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Search: emeramide

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>> No.11544592 [View]
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just doing my part to try to save the west from the hell that, even if the current insane SJWs and leftists who are trying to push us into ruin are defeated, we will invariably find ourselves back in in a matter of two generations—in even deeper trouble than the last time, just as has happened again and again for the last century
if you suffer from chronic headaches, bowel problems, sinus problems, tinnitus, poor circulation (very cold hands/feet included), are chronically fatigued, have poor ability to build muscles or put on any weight (or are conversely burdened by weight that you simply can't lose), have "spotty" vision (some objects/things don't register), or a wide variety of other problems that your doctor simply prescribes you pills to take away the symptoms of, you very likely are suffering mercury poisoning
emeramide (aka BDTH2, as named in the article i shared that describes its synthesis) has treated type 2 diabetes, huntington's disease, parkinson's and abnormal parkinson's, ALS, COPD, autism, and alzheimer's
it is completely and totally non-toxic; in a study with rats, a dose that induces toxicity literally could not be found, even at doses of 0.5% of the rat's body weight
emeramide is so effective because it is able to do what no other mercury chelation agent is able to do effectively—it's able to penetrate cell membranes and get everywhere in the body, including the brain, and permanently bind to mercury (and other heavy metals)
very importantly, it also binds to harmful free iron, copper, and zinc, all without touching the variants of those metals that are being used by the body
if you had low-copper or high-copper "silver" dental amalgam fillings—which are, in every case, actually ~50% mercury, by weight—this is likely how it happened, as these fillings emit mercury vapor
high-copper silver amalgam fillings release much more mercury vapor than low-copper variants
once mercury is in you, it basically never leaves

>> No.11544367 [View]
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all money is is a medium for exchanging wealth
work is what produces wealth—whether done by humans, or machines—and enjoyment and appreciation is what determines the value of that wealth
to enjoy and appreciate useful things, one has to be healthy
mercury poisoning is the cause behind almost every serious chronic disease that has hallmarked the past century, and it is what is slowly but surely murdering the west, largely by making males brain damaged and physically impaired from a young age, left with mystery illnesses that nobody knows how to diagnose or treat, much more than it does females
emeramide is the only treatment known for this, and it cures (at doses of >300mg daily for two weeks) a wide variety of diseases that the government-assisted medical cartel the world over insists there is no cure or treatment to
it can be synthesized quite easily if you have standard lab equipment at hand:
you can profit off of this chemical—which is sure to be a medical revolution—by investing in emeramed

>> No.11528980 [View]
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look into emeramide
take it as soon as you can fucking get it, but don't buy the shit from medkoo (it's literally not real emeramide)
take a whole bunch of it; non-toxic, side-effect free, not psychoactive or anything
if you take too little (as in under 300-500mg per day) it won't do anything
keep doing that for a few weeks or months, and then take very small doses of LSD daily for awhile
just take enough to know that you've have some, but LSD is really not that toxic even at doses that would make you ridiculously high
violà; you now have no neurological or joint dysfunction (as in the root cause of your headaches and joint pains has been alleviated and your body is able to heal itself), and both your brains should be working pretty good

>> No.11454648 [View]
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>thinks that any drug, nootropic, or otherwise substance should be illegal, or at all regulated
enjoy getting sick from something that the government practically forces on everyone and then going through absolute hell to try to heal yourself because the substances that you need will never get their approval
personally, i can't ever see myself smoking weed, or taking it in any form (even CBD oil)—but, if someone else thinks or knows that it's right for them, it's not my damn business to try to force them to conform to my outlook

discussing the legalization of drugs and "unproven" chemicals is, in my mind, an excellent avenue to solving the mindless NPC problem
emeramide is a non-toxic mercury chelator and antioxidant—and it is the substance that will make NPCs player characters again
literally cures diabetes, removes the root cause of most people's headaches and impaired thinking, and cures a variety of neurological, mental, and cardiovascular problems

can't tell if ironic or truly epic

>> No.11392220 [View]
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when taking it, people with heavy metal poisoning (pretty much everyone in north america and europe) DO need to take above a certain amount of emeramide, or what they do take will be spent exclusively on the antioxidative side of the chemical, neutralizing reactive oxygen species (ROS)—meaning that none of it will bind to mercury and solve the core problem that they suffer.
there is no apparent downside to taking this chemical, and the upsides include an increased amount of glutathione, reduced oxidative stress, and the elimination of unwanted free iron and copper in the body (which normally cause a whole series of unwanted negative effects).

