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Search: emeramide

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>> No.8129220,8 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED]  [View]

of course, REAL emeramide is both soluble in DMSO (to a degree that correlated with the fandachem emeramide), and has, on two occasions that i know of, been described to melt at both a temperature of ~128°C and (i think) ~131°C
i could throw some of my medkoo """""emeramide"""" shit in the oven along with a thermometer to see if it melts at the same temperature, but it would effectively be pointless, because i'm literally 100000000% certain that it's not fucking real emeramide; it tastes different, it looks different, it behaves differently in DMSO—it just isn't emeramide, plain and simple
my best guess is that it's two emeramide molecules bound together by a disulphide group; this is the impurity that, when synthesizing emeramide using [either one or both lol i can't remember] of the methods described that i know of—one being in "fuel" and the other, somewhat more efficient one being the one that was actually published in part by haley—makes up the majority of the 2% impure chemical

of course, i have taken this fandachem emeramide; drawing from the 10g i had to work with, i started at a dosage of 400mg per day, and then went down to 300mg after a week or so
as i was getting lower on this—uuuh—*emeramide*, i began taking 1/3 of the 300mg dose intranasally, as a dry, completely de-clumped powder, to try to make the most of what i had left
now, needless to say, i'm hesitant to risk making a complete jackass out of myself AgAiN by describing a whole bunch of good stuff that it might've done when i'm merely mistaking the effects that taking it had inflicted onto me for my exaggerated perceptions, but i will say that my breathing still sucks ass, i still get tired easy, and my bowels are a fuck
but, i only took ten grams at 300mg per day, and my mercury poisoning is fucking *waaaay* embedded into my body at this point; assuming this fandachem emeramide IS IN FACT FUCKING REAL WHICH IT LOOKS LIKE IT IS ***I FUCKING EDUCATEDLY GUESS***, i'm probably going to have to take a fucking lot for quite some time before i can confidently proclaim having taken notice to any positive effects
what a massive shitshow

if you read through all that stupid (but still relevant!) shit, you probably really want emeramide
fandachem honestly does look like your best bet, but i
i honestly can't claim to have the total certainty that i'd like to, on the matTEr lOl
your theory about excretion is totally correct; the p450 system carries it out through the "top" of the hydrocarbon ring, between the two n-acetyl cysteamine (i think?????? i dunno man high school's a dickwow when it comes to you expecting them to teach you useful information) arm things
if you wanna take the 100mg dose, go ahead—but, just be weary that you're likely not doing yourself any appreciable amount of good
(or harm, of course)

here have some fucking—some fucking, music, i suppose
if you don't listen to that before responding to this comment, not just you but *your whole family* will be cursed with being able to speak only in comic sans for the rest of their lives

>> No.8129220,7 [INTERNAL]  [View]

okay—FuN f*cking time inbound, holy shit
i dread the matter of addressing the posts i'd made about "curing" myself at a 12.5mg dose every time it's brought up, but yeah i do have to at some point make it abundantly clear that i now know that i really didn't treat my mercury poisoning by doing that—like, probably not even 10%
what is VERY FUCKING IMPORTANT to note is that the emeramide that medkoo sells IS FUCKING ****NOT**** EMERAMIDE

**********************DO NOT BUY EMERAMIDE FROM MEDKOO LOL**********************
this whole "fake chinese emeramide" debacle that's known amongst the <nine fucking cutting-edge mercury-diseased INTJs that must, like me, be doing searches for emeramide twice every day is a VeRy interesting debacle indeed;
you see,
this whole matter of "fake chinese emeramide" came to everyone's attention—even mine, i'm shaaaaamed to admit!!!!!!!!!FUCK—when emeramed had made the post in an update to their site, which detailed the matter (which is, of course, still present)—the post being something you're almost undoubtedly familiar with. THE THING IS!!!!!! AHA—after having had called emeramed's office, i came to strongly suspect that the general reference to "fake chinese emeramide", as was described on emeramed's website, seemed to stem from an assumption made about the origin of either medkoo's emeramide, or medkoo themselves.
on the phone, while speaking with haley, i had asked which company the "chinese" "emeramide" had come from—and haley, who (*granted*) may not have been involved with the testing of the "chinese" product, noted that the company's name was—and i quote (fRoM mEmOrY)—"...mokoo, or medkoo, or something like that."
so, given this, it's possible that the, uh, "fAkE cHiNeSe EmErAmiDe" is actually Made In China IN AMERICA!!!!! IN MR. CHRIS CHEN'S MOM'S BASEMENT OR SOMETHING
the significance of this is that the "fake chinese emeramide" that emeramed's site refers to could very well just be shit mystery "Not Emeramide" chemical from medkoo lol
Help I Ate Twenty Grams Of This Stuff

