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File: 487 KB, 1920x1920, aneesh-arts-render-03-00000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
777910 No.777910 [Reply] [Original]

Post renders of people that could fool you into thinking that they're real. Pic is not that.

>> No.777915

someone really really likes subsurface scattering

>> No.777917

Yeah, he looks like he's made of wax, or has baby flesh.

>> No.777936

El ogro de las Americas

>> No.777939
File: 1.27 MB, 1260x600, unknown (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one made me do a double take

>> No.777942

Why? It looks plastic

>> No.777953

Post your work

>> No.777974

>if you can't do better your criticism is invalid meme
kys retard

>> No.777993

Post your work

>> No.778003

would be THAT convincing to me if he had a larger jaw

>> No.778051
File: 594 KB, 1667x2500, ian-spriggs-portrait-of-scotteaton-2k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one while a bit lackluster in the texturing anat anartomy i always liked. Looks great as long as you dont zoom in, good skin values and nice overall forms

Even in small image color values dont look right, the texture just isnt there at all even if surface detail looks fine
Damn thats some wonky anatomy

>> No.778052
File: 118 KB, 1000x1000, 3d realistic walt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.778065

This is great. Looks totally real until you zoom in. I wonder how it could be improved. Perhaps peach hair? Maybe the lips could use a better transition of skin types. I dunno but it looks real.

>> No.778071

fuck. I couldn't tell it was cg until you mentioned. legit thought you were using a real picture to demonstrate a point to op or something

>> No.778073

eye bags give it away imo. maybe if they were a bit plumper, even if that doesn't exactly match with the actual actor's traits

>> No.778082
File: 243 KB, 1920x1080, logan-digital-double-opener.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.778085

Post your work.

>> No.778383

tom hardly

>> No.778452
File: 634 KB, 2000x1964, marlon-r-nunez-bodymain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.778453
File: 971 KB, 1760x2000, sefki-ibrahim-silvina-final-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.778454
File: 1.08 MB, 1711x2500, ian-spriggs-portrait-of-cassidy-2k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.778455
File: 152 KB, 900x900, kris-antropus-costa-dick37-0005-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.778456
File: 588 KB, 1471x2200, chen-yi-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.778465

*gets replaced by AI in one day*

>> No.778492

>muh AI boogeyman
If Ai will make hyperrealistic characters at a push of a button, you can be sure it will do the same with most other artstyles, as those are even easier to master/reproduce

>> No.778499
File: 129 KB, 739x1024, Kristen-Stewart-3D-Fanart-by-Hyun-Kyung-739x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.778501

Really? To me that looks like someone took a photograph of her face and mapped it onto some face geometry as a texture.

>> No.778504
File: 748 KB, 1200x3270, kyung-up-hyun-20100729kristen-process-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.778507

I remember there was some suspicion about this dude's portraits, back in the day. Not sure if it was cleared up or not, but I remember people were saying that his works are fakes

>> No.778508

Indeed, looking at his gallery. The early stuff is kinda fishy. I suppose it doesn't really matter though.

>> No.778510

Yeah, it's just photoprojection. Of course it looks good if you just have the same perspective as the photo and map it 1 to 1.

>> No.778511

Looks like he did the hair alright, but the rest was textured with a photo overlay. Shadows are exactly like in the photo, and there is no clear perspective change in his "3D" renders.

>> No.779313

woah, this one is insane.

>> No.780496

How much do you guys think a 3D model like this of Taylor Swift would cost me? Fully rigged of course.

>> No.780502
File: 510 KB, 1024x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

StyleGAN is already there.
Just a matter of time before it's adapted to 3D.
>pic related

>> No.780503

*derp* was meant for

>> No.780504

also, strangely the AI works well with human faces, but kinda sucks at cats and totally fails with environmental details.

>> No.780537

2k to 5k.

>> No.780541

Lmao fuck off with photo projections.
You can project fucking photo on a square and it will look photo realistic ... its a fucking photo.

>> No.780563

post your work

>> No.780566

I will bet you any amount of money if you posted this shit on /v/ with some one-liner meme every retard on the board would think it was real

>> No.781450

The vascularity on the arms looks a little off

>> No.781451

there’s noise,

>> No.781456

It's the eyebrows.

>> No.781466

Probably because the artist didn't let the render finish

>> No.781857
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x2880, ian-spriggs-selfportrait2-3k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.781880

photorealism is the big gay

>> No.781884

It's crazy how highly detailed something can be and still look so obviously cg.

>> No.781904
File: 27 KB, 293x302, 1574073545853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>photorealism is the big gay
and that's the big cope of stylization fags who lack the skills to even attempt realism

>> No.781911

I wonder if it's the same for the untrained eye.

>> No.781915

It's not, I'm quite certain 8/10 normies would think this>>781857 is a real photo, especially if they look at it on a phone

>> No.781927

Looks too sharp and clean, photographs, even with the more expensive camera and lenses, have subtle imperfections and softness.

