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Search: emeramide

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>> No.11103313 [View]
File: 36 KB, 517x789, NBMI_antioxidative_properties.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from human clinical trials, it's all we have to work with so far; because of emeramide's tremendous capacity to neutralize reactive oxygen species (pic related)—a great deal of which is produced by mercury—the lower the dose, the more the free emeramide gets used only in neutralizing these excess compounds. even 300mg/kg is a useful, but pretty inadequate daily amount to take to deal with the kind of mercury poisoning that the subjects of the study in that pic were taking—this is, mercury poisoning from exposure to elemental mercury in gold refining.
as a side note—once emeramide has a molecule of mercury, no amount of ROS that could be encountered in the body would cause emeramide to let go of that mercury. the bond is truly, ridiculously tight.
here's a link to the study from which the graph in that last post was retrieved:

>> No.11103149 [View]
File: 117 KB, 471x509, emeramide_gold_miners.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amalgam fillings constantly emit very small quantities of elemental mercury vapor
vaporous elemental mercury is extremely toxic, and very pervasive (can get into just about any area of the body—brain included—with ease)
absorbed mercury is converted to inorganic mercury in the places in the body where it binds to, and inorganic mercury is nowhere near as pervasive or as mobile as elemental or organic mercury—which means that it's gonna stay in the same place, keeping the same spots of your body in a state of total ruin
the primary excretion pathway is overwhelmed and fails completely if burdened with anything but regular background mercury levels

basically, you and everyone else would only doing yourselves a favor in taking emeramide (which is also known as NBMI, if you're wondering about pic related)
the company, emeramed, needs funding for the next (and final) phase of clinical trials, in addition to a bunch of extremely expensive "for your safety"-type regulatory bullshit, though
they're looking for investors; given the number of people who have gotten amalgam fillings, thimerosal-containing vaccinations, and autism (which mercury poisoning causes)
emeramide used to be sold as OSR#1, and there were literally only good reports of things happening with its use
both animal and human studies have shown that it's extremely safe; one study that i found very interesting was when a rat was fed 0.5% of its body weight in emeramide, and the only side effect that it got was diarrhea—which only happened because they had to dissolve the emeramide in vegetable (corn) oil in order for the rat to eat that much emeramide

>> No.11102870 [View]

do you have any health problems? if you had dental amalgam fillings or any vaccines with thimerosal in them, you have mercury poisoning; look into emeramide. i've been shilling it here the past few days. no side effects, doesn't do anything bad to you, completely cures mercury poisoning in a very short period of time and allows your body to finally recover from it as it will.

>no alcoholism
>no risk for opioid addiction; no drugs, ever
>no cloud rap, or rap of any kind
>no tinder
buuuuut everything else is correct
the PSP that i'd play PS1 on broke though

>> No.11097695 [View]
File: 24 KB, 437x253, Majority-are-Boys-with-Autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mercury exposure is causing the majority of high-testosterone males of the millennial and zoomer generations to become autistic
the few studies that have been performed to evaluate the toxicity of mercury in males vs females indicate that mercury is much more toxic in males
the researchers behind these studies believe that testosterone amplifies the toxic effects of mercury
to get to the point that i wish to convey, start watching at 9:45

emeramide, or NBMI, is the drug that could save these generations, and future generations, from the effects of healthy males all being given brain damage and other physiological ailments characteristic of autism
NBMI has NO side effects, and has proven itself in studies to only improve the health of those who take it, regardless of how much mercury they have in them
the FDA has been trying to keep this drug from people for eight years now, and left-wing media publications have soundly demonized and ridiculed NBMI and the man behind bringing it to the market, dr. boyd haley
if you know any autistic children, suffer from autism yourself, or otherwise have or have had silver dental amalgam fillings(!!!) or have gotten so much as ONE vaccination or injection that has thimerosal in it, then remember the names—emeramide, or NBMI

sorry to type like a paranoid retard
the point still stands—males these days are weak because they are suffering from diseases that destroy their brain and body function
the strongest among us are suffering from autism, and all of the severe body dysfunction that it entails
this is the literal coordinated destruction of men and society

