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Search: emeramide

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>> No.7987209 [View]

bro i hope you're not shilling snake oil, i hace the same fucking problem and doctors keep telling me it's a "sinus infection" or "allergies", and when the CT scans, allergy tests, cultures come back, there is nothing to see. antibiotics don't do shit, steroids don't do shit, antihistamines do nothing. fucking doctors have started telling me to stop drinking (haven't drank for over a year because of this fucking bullshit) and get more exercise (i used to lift 3 days a week and yoga the rest, now I just do yoga because lifting destroys me). i'm so tired of paying stupid fucks to tell me the same shit i've heard for a year straight. FUCK please tell me emeramide will work and you aren't trolling god damnit

>> No.7986818 [View]

i posted about this a few days ago, but fuck it;
you have (or have had) dental amalgam fillings? the silver ones?
bottom line is, mercury can ruthlessly destroy the fuck out of you—and being half mercury, these things constantly release it
the quantity is significant; 4.5 to 22 micrograms daily, per filling, *right into your fucking mouth*
elemental mercury vapor can penetrate all sorts of shit—including muscle tissue—no problem
the majority of this shit never, ever fucking leaves your body; mercury is highly bioaccumulative
to my understanding, it's because the body's only means of excreting it (running through the kidneys) fucking fails completely after dealing with all but background quantities of it

anyway; if you've had these bitches in your face at some point, buy emeramide (also known as bdth2, nbmi, or irminix)
i've taken almost five grams of it over the past few months, and i'm getting more soon
i was a penniless fuck when i bought it
happy to say that it works like fucking magical pixie dust, though; every time i moved an inch, at least one thing somewhere in my body was fucking snapping or twitching or what have you
i also don't feel like i'm collapsing mentally anymore
holy fuck; sometimes, i even feel fucking awesome

but here i am
doing better

>> No.7937370 [View]

i'd gotten the gist of this before—but, it was only after finding out about emeramide that i developed an understanding that barely anything that these people would have you believe is safe and effective medicine is either safe or effective

it makes me wonder what other cheap-ass solutions there are to problems that their very system has made commonplace
it makes me wonder just how fucking bankrupt a determined businessman with the near total anonymity that the decentralized blockchain can provide could make these people

i think that emeramide was only discovered in 1994 when researchers were searching for candidates to use as chelating agents for groundwater mercury and arsenic (from industrial mining and refining? can't remember, but i think that it was later found to be pretty successful for mercury in this case, but not the dominant form of arsenic)
her (miserable fucking) death happened in, like, 1997, though
word probably wouldn't have spread from the university of kentucky (where i'm pretty sure it was discovered) to dartmouth college (where she worked and researched) between that time
the sad thing is, too, that she was confident that she could save herself


not a fucking trace of a side effect. i am not kidding.

>> No.7935845 [View]
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no you aren't
emeramide, motherfuck
it is un-fucking-believably effective at chelating mercury (and to a lesser degree, cadmium and arsenic) without fucking with zinc and copper and shit
it is a fucking GODSEND—and probably the only reason why i'm not either a rotting fucking retarded corpse at my father's house, or dead in a ditch somewhere
it utterly blows DMSA and DMPS the fuck out of the fucking water
there is absolutely no comparison
you have no idea how grateful i am for this shit

yes, i have taken it
tried administering small quantities of it intranasally, dissolved in a bit of coconut oil which i then emulsified (by shaking) in warm water
can only get it from experimental drug/lab supply websites
do your own research—some offer it much cheaper than others, but all of it is overpriced at the moment
for the most part you can thank the fucking FDA for that one
out of all the borderline experiemental chemicals being sold as supplements on the market, they went after the one that is actually seriously fucking useful and is proven to work what amounts to fucking miracles compared to what anything else can do in its field
and it does it ***while being fucking non-toxic***
small animals that were given doses of mercury that were well in excess of the lethal amount and were then given emeramide FUCKING LIVED AND WERE FUCKING UNFAZED

i know i'm not helping my case that its treatment was successful on me, but to have fucking lived this crushing illness for seven years and then find out that there is something that is essentially a magical fucking cure that costs nearly nothing to make and is known to researchers but is borderline fucking banned is kinda mindblowing

>> No.7934249 [View]

read into emeramide—also known as bdth2 or irminix

read into it, and truly ask yourself if you've been given mercury poisoning from amalgam fillings or some other source
this had happened to me
if this is what happened to you, then multiple doses of emeramide for several months is your best fucking shot—and it works fucking great
take regular walks and eat meals rich in quality protein and healthy fats

a good way to describe it is like living the same kind of generation loss that happens when you copy a source vhs tape to blank tape, and then copy that tape to another—and so on and so forth
nobody even knows it's happening but you
it is one of the worst possible ways to well and truly die in every sense other than having a pulse (with a high, and then low blood pressure)

>> No.7529402 [View]
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universal health care is unironically shit
in canada there is no competition to produce more cheap, effective, and safe medicines for conditions that may be affecting everyone because the public doesn't know any better than to trust the authority, and the doctors who were trained in the academic institutions were given grades based on how well they followed corporatocratic doctrine
they're paid with taxpayer dollars to sling corporate drug programmes at people
if, *at the very least,* these pricks didn't have a leg up with taxpayer money over people who want to become doctors but are smart and give enough of a damn to not want to entrap their patients in functional decline with a giant list of drugs that are supposed to work with one-another, we'd see a massive boost in average health and success in this fucking country

t. has been sick with bowel, nasal, and—for a time—increasingly bad cognitive issues in canada since being a teenager, and was only able to get better by paying through the nose for an all-but-banned (yet suspiciously, completely safe) drug called BDTH2 (or emeramide) for fucking mercury poisoning

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