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899270 No.899270 [Reply] [Original]

Yo, I'm a fairly experienced 3d artist specializing in sculpting, who makes a living off of teaching 3d to advanced-intermediates. I've been thinking of starting a youtube tutorial/speedsculpt channel to pay the bills. I speak without an accent so that already would make my videos on niche topics miles above the rest.

So, does anyone have ideas for niche tutorials they'd personally like to see? primarily with a focus on zbrush sculpting, but i'm pretty well rounded otherwise. I'd like to build my following making high production value videos on subjects that don't have anyone covering them, so if there's something in particular that you've been pulling your hair out over trying to learn, let me know

>> No.899271

Not sure, but just gotta say anytime i hear people with european accents i turn the video off. You're better off using microsoft sam.

>> No.899287

those janky fucking northern euro accents are honestly worse than indians
there's nothing worse than listening to a dutch tutorial

>> No.899313

>channel to pay the bills
>ideas for niche tutorials
if you want to make money, most of your content should be aimed at beginners and non-niche
also, you'll get 5x the clicks doing the tutorials for blender

>> No.899328


What he said about blender, but also tuts on things people take a while to figure out when sculpting that people normally intuitively figure on their own after many hours.

i.e. meshing out hands and feet before sculpting and detailing and other things that people would completely run amiss of

Click Clickbait content is always gunna be more successful though

>> No.899337
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> i.e. meshing out hands and feet before sculpting and detailing
I'd kill for someone to show that, I searched and never found anyone doing it, it even made me mad back when I searching for such a tutorial.

>> No.899342

Whatever you do, isolate your microphone and remember that a 5 minute tight script with the sculpting sped up and no umming and arring is better than a 3 hour stream of consciousness. Also, you are not a comedian. You are not even funny. I am not watching your videos to be entertained. If you use the word vanilla I will backtrace you and do terrible things to your family.

>> No.899370

It's incredibly easy to make that which will help people out if you can see if their POV and have taught before. Just address the common pitfalls they'll come across that you yourself have experienced. Address potential assumptions they make have at a certain stage of the process. If you're learning by imaging how you would explain the problem you're working on to someone else you're already on the right path. TEACH THEM THE PURPOSE AND BIGGER PICTURE OF WHAT YOU'RE DOING (avoiding mistakes that with come back to haunt them) NOT THAT THEY JUST IMITATE YOU MINDLESSLY

You're competing with even paid courses loaded with dutch accents and youtube pajeet tutorials that go "I do theeese and den I do dat and den oh I dink dat looks cool so I do deese and den next video I skip over important part so you can figure it out on ur own and den I do deese." or pros with vast mental archives who haven't been at a lower levle for a lifetime and forgotten how to relate to someone who is learning what they've mastered.

>If it's so easy why don't you do it yet?
Not my focus right now and there are still gaps in knowledge. Not going to churn out a series of video that I'll look back on and want to take down and redo and then go on hiatus because there's more to learn and refine on my part.

>> No.899380

Hmmm not OP but I was thinking of making a tutorial channel in french. The content isn't that good and there's not much competition but while a lot of people speak french, I'm scared not many people would be interested

>> No.899381

Do a vagoo sculpting tutorial and I'll subscribe to your patreon or whatever else.

>> No.899527

french fucks are worse

>> No.900574
File: 285 KB, 261x275, NordicChadFrontView.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your channel

>> No.900578

>I speak without an accent so that already would make my videos on niche topics miles above the rest.

On a more serious note, it takes time to grow an audience, even if you are great at what you do, keep that in mind. A lot of the best tutorial channels have tiny audiences while shit ones are huge

>> No.900606

>I've been thinking of starting a youtube tutorial/speedsculpt channel to pay the bills

Then use blender. Youtube is for freeloaders, and blender is free. Your potential audience will be orders of magnitude larger.

Its zbrush, make people pay for your courses.

>> No.900607

hey bro im tom platz of 3 how did u get so many replies to ur thread... anyways hmu if u want to do a collab vid kek

>> No.900608
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>> No.900686

goint to dislike all your vids
get rekted kid lulz

>> No.900693
File: 105 KB, 1342x686, E5645ABE-9419-42C0-9B25-A5EC4C36A05F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imao, what are you going to do with my model?

>> No.901361

this is the first guy that comes to mind
i was getting so many recommendations i had to block him

>> No.901372

will consequences ever be the same?

>> No.901396

Make a zmodeler vid

>> No.901737

Should I bother with yt tutorials if I don’t narrate the video and just put some text explaining things instead? Like those 1 min videos that circle instagram as well. Just some music and subtitles.

>> No.901769

that's where the eyeballs are, I saw a c4d modeller switch to blender, huge spike in viewership

>> No.904648

He is clearly trying to pirate till he gets money

>> No.904685

Not OP, but is Zmodeler considered difficult?

>> No.904694

Do not put a title in your video
Do not put music in it
Do not open with "hello guys" or any other stupid fucking greeting
Do not ask for likes
Do not ask for comments
Do not ask me to hit the notification bell
Do not ask me to subscribe
Do not put that mouse click on subscribe button animation in there
Do not have a stupid accent
Do not say "uh" more than twice in any 10 minute video
Do not stretch your video to 10 minutes if you only have 2 minutes of content. End that shit.
Do not tell anyone what you're gonna be doing. That's what the title is for.
Do not tell anyone where to download add-ons. That's what the description is for.
Do not start a video with the default cube.
Do not start a video with the default cube then tell me to delete it.
Do not talk slow.
Do not show your audience things any 7 year old would already know.
Understand your audience's technical capabilities.
I don't want to see you navigate to a folder.
If you make a mistake, trim it from the video.
Your result better look exactly like you say it will.

>> No.904697

I skip sculpting tutorials on YouTube when they come up. There are a couple of really well known sclupters and once you've seen a couple you've seen them all. Modeling, texturing and the more technical side of things is where I look. If you just want to show off your work, assuming you have any worth showing off, or humble brag through speed sculpts or process videos then be my guest. You better be on the level of YanSculpts though at least or one of the other 1 million YouTube sculpting channels.

>> No.904942


>> No.904974

funny that all the top viewed youtubers do all of those things that you say not to do. Curious.

>> No.904988

Because it is good for their wallet but it isn't in the interest of the viewer.
The question is whom do you respect more?
The guy who wouldn't flinch and will use a clickbait title to get you to click, even if it isn't useful for you, or the guy who will deliver the info without getting on your nerves.
Just because something is "successful" doesn't mean it is good.

>> No.905134

Why do you like to be wrong?

>> No.905151

Unless you want to have max 1k views or inherently funny i wouldn't ask 4chan. If you want money (popularity) i'd ask reddit.

>> No.906049

bitch what did op say in the first 2 sentences
He needs to pay the bills

>> No.906133

I’ve been thinking something similar. I’m pretty sure there’s no money in free tutorials unless the software you’re using is also free. I’d love to do a bunch of maya videos because it seems people still need help learning it. But all the retarded gen z’s wanna learn blender so I can’t capitalize off of them. But people who want to learn maya maybe would buy a Gumroad tutorial series maybe idk.

>> No.906134

>So, does anyone have ideas for niche tutorials they'd personally like to see?
Godot tuts anon. Godot.

>> No.906135

No it’s just unintuitive and clumsy. But all the zmodeler features have been covered individually by the askZbrush YouTube videos so I don’t see the point.

>> No.906136

Yo fuck the gay ass viewer it’s about the money

>> No.906254
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Sneed in all fields
You chanel sucks my ass

>> No.906500

upload a new video you lazy fuck