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File: 198 KB, 960x640, d036e2ffb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
799068 No.799068[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

These are the 3D artists poisoning the minds of children

>> No.799075

1. Get hired at the studio
2. Demonstrate extraordinary skill, become greatly respected
3. Convince everyone to switch to Blender
4. ?????

>> No.799077

The fucking cameras monitoring them lol. They are welcome to it. Ps imagine the smell.

>> No.799085

I guarantee there is not a single human or creative thought in that entire building.

>> No.799086

show bobs and wireframe

>> No.799087

thats probably the most racist thing ive read all week.

>> No.799088
File: 192 KB, 2048x1149, hayao san being honest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soon we gotta work for free to make a living

>> No.799089

Horrible ergonomics. How many will end up with fucked up wrists?

>> No.799090

Yeah, because mutts are SO CREATIVE. Just look at Cartoon Network to get a look of how creative they are lmao

>> No.799091

tell me I'm wrong though.


>> No.799099

What's wrong with it. Those dcc apps are still very mouse driven unfortunately.

>> No.799100

They will develop wrist issues and RSI unless they use a wacom pen

>> No.799101

Indians aren't people anon. You can't be racist if they're not human.

>> No.799107

Mutts= americans

>> No.799108

This. It doesn't have to be Wacom, but yeah. (Not that the alternatives are good, lul.)

>> No.799120

Do you guys do regular modeling with a pen as well? I tried it a bit, but not sure if it's worth it in that case.

>> No.799121

modeling = mouse
sculpting = pen
simple as that

>> No.799122

I use a wacom for 100%

>> No.799125

India do Best jobs vary good 3d

>> No.799129

Yeah, I see different people prefer both things. I'm playing with it again right now, and actually I think I might get used to the pen with hard surface modeling as well.

I just worry a bit that pen tips will wear out even quicker if I start using the pen for everything. I heard stories about it and it seems to be true - I bought the tablet today and have been playing with it the whole day, really trying hard to be as gentle as possible and lowering down sensitivities - and yet I still already noticed the tip has been slightly worn down on one side.

>> No.799130

Yep, hard surface even. Took a bit to get used to it, but now I prefer it over the mouse in 95% of cases. Feels more direct.

>> No.799131

>and yet I still already noticed the tip has been slightly worn down on one side.
I've been using mine for everything since... last summer, and I'm still on the first tip. It worn quickly at first, but has been more or less the same for the last months. Probably because the tablet surface has also lost the rough finish -- I know some people dislike that, but I personally don't care.

>> No.799132

>I just worry a bit that pen tips will wear out even quicker if I start using the pen for everything.

ive only had to change the nib once on my intous pro in over 3 years of use

>> No.799136

I expected nothing more

>> No.799137

These people are in the industry. Time for those lies about it being hard to get into to come to an end!

>> No.799138


>> No.799149

That's the idea of the Great Reset lol

>> No.799167

"For me, this is hell. Ya dig, pally?"

>> No.799177

"Self-expression" is a silly meme. You get a lot of woke shit because of that.

Those people make normal stuff.

>> No.799325

fuck me that's probably where I am gonna end up with my shitty pajeet degree.

>> No.799327

>"Self-expression" is a silly meme

>> No.799348

In theory, "self-expression" means that people from every ideology and background are allowed to fully express every idea.

In practice, the only people allowed to fully express themselves are the woke artists and the activists who fund them. If you do or say an idea that greatly opposes theirs, then they will reduce your reach and your funding. It's definitely not the end of the world and you can fight against them, but the woke types don't have that burden on them.

The content that the artists in the OP create might be generic, but at least they are generic and normal. I always look forward to Asian creators (korean, japan, India, China, etc) since they create old content from the west with new technology.

>> No.799381

They are Indians, they are already experts at poisoning their own cities.

