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777387 No.777387 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.777392

Z+ up
X+ right
Y+ forward into us

>> No.777395

Hand guns pew pew look ma I’m a cowboy pew pew woosh

>> No.777450

I'm confused. Which vector goes in OP's ass?

>> No.777465

the forward vector obviously

>> No.778125


>Z+ up

I forgot that Blender defaults to this dumbass shit. Another reminder of why I don't use it.

>> No.778128
File: 87 KB, 268x325, 1589364075942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Z is up

>> No.778132

It doesn't really matter, but it should be standardized so everybody uses the same convention.
Z-up makes the most conceptual sense for a world space, but because Z forward is the standard for view it is useful to create a Y-up worldspace so characters etc don't have to lie down on their back to be aligned with world when their transforms are zeroed.

Everybody should standardize on Y-up for this reason.

>> No.778137

Everybody agree that Z is depth. Z-up comes from how when you look at a map the depth is elevation, north on a map isn't depth.

>> No.778142

>throwin up signs in math class
gang gang

>> No.778161

B is correct. Right hand rule is ubiquitous from EM fields to dynamics. Anyone who says otherwise is a brainlet noSTEM. Also the only 3D I use is PTC Creo

t. Aerospace engineer

>> No.778162

If you were a real engineer you'd know that both are correct.

>> No.778166

Who the fuck have ever used a left-handed coordinate system?

>> No.778167

A fellow colleague! What is your field? Mine is airfoil and propeller development for civil aviation.

>> No.778175

Unity is lefthanded with Y-up.

>> No.778182

direct3d used to be left-handed back when graphics APIs took a stance on this.

>> No.779605

Unity is lefthanded but the camera projection matrix is righthanded except on certain graphics backends where depth is flipped. shit's fucked.

>> No.780484

X+ Tool moves to the right/Part moves to the left.
Y+ Tool moves away from/Part moves closer.
Z+ Tool moves away from Part.
C Tool rotates around Z axis.
B Part rotates around Z axis.
A Part rotates around X axis.

>> No.780630

>Z+ up

ew you posted cringe please delete this

>> No.780639

Anything other than Z-up in world/object space is beyond retarded. Image/Screen space: Z=Depth, XY=Screen Coordinates, World/Object space: Z=Up, XY=Ground Plane. Anything else stems from the retardation of animators.

>> No.780640
File: 103 KB, 600x620, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a millennia of mathematics is beyond retarded

oh no

>> No.780641
File: 46 KB, 312x312, puke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Z is up

>> No.780642

Thanks for proving my point. Just as the picture you posted, Screenspace is mostly 2D. This doesn't apply to worldspace.

>> No.780643

Feel free to read https://forums.unrealengine.com/community/general-discussion/46691-z-up-vs-y-up-the-solution-to-the-debate-lies-within and learn why Y-Up in a software package that does 3D first and foremost is wrong.

>> No.780651 [DELETED] 
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Don't care, still voted Trump, still using Y as up for the rest of my life

>> No.780653

>The tale starts with 3DS Max. Released in 1990,
Released 1996. BS starts with factual errors. Not read and dismissed.

>> No.780655

>Released 1996.
Wikipedia must be wrong then and the random retardo on the internet is right lmao

>> No.780656

That post is ripe with misinformation and historically false statements

>> No.780657

Are you fucking retarded ?
Initial release April 1996; 24 years ago[1] (as 3D Studio MAX)

>> No.780658

Thread derailed

>> No.780661 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 680x819, kara boga 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turks are the attack force of the BLACK race. This is why TÜRKS conquered Europe around the same time the BLACK KANGZ were attacked in Afrika. They destroyed the wh7te capital of CONSTANTINOPLE and replaced it with ISTANBULL, to honour our BLACK BULL (KARA BOGA) nature.
When the African KANGZDOMS were destroyed TÜRKIYE was the last KARA BOGA country on earth. The wh#te subhumans attempted to take it down in order to permanently end the KANGZ and nearly suceeded. Luckily the biggest KARA BOGA of them all, Mustafa JAMAL, fought of the wh1te beasts and created a BLACK utopia in TÜRKIYE. However the nefarious schemes of the wh'tes continued, attempting to bring the KARA BOGA TÜRKS into the E.U. where they would be overwhelmed by gayreek WH9TE immigrants.
Luckily from the furthest we can get from Europe in Turkey, the north east GEORGIAN BLACK territory, a new KARA BOGA rose for the first time since Mustafa JAMAL. RECEP TAYIPP ERDOGAN (REIS) destroyed all wh8te LAICITE devils and restored himself as the KANGZ of TÜRKIYE. Now the BLACK KARA BOGA TÜRKS must struggle against the wh6tes to end that accursed race once and for all.

>> No.780765

3D Studio Max was released under the name 3D Studio in 1990.

>> No.780803

>3D Studio in 1990.
This was a DOS program you stupid faggot.
3DS Max was written for Windows NT and is an entirely different program.
You Zoomers are even dumber than i thought.

>> No.780809

Being right or wrong about a random factoid about what year something was or wasn't released have nothing to do with ones general intelligence anon.
Neither does being in disagreement over if you can trace max's linage to it's predecessor or not.

If we all stopped being so invested in branding those we disagree with like idiots, even when they actually are such, we might be able to get somewhere.
Getting a rise out of one another only serves to make us all act more stupid.

>> No.780867

Mostly airfoil and some structural analysis. Recently went for my masters so we shall see

>> No.780872

No it wasn't.
Also 3D Studio DOS had the Y-axis representing vertical movement.

>> No.780941

>handedness of coordinate systems is too big brain for /3/
>would rather shit fling about up axis labeling and software history
never change, losers

>> No.780943

I'm comfy thank you. Need some cream for that sore asshole?

>> No.780947

please. I'm enjoying my visit in the zoo, monkey.

>> No.780949

Love how nerds will debate this shit forever but anyone with a week's worth of programming knowledge should be able to translate any of this with minimal effort

>> No.781041

do you have similar opinions on whether text is written left-to-right or right-to-left? just string.reverse() amirite?

.ffo kcuf

>> No.781042

lost, condescending little faggot?

>> No.781055

Kek, you literally proved his point.

t. midwit unable to understand that coordinates are themselves a arbitrary abstraction, probably still thinking in base 10 and unable to imagine a six dimensional apple