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>> No.58535202 [View]

dark pool is open

>> No.58535163 [View]

If this is really legit, the people working on this are sulking money they will never see back ever again once this Palladius guy decides to drain the liquidity pool.
The only way this would never happen is if all of this is just a huge operation and the deployer is part of it, which would make the token not legit at all.
Again, explain how come it was not possible to make a new token and migrate the people to that contract, having into consideration that you got a team that does an excellent work at engaging with holders, interacting through social media and has a whale personally funding their endeavors, and instead they preferred sticking to a token with someone who is apparently on the run and poses the risk of erasing the capital of thousands at a simple click of a button? How do you find ethical that the team is capable to contact this person whenever they feel it's necessary and tell him what to do with the tokens, or worse yet, him telling them what he will do with the tokens?

All of it is a huge game of keeping tabs. Once the final notice is given, the first ones to cash out will be the smaller holders comparatively to the largest one in the inner circle, until the one left to drain the liquidity is the deployer, and the ones holding the bags will be the ones who are exposed to the daily trading.

>> No.58535090 [View]

It's liquidity pool is comparatively larger than Pepe's for its market cap.

>> No.58533070 [View]

Does that actually say 15k liquidity lol wtf I'd cash out that whole pool

>> No.58533002 [View]

I was talking to a real estate guy yesterday at a pool party. He bought a 6000 sq ft house about 5 years ago for $165k. It has an indoor pool. The house had a tax lien of $16 million dollars. The owner was trying to get anything she could for it. He did his research and had an attorney look at the tax lien paperwork. The initial filing for the tax lien had a reporting error and his attorney essentially made the tax lien go away. He didn't tell the owner lady this and she wasn't gonna tell him about the lien. So he outplayed her and got her house for peanuts. He is now planning to sell the house because you can sell your primary residence tax free every 5 years. He's selling it for $3 million. None of you will ever understand real estate or how to make money. Home ownership is a meme and equity is a bullshit concept that preys on dipshits like the woman who sold him this mansion.

>> No.58532157 [View]
File: 2 KB, 64x64, 1975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Adding non-EVM chains like Solana to CCIP
>Increasing the staking pool capacity
>Airdropping 98 BUILD shitcoins to stakers and attracting airdrop enthusiasts
ITT things you look forward to in the short term that might pump the price of LINK.

>> No.58531671 [View]
File: 704 KB, 889x500, Screenshot 2024-05-26 23.01.28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>popular asian crypto man discovered crayfish while talking on latest bitcoin video
>"is that a crayfish?"
>"its ready to attack"
>"I found a couple in my pool"
>"there's no bodies of water around here"
>"I don't know why there would be crayfish"

in human history crayfish are known signals of golden bull runs. Egyptian, Chinese, Roman emperors are said to have known this. When crayfish were seen, crops would flourish, women would give birth to many babies, religious revelations happened. You're ancestors knew this. You've forgotten this because of the trap of technology and mass media.

for George to discover a crayfish (especially one that is 'ready to attack') is incredibly unlikely and bullish.

>> No.58531268 [View]

The current pool is the largest pool. You will see on the base network the pool will likely not been as one sided. Also, base has aerodrome. So lets say the team creates the UNI pool and not an AERO pool. All of the whales could create pools on AERO to sell assets at market price while the team keeps their pool set the infinite bounds. What it means to be a whale is being able to provide sufficient liquidity to offset the original pool. This has always been the case. /biz/ has degenerated from what it was back in the early Ethereum days when this was common knowledge. The team was probably trying to keep the chat positive, but that Enzo kike was a retard who could have done this, but was either too stupid to figure it out or just got lucky. Moonbag refers to the quantity you don't supply as liquidity to market sell at the top. "Keep a moonbag" is what that means. It doesn't mean sell whatever you want on the open market, back in the early UNI days, the moonbag was the amount you didn't have enough eth to cover for the pair, so you were left with tokens in your wallet.

>> No.58531083 [View]

You set your pairing based on the levels you want to sell. ex: I pair 200,000 AVI at .01 and I get knocked out of the pool and am left with all the eth for AVI at the .01 level. What you are trying to do is time the top, which is a fool's errand. Pick your price targets, set your bands, be happy with your profit.