>> No.799382

Blame Calarts and lefties for that shit they actually drain the creativity of anyone who enters

>> No.799383

>since they create old content from the west with new technology.
Except if it has skeletons

>> No.799385

uh oh, we found a trumptard lmao

>> No.799390

>In practice, the only people allowed to fully express themselves are the woke artists and the activists who fund them.
this doesnt make sense. You dont need funding to make your art - you just do it. Self-expression is very real and you're in denial

>> No.799406
File: 121 KB, 764x1200, art school.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If pointing out the absolute state of art college (which is a heavily left leaning environment) is being a trumptard then put me a maga hat because I am one

>> No.799409

Wtf, I refuse to believe this pic. Is it that bad? I know nothing about Calarts, not a murican. Got more stories like this?

>> No.799431
File: 858 KB, 1018x1599, Art school not even once.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got more stories like this?
Not burger either but there is an entire cartoon channel full of stories like this, it's called Cartoon Network
Also pic related, even though it's not exclusively American

>> No.799448

Even indians don't use Blender

>> No.799449

richard williams' work wasnt even good, just overanimated

>> No.799457 [DELETED] 

Indians don't use Blender. Pajeets do.

>> No.799469

>example of "old content from the west" is some fucking generic fantasy videogame

>> No.799472
File: 152 KB, 1400x1050, Screen_Shot_2016-08-01_at_12.34.21_PM.0.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.799529
File: 29 KB, 400x400, ZFfKMdH0_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blame this man
He taught all the nu cartoonists at calarts

>> No.799538

that's the shittiest opinion I've ever seen

>> No.799696
File: 17 KB, 500x500, 51GQar6lG8L._SR500,500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, he's right, Williams ain't anything to write home about. His work isn't the worst or anything, but it sure as fuck isn't good enough to care about.

>> No.799707

>No, he's right
stop samefagging, you're not subtle

>> No.799744

literally poodophiles

>> No.799760
File: 172 KB, 1200x778, award-winning-animator-richard-williams-dead-86.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>richard williams' work wasnt even good
I know being contrarian is kind of the norm here on /3/, but blatantly lying?

>> No.799798

clearly you do not spend a lot of time on 4chan, go back to r*ddit and virtue signal there

>> No.799828

Who the fuck cares what you think is racist. Especially since the word has lost all meaning.
I am a racist, you are a racist, we are all a happy bunch of racist.
Its racist to buy stocks from Gamestop, didn't you know?
I still call Chocolate-coated marshmallow treats Negerkuss, which translated means niggerkiss.
What you gonna do about it? Getting an aneurysm?

>> No.800096

omg i wish that where me, imagine how their farts smell

>> No.800098

Probably like London or France during the 17-18th century.

>> No.800109

>Probably like London or France during the 17-18th century.
I think you mean now.

>> No.800119

I am not sure how they smell now, but according to history books London/Paris smelled like rotting carcasses, sewage, human waste and all manner of filth in one revolting puke inducing miasma.

>> No.800134

I suppose after a day or two you'd get used to it, and stop noticing.

>> No.800139

Okay now imagine all that but with the distinct undertone of curry

>> No.800145

Well with Europe swarmed by immigrants, it doesn't sound too far off to it now.

>> No.800148
File: 238 KB, 900x728, pollution-thames-river-granger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally couldn't. You had to walk with a cloth filled with perfume or something that could stop the smell or you would literally not stop puking. The only reason London's government decided to do something about it was because a government building was built near the Thames, so they had to do something about the smell or puke in their mouths 24/7.

>> No.800171

what a very sane and calm response. are you ok?

>> No.800180

Yes, I am perfect. Thanks for asking. It's a lovely day and I am in a great mood. How are you?

>> No.800260

>Multiple cameras for every angle
>Supervisors for each row of employees
>No separation between workspaces, supposed to be the most stress inducing workplace structure known to man
>Tightly packed, cannot stretch legs

And to think that these are the guys who do well in India.

>> No.800268

Unless they're newly arrived immigrants from rural China they prob wont take a shit in the middle of the street anon, abandon your leckless lacist ways anon.

