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Search: Pool

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>> No.58507771 [View]

I still think they are required to submit trade data including internalized and dark pool ones. This is only for RFQs.

>> No.58507733 [View]

4chan numerology
> 10M for fire
> 8" cock tiny
> 6'4 king of manlets
> 7 age of consent

>I just want a swimming pool
Don't. I knew a guy with a private jet who was getting BTFOd by his pool constantly.
If you get fu money, you can move to Japan, they still have useable public pools.

60 is a good foundation. Don't get greedy by staying in too long, get in half a year or year after the next crash.
Spread it on new and verified crypto projects, maybe UBI types because of AI or whatever will become the rage in the next cycle.

>> No.58507452 [View]

I could live to 80 if I can de-stress somehow, anon.

I just want a swimming pool

>> No.58507289 [View]

>>58501602 #
>You seem to jump between Berkshire fundamentals thesis and a zombie revive of supposed bbby naked shorts.

I am here for MOASS. I am just explaining Ryan Cohen's vision for GME. He has to build up the company regardless of MOASS. The reason I am caught up in the BK thesis is because I'm trying to understand what the infinity pool might look like. Selling for phone number prices vs never selling at all. Shorts can't close unless I pick the former. Idk how the infinity pool would work tho desu

>If you accept there is naked shorting in BBBYQ you might as well start buying all the other distraction stocks and lose your money.

I accept BBBY is naked shorted and an idiosyncratic risk that flew under the radar. While it may be true other stocks can be naked shorted, I don't give a fuck about them because the underlying business is shit. That's where BBBY differs and Ryan's interest in it confirms that. BBBY was a great company that was sabotaged from the inside. Buybuybaby is worth billions alone and is a crown jewel. No other basket stock is in the same position so they are irrelevant and I absolutely will say fuck them and stay away.

>> No.58506197 [View]

aww, someone is locked out of the infinity pool. Don’t worry you short sighted gme elitist. You will make it too.
But instead of 1000 shares of gme/teddy, I’ll have 100k Teddy shares/ converted from my bbby. Fortune favours the bold.

And not little bitchs like you who have no risk tolerance, again nothing wrong with that. Just a lazy ass little bitch who doesn’t believe in Ryan cohen and expects ex to make hundreds of thousands of other people multi millionaires just by holding 10 shares of gme lol?

Larry never went on superstonk, he did go on the ppshow. And called everybody there a future institution.

>> No.58505186 [View]
File: 888 KB, 1568x1080, P2Pool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


P2Pool combines the advantages of pool and solo mining; you still fully control your Monero node and what it mines, but you get frequent payouts like on a regular pool.

P2Pool has no central server that can be shut down/blocked because it uses a separate blockchain to merge mine with Monero. There's no pool admin that can control what your hashrate is used for or decide who can mine on the pool and who can't. It's permissionless!

Decentralized pool mining (P2Pool) is pretty much the ultimate way to secure a PoW coin against 51% attacks. Once P2Pool reaches & maintains 51%+ of the total network hashrate, Monero will be essentially invulnerable to such attacks.

Although many inexperienced miners think that bigger pools give better profits, this is absolutely NOT the case. Your profits in the long run depend ONLY on your hashrate, NOT on the pool's hashrate.


1. Download the *bundled* version of Gupax for your OS here: https://gupax.io/downloads/
2. Extract somewhere (Desktop, Documents, etc)
3. Launch Gupax
4. Input your Monero address in the [P2Pool] tab. USE A SEPARATE MINING-ONLY WALLET!
5. Select a Community Monero Node that you trust, although you can and should run your own node if possible.
6. Start P2Pool
7. Start XMRig

VIDEO GUIDE: https://gupax.io/guide/

You are now mining to your own instance of P2Pool, welcome to the world of decentralized peer-to-peer mining!


OLD GUIDE FOR P2POOL MINING FROM THE MONERO GUI WALLET: https://pst.klgrth.io/paste/eecbe


>> No.58504723 [View]

1% pool incentivizes people to add their own liquidity. Meanwhile it still allows for a usable currency- there's no transfer fee.

>> No.58504601 [View]
File: 1.61 MB, 480x850, infinity pool.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hedgies don't dare visit the infinity pool. It's waters are forbidden.