>> No.11075480 [View]
File: 36 KB, 517x789, NBMI_antioxidative_properties.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your body's demanding food for some reason; don't kill yourself in getting diabetes, but don't try to starve yourself, either
try taking shittons of emeramide when it's finally available to people; absorbed mercury is extremely, unbelievably toxic to your body, and emeramide is a completely non-toxic, side-effect free chelator that neutralizes it wherever it is in your body without posing any risk to you at all
(pic related: emeramide is more popularly known as NBMI, and OSR#1
it doubles as an exceptionally potent antioxidant, and leads to a great increase in glutathione levels)

>> No.11070193 [View]
File: 90 KB, 488x542, haley2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(by the way, in this post, i should also specify that i can't get any emeramide from doctors because where i live, they operate strictly on a basis of "evidence-based treatment"
to a voter, this sounds as nice and progressive as "universal health care", but it's just as retarded as that
it's a system put in place that's designed to keep you from getting the medications that you know that you need, but probably don't have sufficent evidence for; no fucking kidding you don't have sufficient evidence, when doctors, after months of waiting for an appointment, only see each patient for ten minutes and then rush them out the door
add to this the fact that doctors are sometimes going by wildly outdated diagnostic information (especially in cases where the latest research on how to do a proper diagnostic for any given thing is incompatible with the narrative of the medical cartel)
the bottom line is, medicine prescriptions shouldn't be "evidence-based", because this is a centralization of trust in the medical establishment that they will not only keep up to date on the latest means of diagnosing every last possible issue, but that they'll remain free of conflicts of interest in the entire time of their operation
this is why i, and so many people, are still sick as all hell
i encourage everyone to do what's right for themselves, as long is it does not come at the expense of anyone else's liberty
fact is, our liberties are being walked all over)

>> No.11069126 [View]
File: 63 KB, 2430x432, emeralogo1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

additionally, if you have money, emeramed (the company behind emeramide) seems to need money like mad to get over the hurdles that the FDA has set up to get any drug (that isn't made and advanced by their cronies) approved in the US; if you feel like being an investor to a company that has a working, outstanding product, very few current investors, and has the potential to tap into a totally untapped market that, provided success, would save the lives and livelihoods of millions of people who are forced to live like subhumans because the FDA and ADA have forced mind-and-body-destroying poisons onto them, then this is a great opportunity. you could make a lot of money, and through allowing other people to regain their full health and reach their true potential, make it so that your money buys more stuff when the greatest of them invent more ways to mechanize production, and empower individuals.

>> No.11069060 [View]
File: 36 KB, 517x789, NBMI_antioxidative_properties.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right now, it's total bullshit
you have to get a prescription through your doctor through your country's special access drug program
it's a heaping mound of bullshit; i'm not able to get any, myself, because doctors don't do any kind of thorough testing for mercury poisoning
they only test your blood; the only time mercury would ever be in your blood is if you very recently had exposure to a significant amount of methylmercury, as in, eating ridiculous amounts of high-mercury fish every day (like tuna)
it quickly migrates to places like muscle and brain tissue after such exposure, and never really leaves
mercury vapor that comes off of silver dental amalgam fillings, which can penetrate pretty much any barrier in your body, follows the exact same path (only right next to the roof of your mouth, and your brain
your ears too, hence my awful tinnitus)
literally begging for brain damage

to better answer your question, your best solution at the moment is to either produce emeramide yourself, or to have someone produce it who knows what they're doing. producing it yourself may prove to be difficult; the following patent allegedly (according to another patent) contains, among useless iterations of molecules that look like emeramide that were seemingly discovered and patented around the same time, the most useful iterations of emeramide. i know nothing of this kind of thing, so i can't give any advice. regardless:
and, the "other" patent that claims that the above patent contains the most useful molecule, in addition to a bunch of crap:

