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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.57639357 [View]

Oh neat.
It only cost you your soul.

>> No.57596079 [View]

Honestly dude probably just a teaching cert. They're desperate for teachers in small town schools. Go small town for affordable housing, absence of niggers, qt3.14 single mom you meet at parent teacher conf. Good benefits, summers off.

>> No.57577359 [View]

Just bought $GOFURS on pulsechain.

>> No.57571094 [View]

I feel you brother. Hurts bad. Poors will never understand what it's like to be /almost/ not poor.

>> No.57533512 [View]

Kek. Seething baggie

>> No.57533213 [View]

Kek. Baggies.

>> No.57489209 [View]

I fud link every day on twitter it gets better engagement than in this shithole. Many dumbshits have sold thanks to me. You're welcome.

>> No.29719076 [View]


>> No.29718202 [View]
File: 8 KB, 235x215, biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idc if you don't believe me, but I'm from the year 2070. I know attention spans still haven't been artificially shortened by the Dasani Regoinal Water Commission yet, but I'll make it quick anyway. in the future as the internet native generations get older and advertising agencies learn how to market to them effectively fortune 500 companies will begin issuing their own cryptocurrencies as the main method of advertising. for example pepsi will release pepsicoin, coke would release coca-coin, etc. In an effort to get rich low to mid tier influencers (this is the only American job remaining in 2070) will get their audience to create memes and FUD the competitors' entire brand. They then periodically rugpull on their demographics, until this is overturned in Kleros' UN WorldGov Constitutional Circuit Court in 2068, but was immediately circumvented by making tokens expire after 30 days. This quickly gives them a 9000x gain on their advertising budget. This is at no cost to the companies that just spun up an Ethereum 2.0 Beta Clones. Bitcoin is still worth 47k.

>> No.26247255 [View]

It was my understanding that they didn't work anyways. They just reduced symptoms at the risk of paralyzing half your body.

Besides, Biden "won". The virus is gone now.

>> No.26227769 [View]

Call the bank. You'll find they are very welcoming and receptive to your deposit. They may or may not even offer you a drink while you're sitting in the office. (They used to do more but we live in gay times)

>> No.26227255 [View]

>female brown hands wrote this

>> No.26227170 [View]

Don't worry bro, you can just rent them.

>> No.26226687 [View]

Hey guys,

I know this may seem scary but we've found the original ico didn't reach enough poc or female investors, so we're having a do over.

>> No.24224517 [View]

no kyc
no kyc, and its essentially AMPL with added utility.

>> No.24221887 [View]
File: 1.47 MB, 1420x1392, Screen_Shot_2020-11-16_at_4.03.31_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scammer faggot
anon I just dont think you are going to make it if you think SHADOW is a scam

>> No.24221370 [View]
File: 563 KB, 808x540, 126910274_378382176733530_8494267082970611607_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets talk about SHADOW LINK

>Inversely Pegged to LINK
This means when LINK DUMPS, SHADOW MOONS (and guess whats going to happen soon anon)

>6000% APR
Im not joking, go to https://shadow(dot)link/geyser.html and find out yourself, people are sleeping on the newest Yield Farming DeFi experience right now.

You heard it fucking right, there's big plans in store.

Look at what the team has already done:


>> No.16885862 [View]


>> No.16885544 [View]

And yet idiots continue to support stuttering pothead that runs this scam. Just wait until it gets shadowforked, making all your erc20 tokens worthless.

>> No.16878715 [View]

is it a trick question? heh.. kid, you have balls

>> No.15321646 [View]
File: 40 KB, 400x386, 1551353061074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T. triggered detective wagecuck

>> No.15321582 [View]

>he thinks I'm the only faggot posting under that meme name

How new are you?

>> No.15321494 [View]
File: 2.14 MB, 3968x1984, IMG_20190820_131848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me faggot, have fun at work tho

>> No.15321282 [View]

This so much. I literally hate kikes so fucking much that I would rather be scammed than never try overthrowing their fucking position.

They are literally human scum and the personification of evil.

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