>> No.58504573 [View]

Pretty much, ignore the shills that try and get you to buy and play anything else, all you need to do is hold, Reddit is doing the bulk of Infinity Pool filling.

>> No.58504547 [View]

you should think for yourself
ETH has the biggest pool of developers, the most money backing it, the broadest range of investors, and the most established ecosystem

sol is a centralized shitcoin and definitely a security, it's not comparable to ETH
nobody in the first world can do jack shit with it

>> No.58504462 [View]

It means LINK that is staked in the native pool or the node operators pool, so I earn around 7%~ yearly and it's compounding

kys. Delphi will prevail.

>> No.58504085 [View]

what lp pool pairs? eth-usdt that kind of thing?
Isn't the yield on that only going to be 15% or sometjhing?
wouldn't I get much better returns just holding some solid top 100 alts?

as for grabbing shitters I guess you mean base memecoins, how do you decide which ones to buy?

>> No.58503573 [View]

>>58501602 #
>You seem to jump between Berkshire fundamentals thesis and a zombie revive of supposed bbby naked shorts.

I am here for MOASS. I am just explaining Ryan Cohen's vision for GME. He has to build up the company regardless of MOASS. The reason I am caught up in the BK thesis is because I'm trying to understand what the infinity pool might look like. Selling for phone number prices vs never selling at all. Shorts can't close unless I pick the former. Idk how the infinity pool would work tho desu

>If you accept there is naked shorting in BBBYQ you might as well start buying all the other distraction stocks and lose your money.

I accept BBBY is naked shorted and an idiosyncratic risk that flew under the radar. While it may be true other stocks can be naked shorted, I don't give a fuck about them because the underlying business is shit. That's where BBBY differs and Ryan's interest in it confirms that. BBBY was a great company that was sabotaged from the inside. Buybuybaby is worth billions alone and is a crown jewel. No other basket stock is in the same position so they are irrelevant and I absolutely will say fuck them and stay away.

>> No.58503070 [View]

>>58501602 #
>You seem to jump between Berkshire fundamentals thesis and a zombie revive of supposed bbby naked shorts.

I am here for MOASS. I am just explaining Ryan Cohen's vision for GME. He has to build up the company regardless of MOASS. The reason I am caught up in the BK thesis is because I'm trying to understand what the infinity pool might look like. Selling for phone number prices vs never selling at all. Shorts can't close unless I pick the former. Idk how the infinity pool would work tho desu

>If you accept there is naked shorting in BBBYQ you might as well start buying all the other distraction stocks and lose your money.

I accept BBBY is naked shorted and an idiosyncratic risk that flew under the radar. While it may be true other stocks can be naked shorted, I don't give a fuck about them because the underlying business is shit. That's where BBBY differs and Ryan's interest in it confirms that. BBBY was a great company that was sabotaged from the inside. Buybuybaby is worth billions alone and is a crown jewel. No other basket stock is in the same position so they are irrelevant and I absolutely will say fuck them and stay away.

>> No.58502985 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 2.56 MB, 4320x2427, DA_TEDDY_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Basic Information

>Pool’s closed for equity, common stock is canceled
>In chapter 11 unsecured creditors occasionally converted to equity or receive a payout, bonds are still trading
>2034 bonds
>2044 bonds

>Recovery possible in chapter 11 following the absolute priority rule
>Similar situation happened with Hertz. Stock declared worthless, followed by recovery for equity interests.

>Various outlets have hinted at recovery through a new entity
>What are NOLs?
>How can NOLs be used in chapter 11?
>A new paradigm?
>BBBY had over 4 billion in NOL carryover entering chapter 11

>> No.58502796 [View]

You clearly do not understand how a short squeeze works. It is fast and violent. Algos are eating up the ask for every possible share to close out shorts. GameStop is 100%+ naked shorted. We know it's 226% minimum from the Robinhood lawsuit when they shut down the buy button. In reality its probably 1000%+. Naming your sell price is not a meme.

MMTLP sold for 24k a share before the SEC and FINRA shut down the trading and reserved it. Its been in limbo every since and they have ignored congress's request for an explanation.