>> No.11068184 [View]

no problem
you've got a magnum dong; when you rid yourself of your mercury poisoning, you're gonna have a lot going for you

it might be tempting, but don't buy the emeramide off of sites like medkoo, or other chinese chemical research companies (unless you have money to burn and want to see if it's the real stuff, which it very likely isn't)
the emeramide that medkoo produces is indeed emeramide (or a very, very similar molecule), but it's already got something bound to its thiol groups
because it has something bound to it, it loses its property of being able to dissolve in fats
this ruins a lot of the usefulness of the molecule; the reason why emeramide is so great is because it is able to cross lipid barriers when it doesn't have anything bound to it, so it can go virtually anywhere in the body
even the brain

the guys at medkoo seem like they're genuinely trying to make and sell pure emeramide, but whatever they're selling is flawed in some way
it's not lipid-soluble
it might be emeramide with something else attached to it, or it might be a molecule with uncanny physical similarity
but unfortunately, it's not terribly useful as emeramide

>> No.11067962 [View]
File: 35 KB, 550x378, Figure2_Dx_Gender_Ratio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from the abstract:
>The sexual dimorphism of ASDs may result from synergistic neurotoxicity caused by the interaction of testosterone and Hg; in contrast, estrogen is protective, mitigating the toxicity of Hg.

>Recent data indicate that boys [in comparison to girls] are more susceptible to neurotoxic effects of lead and methylmercury following exposure early in life

in case the timestamp doesn't copy over, begin watching at 9:45

also worth noting, from the address below, on the subject of fertility, in case you were wondering why sperm counts might be down:
>The results indicate that HgCl2 exposure had significant adverse effects on male rat reproduction endpoints including fertility at a dose that was not clinically toxic.
>significant adverse effects
>at a dose that was not clinically toxic

the bottom line is, mercury fucks up males much worse than it does females, and the few researchers that have looked into mercury toxicity specifically seem to come to the conclusion that testosterone is the thing that makes mercury poisoning that much worse
this would explain all the overtly-active sóy men who have taken the public spotlight nowadays, while the men with moderate or high testosterone tend to fall apart in many ways and fade from life and memory
the exceptions to this are usually the kind of men who wouldn't expose themselves to mercury

i can't speak for the other drug, but emeramide won't do anything bad to him
absolutely zero side effects

>> No.11067640 [View]
File: 117 KB, 471x509, emeramide_gold_miners.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

emeramide's a permanent fix that doesn't do anything bad to you at any dose
autism is caused by mercury poisoning

>> No.11067458 [View]
File: 22 KB, 300x300, emeramide3d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all zoomers need is emeramide
it'll cure the shit out of the crippling autism and mental retardation that the ones with any testosterone suffer

>> No.11064857 [View]
File: 2.42 MB, 1284x760, world corp1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus what is it with parents who say this shit
my dad said shit like this while i was suffering all sorts of health problems that he wouldn't do a goddamn thing to help me with
wound up nearly failing grade 12 because i was barely fucking conscious half the time, and had to pull like a fucking mule and beat the shit out of myself to get anything done
goddamn prick kept on saying that everything was in my head, as i lived life in a hazy, mind-altering aura of a desolate, claustrophobic black-and-white horror movie, spat up phlegm laced with blood every five minutes, and shat the most extremely painful fucking flaming corrosive death spew that took thirty minutes, minimum, to pass that was also sometimes laced with blood
when i found out what it was and did some shit to try to get better, the fucking bastard still didn't believe me in the slightest—and he still doesn't

i've shilled it here a few times before, but any anons here who have similar stories—or just similar health conditions, e.g. fucked-up and reduced brain function/cognition (which makes you suffer from a loss of personality), finding that breathing through your nose or even mouth is a struggle, really shitty blood circulation or a straight-up lack of blood in your body at any given time, terrible bowel function and a feeling that you are "bloated" or have to constantly "push out" on your gut all the time to deal with it (which seems to come with the feeling that you are losing sensation all over your body), and shittons of other fucking little things and big things,
if you've ever gotten vaccines containing thimerosal—which a fuckload of you have—you also suffer from mercury poisoning.
your solution—a drug that literally only does good things—is called NBMI (or emeramide). there will be ways to get it without trying to go through a fucking doctor soon.

ask me questions.