>> No.58530939 [View]

>Provide liquidity using UNI V3
>UNI V3 lets you set up one sided pools ex: 1,000,000 AVI + .1 ETH
>Your AVI essentially gets sold at the level you set and you get knocked out of your pool
>You are now left with 0% AVI and 100% ETH
>Convert the ETH to USDC
>Send USDC to CEX to cash out
t. oldfag I've done this many times

>> No.58530918 [View]

Slight Stimulants+alcohol trading binge and I did not do my due diligence. Contract was not renounced, and my address got black listed I’m assuming

If contracts are not renounced, the dev can go in and fuck around with the contract. Change the tax, blacklist, fuck with the liquidity pool ect.

Use the honeypot finder and check the basic audits on the contract is all you really can do.

>> No.58530745 [View]

Sorry been at the pool all day.

>> No.58530563 [View]
File: 22 KB, 512x334, 2024-05-10 08.38.57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$BAPU ofc, we just created a new BAPU/USDC pool to help with the liquidity issues.

>> No.58530538 [View]
File: 86 KB, 750x1000, hhhggjjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain a liquidity pool to me like im 5

Lets say i wanted to launch a serious memecoin and drop 30 eth myself and 90% of supply? Wouldn't that stand out compared to all the shit out there? If the meme is poppin' too

How would that affect snipers, I hear snipers get fucked when LP is high. Im a retard, help me understand how it works bros.

>> No.58530040 [View]

There's a pool for BTSE's WXMR already
XMRT launches in June https://scribe.rip/@everywherefinance/xmrt-wrapped-monero-862b43cb859b
But they're both custodial, so not optimal.

>> No.58528389 [View]
File: 134 KB, 569x518, bapunuggies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the original dev sold his entire bag when we were mooning for rent money like a retard. it's a true hidden gem. first apu coin on base, the OG. once we pick up steam it's off to the races, fren. new dev is super based and created a new eth pool on aero a couple hours ago to fix the liquidity issue. new dev is super based and a chill guy. def cop a bag ser

>> No.58528190 [View]

It's clear that you haven't done much research yourself, and that you expect others here to spoonfeed you information. The people here won't be nice to you because of that and will simply lead you astray.

I'm going to be nice this one time. The truth is that you cannot mine solo anymore, those days are long gone, and the only way to mine solo would be literally own a warehouse full of miners and also have access to free/cheap electricity. What you want to do is to join a pool. If your pool gets selected to mine a block, then they will receive the block reward plus whatever transaction fees are in that block. Then they should reward you with an amount of crypto proportional to the amount of computation power you provided. I should add that you can mine solo if you aren't mining something with huge amounts of hash power (small cap shitcoins which often are a gamble).

I think the thing you are talking about with Monero is that it is ASIC resistant. Finally I will say that you don't seem to know much about computers either. A CPU that is marketed as i5 could actually be better than an i7, believe it or not. I think often the i7 is better, but not necessarily. Go do some research yourself.

>> No.58528179 [View]

fair point, I just created a new BAPU/WETH pool on aero to solve this. Hopefully will get some contributions over the next couple of days. If not I will dip into our treasury and use that money to fund the LP

>> No.58526674 [View]

>In reality MOASS means $1000-2000 dollars per share and only a fraction of truly big GME holders will make it
Why are you being such a faggot lmfao.

MOASS means mother of all short squeezes. Do you even understand what a short squeeze is? It's not an algo controlled run up and down. Its a forced buy in for shorts and its violent. The asks get eaten up instantly. In Jan 2021 you had retail investors showing proof of fractionals selling for 5k a pop despite the price never reach it publicly. Dark pool prices alone show 1.3 million dollars per share for GME.

MMTLP hit 24k a share and didn't even get to finish squeezing because the gay ass SEC and FINRA halted it more than 500+ days ago.
>Inb4 why cant they halt GME fud
GME is a billion dollar corporation thats been a household name for decades and boosted in popularity these past 3 years. SEC and FINRA won't halt shit.

Why do you think every single brokerage suddenly implemented restrictions on limit orders posr Jan 2021. Instead of setting million dollar limit orders you can now only do like 20% above the current price.

They know what will happen during a short squeeze, the asks will get eaten up and so will your million dollar limit order. Forced buys in are at any price.