also fda don't go using that ironic sarcastic complaint on the schizophrenic-stalked catacombs of a mongolidolian "self-proclaimed" slapstick business research suggestion box as an excuse to be even huuuuger faggots and require that people get fucking licenses to buy chemicals you haven't explicitly approved for research you stupid fucking life-destroying shitballs boomers

does *FUCKING REAL* emeramide *actually work* to treat mercury poisoning? yes! really, supremely well! without any doubt, on a strictly logical basis, it has to be better than anything else that could be used to treat mercury poisoning!

but, i mean, where do you fucking get it


i really don't know with total, 100% reputable laboratory-verified with stamps of approval from the commission of good guys and scientists for certain where—but, fandachem seeeems to sell at a price that is competitive with medkoo's """"""""""""""""""""""""emeramide""""""""""""""""""""""""
most interestingly, i can report *from personal experience* that the stuff—the *emeramide*, dare i call it—from fandachem is both soluble in DMSO, AND has a melting point between 128-131° celsius

>> No.8129220,5 [INTERNAL]  [View]

taking emeramide will NOT cause any mercury redistribution at all. regardless of how much mercury you have in you, the only way that emeramide could seemingly hurt you is if you have a molybdenum deficiency (in which case, you should just take molybdenum for a month or so).

you should take much higher levels of emeramide than what you plan on taking; 12.5mg will likely be totally lost to neutralizing reactive oxygen species before any of it binds to any mercury. where are you getting your emeramide from?

>> No.12269174 [View]

/biz/ is the worst place for depression advice I've ever encountered. By the time this thread reaches 100 posts I can guarantee you that you'll see:

>hot peppers
>chelate heavy metals / emeramide
>juice fast
>water fast
>intermittent fast
>snake juice only
>pretend you already committed suicide so everything you do now is no-strings-attached
>polyphasic sleep
>no sleep
>see a prostitute
>get a girlfrield
>dump your girlfriend
>find christ
>dump christ
>get a boyfriend

Exercise vigorously 3-5x weekly, both cardio and weights, don't eat processed/junk foods, get enough sleep, and find ways to be more social. Give it a month. If that doesn't do it, see a therapist. Give it a month. If that doesn't do it, try tripping on psychedelic drugs (like LSD, Shrooms, or ayahuasca) in a safe supportive environment. Do this ONCE. Give it a month. If that didn't do it, maybe try the same but with ketamine, once weekly. Give it a month. if that doesn't do it, look into OTC antidepressants like SJW and SAM-E. Give it a month. if that doesn't do it, look into (gasp) pharmaceutical antidepressants. They're not evil jew scams but they should definitely be your last resort and they're not permanent solutions.

>> No.11782186 [View]
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Look up my posts on a /biz/ archive, and a /pol/ archive; just search "emeramide" and, like, 80% of the posts that come up will be mine.

Be careful when buying emeramide online; there are fakes on the (very limited) market, with at least some of them being easily identifiable by their inability to dissolve in DMSO. Take large doses of 300mg-500mg daily.
You might live in a country where getting emeramide from the chemical's actual pioneering company—Emeramed—is easy. Look at the early access page on Emeramed's website.
Godspeed, anon. I'd type more, but I'm quite busy at the moment.

