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Search: The aol of oracles

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>> No.52499188 [View]

the AOL of oracles

>> No.29482833 [View]

What gives me confidence in it is I spent decades working in technology and predicted the rise of microsoft, the rise of mobile data and the rise of the internet and got rich from Dell, Microsoft, AOL and Nokia while you were a kid and I see that the writing is on the wall and smartcontracts, oracles and last legers are the future for areas in while vast quantities of money flow. That has not yet even really begun. The winners in this area will be money printing machines. I use my money to live a nice life and I support Catholic charities that help the poor.

>> No.26479830 [View]

No, it's not.

Do you know how little normies know about Bitcoin? I did a presentation on Bitcoin in school. They thought that it was a stock. This was a private school which sent 5~10% of the graduates to Oxbridge. These guys were meant to be clever. Bitcoin is old tech now. We're just seeing the AOL moment with Bitcoin as PayPal integrates it.

Link is far beyond their comprehension. Liquidity pools might as well be dark magic.

Crypto is not the great generational equaliser. Crypto is how a few well informed people are going to ascend to new levels of wealth. While we're biohacking, writing, taking drugs and going /out, everyone else is going to be fitted with Neuralink implants that have Link oracles to check if they're thinking right.

And I feel great about it.

>> No.25487418 [View]

Ask yourself what are the barriers to entry and required network effects for simple objective oracles like Chainlink. Then ask yourself the same question about crowdsourced subjective oracles like Kleros. Chainlink is the AOL of oracles.

>> No.17695042 [View]
File: 110 KB, 740x925, 740full-holly-luyah (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think that's true. I think that the exchanges will (or already are) going to offer it...using LP or similar design (click a checkmark and they send your link into your staking SC, for a % instead of you manually taking 20 seconds doing it yourself of course). The whole idea behind the chainlink ecosystem is that it's going to be simple from both sides to do. Sirgay isn't reinventing oracles and apis (the additions and security are huge breakthroughs), but the approach is to AOL the fuck out of blockchain.

Plus while not node staking, CB offers that mil+ liquidity "stake"...which even baby stacks will be at shortly. Don't know what rates they offer.

Everything else you said itt is pretty on though. In order for this shit to not fail, node staking will have to convey a higher than traditional return...else everyone will cash-out and crash the network. And 8-12% with no risk and perma growth for the first decade+ looks juicy as fuck; even for boomers that can't into computer.

>> No.9917323 [View]

just don't forget dumb fucks:
most money is held by a 110iq norman hoarde
for something to boom it has to apply to them
almost nobody understands what a smart contract is
half of cryptards dont even get it
the notion of oracles being needed is totally unknown
chainlink won't be valued at its utility until actual smart contracts start doing things
until then its dumb leading dumber

now think about how fucking smart Sergey was to understand smart contracts 5 years ago and that the critical layer for smart contracts to work wasn't the distributed execution network but was in fact the ability to get smart contracts access to data and APIs in the real world

it's actually amazing
like the fucker heard about the internet and founded google before AOL became a thing
fuck me

>> No.6807710 [View]


The closest thing is Oraclize, but they've opted for a centralized model for oracles which likely won't go onto become the standard because of that.

To put why in the plainest terms I can, LINK's solution is like HTTP, the protocol your browser uses to talk to websites. Oraclize's solution would be like if AOL had come out with their own internet protocol and expected everyone to adopt it as the standard.

Developers are what will push blockchain tech forward, and developers won't trust something like Oraclize as the standard. Chainlink's partnership with zeppelin_os also ensures that Chainlink will become the standard because it will become the default oracle for all future dApps.

So... there's kind of a competitor... but there's not really any competition.

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