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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.29291793 [View]

just hold dumby

>> No.29291660 [View]

It seems you only have to pay taxes for the rewards if you wait a year before beginning to stake


>> No.29290125 [View]

how would they know you staked if you just take out the amount you bought?

>> No.29287536 [View]
File: 93 KB, 640x640, 1613590677909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no problemo buckerino

>> No.29283890 [View]

You should be grovelling on your feet that you're getting a second billion dollar company after link being shilled to you.

>> No.29252022 [View]
File: 619 KB, 600x677, 1613856806498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op we are aware but please delete. Some of us are still accumulating.

>> No.29248053 [View]

where is your tripcode

>> No.29247982 [View]

You're at it again and always with a brown ID. Kys pajeet.

>> No.29247664 [View]
File: 39 KB, 696x512, 1613844619660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps some of you have heard of me.

>> No.29084480 [View]

$1 soon.

>> No.27983285 [View]

Except zero exchange tokens are completely cut off from the rest of the avalanche ecosystem.

Enjoy the inevitable rug

>> No.27900596 [View]

I live in a first world country, had an excellent upbringing and I'm sitting on 6 figures in my 20's. I also bought avax at $0.50 and I've made almost 40x on it.

All of that is completely irrelevant though and besides the point. Doesn't change the facts that zero is going to rug you for your entire wallet.

>> No.27900461 [View]

Lol that stat is irrelevant when they're going to rug all your holdings.

>> No.27900434 [View]

Sure you can, prepare to have your entire wallet rugged not just your purchase amount.

>> No.27900383 [View]

Doesn't matter what you supply to them in liquidity pools when they can drain the rest of your wallet not just what you supplied in liquidity, since you approved their contract to take an infinite amount of avax from your wallet. All they have to do is call back that contract and everyone will lose everything.

>> No.27900336 [View]

Just like how they banned people for asking legitimate questions at the start and muted the chat over Christmas as they didn't want people posting legit fud while they didn't have time to ban people.

Dodgy fucking project

>> No.27899241 [View]

Fantastic exchange that burned users hundreds of $ in gas because they didn't get their bridge contract to use the right gas limit?

Sounds pretty shitty to me. Definitely not fantastic.

>> No.27899013 [View]

Uh, lol that's not it at all, is that what silverbane and baby yoda are shoving down your throat in tg to get you to trust them?

>> No.27898393 [View]

When you lose all your avax through their shitty exchange don't say you weren't warned

>> No.27898207 [View]

Enjoy the rug

>> No.27898084 [View]
File: 427 KB, 1440x2552, Screenshot_20210206-090045_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you didn't click the button that means you allow an infinite amount of your avax/zero/other coins to be taken out of you wallet by their exchange contract. This is common practice to do when using trusted DEX's like uniswap that have proven themselves by having billions in TVL. It's not something you should do willy nilly on a new unproven DEX.

The zero team can call that contract anytime and do a large scale rug pull for all your funds that you approved with their DEX.

They can drain your entire wallet at any time. But sure this is just FUD and I'm a niggering pajeet.

>> No.27897561 [View]

10k avax
100k grt
500 dea

>> No.27897457 [View]

Sorry for your regret for the rest of your life having to live with this decision.

>> No.27897286 [View]

Limited to 100 parachains and have to rent them as dot can't support any more, is highly centralised and transaction latency is around 1 minute.

No, dot will get eaten by avalanche.

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