>> No.11043199 [View]

i've got a cold and feel even more fuked up than usual, but you niggers need to look up stuff to do with emeramide (henceforth referred to as NBMI) and emeramed, like, RIGHT NOW. start thinking about potential sources of mercury exposure that you've encountered, especially including dental amalgam (once again, silver) fillings; mercury poisoning disproportionately affects males, because testosterone amplifies the toxic effects of mercury by several dozen times over. boyd haley—emeramed's founder, and a respected scientist from the university of kentucky—literally describes exactly this in his research.
i mean—shit. NBMI is exactly the stuff you're looking for, and i STRESS that. i fucking swear to shit, the insane fucking nonsense i've gone through to come to this conclusion, while taking regular mercury chelators and everything; if you have had amalgams, you absolutely do have mercury poisoning, to some degree—and you are very likely to suffer instant acute mercury poisoning from having them drilled out of your mouth. vaccines containing thimerosal abso-fucking-lutely do induce mercury poisoning and autism, and a great deal of evidence that they do can be found in viewing the effects of NBMI, when it was sold as a supplement named OSR#1, circa 2008-2010, on autistic children.
fucking WATCH this presentation by haley at the IAOMT, and look more into the symptoms of mercury poisoning; i could tell you all the shit i suffer or try to answer any questions you have, if you wish.

pay attention to my crap too

>> No.11042779 [View]
File: 63 KB, 650x365, amalfills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you have (or have had) amalgam (silver) dental fillings, the bottom line is that you absolutely have some degree of mercury poisoning
the vast majority of the mercury that is absorbed by your body never leaves; the current medical approach assumes that mercury does leave your body after some time, but somehow, that the damage which it does to organs is irreversible. this is bizarre. organs sampled for mercury post-mortem frequently report high mercury levels with increased age—which makes sense, given that the body's detoxification pathways for mercury are quickly totally overwhelmed by anything but background levels.
i could give you a bigger sales pitch, but the bottom line is, it wouldn't hurt you to try emeramide when you (and i) can finally get our hands on it; it's an extremely effective mercury chelator and extremely potent antioxidant that's literally fucking non-toxic. zero side effects. it literally only seems to do good things in both humans and animals that take it. the guy who discovered that it was non-toxic says that he's been taking it every day for 12 years, and he has the glutathione levels of a teenager. of course, the FDA halted its sale eight years ago on the grounds that the product was a "drug" and not a "supplement" (even though it had sold quite well and nobody reported any adverse reactions from taking it to either the FDA or the company that had manufactured it (and to this day, even through numerous studies and clinical trials, no adverse reactions to the drug have been observed in even doses as high as 0.5% the body weight of the animal taking it), and now the guy who made it has to do expensive bureaucratic gymnastics to get it approved
pretty fucking ridiculous

also, the company is looking for investors
i'm a poorfag with all my money in chainlink and can't fund them, but at least i won't have fucking mercury poisoning when they can start selling stuff

>> No.11042760 [DELETED]  [View]

if you have (or have had) amalgam (silver) dental fillings, the bottom line is that you absolutely have some degree of mercury poisoning
the vast majority of the mercury that is absorbed by your body never leaves; the current medical approach assumes that mercury does leave your body after some time, but somehow, that the damage which it does to organs is irreversible. this is bizarre. organs sampled for mercury post-mortem frequently report high mercury levels with increased age—which makes sense, given that the body's detoxification pathways for mercury are quickly totally overwhelmed by anything but background levels.
i could give you a bigger sales pitch, but the bottom line is, it wouldn't hurt you to try emeramide when you (and i) can finally get our hands on it; it's an extremely effective mercury chelator and extremely potent antioxidant that's literally fucking non-toxic. zero side effects. it literally only seems to do good things in both humans and animals that take it. the guy who discovered that it was non-toxic says that he's been taking it every day for 12 years, and he has the glutathione levels of a teenager. of course, the FDA halted its sale eight years ago on the grounds that the product was a "drug" and not a "supplement" (even though it had sold quite well and nobody reported any adverse reactions from taking it to either the FDA or the company that had manufactured it (and to this day, even through numerous studies and clinical trials, no adverse reactions to the drug have been observed in even doses as high as 0.5% the body weight of the animal taking it), and now the guy who made it has to do expensive bureaucratic gymnastics to get it approved
pretty fucking ridiculous

also, the company is looking for investors
i'm a poorfag with all my money in chainlink and can't fund them, but at least i won't have fucking mercury poisoning when they can start selling stuff

