen up: Pancake swap is the movest obvious move.

- MCAP is 5-10% of uniswap
- Volume is 60-80% of uniswap
- This is before 99% of the blue chips are tradable.

What i think is going to happen:
- Everyday you are hearing about 5-10 projects on ERC20 transitioning. Last 2 hour. i heard about FalconSwap and Aleph. These are the projects bringing volume on uniswap.
- Over the next 2-3 months, almost all major big players will be tradable on BSC. Where is the ONLY place you can trade them? Pancake.
- Cake becomes top 30 coins, as the biggest DEX
- They are expanding their pools, NFTs, IFO launch pads.
- Billions of DEFI will flow into Cake
- Marketing and accessibilty 10/10 thanks to CZ and Binance exchange.

I sold everything and went all in. Next 3-4 months, CAKE will go on a parabolic run. Now youtube fags and CTs are starting to talk about it. WE ARE EXTREMELY early.

>> No.28589486 [View]
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Been shaking recently. ALEPH is the cause. The symptoms are fomo.

Let me walk you through the last 24 hours
> Integrated and live on Binance smart chain
> Aleph pool live on Pancake swap

>> No.28578018 [View]
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You see what I'm seeing, right?
She is ripe and juicy. Basically begging for it. Yeah you can put as much as you want right there. That beautiful staking pool.

Oh, BSC bro just called and wants to double team.



>> No.28501481 [View]
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/biz/ I need a wise oldfag to school me on this. I am bottling this pressure up, as I'm completely new to this and don't speak a word about crypto to friend out of paranoia.
I started out with 300 EUR in August last year. Rode EGLD, GRT initial pump, VET, Shiba, Bao and honestly forgot what else. I got myself at 14k at one point but lost it in a flurry of trades and gas.
I am psychologically burned out from this progress, albeit being so little in the long scheme of things and need a break to concentrate on other things. I've consolidated mainly in aleph, because it has room to grown and for comfy staking, while gfarm is my gamble for an early entry probable moon.

My question/trouble is this:
Is this decision and portfolio ok for now? Am I going to miss the golden bull run? Am I retarded and a fag?

>> No.28483402 [View]
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"We are excited about this new partnership with Decentr, the platform that makes your data payable and tradeable online while also providing DeFi services to its users. Decentr will integrate a variety of aleph.im use cases into the Decentr ecosystem."

How much is this announcement worth? 10k Aleph?

>> No.28409506 [View]
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PolkadotDeFiAlliance #Recap

Highlights from the first Panel Discussion by Polkadot DeFi Alliance.

On 28th January, Polkadot DeFi Alliance hosted its first panel discussion with leading projects building DeFi in the Polkadot Ecosystem.

We had a successful first event & we wanted to share the highlights of the Panel Discussion that was moderated by our CEO, @DenkoMancheski.

• Alexei Zamyatin, Co-Founder and CEO, Interlay
• Nate Hamilton, Director of Business Dev, Moonbeam
• Lesley Czuma, Director of Customer Success, Equilibrium

The first panel discussion was intriguing. The panel shared valuable insights on why they chose to build on Polkadot, the pre-requisites of on-boarding on Polkadot, its progress & growth rate, and much more.

Tune in to watch the full event, and cultivate a strong understanding of Polkadot & #DeFi.

Watch the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ys2TKgCzmxU&t=173s

Retweet: https://twitter.com/ReefDeFi/status/1359222936775757824

Recent Reef Finance Developments:

API Integration with Binance
First Audit of Smart Contracts by Halborn Security
Partnerships: Akropolis, Paralink, Manta, Avalanche, Unifi, OpenDeFi, bZx, Kylin, DAOfi, Matic, Kava, Chainlink, Jarvis, Stafi, Equilibrium, Crust Network, Plasm, Centaur, Darwinia, Covalent, Aleph, Bifrost
Reef Finance Investors on why they invested in Reef: NGC, DFG, LD Capital, Momentum 6
Reef Finance Interviews: Boxmining, Charles Gibona, TronWeekly, A11Crypto & Bitcoin.com
Reef Finance Article: Cointelegraph
Reef Finance released the Token Economics
Reef Finance Debit Card
Reef Finance Year-in-Review 2020

>> No.28386505 [View]
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Aleph.im - DeFi & Web3

Currently only $25M market cap, this is easily a $250M+ project when you consider how solid the currently development is and how transparent and active the team are.