>> No.11721255 [View]
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>i have reached drone status, which is the totally natural final stage in the development of my character/personality
that, or something is extremely wrong with your health

mercury poisoning is the cause behind almost every chronic illness—both mental and physiological—that has hallmarked the past century, and it is what is slowly but surely murdering the west
emeramide is the chemical that will singlehandedly turn everything around for the majority of people, and finally allow western nations to re-establish that civility which runs in their people's blood back to their respective civilizations

>> No.8110635,7 [INTERNAL]  [View]

I wanted to let you know that I plan to purchase emeramide in 5 days. There is a company that offers anonymous drug testing for personal use. Colmaric does tests for businesses only. I can tell you more over email.

Lmk where you are getting yours from, and I will give you the results from the companies I am vetting. That way this isn't redundant. We can help each other out. I am 100% serious about doing this. Is there another place where we could discuss this in greater detail?

I found another Canadian company that looks reputable as well

>> No.8110635,6 [INTERNAL]  [View]

Thanks, you are right, I actually have never used 4chan, I just did a specific search for "Emeramide forum." In the hope that I may be able to network with someone to find a quality source. This stuff has the potential to change lives, and its a shame that it is so difficult to Obtain. I may try fandachem, get a rat from a pet store + do a solubility test. (Is there anything else you can do without lab equipment? maybe a third party HPLC test from colmaric analyticals?) Its such a shame that Medkoo is selling trash, I knew it was too good to be true. I found a comment where someone claimed to have successfully discovered a source, and what he described was certainly medkoo. Perhaps that was just a bad batch ?

>> No.11627512 [View]
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good god

the west at large needs emeramide
once whites start taking it, they're gonna feel as if they've awakened from a seemingly eternal nightmare in which the entire world went insane, with them leading their own descent

mercury poisoning is the true cause behind every serious chronic illness, both mental and physiological, that has hallmarked the west for the past century

>> No.8110635,4 [INTERNAL]  [View]

it's much the same for me, as well
do NOT buy it from medkoo, as i know for certain that even if they are not necessarily producing and sending out garbage (any intermediate chemist that is producing emeramide has *very* little reason to lie and claim to be producing emeramide when they're producing garbage, as it is a very easy and relatively inexpensive molecule to produce in good quantities), the stuff that you will get in the mail from them is complete and total garbage; for the sake of trying to help as many people out here, i had bothered boyd haley at emeramed himself about the subject of the "chinese emeramide" they'd reported about on their website and it really seems that it *may* be only medkoo's stuff they're talking about. medkoo might source some of their supply from china, or they might produce it in-house. not really sure.
with this in mind, try fandachem or sun-shinechem or something. i'm pretty sure that all of the american companies that have any online presence (medkoo aside) charge ludicrous amounts for their emeramide, but if you've got the money, power to you. i don't have any experience with anyone else but medkoo (though i may, soon enough), and a lot of these other companies *are* *chinese* chemical suppliers, but if you know the cheap and easy way to test for the toxicity of the chemical that you're receiving from these companies, you're good.
(there are cheap and easy ways to do this. your life comes before that of a lab rat's.)

>> No.8110635,3 [INTERNAL]  [View]

I have been searching my ass off for some good Emeramide. I have had a horrible experience with other chelation methods, and it is my only hope at this point. I have an idea of where to get it, but I want to discuss it with someone who may know more than I do first, or some who has discovered a quality supplier. Please lmk

>> No.11592409,1 [INTERNAL]  [View]

damnit i missed a response yesterday

>huge list of serious potential side effects
what? either the source you're reading is flat-out nuts, or you're mistaking something else's side effects for emeramide's—or, rather, emeramide's *lack of* side effects. if one considered an elevated glutathione level a "side effect", then i guess that'd be emeramide's one and only.
as i'd said before, emeramide—remarkably—only seems to do good things to people. i should mention again (especially on a live /biz/ thread), though, that individuals who have low molybdenum levels should supplement molybdenum for a few weeks before taking emeramide, as in really early tests on the safety of emeramide (back when it was OSR#1), a few odd people out of the test populations—logically, a lot of which had probably taken other chelators such as DMPS, DMSA, and EDTA—had some problems when taking it. it was found that the individuals who experienced problems were deficient in molybdenum—and, after supplementation for a couple of weeks (i'm pretty sure it was, like, two weeks), they didn't exhibit any more problems when taking emeramide. no CLUE what the biochemistry here is (though we know for sure that emeramide doesn't negatively impact any of the forms of the necessary minerals that it can bind to that the body is using, including copper, iron, zinc, and i think selenium—and, i don't even think that emeramide binds to molybdenum at all, no matter where it is), but if being deficient in molybdenum can lead to problems when people try to take emeramide, so too might other mineral deficiencies. the metals commonly disturbed from their normal places in the body from other chelating agents come to mind—copper, zinc, magnesium, selenium, possibly iron, and probably more that i don't know that EDTA messes with.