FYI—if you became interested in taking emeramide yourself, you're not the first—but do not buy it from medkoo. i've ordered from this company on a few occasions, and what i received was definitely not pure emeramide—it was completely insoluble in both DMSO, and lipids. my best guess is that it's emeramide that is already bound to heavy metals; pretty much non-toxic (unless it comes into contact with something ingested that causes it to drop the metal that it's carrying), but not very useful at all, as it's not lipid-soluble. these factors combined make it practically useless.

>> No.11392135 [View]
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emeramed. emeramide—their product—is simply an extraordinarily powerful mercury chelator and antioxidant, with the ability to chelate other heavy metals that have an affinity for sulphur. as far as i know, you won't be able to find their stock on any stock trading website; they've gone largely unnoticed (as has the unfathomable damage that mercury poisoning has inflicted upon western society, especially in men), and i'm sure that very, very few people have bought in—and those that have are true believers in this product, having taken it themselves and having witnessed the things that it has done for people with parkinson's, ALS, autism, alzheimer's, type 2 diabetes, and numerous other diseases that are all caused—at their core—by mercury poisoning. the only risk that there is in buying this stock is if the company gets forcibly shut down by the FDA for some bullshit reason—otherwise, they have a working product that is quite easy to synthesize (if only somewhat tricky; synthesis described at the address at the end of this paragraph, and in pic) that gets everywhere in the body (unlike literally every other chelator ever synthesized except for the highly-toxic, highly ineffective BAL), and is completely non-toxic. animal studies indicate that doses of 0.5% a person's body weight have no measurable toxicity—and beneficial effects are experienced far, far below that intake level.


if you want to learn more, i'm going to post more eventually—or you can dig. i've posted about this many times before on here, and a few times on /pol/. otherwise, search this chemical up by its various names (including IUPAC name), its CAS number, or any other indentification that it may have; this IS a totally revolutionary medicine, and there is NOTHING else like it in use.

>> No.11391510 [View]
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>life is a zero sum game
don't believe this trash meme; this is something that only SJWs are retarded enough to truly believe
also, look into mercury poisoning, or watch out for posts that i make regarding it
the west—with so many men (and some women) clouded with brain fog, dwindling in ambition, intellect, fertility, and needs emeramide
even if we succeeded in getting one right-wing libertarian after another as leaders, the west's population would continue to die out, even with immigration totally closed off
when everyone realizes that we are dying because we are being deliberately poisoned and that all the bloody social changes for the better in the world that we could push for aren't going to cure the mentally ill who caused all of this to begin with or stop more mentally ill from coming into being, emeramed—with emeramide likely on the market and completely curing those who suffer from "genetic" neurological disorders one-after-another without any risk by that time—is going to make a lot of money
they're selling their stock to investors at the moment
i'm dead certain that this is one of the greatest investment opportunities of all time

>> No.8110635,1 [INTERNAL]  [View]

Hello everyone, I can pay 200$ or even more for a skype conversation with someone who took emeramide = nbmi = irminix. I want to know if it is safe.

>> No.11385324 [View]
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the reception is appreciated
i've got more to show on a broader scale—hopefully with the added benefit of being in better health, once i've finally acquired real emeramide
regardless, this chemical is ridiculously important; someone has to talk about it, one way or the other

the guy who runs emeramed has said, in plain english, that emeramide is capable of treating a wide range of neurodegenerative diseases including parkinson's (including the abnormal variant), ALS, type 2 diabetes, and alzheimer's
the degree to which this remediates these issues is fucking stunning; people with ALS literally rising from their wheelchairs after a few weeks ***and fucking walking***
parkinson's patients face similar success
the dude is an emeritus professor at the university of kentucky, with no history of foul play
he even patented and described the usage of this chemical for the remediation of some of these problems—which is very few of what it actually treats
all this chemical is—in addition to being a very powerful (and of course, lipid-soluble) antioxidant—is an extremely powerful chelator of heavy metals
but, especially mercury

this is so stupidly goddamn incriminating to the FDA, ADA, CDC, and numerous other health agencies worldwide that have outright fucking neglected all the yelling and screaming from sick, dying people who say that their amalgam fillings leeching mercury are what is responsible for their spiral into illness
and, this is just the surface
the "dominance" (lol) of the nu-male is a notable byproduct of a mercury poisoned society; testosterone makes mercury more toxic, and they have way less testosterone
doesn't mean they don't suffer from mercury exposure, of course—but, naturally, they don't suffer the same kind of neuron degeneration as a high-test male who would otherwise be healthy and live a happy life as an intelligent (and likely productive) individual

mercury poisoning is killing us all

>> No.11385124 [View]
File: 321 KB, 936x1078, medical_veritas_2_537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the entire west has been degrading to shit for the past 100 years, mainly because of mercury poisoning—and emeramide is the only known true cure to this problem!