>> No.800274

>they prob wont take a shit in the middle of the street anon
Tell that to the Indians.

>> No.800275

They don't really do that, do they? I mean, it seems like common sense.

>> No.800286


>> No.800287

Let's not forget the "dedicated shitting streets" either.

>> No.800325

>open latrines just ahead
>pooping right there on the ground because fuck hygiene

>> No.800326

crap, was referring to the Wikipedia picture here >>800286

>> No.800335

Germ theory is a imperialist construct invented by a white supremacist. Educate yourself racist bigot.

>> No.800340

I mean, I hate people from India too, we should all be improving our skills to defeat them instead of mocking them like we're in 3th grade. This is why far east is devouring american market, because you fat fucks think just sitting on your ass and writing "hot takes" all day online will actually do anything to save the plunging economy

>> No.800352


>> No.800354

It doesn't take as much effort as you think to take 2 seconds to shit talk the Indians, while taking a 5-10 min break to keep from getting a pulmonary embolism.
Just imagine all the shitposting you can accomplish while taking a few mins to stretch your legs.

>> No.800379
File: 1.31 MB, 1752x6796, 1508166993741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.800486

didnt work anon, autobots are in upper management

>> No.800501

hello sir let me tell you sir I have really enjoyed this post. yes

>> No.800515

Christ. I have seen better art on my 3yo nephew's doodles.

>> No.800648

Imagine the smell

>> No.800651

Schizo-poster is based

>> No.800657

No fucking shit. It's like that in most industries at this point.
Whenever you can, just have a horde of Indians churn out models with questionable quality and pay a few skilled artists to fix their shit if necessary. It has several advantages.
First, less expensive artists which don't earn as much to boot. You can use the argument "our other artists have a much lower salary".
Second, these guys are just happy they have a job at all. Can't blame them when you have a slum reminding them of the lowest standard by looking outside.
Third they can probably use the creation of jobs in India as a publicity stunt if required. Corporate responsibility bullshit.

>> No.800935

Shut up. Nobody cares about your fashionable edgy opinion.

>> No.800937

Welcome to the global information economy! Corporations love throwing cheap bodies at problems rather than hiring fewer highly skilled individuals.

>> No.801000

Those are cg monkeys. Like code monkeys but they do cg.

Blame script writer's same editor

>> No.801174

As an indian I can confirm these guys are super talented and know their shit but you can't expect them to come up with ideas. They will execute your idea exactly as you give them. These companies are basically machines for spitting out whatever you need. Most of the games and CGI or developed in India only.

It's like the studios in Japan that will create an anime for you if you have the budget.

Unfortunately all of this talent is underutilized and underpayed in this manner but it does draw in large amounts of money which is obviously cheaper compared to have a bunch of white dudes do it

>> No.801183

Posies in the shirt pocket to smell.

>> No.801191

you think this is organic? you don't pay much attention to politics or anything going on around you, huh?
this has very little to do you actual americans, retarded-anon-chan.

>> No.801192

it's ok to be white.
white is right.
it is right to be white.

>> No.801193

so this is the power of maya

>> No.801194

if you get into the industry and are not a liberal communist bolshivik frankist marxist ect.
then you better be really quite and be very careful who you talk to and what you talk about because if your not it wont end well for you.

>> No.801776

>overboss sees minion not slaving hard enough
>overboss presses large red button with Urdu lettering
>blue sparks dance around minion, from its face to the desk and back, repeatedly
>minion expires, slumping forward onto desk awkwardly
>minion's seat slowly, after an audible click, descends into the floor taking the limp minion with it
>seat rises, now empty, back to desk
>a new minion is ushered in from off-screen to take seat in vacant position
NOT one of the animations they're working on.
Just another normal day at the office.

>> No.801818

Cartoon Network shit is produced in similar institutions.

>> No.803590

You just had to inform everyone.