>> No.782026
File: 365 KB, 740x309, logan-x24-thinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm a brainlet, but I look at this scene and still can't believe that's not just Hugh Jackman playing both characters.

>> No.782147
File: 331 KB, 936x1436, realism in art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.782149

St. Vicent really has let herself go

>> No.782154

>this fukken .jpg again.
Every single thing coming out of that old cunt is deeply flawed. It's like he's celebrating the dark ages.

Realism in art coincide first with things like 'Venus de Milo' from the ancient world of the Roman republic.
A society that celebrating philosophy, that built paved roads sewer systems bridges and aqueducts.

Into stylized cartoonish depictions of the human form during the dark ages, an era defined by social decay and splintered rule of illiterate armed warlords.
A society that rejected the real world and instead appealed to fantasy thru piety and religious fundamentalism.

Then came the renaissance, an era that returned to the study of the naturalistic world and obsession with the physical form.
A revolution that transitioned into the age of enligtenment that lay the groundwork for western institutions like democracy and the sciences.

The man in that .jpg is a utter disgrace and every word that falls of his lips is the confused ramblings of an old cunt and the mockery of truth.

>> No.782212
File: 403 KB, 1440x1800, hadi-karimi-felix-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karimi has a couple of impressive renders, while you can clearly see that they're CG they're nonetheless impressive

>> No.782237

Hello you nobody

>> No.782255

stopped reading when you claimed romans invented realism lol. another fucking high school dropout retard piecing together a grand theory from half-understood youtube videos and that one time in class when you took a break from playing pokemon under the table. i'm so glad i can just close the tab to make you disappear forever because the people who have to deal with you in real life must want to fucking kill themselves every time you open your mouth to vomit your 80iq wisdom all over the dining room table

>> No.782266

Somebody should render George Washington or somebody like that whome we only have oil canvas paintings of to know what those old people from hundereds of years ago look like.

>> No.782356

One thing is realism in style, and the other is realism in content.
Would a photorealistic image of a girl fucking a dragon be boring to him too?

>> No.782368

Probably but i think the hair gives it away.

>> No.783081

extremely based

>> No.783547

thanks god for that post

>> No.784612

mmm lower eyes lids need that fleshy texture not skin texture, also eyelashes need to align a little more and have little wringles so they same more natural in my opinion.

>> No.784628


so on point...

>> No.784630


This has to be a samefag from the 'oldcunt.jpg' poster.

>> No.784689

They look like how you might imagine an IRL android to appear.

>> No.784919

Thanks for the pasta Chef.

>> No.785828

Based and redpilled

>> No.785830

>how dare you imply romans invented naturalistic art
>y-y-you FUCK
Are you autistic or smthn

>> No.785832

I dont know why people wasted their talents creating photo realism humans you can create other kind of species realism cgi why get stuck with boring old realism

>> No.785836

It's funny because that's the exact opposite of how it's actually shaken out.
Training data for realistic things is far easier to acquire than stylized data, and because realism is harder to achieve, it's also more useful to have an AI for it than for creating stylized results.

>> No.785943

Because 1) it's practice and 2) realism is the foundation for style, you take the real world features of something and then you push/exaggerate them.
Without a foundation in reality (realism) you end up with some ultra avant garde shit that ends up looking amateur or nonsensical even when it's technically proficient

>> No.785965


My Opinions Are Fact: The Post.

>> No.785994

As much as I do still recognize it as 3d, I feel that this image does do something that a real portrait photo can't.
I think I love the potential 3D has to make something BEYOND lifelike instead of JUST lifelike.
I love hyperrealism. It's hard to describe, it references reality, yet it also makes it so overly rendered and detailed that it becomes surreal. I swear that the pic POPS OUT because of exaggerations I can't describe.

>> No.785997


>> No.786025

You can make stuff that in reality are impossible.

>> No.786041

Wrong on so many levels it's embarrassing

>> No.786130
File: 509 KB, 1024x1024, fake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.786246

people just want to leave this reality to live in another one they like, that's why video games improve their graphics to become more and more photorealistics and that's why people so easily dive in and forget the other reality, this guy a total dumbass, the "real thing" is shit.

>> No.786260

hypergan isnt 3d fag

>> No.787091
File: 494 KB, 1199x1500, e87eca836dfefb8c1e48b027d84330bf8f8435e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one made me pick up 3d character rendering

>> No.787551

The right eye gives it away. Otherwise breddy gud.

>> No.787800

There is a website that renders in a image of a person that doesn’t exist XD if anything of that hits base anywhere near

>> No.788365

Video games improve graphics because it's the easiest way to get away with rereleasing the same game with progressively less content while also creating very useful gatekeeping barriers like making mod-content impossible to produce.

>> No.790552

well, stylegan learns from photos, so of course it's gonna look like a photo
something similar should work for 3d though yeah

>> No.790554

untrained eye here (came here to see what the board's like), would fool me as a film frame or something, but if i expand it, the shading on hair and clothing looks weird (unless that's what expensive clothing looks like)