tl;dr: emeramide doesn't have any minor side effects, let alone serious side effects

the FDA didn't "ban" emeramide, either—though, they may as well have. they went after CTI sciences (the precursor to emeramed) primarily because OSR#1 was being sold as a supplement, but is capable of treating a disease (in reality, a giant list of diseases). in the FDA's eyes, anything that is treats an illness is a drug, and must go through an enormous, extremely expensive approval process that you could only afford if your were already the head of a giant pharmaceutical company.
emeramide is a clear example of an innovative drug—and if there were any societies on earth whose populous was civil and intelligent and that operated on a basis of actual free market capitalism—societies like, for instance, those which made up the entirety of the united states over 100 years ago, before the federalization of money (looking at the federal reserve) and of industry—we'd be able to get our hands on emeramide.

regardless of everything, emeramide will—assuming emeramed gets enough money to deal with the FDA's regulatory bullshit—soon be available in the united states, and will most probably be quite readily accessible when it is. whether or not it gets approved, you can make emeramed yourself, or have someone who knows their way around a chemistry lab synthesize it for you. alternatively, you can use the black market—and if you do, you're only doing it because you were forced to do so. no matter the case, there's nothing illegal about emeramide—it's not a regulated drug, or an illegal substance of any kind. to commission someone to synthesize it for you shouldn't constitute a violation of law anywhere in any part of the world that isn't a godforsaken, unclean, desolate shithole at this point.
the cheapest synthesis method that i know of is described at the very beginning of the "materials and methods" section of the article at the address below.

>> No.11593557 [View]
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only now do i realize that the OP actually made those other posts. i swear to christ that i looked at the OP's ID when i posted, and it did not have the same color or character string as the other one. pray in the name of sergey nazarov that the emeramide i'm gonna shoot directly into my bloodstream repairs my brain's retarded image processing hardware, /biz/.

>> No.11590372 [View]

i googled this stuff, BDTH2
apparently it aids in removing mercury and heavy metals from the body but there's a huge list of serious potential side effects as well and the USFDA banned it in 2010

why do you think emeramed stock is going up? is the ban being revisited or something?

>> No.11589308 [View]
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fuck suicide
pasting pasta that i made for someone last night:
buy emeramide off the deep web and, after verifying that it's real, just eat shittons of it
hell—you can bloody well snort a gram of it every day if you want to
literally every one of your health problems will go away, you'll turn into a ripped superchad when you work out, and you'll have james bond-tier wits
your breathing, your memory, your intestinal function, your happiness and creativity, your energy—everything will improve dramatically
in other words, you'll be the kind of normal, healthy male that used to be fairly commonplace, even in times remembered for their widespread famine and shit medicine
remember—just as research has made quite clear, testosterone amplifies the toxic effects of mercury
high-test males—whether an intention move from government health authorities who defend dental amalgams and thimerosal-containing vaccinations or not—are the ones who suffer the most markedly from exposure to mercury, as the presence of testosterone greatly increases the incidence of mercury-induced neuron death when compared to neurons only exposed to mercury

mercury poisoning is the true cause behind nearly every chronic disease and mental illness that has hallmarked the last century, and it is what is slowly but surely murdering the west

aside from this, keep your chin up—market's gonna turn around soon
if you really want a guarantee of wealth, take out a big-ass loan and buy cryptos like bitcoin cash and chainlink; the welfare dollar that will increasingly be backed by nothing will die very quickly, along with all the current megacorps that are piling all their bets on the west being completely destroyed.

also, buy emeramed stock.