Im going to just watch the asks get eaten up during MOASS and when the price finally crosses the six figure mark, I might think about selling single digit number of shares.

If the dark pool prices are 1.3 million I'm going for that number and beyond with the rest of my shares.

>> No.58502409 [View]
File: 1018 KB, 480x848, 1712550178392084.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58502282 [View]

pool is ________!

>> No.58502240 [View]
File: 509 KB, 1600x1600, iu-lee-jong-suk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look up what the price of my mediocre 2,000 sq. ft house in California buys me in any flyover state
>It's always something like 13,000+ sq ft with a fully furnished movie theater, resort-style pool, 9+ bedrooms, multiple pools, a wine cellar, and 2 kitchens
Is living in a coastal city really worth giving up all that? I really don't know.

>> No.58502055 [View]

These threads are classic. It’s the same thing every time
>some desperate retard posts yet another thread for this long dead, pumped and dumped, used and abused, curry stinking brownie poopoo scamtoken
>someone who actually understands how this works points out that volume has been utterly pathetic for two and a half years, partially because nobody wants to be taxed 15% each way to enter and exit a dead pump and dump that nobody else is buying
>”this will NEVER pump lmao”
>the same eight retards who totally aren’t mad and seething and coping and obsessed can’t help themselves, reflexively say something like “imagine being this mad over a lil dogger token lol”
>one retard in particular uses the word “assmad” at least four times a thread
>some other retard posts liquidity pool image
>”you clearly don’t understand this”
>”you shouldn’t even be buying btc, you aren’t built for this”
>jannie finally deletes spam advertising thread
>desperate retards post another one half an hour later

>> No.58501816 [View]

>>58501602 #
>You seem to jump between Berkshire fundamentals thesis and a zombie revive of supposed bbby naked shorts.

I am here for MOASS. I am just explaining Ryan Cohen's vision for GME. He has to build up the company regardless of MOASS. The reason I am caught up in the BK thesis is because I'm trying to understand what the infinity pool might look like. Selling for phone number prices vs never selling at all. Shorts can't close unless I pick the former. Idk how the infinity pool would work tho desu

>If you accept there is naked shorting in BBBYQ you might as well start buying all the other distraction stocks and lose your money.

I accept BBBY is naked shorted and an idiosyncratic risk that flew under the radar. While it may be true other stocks can be naked shorted, I don't give a fuck about them because the underlying business is shit. That's where BBBY differs and Ryan's interest in it confirms that. BBBY was a great company that was sabotaged from the inside. Buybuybaby is worth billions alone and is a crown jewel. No other basket stock is in the same position so they are irrelevant and I absolutely will say fuck them and stay away.

>> No.58501647 [View]

>You seem to jump between Berkshire fundamentals thesis and a zombie revive of supposed bbby naked shorts.

I am here for MOASS. I am just explaining Ryan Cohen's vision for GME. He has to build up the company regardless of MOASS. The reason I am caught up in the BK thesis is because I'm trying to understand what the infinity pool might look like. Selling for phone number prices vs never selling at all. Shorts can't close unless I pick the former. Idk how the infinity pool would work tho desu

>If you accept there is naked shorting in BBBYQ you might as well start buying all the other distraction stocks and lose your money.

I accept BBBY is naked shorted and an idiosyncratic risk that flew under the radar. While it may be true other stocks can be naked shorted, I don't give a fuck about them because the underlying business is shit. That's where BBBY differs and Ryan's interest in it confirms that. BBBY was a great company that was sabotaged from the inside. Buybuybaby is worth billions alone and is a crown jewel. No other basket stock is in the same position so they are irrelevant and I absolutely will say fuck them and stay away.

>> No.58501270 [View]
File: 175 KB, 652x364, 1685320232141747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IBKR niggers sent my 200 shares @ 10.74 to a new fucking CS account and with a fucking old mailing address, I've been all fucking morning riding the CS wagies ass over the phone trying to get my fucking new account login sent to the right address, so 200 to the fucking pool fucking australians kill 'em all

>> No.58500664 [View]

They have hired and fired every local competent white because they didnt sell credit cards and extended product warranties enough. Their labor pool is slowly darkening, which means future store closures. Outlook: poor

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