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Search: reddit space

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>> No.6734188 [View]

It's when brainlets have literally nothing to contribute so they bring up the fact that people put a space in their posts to seperate things.

Like this. And they think that somehow this started on reddit and wasn't used on 4chan or any other imageboard or messageboard or email until 2005.

>> No.6684185 [View]

Reddit exists for a reason faggots, go there if you need a safe space to stop the triggering

>> No.6683168 [View]

I think even reddit is too harsh for you. I suggest this site https://www.upworthy.com/ so you can have your safe space

>> No.6680371 [View]
File: 4 KB, 200x200, 1516281205645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright /biz/,
I’m done accumulating this coin so I’m going to shill you this coin that’ll make you 10x your money this month and then 10x your money for the months to come. It just got out of the private chinese ICO and the whales are currently slowly unloading millions of these tokens for a nice profit while the price climbs slow and steady. This coin has an absurdly high volume, soon this shit will go parabolic the likes of Neo and Walton.

>IoT token build from the ground up to be able to perform on low performance hardware, It’s a hybrid PoW and PoS coin with offchain capabilities, privacy (zero-knowledge proof algorithm), smartcontracts and more (Whitepaper P1-5)
>Chinese iOTA, it also helps that their team isn’t full of insecure monumental faggots who throw hissy fits on reddit all the time because their network/wallet still isn’t functional.
>Mainnet will launch end of this month, full whitepaper in a week
>Token is literally ground zero with a 50M marketcap and a circulating supply of 150M, currently sitting at 50c
>You are one of the first in the western crypto space to know about this coin, they do zero marketing so far

The team:
>All star star team comprised of 13 IoT and other industry experts with PHDs and 10-20 years of experience, many academics, former Hauwei employees and chinks from other reputable companies, 8 advisors and 9 investment firms (Whitepaper P5-8)
>Partnerships with IBM, Microsoft Research, Huawei, universities and others.. more detailed are yet to be disclosed.
More sources (these guys called Walton and Neo when it was pennies)
Suppoman shill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1197&v=67ofGxOnzks [Embed]
CryptoFuture shill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79NcKmSWz44 [Embed]
Detailed reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/7qat3z/intinternet_node_token_criminally_undervalued/
Whitepaper: https://intchain.io/whitepaper/INT-whitepaper-release-EN.pdf

>> No.6640185 [View]
File: 4 KB, 200x200, INT 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright /biz/,
I’m done accumulating this coin so I’m going to shill you this coin that’ll make you 10x your money this month and then 10x your money for the months to come. It just got out of the private chinese ICO and the whales are currently slowly unloading millions of these tokens for a nice profit while the price climbs slow and steady. This coin has an absurdly high volume, soon this shit will go parabolic the likes of Neo and Walton.

>IoT token build from the ground up to be able to perform on low performance hardware, It’s a hybrid PoW and PoS coin with offchain capabilities, privacy (zero-knowledge proof algorithm), smartcontracts and more (Whitepaper P1-5)
>Chinese iOTA, it also helps that their team isn’t full of insecure monumental faggots who throw hissy fits on reddit all the time because their network/wallet still isn’t functional.
>Mainnet will launch end of this month, full whitepaper in a week
>Token is literally ground zero with a 50M marketcap and a circulating supply of 150M, currently sitting at 50c
>You are one of the first in the western crypto space to know about this coin, they do zero marketing so far

The team:
>All star star team comprised of 13 IoT and other industry experts with PHDs and 10-20 years of experience, many academics, former Hauwei employees and chinks from other reputable companies, 8 advisors and 9 investment firms (Whitepaper P5-8)
>Partnerships with IBM, Microsoft Research, Huawei, universities and others.. more detailed are yet to be disclosed.
More sources (these guys called Walton and Neo when it was pennies)
Suppoman shill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1197&v=67ofGxOnzks
CryptoFuture shill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79NcKmSWz44
Detailed reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/7qat3z/intinternet_node_token_criminally_undervalued/
Whitepaper: https://intchain.io/whitepaper/INT-whitepaper-release-EN.pdf
Telegram: INTchain Official, website: intchain.io

>> No.6570343 [View]


Agreed. This is one of the comfiest holds in the crypto space. It's still relatively unknown, great partnerships, and super normie/reddit friendly.

>> No.6538442 [View]
File: 27 KB, 615x323, wagerr-the-sports-betting-blockchain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit. Discord. Twitter. Is there any WGR space that is not in flames right now. Still no word from the team about why they botched the release again. Probably on a beach somewhere with umbrella drinks.