now there's something real on this board, at this moment

>> No.11328201 [View]
File: 24 KB, 437x253, Majority-are-Boys-with-Autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here are these, to understand that mercury vapor is both very readily permanently absorbed by the body, and that it is able to pass through any soft membrane with total ease:
if the fact that amalgams emit SUBSTANTIALLY (well over 100x) higher amounts of mercury vapor than what the FDA is willing to admit isn't so much as a concern to you then you must be living a pretty scary life
that said, i emphasize; i am not here to hold your hand through every step to understanding all of this
i have my own problems—namely, money, and the fact that i don't have emeramide myself, and have been trying to get some for awhile now
do your own research; i'm too bloody exhausted to push everything at you

pic related is one of the best images ever

>> No.11327920 [View]
File: 63 KB, 2430x432, emeralogo1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're accepting investors
they have a highly bioavailable, lipid-soluble drug called emeramide
it is a mercury chelator and antioxidant
this is a chemical without detectable toxicity (even at insane doses of 227g per 100lbs of an individual's weight) that cures COPD, parkinson's, ALS, type 2 diabetes, chronic fatigue, mental fatigue, male infertility, premature balding (as mercury has keen potential to raise DHT levels), and a fuckload of other conditions
the drug is easy and cheap to produce
a lot of you would probably benefit massively from taking it

that absolutely includes you, reader

this is, by far, the single most innovative product in medicine
these guys will prove that most of the west has mercury poisoning from high-copper "silver" dental amalgam fillings and thimerosal from vaccinations
from there, it will be torrential
the floodgates will open
society will be so radically changed for the better when america is once again able to have good health and be in a good mental state, you or i can't even begin to comprehend it
this is going to be regarded as a dark and strange time

and you have the unbelievable chance to profit dearly off of ushering in a new age of unparalleled prosperity

https://iaomt.org/hg-emission-amalgam-measured/ - amalgams do, in fact, emit substantial quantities of mercury vapor (which, by the way, is an extremely pervasive form of mercury)
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3395437/#!po=9.92063 - only some of the negative biological effects of different forms of mercury
most studies on male fertility are concerning mercury in fish (which is methylmercury that has largely already been bound to thiols in the fish in question and is taken in alongside a wide array of beneficial proteins and protective omega-3s), which is a terrible form to demonstrate true toxicity

this might sound like outrageous crazy bullshit, but i'm not messing around
if you determine that this is bullshit, it's your loss
take it or leave it

>> No.11271497 [View]

research NBMI/emeramide and mercury poisoning
buy emeramed stock
spread info on emeramide and how mercury poisoning is causing today's degenerative mental illnesses and other diseases

>> No.11253227 [View]
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make emeramide and sell it to people as a treatment for autism, alzheimer's, brain fog, and all of the thousands of other problems caused by the presence of sulphur-binding heavy metals in the body
emeramide is, by far, the most effective heavy metal chelator known to man—but it is also the safest, demonstrating no toxicity at any dosage level in clinical studies or trials
the only "side effect", if you can even call it that, is that it raises glutathione levels

alternatively, if you have money, you can invest in the only company that is trying to bring this literal miracle chemical to drug markets for human use—emeramed. they also have a patent on the drug, and are presumably going to capitalize on that.

>> No.11179237 [View]
File: 24 KB, 437x253, Majority-are-Boys-with-Autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

castration increases longevity because it reduces testosterone, which in turn greatly reduces the toxic effects of heavy metals such as mercury
keep your dick and take emeramide every day instead
make sure that the emeramide you buy can dissolve in fatty oils, dmso, or alcohol by testing it yourself
if it doesn't dissolve, it's useless

>> No.11174483 [View]
File: 24 KB, 437x253, Majority-are-Boys-with-Autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i find minimalism pretty irritating
how 99% of minimalist "art" and "music" can be claimed to be stimulating to anyone just goes to show how insecure people are about their intelligence
and, they're insecure for a good reason
we're dying
we're getting more and more stupid, and lethargic
men are being fucking full-on murdered via mercury in vaccinations, and silver dental amalgam fillings that were introduced in the 1970s, known as "high-copper" amalgams
this isn't even to mention sòy and pseudoestrogenic plastics
mercury's toxic effects are amplified by male hormones
likely testosterone