>> No.10955928 [View]
File: 35 KB, 469x410, 1535504006512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>backing up people's natural feelings that they have a right to private property is pushing propaganda
>capitalists deplete natural resources
>capitalists make people poor
also you both failed at greentext AND you're reddit spacing
you HAVE to go the fuck back
pic related is for you in particular

is it bad that i don't even care to refute you low-ambition cucks anymore? like, where along the line do free markets with zero taxes and an UNAVOIDABLE, realist policy of "work must be done, no matter who or what is doing it" lead to an oligarchy? do you think that anything but the exact socialism that you probably beg for did this? just—you're gonna get crushed so badly in the next few decades that i almost feel bad not trying to convince you just how wrong you are, holy shit
i'll throw you one really fucking good bone; you and dozens of people you know probably had "silver" dental fillings, and thus, DO have mercury poisoning—the fucking foundation of a gigantic list of chronic diseases, and an ungodly drain on your body's resources and ability to create those resources—to some degree; go get some emeramide, originally made BY A CAPITALIST and taken off the market BY THE SAME TAX-FUNDED STATE THAT PROTECTED THE REPUTATION OF MERCURY FILLINGS, AND SILENCED EXPERTS FROM VARIOUS FIELDS WHO SPOKE OF ITS DANGERS. just fyi, you're gonna have to apply through your country's early access program if you want the real shit, with no side effects.
maybe you control freak communism-loving authoritarians can overcome your mental illness. like, wake the fuck up, dude; if jeff fucking bezos and george "nationalism is evil" soros want you to believe that capitalism is bad, maaaaybe you're not right, and you're the one who is supporting the system that is responsible for the mass enslavement of mankind?!?! like, just, maaaaaybe?!?!?!

>> No.10945891 [View]

sorry for the delayed response! the truth is that anyone who has had these amalgam fillings, even if only for a day, lives with ill effects from it
it's just the nature of the material that they're made out of, and release
if you've had any persistent bastardly health problems that you're not sure why you have, there's no real reason at all why it couldn't be explained by you gettin a bit fucked by mercury from your fillings
it's not the end of the world now that something like emeramide exists (if you can get your hands on it), but it's obviously not great

>> No.10942385 [View]

nah, silver amalgam fillings
they leech mercury, and it never really leaves your body because it gets inside of your cells and drifts around your muscles from one thiol group to another
i also had a few of the fillings drilled out when i was young, and the dust messes you up pretty bad
here's a link with a bunch of useful shit in it: https://iaomt.org/resources/dental-mercury-facts/mercury-poisoning-symptoms-dental-amalgam/

i'm trying to get the drug that the other anon mentioned, called emeramide
works a lot better than every other mercury chelator, and has no side effects
though, trying to apply for it is a mess

>> No.10902478 [View]
File: 66 KB, 650x365, amalfills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted this here earlier, but it's possibly highly relevant

if you ever had silver fillings, you absolutely have mercury poisoning to some degree
it kicks the shit out of some people in wildly different ways (combinations of shit memory, shit respiration (from breathing to post-nasal drip), shit energy, feeling like you always have to shit (usually because you can't do it successfully), shit nerves
the list goes on)
get emeramide via your country's early access programme; it has literally zero side effects, and completely neutralizes the typical inorganic mercury molecules that wind up dormant in your body's cells, and forever fuck up their functions
it's able to get into cells, and even cross the blood-brain barrier if you take it with DMSO
the company that makes it, emeramed, is compliant to various early access programmes
when you try to get it from your doctor, you'll have to remember that many doctors won't believe you if you tell them that your fillings fucked you up, despite the mountains of proof that they leak elemental mercury right into your oral cavity and that mercury stays in your body (especially the brain) practically forever
give them some fucking story about how you were constantly exposed to mercury through some means that they cannot refute, and that you know emeramide is both way safer and way more effective than DMPS or DMSA, let alone shit mercury chelators like BAL