>> No.6493440 [View]
File: 102 KB, 1599x1066, ACHEESY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been waiting to post this until the price bottomed out and I took my position. I did that just now. Threads being astroturfed on reddit, quickly archieved threads on 4chan, private subreddits, slack channels that found omisego at 0.23; all related to Achain. I'm going to tell you to DYOR, but you can take it from me when I say that this is a good project (as far as I can tell, apparently BaaS is a good thing?). FUD from the China bans put this project underground, but instead of leaving their project to die, Achain silently worked on their own tech in hopes of expanding out of the cryptocurrency space. Now that the bans are lifted, Achain is back, and if you click the link above, youll see that this LARGELY COMPLETELY UNKNOWN team is a premium sponsor at the largest and longest running bitcoin conference in the world. Blockchain Brad interview can be found here:


I encourage you to DYOR, again, but this is something you might want to look into. Hope you make some money on this, cause God knows /biz/ has lost me a fuckload of cash. Bye.

>> No.6424067 [View]

>they tend to assimilate quickly
I am one of them. I came here from reddit when I noticed it is a much more open space for discussion, where upvotes don't matter and eco chambers do not exist. Also I can insult your mother while presenting my points to why the whitepaper of a shitcoin sucks.
I am also extreme left-wing.
Free palestine though

>> No.6422172 [View]

I think you are simply blind to historical fact. Go back to your safe space of reddit where you are spoon fed propaganda from the jewish media.

>> No.6318134 [View]

>OP (probably larping) makes a bunch of money
>immediately turns his back on his country >even though the US is what made him
>wants to help fucking ant people and literal we wuzzzzz egyptians

Same old song and dance with these reddit tier cucks. Fuck off OP, you're a fucking waste of space on this planet. Artificially expanding these garbage 3rd world country populations is fucking retarded and so are you. They're fucking poor because they are born savage without the possibility of building a civilisation.

>> No.6294204 [View]

Expensive, never be fixed, difficult to develop on, not readable in any sense language wise. Fucking focusing on developing a Go library, FUCKING GO nobody uses Go other then young web developers who believe its the 'new thing'. I don't even know where to begin with the misdirection of the development of ethereum, its like a blockchain enviroment for web developers.

Nobody is saying that, its just going to solve the ethereum problem (actual thing developers in the space call ethereum, a problem, too bad 4chin and reddit are too stupid to follow developers on twitter)
in the long run, maybe. But I bet your weak hands would get off at mars.

>> No.6290030 [View]
File: 14 KB, 366x366, tron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At what price would Reddit fags who hate tron kill themselves? We are going interstellar soon.

>Partnering with a space company
>Overtaking Stellar Lumens in marketcap

Literally interstellar

>> No.6287007 [View]
File: 17 KB, 221x228, IMG_4464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>spent lplastmtwo years between reddit and shitty videogames
>be last year
>got hacked
>someone put a ddns confit in my modem
>hacker starts streaming
>I got brigaded, trolls following me everywhere I post
>eventually start browsing /g/ after not lurking 4chan for a bunch of years
>asked a few questions on sqt and eventually learned to compile my own router firmware using lede
>eventually checked biz and started making a few shekels here and there
>wasn't even aware you can trade crypto until last year. All I used btc for was to buy drugs like a retard since 2011.
Holy shit now I see why everyone hates fucking reddit, such a waste of space! I lost three years of my life thanks to that fucking site instead of getting redpilled about life here. Every single comment there sounds like one of those sitcoms where they use prerecorded laughs.
Thanks biz, I was blind, now I can see.

>> No.6276460 [View]


Fuck off Reddit. This isn't a soyboy safe space.

>> No.6245269 [View]
File: 337 KB, 598x750, upvuur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and if you went into a bank five years ago and asked them if they'd ever buy into crypto they'd call security. meanwhile jamie dimon just walked back his FUD on crypto. stay poor bud

i'm pretty long on UFR. i torrent a bunch of weird music and shit, and it's a struggle to find a working torrent for a lot of older/weirder shit. i would absolutely pay a nominal amount if it encouraged seeders for more obscure content.

beyond that, there's definitely a space for this to subvert traditional content distribution rails. an artist could share OC and get paid for it without needing to go through bandcamp or whatever

the most encouraging thing about UFR is how active the dev team is on reddit, they post about 10 times per day at this point, new substantial updates coming soon. i'm hodling at least through february if not longer

>> No.6139030 [View]

well done OP. excellent review. great disclosure about the Cantrell hookup with Vector. but that pump was EPIC!!! it's quite obvious someone has a vested interest in maintaining those green candles. 5 days of consecutive green candles. the chart would make any TA fag wet. so it's a whale coin. but these whales don't want this coin to dump anytime soon. especially because the devs need a ton of cash to launch those rockets. so I'd venture to say that Roger Ver is putting his BTCs behind this and buying up a shit ton. the devs will sell as much as they can to pay Jim Cantrell's company Vector to launch those satellites (i heard they're expensive as fuck) the sats launch into low earth orbit. Reddit gets wet. 4chan get's jelly and this thing hits $1,000 EOY

Roger Ver makes a couple more billions, Vector Space Systems makes a lot of money from selling Nexus satellites and Nexus becomes a serious player

>> No.6044061 [View]