>> No.58525070 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 390 KB, 1024x1024, retrollama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /biz/,

Introducing Retro Llama Token (LLAMA), the memecoin that brings the fun and nostalgia of the 80s to the crypto world. Inspired by the vibrant and colorful 80s era, Retro Llama Token is all about building a strong, community-driven project while providing real value to its holders. Here’s everything you need to know:

Token Details:

Token Name: Retro Llama Token
Ticker: LLAMA
Blockchain: Solana
Contract Address: 5ybhspwr2nPH4zTXq95QdE4CuoxmasDuJ1d1h74hmehb
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 LLAMA
Initial Distribution:

Liquidity Pool: 30%
Community Rewards & Airdrops: 20%
Team & Development: 10%
Marketing & Partnerships: 10%
Reserve Fund: 30%
Airdrop Alert!
The first 10 legends who buy 1 SOL worth of LLAMA will receive 10 million LLAMA tokens each! For those who invest 0.1 SOL, you’ll get 1 million LLAMA tokens. Don’t miss this early bird special!

How to Buy:
Purchase Retro Llama Token on Raydium: Raydium Exchange

Community Engagement:
We’re all about the community! The first 10 users to join our Telegram and share their Solana wallet address will receive 10k LLAMA tokens each:
Join our Telegram

Our Vision:
Retro Llama Token aims to become the go-to memecoin for enthusiasts who love the nostalgic charm of the 80s and the innovative potential of blockchain technology. Join us in building a thriving community where you can share, trade, and benefit from holding LLAMA.

Q2 2024:

Launch Retro Llama Token
Initial Airdrop Campaign
Create Liquidity Pool on Solana
Q3 2024:

Marketing Campaign
Partnership Announcements
Community Voting for Future Developments
Q4 2024:

Expand Rewards Program
Launch Retro-Themed NFT Collection
Integration with Additional Exchanges


>> No.58524850 [View]
File: 49 KB, 609x602, 1692452561777230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wake up around 7am, get kids ready for school

when kids are gone, go out on morning jog, bike ride

get home, lift weights, shower, make omelet

head to country club, play 18 holes with boomers

eat lunch, hang out at pool, maybe swim laps depending on what i did in the AM

kids get home from school, take them to practice (club sports)

cook dinner while kids are at practice, pick up kids, family dinner together

after dinner kids do their school work, play, i get time to browse the internet, watch sportsball

kids go to sleep, go to bed with wife, sex if we're in the mood

wake up and repeat 5x per week

weekends we're usually going to kids sporting events, taking them to water parks, amusement parks, national parks, hikes, arcades, pro sporting events, etc.

vacation every ~2 months, new car every ~5 years, but nothing too extravagant

if i wasn't married with kids i would be bored out of my mind, they keep my schedule busy

wife is lazy but she gave me children and gives me sex when i want it so i clean and cook more than i should be

made my money in crypto

>> No.58524790 [View]
File: 57 KB, 1024x512, 3596c7a0-6e00-4a4f-910c-1914caa36e3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought rorschach because I like the meme, but the dev is mainly active on warpcast instead of Twitter. I had never used it before but it's better.

First, you have to pay $5 to use it for a year. That keeps out most undesirables. Second, there are a lot of ways to interact that are great for a crypto project. As an example, we're part of a betting pool with other coins where you can bet on who will have the most growth in the next 24 hours.

Also, I asked some people who mainly use that platform if they had posted to biz yet and the reply I got was "what is biz?" At that point I knew I was in good company. I am posting this for any other anons who are looking for something other than pump and dumps.

>> No.58524624 [View]

You can't buy it. Pool's closed nigger.

>> No.58523040 [View]

>>58501602 #
>You seem to jump between Berkshire fundamentals thesis and a zombie revive of supposed bbby naked shorts.

I am here for MOASS. I am just explaining Ryan Cohen's vision for GME. He has to build up the company regardless of MOASS. The reason I am caught up in the BK thesis is because I'm trying to understand what the infinity pool might look like. Selling for phone number prices vs never selling at all. Shorts can't close unless I pick the former. Idk how the infinity pool would work tho desu

>If you accept there is naked shorting in BBBYQ you might as well start buying all the other distraction stocks and lose your money.

I accept BBBY is naked shorted and an idiosyncratic risk that flew under the radar. While it may be true other stocks can be naked shorted, I don't give a fuck about them because the underlying business is shit. That's where BBBY differs and Ryan's interest in it confirms that. BBBY was a great company that was sabotaged from the inside. Buybuybaby is worth billions alone and is a crown jewel. No other basket stock is in the same position so they are irrelevant and I absolutely will say fuck them and stay away.

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