the people who ignore this information will live most of their lives as NPCs and die as NPCs
their children will suffer a worse fate
their mothers will get their vaccines, and their fetuses will be exposed to massive doses of highly-pervasive ethylmercury prenatally
each generation, more and more defective
their genetics, literally corrupted and destroyed by mercury

a chemical called emeramide is the only thing known to man that can fully protect from this, and treat mercury poisoning
it is completely non-toxic
it can cure the autistic, and stop mercury poisoning from destroying and killing an individual

stop settling for the same three piano chords for 20 minutes
uniform grey walls, and houses with no heritage
only living out of necessity
each day, another black-and-white episode of "my tiny life", with color commercials of multiculturalism that you're forced to watch with wide-open eyes in-between
while you suffer and die
while what is precious to you fades into the mist of your failing memory
while all memories of you fall helplessly into the pitch-black void of the fabric of time
unimportant, and impersonal

>> No.11174467 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 24 KB, 437x253, Majority-are-Boys-with-Autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i find minimalism pretty irritating
how 99% of minimalist "art" and "music" can be claimed to be stimulating to anyone just goes to show how insecure people are about their intelligence
and, they're insecure for a good reason
we're dying
we're getting more and more stupid, and lethargic
men are being fucking full-on murdered via mercury in vaccinations, and silver dental amalgam fillings that were introduced in the 1970s, known as "high-copper" amalgams
this isn't even to mention sòy and pseudoestrogenic plastics
mercury's toxic effects are amplified by male hormones
likely testosterone

the people who ignore this information will live most of their lives as NPCs and die as NPCs
their children will suffer a worse fate
their mothers will get their vaccines, and their fetuses will be exposed to massive doses of highly-pervasive ethylmercury prenatally
each generation, more and more defective
their genetics, literally corrupted and destroyed by mercury

a chemical called emeramide is the only thing known to man that can fully protect from this, and treat mercury poisoning
it is completely non-toxic
it can cure the autistic, and stop mercury poisoning from destroying killing an individual

stop settling for the same three piano chords for 20 minutes
uniform grey walls, and houses with no heritage
only living out of necessity
each day, another black-and-white episode of "my tiny life", with color commercials of multiculturalism that you're forced to watch with wide-open eyes in-between
while you suffer and die
while what is precious to you fades into the mist of your failing memory
while all memories of you fall helplessly into the pitch-black void of the fabric of time
unimportant, and impersonal

>> No.11165432 [View]


>> No.11161803 [View]
File: 245 KB, 700x471, 2016_09_20_11_00savepic_ru_11456288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i and a few other people cannot demonstrate self-control without a governing authority
>this is your problem; pay taxes to keep me under arbitrary restraint, or i'll kill people
"an armed society is a polite society" 101
at least, as long as your society is predominantly european/american whites

you may be suffering from lead or mercury poisoning
look into emeramide; once it's for sale, eat a whole bunch of it
at any dose, it is 100% completely and totally non-toxic, and you'll face absolutely no negative consequences in eating it
it'll get into every one of your cells and remove every last bit of lead and mercury in your body
you could stand to benefit quiiiite immensely

>implying that, in an ancap state, since governing authorities cannot necessarily be publicly-funded and federal, they also cannot be privatized and local
>implying that the majority of our laws are in the interest of the public, and that they protect the useful weak (and that these laws, in the end, benefit people who are objectively useless to society more than both the useful and useless having liberty would)
>implying that we don't live under a crony capitalist/corporatocratic socialist oligarchy where government bureaucrats working in the interest of large private corporations make laws that protect those large corporations from the negative consequences that they would face in not working in the interest of their customers
>implying that we're not all sick, dying, and mentally disoriented from this
here's a good one from this era, just for example:

>> No.11104559 [View]
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i'll post what few studies there are on this stuff and whatnot in the future; i'm searching for some right now, but am waaaaay to tired at this point to do any serious searching
at the least, here's this:
>pretty hard evidence that both mercury half-life in the brain is, in fact, extremely long, and that factors surrounding the evaluation and relevance of mercury toxicity are poorly understood even by most biological scientists

the information regarding the dangers of amalgams and vaccines is evident, and out there; i've encountered it many times before, when trying to find out what was wrong with me. as far as the stuff regarding emeramide goes, it is truly something else; if you want to learn about how effective it is, dr. boyd haley has done numerous presentations of the clinical trials and studies on emeramide at the IAOMT; if you wanna look at that stuff, it's all on youtube.