Staking is currently 19-20%~ which is pretty fucking good, daily rewards and the tokens never leave your wallet, so it's completely safe from a malicious node operators. THIS ALSO MEANS ZERO GAS FEES TO STAKE OR UNSTAKE! However, the required amount of tokens for staking is 10,000. So, many people are going to get priced out soon and miss out on free easy and daily gains.

Partners: Jarvis, Serum, Orion, Phantasma Chain, EvidenZ, Bitfwd Blockchain Ventures, Reef (Polka), RioDeFi, Starname

Aleph.im is currently compatible with lots of chains, this system is LIVE - not any vapourware bullshit.

You can view the live operational network here -> https://explorer.aleph.im/

USECASES: https://aleph.im/#/use-cases
DEX Order Book
Document Certification
KYC Metadata
NFT Metadata
Document Management System
Cloud Storage
Real-Time dApp
Staking and Nodes

Take a look at the roadmap, if that doesn't give you top 100 project vibes then I don't know what to tell you.

https://account.aleph.im/#/ <- staking link
https://explorer.aleph.im/ <- tx explorer
https://my-beta.aleph.im/#/l/ <- Working completely encrypted dApp


>> No.28381208 [View]
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When reading this ALEPH thread I realize that devs actually are building a potential disruptor to AWS, GCP and Azure. Maybe that's why price has been so bullish the last few weeks?

>> No.28274790 [View]
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>We are very excited to announce this partnership with Exeedme, a blockchain-powered tournament platform running on Polkadot, powered by DeFi (decentralized finance)via NFTs and fungible crypto assets.

> “We are ecstatic to be partnering with aleph.IM which is adding huge value to the NFT landscape by fully decentralizing NFTs” — Nuno Fernandes, Exeedme CEO

>> No.28180065 [View]
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When entering aleph.im I'm met with this:
>Allow your blockchain enabled app to securely access trusted off-chain data or computation within a couple lines of code.

I don't care. I'm already sold. I want to know where to buy your token

>> No.28162944 [View]
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>> No.28113319 [View]
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Aleph.im - DeFi & Web3

Currently only $27M market cap, this is easily a $250M+ project when you consider how solid the currently development is and how transparent and active the team are.

Staking is currently 20%~ which is pretty fucking good, daily rewards and the tokens never leave your wallet, so it's completely safe from a malicious node operator. THIS ALSO MEANS ZERO GAS FEES TO STAKE OR UNSTAKE! However, the required amount of staking is 10,000 tokens so, many people are going to get priced out soon and miss out on free easy and daily gains.

Partners: Jarvis, Serum, Orion, Phantasma Chain, EvidenZ, Bitfwd Blockchain Ventures, Reef (Polka), RioDeFi, Starname

Aleph.im is currently compatible with lots of chains, this system is LIVE - not any vapourware bullshit.

You can view the live operational network here -> https://explorer.aleph.im/

USECASES: https://aleph.im/#/use-cases
DEX Order Book
Document Certification
KYC Metadata
NFT Metadata
Document Management System
Cloud Storage
Real-Time dApp
Staking and Nodes

Take a look at the roadmap, if that doesn't make give you top 100 project vibes then I don't know what to tell you.

https://account.aleph.im/#/ <- staking link
https://explorer.aleph.im/ <- tx explorer
https://my-beta.aleph.im/#/l/ <- Working completely encrypted dApp


MXC is the highest volume exchange at the moment, though uniswap is a good place to pick some up. https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x27702a26126e0b3702af63ee09ac4d1a084ef628
Also available on KuCoin, Sushiswap and others.

Breadcrumbs: FTX seem to hold $1,000,000 worth of Aleph in their exchange wallet......... Aleph is partnered with Serum....... HMMMMM...

