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Search: nastyslob

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>> No.58592090 [View]

sorry chuddie but its an unrealized gain tax
sirgay nastyslob needs to fund the lavish HR roastie vacations somehow

>> No.58520108 [View]

>ETH ETF gets approved
>hey guys this is actually about Chainlink!!!
Fat piece of shit is trying to latch onto current narrative like he always does. Not so long ago he was shilling Chainshit use cases for AI. Pathetic, subhuman nastyslob. He will do anything to offload his bags.

>> No.58389464 [View]

nastyslob is such a subhuman just the inbred shills that spam this board for him kek

>> No.57812041 [View]

you're unironically a cuckold cheering for fat nastyslob dumping on you so you miss out on another bullrun

>> No.57513043 [View]

Icp provices cycle compute power to the network.
Link converts customer funs into ozempic and cheeseburgers for nastyslob ™.

>> No.57335859 [View]
File: 1009 KB, 1847x1399, fatfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are they so greedy?

fatfuck nastyslob is literally the one causing all the dumps


>> No.57001855 [View]

>chainlink starts second staking term
>everyone trapped in stakes while sirgay nastyslob dumps a hot creamy streamy shit on binance

>> No.56840865 [View]

rubic was a pajeet scam picked only because it had a fucking cube logo and a russian CEO like sirgay nastyslob

>> No.56769298 [View]

nastyslob is literally not needed
once he gets killed, no one will notice jej

>> No.56429604 [View]
File: 263 KB, 2340x1080, Schizo. Won..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this van you speak of? You assume everyone here is an Uber driver like your Nigerian father? I stopped posting because this board can't stop gobbling down nastyslob cock

>> No.56350525 [View]

Nolinker here (because I sold in 2021 because I'm not retarded)
Ngl I'd pay a few hundred for a nastyslob nft

>> No.56296990 [View]

>nastyslob with a homosex, a towelhead, and an Egyptian mystery meat
Wow bullish

>> No.56271848 [View]
File: 293 KB, 1536x2048, Sergolf Nazatler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're a tribe sir, we can't beat them
>we have the upper hand
What the fuck did nastyslob mean by this

>> No.56148813 [View]
File: 206 KB, 582x429, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

subhuman nastyslob makes that guy look like a chad

imagine this slavnigger with his beard shaved, revealing that chud chin with fat folds

>> No.56148042 [View]

From a psychiatric perspective the word "cuckold" triggers Link marines so much because subconsciously they know it's their true nature. Imagine holding a premined token with terrible tokenomics for 6 years hoping to make it just to see your pathetic bags get outperformed by the entire market while you stake your measly tokens for sub par bond tier gains (4% APY). The cherry on top of the cake is Sergey Nastyslob who stringed along the community while he made $500 million by dumping on gullible retail investors like you.

Thus the cuckold nature of the Link marine is an undeniable reality. As with every cult pointing out the truth is often uncomfortable for the cult members. But the truth is....Link marines are simply cuckolds.

>> No.56147922 [View]

better tell nastyslob to quit dumping on his submuhweens cause he'll miss the 4ir KEK

>> No.56145984 [View]

nastyslob is always hosting amateur hour
he seriously needs his ass beat

>> No.56131085 [View]

nastyslob will never exercise
he's almost 40 and looks 50 KEK
too late for that incel, can't wait til his 4th heart attack by 45 kills him and all you incels rope KEKERINO

>> No.56124685 [View]

satoshi: never sold
sirgay nastyslob: market dumping on binance weekly

>> No.56121581 [View]

heard nastyslob just dumped another 80 million tokens on you
you like being a simp toilet paypig cuckold

>> No.56066943 [View]

VCs won
nastyslob lost and is obese
cope nigger

>> No.55964717 [View]
File: 1009 KB, 1847x1399, nasty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nastyslob needs to gain another 100 pounds

>> No.55952688 [View]

nastyslob sold more yesterday than your entire inbred genetic line could ever afford


>> No.55906461 [View]

francisco will kill nastyslob and link cuckolds will all hang themselves

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