>> No.11104046 [View]
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i fucking wish i was able to
early access looks like the only way to get it (to better answer your questions, >>11103172 and >>11103088), but it's the most shit way ever
if doctors in your country can only prescribe medication to people on a basis of evidence, you're totally fucked, because most doctors only do a fucking blood or a urine test for mercury
in truth, it barely matters what excretory thing they test for mercury, because your body barely excretes it in the first place—but, especially in the case of blood tests (which is the most likely thing they'll test), the only time you'd ever have elevated blood mercury is when you've been eating way too much fish that's high in methylmercury
you're not gonna show anything, otherwise—even if your soft tissue is just loaded with inorganic mercury that's clinging to thiol groups
even if your brain is just a barely fucking functional fucking lump of fat from having all of its neurons getting torn to shreds by mercury that's now sitting dormant in thiol groups in the brain where iron served a critical function, sending the iron scattering all across the brain and causing more endless shit
you can't
win with these people
and you have to prove, without a SHRED OF DOUBT in a lengthy and costly endeavor into the unknown while dealing with progressively worsening fucking body-wide damage, that you actually do have the condition that you claim to have so that you can get fucking permission from a bureaucrat to do business with a private company—all with the end goal of purchasing a medicine that works really fucking good, causes no side effects, and is non-toxic at the most fucking absurd doses

pic related is an emeramide molecule; if it looks like the head of a bull to you, it's a sign to invest in emeramed

[nervous laughter]

>> No.11103834 [View]
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as far as the thimerosal in vaccines goes, the chances are that you got it
your most likely source of exposure is flu shots (which STILL contain thimerosal, which is the most inexcusable, criminal ((("fuck-up"))) ever on the part of the vaccine manufacturers and CERTAINLY government, as this shit's practically forced on you in schools), but you still could've gotten other vaccines that had it
i really don't know much about mercurochrome; my dad had a vial of it and used it instead of iodine when i was a little fuckin' kid. it is a compound which contains inorganic mercury, but the ability of the rest of the compound to make its way through things doesn't seem all too well-documented—apart from in an article from 1993 that has been, like, completely fucking hollowed-out and blanked everywhere it exists on the internet
like all mercury, i'd say that it's certainly not good for you. if you have any health conditions that you're wondering about that could be, at their roots, caused by the presence of mercury in your body, then you really haven't got much to lose from taking emeramide—when you can get it. it shouldn't be expensive when emeramed gets it onto the market, in the future.

lol wut? what kind of chinese turboscam site are you looking at
the prices that some of these people are charging for "emeramide" are just flat-out nuts, by the way; fucking $355 for 250mg is totally unreal. according to emeramed (back when they were known as CTI science, when they were selling emeramide as OSR#1), small-scale emeramide production costs only $0.25 per gram, and decreases in cost in greater quantities. these people are gouging the absolute shit out of people—if they're even selling anything—for doses that, in some people, aren't even effective.

including pic of amalgams for EaSy IdEnTiFiCaTiOn

>> No.11103560 [View]
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this is exactly the problem that i, myself, face
you may be tempted to, say, fake a business and buy it from places like medkoo
but, you may as well buy a $450 vial of sand—because, that's basically what you're getting

the emeramide that they sell is not lipid soluble; it clearly either already has some molecule bound to the thiol groups that pick up mercury and cadmium and shit, or it isn't the real emeramide at all
i've been thinking of trying to heat the stuff that i have from them up, to see if there is some kind of metal bound to it
might do that tomorrow

either way, i know that the company that's trying to get this shit out onto the market—emeramed—is taking multiple different routes to sell it
one of them is for veterinary use—and if you wanna hear about the really incredible effects of emeramide in action, watch the section here from 3:39 to 5:20

sorry that this is taking so long for me to write; you wouldn't believe the fucking mental haze i have to deal with constantly
(...or, maybe you would)

>> No.11103548 [DELETED]  [View]

this is exactly the problem that i, myself, face
you may be tempted to, say, fake a business and buy it from places like medkoo
but, you may as well buy a $450 vial of sand—because, that's basically what you're getting

the emeramide that they sell is not lipid soluble; it clearly either already has some molecule bound to the thiol groups that pick up mercury and cadmium and shit, or it isn't the real emeramide at all
i've been thinking of trying to heat the stuff that i have from them up, to see if there is some kind of metal bound to it
might do that tomorrow

either way, i know that the company that's trying to get this shit out onto the market—emeramed—is taking multiple different routes to sell it
one of them is for veterinary use—and if you wanna hear about the really incredible effects of emeramide in action, watch the section here from 3:39 to 5:20

sorry that this is taking so long for me to write; you wouldn't believe the fucking mental haze i have to deal with constantly
(...or maybe you would)

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