>> No.28078466 [View]
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I know you're wondering what to do with your new stack of stables or whatever.

Simply select “stake” on the new node you want to stake on. The DApp will automatically unstake/stake for you..

You're welcome.


>> No.28069701 [View]
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It's so annoying writing a thread at biz. Reminds me of transacting on Ethereum without using ALEPH's services.

Reaping the sweet staking rewards atm until reddit gets to know about this.
Wait, What do you mean about this?

>ALEPH is an open-source cross-chain decentralized cloud project: Database (inc. file storage), Computation and Decentralized ID framework.

Without ALEPH, dApps are unlikely to ever scale

>> No.28018248 [View]
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> Aleph is a cross-blockchain layer-2 network specifically focused on decentralized applications and their related infrastructure (storage, computing servers, security). Our aim is to decentralize and revolutionize the web and the cloud as we know it. Current decentralized applications are generally unreliable and slow or tied to single blockchain architecture. Decentralized applications need to not only overcome these issues, but they also need to be able to communicate with other projects. The large majority of current blockchain-related technologies cannot scale to the levels needed for large applications (social networks, web apps, IoT providers, etc) we use on a daily basis. Aleph intends to provide a solution to these issues by offering fast single cross-technologies and cross-chain solution on a decentralized and reliable ecosystem.

You can easily STAKE Aleph on the official staking page: https://account.aleph.im/.. When staking, you just register your stack on the site and your coins NEVER leave your wallet. You can unstake with just a click.

The best part? You have a 20% APY (check for yourself), which is approx. 5 ALEPH / 10K ALEPH staked. This is fucking passive income boys.

Check how active their Github is: https://github.com/aleph-im

With less than 25M marketcap, just get the fuck in here. There is zero room for losses.

>> No.27992070 [View]
File: 62 KB, 999x582, Aleph.im graphic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aleph.im - DeFi & Web3

Currently only $21.5M market cap, this is easily a $250M+ project when you consider how solid the currently development is and how transparent and active the team are.

Staking is currently 20%~ which is pretty fucking good, daily rewards and the tokens never leave your wallet, so it's completely safe from a malicious node operatorS. THIS ALSO MEANS ZERO GAS FEES TO STAKE OR UNSTAKE! However, the required amount of tokens for staking is 10,000. So, many people are going to get priced out soon and miss out on free easy and daily gains.

Partners: Jarvis, Serum, Orion, Phantasma Chain, EvidenZ, Bitfwd Blockchain Ventures, Reef (Polka), RioDeFi, Starname

Aleph.im is currently compatible with lots of chains, this system is LIVE - not any vapourware bullshit.

You can view the live operational network here -> https://explorer.aleph.im/

USECASES: https://aleph.im/#/use-cases
DEX Order Book
Document Certification
KYC Metadata
NFT Metadata
Document Management System
Cloud Storage
Real-Time dApp
Staking and Nodes

Take a look at the roadmap, if that doesn't give you top 100 project vibes then I don't know what to tell you.

https://account.aleph.im/#/ <- staking link
https://explorer.aleph.im/ <- tx explorer
https://my-beta.aleph.im/#/l/ <- Working completely encrypted dApp


MXC is the highest volume exchange at the moment, though uniswap is a good place to pick some up. https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x27702a26126e0b3702af63ee09ac4d1a084ef628
Also available on KuCoin, Sushiswap and others.

Balancer is also getting close to 1m liquidity and I think the fees are slightly cheaper than Uniswap

Binance next big exchange? I mean.. Aleph IS compatible with BinanceChain... making Aleph BEP tokens would be very very easy i'm sure...

>> No.27984345 [View]
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Will I make it bros?

>> No.27982507 [View]
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>Built for the DeFI ecosystem
>a decentralized network that is dedicated to provide secure storage and computing to decentralized applications of all chains

Anon "all chains", we are not talking about yet another random protocol that says "we are going to kill Ethereum". This is an addition to all chains to allow them to operate efficiently and fast. What if it solves Ethereum's scaling problems?

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