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File: 61 KB, 1800x550, blender_logo_socket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
803514 No.803514 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.803518

is surely better than a master of one

>> No.803521

>Try to edit 100k polys in edit mode
>0.01 fps

>> No.803528

"im a hobbyist"

>> No.803530

>"i use blender because it's free"
>"of course i sell my work because i want to make a living too"
>"fuck autodesk for charging money"

>> No.803531

>mom wont let me borrow credit card
>"fuck autodesk for charging money"

>> No.803540

didnt blendets ssay the other day blender can handle 70M polys in sculpting mode?

>> No.803543

pirating good software is essential for getting anywhere in life if you are poor

>> No.803568

It's a master of accessibility. If you just want to try /3/ without buying or pirating something, and want the biggest access to non-professional community resources, then Blender is indisputably the best.

>> No.803571

lmao wot. You have a Midge-level modifier stack or some shit? I have 1070 gtx and only get an unresponsive viewport when trying to edit above 1 mil.

>> No.803576

Post proof.

>> No.803584

I also don't recommend spending money on a portfolio website before you start making money, start making something, don't pour any money into it, make money, then spend on whatever you wanted like better tools, better hosting

>> No.803589

No, dont pirate the good software goy. Use the crap "free software" instead.

>> No.803609

Who says you can only use one software?
A multitude of Master-tools vs a generalist tool.
Who wins?

>> No.803615

Fuck off Jew. I'll pirate whatever I want.

>> No.803625

i only posted that since it's a common addition to make the op's phrase less "negative" and more "neutral"
however with that aside, op was describing the tool and not the user. my post would be comparing a tool that's a master of one to a generalist tool.
if we're talking about users, then a person using a multitude of master tools isn't guaranteed to be good with them and could still be considered a jack of all trades/tools.

is there something wrong with that?
i don't know about you, but i don't like how people seem to think that you need to make money off every one of your interests. other art forms (drawing, painting, writing, music etc.) are allowed to be hobbies, why not 3d?

>> No.803634

>is there something wrong with that?
i'm a hobbyist too but blender users keep asking for /3/ critique and then excusing all crit with "i'm a hobbyist"

like ok your'e a hobbyist therefore its ok that the model looks like shit and i'm not allowed to tell you that. got it

>> No.803909
File: 78 KB, 555x631, 1613613077859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, dont pirate the good software goy.

>> No.803964

What a retarded comparison. So why not a generalist tool and master-tools vs a useless tool and master-tools?

>> No.803966

Why do you faggots always fight between blender and maya and houdini and shit? Just use whatever suits you best, ffs

>> No.804043

it will soon deprecate FreeCAD in parametric modelling.

>> No.804045

At this point I'm 100% convinced that these are bots or shills.
This level of insecurity is not normal.

>> No.804068

Face it... competition is good.. with time autodesk will crumble like anything in this world.

>> No.804110
File: 90 KB, 1600x1200, 1613860268797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting the same questions in a stupid thread.

I guess I have several questions.

1. Any good guides on making your own textures in blender?

2. If I were to model a thing like this pistol for the animation do I have to keep movable parts as separate objects or can I join them all together? I guess that's what bones are for?

3. How do you deal with the fact that everything was already made in 3d and you will never be as good as the best artist who already made what you are trying to do? I seriously can't find anything that wasn't already done before. Even the most obscure firearms and swords seem to have several 3d models of them

>> No.804127

1. Just use substance, pirate it if you need to

2. They can be in the same object but need to be distinct meshes, might as well keep em as seperate objects until the end then join em

3. Doesn't bother me I do character art

>> No.804130

>2. They can be in the same object but need to be distinct meshes, might as well keep em as seperate objects until the end then join em

K I get the distinct meshes. It's like when you add a mess while in edit mode of another mesh and you can switch between meshes with L. But are you sure joining the objects together AFTER completing the animation won't ruin the in game animation?

>> No.804144

bones work with vertex groups my nigga
you can try it with simple basic shit and see how it carries over

>> No.804161
File: 28 KB, 720x622, 1599228896758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to get into blender since I've just been dicking around in MMD for years
>MMD you just click the joint and move the arms and whatnot
>blender most the models I download have nothing but IK bones and other shit that just makes the arms like spaghetti
What kind of horseshit is blender, do people really pose like this? It'd take eons to make one non mutant looking pose. And all the tutorials are on goddamn stick figures that don't apply at all.

>> No.804208

based retard blaming the tool instead of learning how to use real rigs

>> No.804211

i use blender exclusively but I still agree

>> No.804246

I use Blender as a hobby and it's fun. I really don't care what you elitist fucks care about. It's a free open source program and works well.

>> No.804258

thats just standard 3d rig controls lol

>> No.804283

Autodesk shills are mad that an open source project is starting to become competitive with their massive corporate toolset

>> No.804333

>and works well.
Yeah, no.

>> No.804432
File: 133 KB, 1185x677, read_his_hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unbelievably useless retard

>> No.804437

Why does the fur in Blender do not increase the amount of tris while in Zbrush it skyrockets the amount of tris?

>> No.804644
File: 268 KB, 864x486, painting-on-excel-header_md.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people with no substantial skills or will power waste their time away blaming tools

>> No.804718

Haha, who would ever believe that image. Not me for sure.

>> No.806506

Think you mean "master of none"