The main money acknowledged by Cryptopia is DOT. Cryptopia offers shares for 2 million DOT each, and a few offers are acquired every day. Pretty much every client that ends up noticeably dynamic on Cryptopia winds up purchasing an offer, it gives halfway responsibility for and pays out a week after week DOT profit. Cryptographic forms of money are added to Cryptopia using a voting procedure, and 1 DOT = 1 vote. For 5 million DOT a digital currency is consequently added to Cryptopia, for 15 million DOT a cryptographic money ends up noticeably one of the bases exchanging sets and it can be traded for all other recorded cryptographic forms of money. A huge number of DOT are bought each week only to vote. Furthermore, 500,000 DOT can purchase a cryptographic money tip space in the visit and 50,000 DOT for a vivified symbol. The spot is likewise the most normally tipped digital currency on Cryptopia, it’s much similar to Dogecoin on Reddit.

source: http://ftreporter.com/dotcoin-review-connect-the-crypto-dots/

>> No.6042123 [View]


I'll answer your question about how to research after I first describe the mindset you should be going into the investment space with.
First understand some basic bankroll management
Skim through this article on a poker bankroll management and see if you could draw any correlations to the crypto market.

then read this wise investment article on what the relationship between RISK and REWARD is. This is a big thing that most of the comments out here and reddit completely miss

finally, now that you have some realistic expectations that people have historically always had going into investments. realize that the crypto market is SO bull right now you're stepping on the ground floor of a gold rush

and there will be snake oil salesmen and then there will be people's whose product is just no good, then there will be the guaranteed winners that are already plateaued but will still earn you way better REWARD for a medium RISK compared to the paper stock market (ie. btc ltc xrp dash)

so decide what you want out of your investments, if you're looking for 50x eoy, then you're going to have to make the decision on your own, because if people already knew and could tell you, then it'd be 2x eoy, not 50

eth: 0x240057c746ffa14e3b92ae3a6ef5dfd70ad91de3

>> No.5990801 [View]
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Trump is allowing crypto nigger. Literally taxing it so it won't go away. Look what happened under his first year. This is Trump's way of beating the fuck out of the fed. Take your liberal bullshit back to safe space reddit.

>> No.5956041 [View]
File: 60 KB, 800x1000, 68D80F5D-3D26-447C-8400-4D0AA26189FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you have to do is research the founder. I promise you that an Ivy league grad with as many connections as he has is not playing this game to be average. The psychology of successful people don't think with an average world view. They are able to spot trends and capitalize on them in a big way.
Anytime you invest you have to think about the community behind the coin and the interest. Obviously there is a big community and what you see on reddit is a small percentage. The amount of Asians that are interested in Tron is staggering. We are talking in the hundreds of millions. So if we have that going for us at this low of a price what is left to evaluate? The leadership and developers are the next piece of the puzzle. A brief google search will tell you a lot about the founder. The connections he has is mind blowing. Ask yourself another question. Do you think Justin Sun can pick up the phone and get in contact with the CEO of any top corporation? The answer is absolutely. That alone has tremendous value. The value of having connections is huge in this industry. You don't have to understand everything involved in the crypto space. You just have to understand the that leaders have visions that you and I don't see.

>> No.5951920 [View]

DADI Founder:
"We respect SONM - we think it's one of the best projects out there

And the SONM white paper was one the best that we've seen. We absolutely learnt from it and leant on it when informing the structure of our own paper

As has been pointed out, this is clear when looking at the high level theoretical architecture for the contract logic on page 38 of our paper

However this is where the similarities stop. In terms of the important bits, the actual technical implementation (we both have testnets), there's not a shred of crossover. Our core technologies are completely different

We are two projects in the same space, but we are not directly competing. Rather we complement each other in what is a very large market"


>> No.5932453 [View]

the thing is, in this crypto space everyone is an "expert" anyone who has made significant profits has something to offer, and combine this into a vote and you get the ultimate coin to accumalate and then shill on reddit

>> No.5891919 [View]
File: 5 KB, 225x225, loopring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah cryptocurrency arbitrage and exchange fee rape is about to end, but at least /biz/ will have time to invest in each practice's killer.

Loopring(LRC) is a back end protocol that allows orders to be broken into small pieces, identifying the best exchanges and times to trade those pieces on, and applies game theory logic to optimize trading results.

The last piece of the bitcoin puzzle is decentralizing the act of receiving a cryptocurrency. This is needed because Asic miners with cheap electricity control the market and there are only a few legitimate exchanges you can use.

This problem has been tackled with coins like Bitshares, Kucoin, and Binance moving towards having decentralized exchanges owned by the users. This approach is a long shot since companies with enormous amounts of capital and connections like IBM are entering the exchange space with Fairx powering it with XLM. With Coinbase constantly increasing its share of the crypto exchange market the best case scenario we will have in the future is an oligopoly of exchanges that determine how you get your crypto.

The solution is to go a layer deeper with Loopring. There won't be any "404 Binance is the next Mt.Gox memes" Loopring's focus isn't even targeting exchanges right now, they target Wallets, giving them an income stream. It's founder was a tech lead at google and their advisor is Da Hongfei, the founder of NEO.

>Founder AMA:


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