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788918 No.788918 [Reply] [Original]

Bros, is there any worse feeling than buying zbrush for $900 and realizing that you dont know anatomy and should have just grinded blender sculpt mode while learning anatomy?

>> No.788919

That dragon looks dope though

>> No.788920

No you own the software, free upgrades, blah blah blah. You're probably grandfathered in for any future jewing they do (subscriptions only) so that you can keep your permanent license and get free upgrades for either forever, or for a couple years after implementation. I guess it's whether you believe in yourself enough to win at life, where a license is actually needed. Many professionals started with pirated software, like zBrush, and then purchased real copies when they became legitimate.

>> No.788921

its not mine

>> No.788947

Talking as a blendlet I'd say the sooner you learn sculpting in ZBrush the better because it's fucked and you WILL have to unlearn shit

>> No.788950

I use blender for box modeling but sculpting is trash, doesn't matter how many basic brushes that zbrush already has they create
Also learning anatomy isn't hard at all, the biggest cheat is to read a book or watch a video with everything there is and then have a 2nd monitor with a lot of reference you don't have to know it from memory

>> No.788952
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>I use blender for box modeling but sculpting is trash
2 months ago i sculpted this in blender, this was my first sculpt with it. The problems i had was it couldnt do a "fill hole" like zbrush does and I couldnt figure out how to do sculpt levels. Fuck i guess you're right, it would probably have been so much better in zb

>> No.788966

>buys software
>'why am i not instantly good'

this fucking board

>> No.788968

>buying zbrush

>> No.788977

Zbrush is the best, I'm using a pirated version atm for personal projects. The only thing I question and worry about is at what point should I just buy it, because I'm never sure when it will pay off. If I get one job opportunity to use it, I'll have to get a license, but it probably won't pay off fully, and who knows when I'll get another zbrush task.

Do they ever provide discounts and should I wait for those? At least the positive thing is you continue getting free upgrades, unlike most other 3D software.

>> No.788986

He cute. But fix that eyesocket area, the obnoxious clipping really throws me off.

>> No.788997

>I'll have to get a license, but it probably won't pay off fully
They have monthly subscriptions precisely for gigs like that.

>> No.789009
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Is Zbrush really that much better?

I recently tapped into Blender sculpting (pic) and I was pretty damn impressed.
~90% of what you need is add / subtract mass, create a hard / soft edge and push things around, and Blender does that flawlessly.
I haven't used Zbrush yet but I can't imagine how it could make my life even easier. Is there a redpill I need to swallow? I want to git gud at this stuff.

>> No.789010

>I haven't used Zbrush yet but I can't imagine how it could make my life even easier
you can literally try zbrush for free for 30 days without a cc

>> No.789011

Oh fuck, for some reason I thought Zbrush doesn't have it. Yeah, still a bit expensive compared to Substance, but totally worth it.

>> No.789012

Yeah, the feeling of sculpting is great and there are so many brushes and tools at your disposal, Blender can't compare. The only good thing about Blender's sculpting is that movement around the model is nicer with a mouse + keyboard which I'm using, because I'm more used to it. Zbrush is a bit annoying in that case. I hope with a tablet it feels great working in Zbrush though. I have to get myself some cheaper tablet ASAP.

>> No.789029

look into Huion tablets, they're much more affordable than wacom and still perform pretty decent.
Aim for an active area ~6 or more inches high, S sized tabs will give you hand cramps. Newer models also have a touch strip to simulate scroll wheel which basically means you can remove the mouse from your desk completely.
>t. 2Dfag

>> No.789030

>especially software used by corps and contract pros
I bet you have a CC subscription

>> No.789032


>> No.789033

you can't really compare perpetual license bundled with free updates and >CC

>> No.789108

why did u pay for it? u live in a studio?

>> No.789116

because i dont want to overspend with a $40/mo rental or have to deal with "the scene"

>> No.789135

buying a wacom cintique and sucking at drawing.

zbrushcore was there, sculptris too. why didn't you try those first? or mudbox or 3dcoat which are cheaper?

but since you already have it, time to learn buddy.
maybe some Watts or Proko.