>> No.10880251 [View]
File: 63 KB, 650x365, amalfills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you ever had silver fillings, you absolutely have mercury poisoning to some degree
it kicks the shit out of some people in wildly different ways (combinations of shit memory, shit respiration (from breathing to post-nasal drip), shit energy, feeling like you always have to shit (usually because you can't do it successfully), shit nerves
the list goes on)
get emeramide via your country's early access programme; it has literally zero side effects, and completely neutralizes the typical inorganic mercury molecules that wind up dormant in your body's cells, and forever fuck up their functions
it's able to get into cells, and even cross the blood-brain barrier if you take it with DMSO
the company that makes it, emeramed, is compliant to various early access programmes
when you try to get it from your doctor, you'll have to remember that many doctors won't believe you if you tell them that your fillings fucked you up, despite the mountains of proof that they leak elemental mercury right into your oral cavity and that mercury stays in your body (especially the brain) practically forever
give them some fucking story about how you were constantly exposed to mercury through some means that they cannot refute, and that you know emeramide is both way safer and way more effective than DMPS or DMSA, let alone shit mercury chelators like BAL

>> No.10753628 [View]

look into two things;
EDTA - Exactly what you're looking for. Literally one of the best lead chelators known to man—and boy, is it good. Go fucking get some, and load your body with it (following a reputable guide) before you suffer more damage.
Emeramide - Literally one of the best mercury chelators known to man, with the added bonus of being a somewhat okay lead chelator. Currently hard to get your hands on, but causes NO side effects and binds to NONE of your body's natural, necessary minerals.

>> No.10690492 [View]

>what is private land ownership
>what is owning land down the river
>what is doing water contamination tests to see if the water is safe to swim in, drink from
>what is noticing with your eyes all of the dead and dying flora on the land within a two meter radius of the river
>go hunting, kill deer; notice its liver is black, flesh is pale, and arteries are dark
>cats in the area growing different numbers of arms, some born with tiny heads with no eyes
ah yes, no one could ever tell without a government bureaucrat
it's the government bureaucrats who make cost-effective, fast solutions to these problems, too; just look at how quickly chernobyl has once again become inhabitable, or how quickly the mercury poisoned people at grassy narrows in nunavut have recovered!
oh yeah—at this rate, chernobyl won't be habitable for another 20,000 years, and the grassy narrows people still haven't been treated with emeramide, which costs only $0.25 per gram to produce using current methods and still has not been approved for use by humans in either canada or the states, despite having no known side effects and having permanent positive effects almost instantly

>> No.10507190 [View]
File: 57 KB, 327x137, 1497206640202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks that corporatocracy is capitalism
>thinks that there are any free market capitalist societies left on earth
the whole point of capitalism is that old, objectively shittier methods of doing things—ones which nobody likes—get relegated to the past, unless people like them
if institutions exist that are preventing an innovation from hitting the market, that ain't capitalism—and in the case of the dental industry, it's no wonder that this is the case
those fucking morons at the american dental association STILL defend the use of mercury ("silver"; there *are* no true silver fillings, period) amalgam fillings in dentistry, to the point where dentists can literally lose their medical license for warning a patient that the fillings might be dangerous
i had mercury poisoning from a whole shitload of these fucking things being drilled out of my mouth at once, and the only thing that helped me and saved me from literally going fucking pants-on-head retarded and insane was a drug called emeramide—which i obtained (after GREAT undue financial expense, thanks to the FDA) only thanks to what very little there remains of a free market for drugs in the u.s., mind you
regardless—this is not free market capitalism
this is nothing of the sort

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