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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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946725 No.946725 [Reply] [Original]

>Yeah amazing hair now in blender
>sorry sweaty, you cant add thickness and transform into mesh
>baking hai? Sorry sweaty, no

>> No.946730

English is my passion

>> No.946779

please sir do not redeem

>> No.948199

open sirs you bitch bastard

>> No.949320

Sirs, learn to speak English Sirs, Stroke Indish language is not permitted here Sirs. Show bobs and Vagene.

>> No.949335

>3D is my passion

>> No.949355
File: 928 KB, 399x401, 1687451919510207.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by this

>> No.949388

>Yeah amazing hair now in blender
said no one ever, not even the devs.
the new hair system is literally years away from being actually usable. it might get good in the future but for now it's just a Ton pubes generator

>> No.949401

why do they implement new shit instead of fixing the software? i want to use blender, but the devs refuse to fix the horrendous performance

>> No.949414

>>sorry sweaty, you cant add thickness and transform into mesh
Works on my machine

>> No.949415

just learn geonodes

>> No.949418

>devs refuse to fix the horrendous performance

pls describe examples of what needs fixing clearly and specifically, point by point if you can with some examples. I am not denying the problem, I am literally learning the blender codebase and I will try to help improve performance. My goal is to get a job in financial optimization, so improving blender's speed is a perfect resume builder

>> No.949579

we don't do that here, here we only shill for DaddyDesk with baseless arguments about blender being shitty. We'll claim 3ds modifier stack is perfect and doesn't glitch as fuck needing history erase and that Blender stole all from 3ds and that 3ds isn't redundant, where three modifiers do the exact same fucking thing. We'll claim that maya is superior to animation and rigging because it has an euler filter while blender offers quaternion (we are too stupid to understand 4d concepts) based rotations out of the box and claim that blender is super slow for animation without trying the most basic optimizations as proxy meshes and the simplify checkbox. We'll pretend that hair width cannot be modified as pajeet OP believes and that it cannot be transformed into a mesh for some fucking reason. We'll ignore that blender has fantastic plugins for everything that you could imagine and if one were to invest properly the same amount as the Maya year subscription you'll get more for what you pay for, in the long and short run, while supporting individual creators and making the money flow more equally and not to a single corporate conglomerate.
Also blender is dangerous and will download you spywares and that Autodesk doesn't do that at all, they wont look at your computer files at all. We'll ignore that it can provide same or superior functionality than zbrush and substance painter/designer, and that it didn't force the competitors to step up and steal, I mean inspire to do similar tools as the cloth brush. We'll ignore that it had the capacity to sculpt mesh caches and that Mush 3d is something unique and didn't steal, I mean took inspiration from this feature in blender before it was even conceived as a program. Also that Russian 3d wrapper I mean Wrap 2021.11 (we don't like Russians anymore) has a 40 bucks competitor plugin in blender. Blender sucks man.

>> No.949716

>Same or better than zbrush and s.painter
...are you ok?

>> No.949719

>it might get good in the future
yeah just like blender's modifier system and the sculpting performance, right? lmao

>> No.949803
File: 50 KB, 1024x1024, blenderGoBRRRRR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, Zbrush being a hand-scuplted high-density normal generator, instead of just surfacing with procedural materials directly. It can handle millions of polygons bro, yeah fag in 2.5d. Last time I checked Zbrush cannot do surfacing and sculpt at the same time and development had to do their own cloth brush bro, just like blender bro. Oh that's right Zfags only sculpt and nothing else.
Also can your substance procedural material do this? (pic related)

>> No.949975

Why not make the hat fancy too and not just last minute

>> No.952494

The viewport performance of high-density meshes became significantly worse during the transition from 2.78 to 2.8 and still hasn't been restored.

>> No.952534

Will this help me make realistic butthole stubble?

>> No.952539
File: 45 KB, 657x527, crossed arms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zfags only sculpt and nothing else.

>> No.952578
File: 64 KB, 1080x855, YouWonThisTimeAnon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't argue with that

>> No.954956 [DELETED] 
File: 1 KB, 93x125, fAJyCUYxNaSvUyGTj5xqZ9j7RXN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hairy steel rubbery chilly bowed unlined slippery heartfelt dim inconsequential exotic tomorrow curiously magician children twig gum sailor chicken jaguar

>> No.954964 [DELETED] 
File: 1 KB, 125x93, HtA2Qkk9u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughtful optimal positively lightning tax height command pop give participate mug clean tabulate propose

>> No.955662

>sculpting performance
This hurts. I have a 13900k, 64GB of DDR5, and I can barely sculpt veins onto a muscular character, let alone fine details like wrinkles. Absolute tomfoolery.

>> No.956036

>fine details like wrinkles
stop smoking weed and sculpt more

>> No.956425

looks like blender users CAN project!