>> No.11584186 [View]
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buy emeramide off the deep web and, after verifying that it's real, just eat shittons of it
hell—you can bloody well snort a gram of it every day if you want to
literally every one of your health problems will go away, you'll turn into a ripped superchad when you work out, and you'll have james bond-tier wits
your breathing, your memory, your intestinal function, your happiness and creativity, your energy—everything will improve dramatically
in other words, you'll be the kind of normal, healthy male that used to be fairly commonplace, even in times remembered for their widespread famine and shit medicine
remember—just as research has made quite clear, testosterone amplifies the toxic effects of mercury
high-test males—whether an intention move from government health authorities who defend dental amalgams and thimerosal-containing vaccinations or not—are the ones who suffer the most markedly from exposure to mercury, as the presence of testosterone greatly increases the incidence of mercury-induced neuron death when compared to neurons only exposed to mercury

mercury poisoning is the true cause behind nearly every chronic disease that has hallmarked the last century, and it is what is slowly but surely murdering the west

>> No.8110635,2 [INTERNAL]  [View]

hopefully, you see this
though i've put up a hell of a struggle trying to get it, i haven't gotten any real emeramide yet
my best guess with the stuff that i have gotten is that it's a compound that primarily consists of two emeramide molecules bound together somehow
the result of this is that the chemical is effectively useless, demonstrating the same lipid insolubility and non-toxicity that an emeramide-metal complex does

contact me on discord; i'm still trying to get it
should i be successful, i'll give you all the info you need
regardless, it's good to keep in contact; someone's gotta make networking about this chemical possible

The bats feel good +( ᴘʜᴏɴᴇ﹟)#5651

>> No.11573497 [View]
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buy emeramide and eat all of it

>> No.11572383 [View]
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absolutely nothing about what these people can possibly say changes the fact that emeramide does not have any detectable toxicity and has cured COPD, type 2 diabetes, huntington's disease, ALS, parkinson's, autism, and alzheimer's. at the time of publishing that article, they had seven whole years to research emeramide's safety and efficacy since they'd last made asses of themselves to anyone who'd actually done research on emeramide and found that it was both non-toxic and was not only supremely effective at alleviating mercury poisoning, but filled a role that no other chemical to this day comes close to filling—being, the need for a safe and effective mercury chelator.
make no mistake—these people and other leftist media outlets, because it CANNOT POSSIBLY BE NO MATTER THE EVIDENCE that mercury in vaccinations (or in dental amalgams) is dangerous, have it in mind to attack emeramide and anyone who has used it, in addition to boyd haley for trying to make it available to people. there's blatant, and frankly, jarring (if we are to assume that there is no preconceived notion to dump on anything that suggests, let alone straight-up tells you how dangerous the mercury in vaccines and amalgams is) malice against emeramide in every article they've ever written about it; "remember that FAKE supplement and INDUSTRIAL chelator, OSR#1 ?!?!?! well the SNAKE OIL SALESMAN who TARGETED the desperate parents of autistic CHILDREN is still trying to FORCE it ILLEGALLY onto the market in a SNEAKY AND UNTRUTHFUL way to AVOID testing to see if it's UNSAFE and INEFFECTIVE !!!!!! thank you for protecting THE CHILDREN from him, FDA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" like holy fuck these people are so fucking weaselly it's unreal
they had every idiot pleb advocating its ban when they said that it was an "industrial chelator being sprinkled on childrens' cerial". what they don't tell you when they're pushing this fucking hype bullshit is that this chemical is roughly as toxic as water.