>> No.789137

>buys a software without knowing anything about it
Sounds like mom paid for it, amirite

>> No.789179

Sounds like you are lacking reading comprehension

>> No.789202

pirate it retard everyone in the industry just pirates it for home use

>> No.789212

But he is probably freelancing and has to pay for his own software. Don't you dare reply with "lol he should still just pirate it, who would be able to tell?". Wrong.

>> No.789218

Come on, if you export the file as FBX/OBJ and then process it elsewhere (e.g. Blender), there shouldn't be any way of telling. Of course this excludes providing native ZBrush files, but I'd say most jobs require only geometry.

>> No.789223

Yeah, until they ask you to show them the license. Then good luck. I'd rather be safe than pirate software that literally makes me money. I save that for bibeo gains etc.

>> No.789226

>Yeah, until they ask you to show them the license.
On which grounds? They're paying you for a work as stipulated in a contract, they shouldn't need to peek into your workflow.

>> No.789312

It's a dino.

>> No.789314


>> No.790029

this gave me a chuckle

>> No.790314

How much do you get paid to post this?

>> No.790320 [DELETED] 

Has anyone successfully applied the 2021.5.1 crack with antivirus alerts?

>> No.790322

>using a pirated version
Which one in particular? I went to r*tracker but theres tons of versions i want a stable one, pls point me to the one youre using.

>> No.790323

Thats literally my hand wtf

>> No.790347

oh no no no no no no no

>> No.790947
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>buying zbrush

>> No.791612
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noooo muh next pablo updaterinos will surely beat zbrush!!

>> No.791657

he looks smug af

>> No.793759

next time, pirate it before buying

>> No.793888
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>next time, break the law instead of not breaking the law

more news at 11

>> No.793947

live in 3d world and pirate it bro

>> No.794314

>Many professionals started with pirated software
adobe used to have a pretty chill approach to pirated software. they figured get them hooked when they are young and they will buy in when they are addicted. i would imagine most software devs are like that. when i was in school all my 'student' versions were full featured and cheap as fuck. i still pirate most shit because it's just a force of habit at this point.

>> No.794365

Pixologic is pretty much like that, they know if you pirate it and get used to ZBrush you will likely buy the perpetual license, their copy protection is incredibly weak.
t. used to pirate ZBrush and bought the perpetual license

>> No.794390

i think the idea is, that he should practice in a pirated version. and then when he good enough to monetize his shit, to buy zbrush so i dont know, they come after him? dont know how licensing works.
friend still sells his sculpts while having a pirated zbrush for almost 3 years now lol

>> No.794512

You make a perfect looking retarded t-rex, whats the problem here?

>> No.794534

if he wants to do that, he should get a part time job and do the $40 monthly subscription instead of buying drugs with it like most people with a part time job do

>> No.795098
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>> No.795099

>until they ask you to show them the license
sorry ma'am(male) I did it on Blender ;)

>> No.795105

That's not OP's work.

>> No.795106

>sorry ma'am(male) I did it on Blender ;)
If it looks too good they won't buy it.

>> No.795118

stop coping please

>> No.795120

related question, is it more efficient to learn anatomy in 2D and then translate that to 3D sculpting or learn anatomy only through sculpting?

>> No.795126

2d 1st

>> No.795136

bs, with 2d you have to struggle with perspective and shading too, so you have to learn stuff that's not useful in 3d

>> No.795138

the answer to "should i do y if i want to do x" is always no. start doing the thing you want to do, asap.

>> No.795141

If I didn't pirate the Adobe suite I would have been fucked. I was 14 and couldn't afford CS6.

>> No.795170

So you're saying that 2D anatomy books like Loomis "Drawing the Head" is useless? Do you have any recommendations or are you just going to keep it a secret?

>> No.795172

No, use the book, but practice with sculpt

>> No.795185

Same. A world without piracy would be much worse.

>> No.797509

Aren't simple sculpting programs like Blender and Mudbox much better for learning the principles of anatomy?

ZBrush forces you to learn the software first, which is an even bigger pain when you don't know how to sculpt or draw.

>> No.799546
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>> No.799572

Man you're psycho, how is even a thing sculpting with a mouse?

>> No.799579

Well, some people still do it. It's much harder but it can kinda work for simpler stuff when you get used to it. I've seen some people do stuff like 2D drawing only with a mouse, now THAT is crazy to me, as it's much harder to draw than sculpt with a mouse IMO. It's easier to fix sculpted lines with pushing, pulling, smoothing etc.

Main thing you lose is the ability to control the pressure, which is important, but there are workarounds. I'd suggest anyone to invest in a tablet, though. I only did it with a mouse while learning and wasn't serious about it, so I didn't want to get myself a tablet immediately. Skills transfered anyway, tablet just made me level up a few times as soon as I began using it.

>> No.799580

>become artist
>make realistic humans
what the hell is the point? why don't you work on something fantasy? why does everything have to be accurate reality?

>> No.799588

Because we live in reality and reality is our reference point. If you can archive realistic characters you can do all kinds of characters (which is a logical progression).
Also you should know that the fantasy/imagination of the people is corrupted and filled with mainstream shit.
In order to develop a strong individual voice you have to work yourself free from the external programming and go against the mainstream, which is not easy because "the nail that stands out gets hammered in".
Most people don't want to walk alone as loner defining their own style, so they do photorealistic stuff, Pixar style characters, Overwatch/Fortnite characters or weebo characters, or straight up degenerated stuff like furry shit.
Most people don't have true creative freedom to conceive anything else. They are just copying what's "in".

>> No.799632

Literally just grab clay and claypolish and flatten and move brushes and you're done.You make your life easier following 1 tut on zspheres. You don't need every tool in ZB to learn to sculpt.
Not who you responded to, but the reality is that I see that people who just start tend to obsess with details and don't feel gratification from basic form studies. It takes a long time before people develop their own style, even more-so in 3D. Hence, I would actually not be a proponent of telling people to strive for realism. Or, if they insist on wanting to learn that, that they establish a lower more acceptable LOD that they can add onto. In the end, finishing 10 smaller projects yields you more experience than finishing 1-2 huge ones where you end up just bogging yourself in terms of time.
Yes, if you have the know-how to make realistic characters, chances are you can adapt to another style easily. But it's more because skill ceiling to achieve that is high. The tl;dr is that people need to know their fundamentals really well, know how to deconstruct their references and simplify.

>> No.799637

>simple sculpting program
sure it isn't a living nightmare like zbrush but you're still going to be hunting through submenus for everything important and the intended sculpting workflow is not straightforward

>> No.799651

>a living nightmare like zbrush
i tested zbrush once and it was pretty easy to work with after just watching one good tutorial
i dont know why zbrush being hard to work with is such a popular 3d meme

>> No.799653

because people complain about programs without actually trying them to justify the software choice they already made

>> No.799678

I tried zbrush once it didn't seem that different

>> No.799742

ya the feeling of being down $900 on $GME at least with zbrush you can earn your money back

>> No.800809
File: 637 KB, 2960x1440, Screenshot_20210208-165640_Nomad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't you using Nomad?

It's pretty well made.

>> No.801822
File: 1.56 MB, 4160x2340, IMG_20210212_210815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to recognize default Zbrush brushes. Look how shitty this is. I bet they even used a mouse, just a basic trim pass in 2 seconds.

>> No.801825

I bought unity pro for a year ($400) and never even started a project
I upgraded my computer last year ($600) and I still use it to shitpost

>> No.802806



>> No.802807

OK autist

>> No.802844

Found a 3d artisan who did that sculpt :^)

>> No.802872

Artisan is right since I refuse to be associated with the gutter trash calling themselves "artists" these days.

>> No.803080
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>> No.803093

>should have just grinded blender sculpt mode while learning anatomy?

Hi, person here who actually got good at blender sculpt before swapping.


Zbrush is so weird and different to any other DCC that you will just have a way better time if you never learn to sculpt anywhere else, end of the day all roads lead to zbrush. If you want to do anything before stylized sculpting you will eventually feel the need for zbrush so you might as well learn in the place you'll end up.

>> No.804897

zbrush is powerful but a fucking nightmare to use to the point that not knowing anything about a computer lets you learn the program faster.

I find this to be zbrushes biggest problem, and so long as I am not required to use it, I don't.

>> No.806784