>> No.11571306 [View]
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nothing that i can confirm works. all i can assure you of, as always, is that if you order emeramide from medkoo, what will be delivered to your door simply will not be real emeramide.
i am currently trying to acquire it from some new venues. of course, there is still the option of synthesizing it yourself, or having it synthesized for you from a nearby chemical synthesis/custom small molecule/biochemical company (where available); i'm happy to say that a lapse in my otherwise continuous spastic autism has led to me paying closer attention to an article from four years ago, and in doing so, realizing that the within this article is what *appears* to be a more cost-effective method of producing emeramide.
it's at the very beginning of the "materials and methods" section.

whatever you do, good luck. one way or another, i'll make sure that important information gets out.

i recommend to any anon looking for a good investment to call up emeramed and inquire about investing in them. i of course, knowing what i know about how relevant mercury poisoning is to the situation that the west is in, will insist to everyone that there simply does not exist any better investment opportunity right now. they hold the patents to the drug, and as it stands, patents hold relevance; you'll make huge returns when they start selling it, and word begins to really spread about how it's curing so many diseases without inducing any kind of toxicity from taking it. holding assets such as chainlink while investing in emeramed is literally a way to long western civilization; you're making assets that you hold, such as chainlink and bitcoin cash, worth so much more as a result of making the work forces that will give these assets value so much more effective.
an investment in emeramed is an investment in western civilization.

>> No.11570663 [View]

I remember you. Can I get emeramide already?

>> No.11570211 [View]
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you become confident in your ability to do.
having a lack of confidence stems from making errors. you make errors and are not able to meet your own reasonable expectations because the normal execution of processes in your body are interrupted by the presence of chemicals and materials that should not be there. in some cases, these chemicals can remain in the body virtually forever. mercury in any form, when inside of cells within the body, is a constituent of some of the most harmful chemicals that demonstrate the ability to persist in the body indefinitely, as a result of the ability of both vaporous elemental mercury and organic mercury to get inside of cells and bind to thiol groups within them. substantial amounts of elemental mercury vapor is emitted from dental amalgam fillings, and organic mercury that bypasses the protection provided to individuals from the gastrointestinal system is contained in vaccinations containing thimerosal. individuals who receive exposure to either of these things undoubtedly suffer the effects. pregnant mothers who have direct exposure to either of these things have been proven to be exposing the fetus within them to downright unsafe levels of lipid membrane-permeating mercury.

mercury poisoning is the cause behind almost every serious chronic disease that has hallmarked the past century, and it is what is slowly but surely murdering the west.
emeramide is a novel non-toxic and lipid-soluble mercury chelator and antioxidant. it is, by far, the most effective mercury chelator known to man, demonstrating the ability to prevent death and evident toxicity in rats injected with 14x the lethal dose of mercuric chloride. it has been used to cure a wide variety of neurological diseases, from parkinson's and lou gherig's to autism and alzheimer's. at this point in time, type 2 diabetes has also been cured with emeramide.

>> No.11546739 [View]
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shameless self-bump

reminder that if you suffer from unending disease that the only explanation to is that it's "genetic", then you're suffering from mercury poisoning and the thing that can literally permanently give you your life back is a drug called emeramide, and there allegedly exist ways to synthesize it for less than $0.25 per gram (but if you wanna synthesize it with the method previously mentioned (only one i know), you can make ~12g for $500)

>> No.11545527 [View]
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thimerosal from vaccinations can do it
the continuous consumption of fish high in mercury, as well, can leave you with a considerable amount of mercury that remains inside of your cells
in any case, mercury tends to accumulate in the mitochondria of cells as it is an area so rich in thiols—which mercury is attracted to
mercury enters cells as elemental or organic mercury, and is while inside, is converted to inorganic mercury—which is a form that cannot cross lipid barriers
because of this, even if the mercury becomes loose from a thiol group, it stays inside of the cell practically permanently, going from one thiol group to another
it's like being locked inside of a building with a giant unstoppable boulder that's rolling around from place to place, and neither you not it can leave
organic mercury and the vapor of elemental mercury are supremely pervasive; they can pretty much go anywhere in the body
the younger your age of exposure, the more damage it can do to your developing systems
not even DNA is safe

if your mother had dental amalgams, or got a thimerosal-containing vaccination while pregnant, this mercury is able to enter your fetal tissue from her body and you get ridiculously high exposure for your body mass, at an age where you're extremely vulnerable to the damage that it can cause

mercury in any form is supremely toxic to every biological system, without exception
the fact that emeramide is able to cure so many diseases that everyone either denied or didn't suspect was caused by mercury poisoning is proof of this

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