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774805 No.774805 [Reply] [Original]

I want to learn 3D so I can make Overwatch porn animations. Any estimate how long it will take, starting from complete noob level? Weeks? Months? Years?

>> No.774806
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If you're using an existing rig and want to make 3-4 second coomer loops referenced from a video, about a day or two learning-wise. You basically need to know what keyframes and how to move objects, and you're set.

If you're aiming a bit higher than the bottom of the barrel, you'll probably want to spend a few months researching how rigging works and watch an intro course on the principles of animation or something.

>> No.774810

not op, but do you know any places to look up for tutorials or guides?

>> No.774813

*know what keyframes are and how to move objects around

I learned most things through watching random livestreams and 10 year old Autodesk videos, so probably not the best person to ask. That said...

Blender basics (surprisingly comprehensive, ignore the title)

Graph editors (probably a million videos on this, it's just the one I saw first, plus the guy has other stuff on animation and "le industry")

Basics of rigging (not exactly a tutorial per se, but really good)

>> No.774817

Are you the same guy who made the other threads...

>> No.774819
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What other threads?

>> No.774830

download blender, watch some royal skies lcc videos (he even has a boob jiggle tutorial) and then start practicing. if you think that's too hard, use source filmmaker or DAZ, but you will be more limited in what you can do. I suggest you start with pre rigged models. there is a site with rigged HQ characters but I forgot the name, just google "overwatch tracer 3d model download" or something. you can also use mixamo for a quick rig but it doesnt have enough bones for a proper animation. once you have that, download some game props/assets to build your scene. again, google is your friend for downloads. then you just animate your characters, either in blender or ayketsu, make some nice lightning and details like sweat on the skin or w/e and render the export. you can learn the basicsin one week.

>> No.774861
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Learning how the Software works-- its ins and outs, learning what buttons to press when, will take you about a day of tutorials/downloads and a week of practice/memorization.

Actual skill or insight however, takes a whole lifetime.
Or Ten Thousand Hours depending on who you ask.

You can acquire all the tools and know-hows as fast as you can, but you WILL still want that *special* something that makes those crazy good pieces of animation as inspiring as they are. And that will take you years. Some folks will even say that you'll never stop learning something new, or that you will never be ever satisfied. And that's okay.

complete noob to 4 sec clip of a hand jerking a dick = 1 hour
learning the 3D program + animation = 1 week
finding your own style = years
perfecting your art = you'll never get there

>> No.774874
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>complete noob to 4 sec clip of a hand jerking a dick = 1 hour
>learning the 3D program + animation = 1 week
God I hope so.

>> No.774889

you don't need to learn 3d for that, just download some coomer rig from smutba.se or some other site and set it into pose

>> No.774901

>I want to powergame learning computer skills to get rich quick, how long will my attention span have to endure learning and work?
>I'm sure that what I have in mind is competitive with everyone else who had the same plans and a 2 year headstart.
>get this, it's going to be $VIDEO_GAME_GIRL – but she HAS A GIANT SPURTING COCK WAAAOOOOWWWW

The second your question pivots to "how long will it take" instead of "what's a reasonable timetable for the necessary skills" you're telegraphing your extremely short-term motivation to learn anything of value.

>> No.774915

This thread has some great info. Thanks (Not OP. Another anon trying to learn blender to make porn)

>> No.774931

2 days
day one: get blender, go to smutbase and download some overwatch shit
day 2: watch some animation tutorials

>> No.774963

Fun fact: according to Pornhub, Overwatch is among the most searched franchises for porn. OP is a pajeet wanting to make 5 dollars a day

>> No.774966

Making 3d porn is a whole is the next blendlet level.

>> No.774988

>so I can make Overwatch porn animations. Any estimate how long it will take...
If you have a rope and a sturdy rafter, it can take as little as a few minutes.

>> No.775019

>OP is a pajeet wanting to make 5 dollars a day
True for 60% of threads on this board.

>> No.775027

Literally me but Ivan

>> No.775174


>> No.775796

took me 3 days

>> No.775841

>tfw you will never reach coomercore lvl
Just rip off some shit and put it behind a paywall like any other self-respecting russky.

>> No.775935

Try daz 3d and get some items from rendereotica fastest rout but if you really want to learn look into 3dtotal course on 3max. Goodluck in lewdland

>> No.776658


>> No.776661

>perfecting your art = you'll never get there
I can understand this with 2d animation but not with 3d. No way it takes longer than a year full of practice

>> No.776745

Kek, keep dreaming.
It depends on the level of skill you want to achive. If your goal is to be a Daz beta one or two months are enough. To become a Chad modeler you would need at least 1 - 2 years for your model to resemble a human being and not some godless monstrosity. (im asumming youre going to do 3d as a hoobie and not as a full time thing)

>> No.776954
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Currently in the process. It's pretty fun.

>> No.777058

>day 3
Realize animation is actual work and go jerk to somebody else's animations

>> No.777062

It seems like that's exactly what happened, lel.

>> No.779107


>> No.779125
File: 43 KB, 200x200, 200-rface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao you're going to spend the first year trying to google questions without knowing the correct terminology. Which then leads you down the black hole of busted ass, hindi YouTube tutorials during full black world tendency.

Good luck skippy!

>> No.779155

Pic source, please

>> No.779203

I have no idea, but the full image has a guy going down on her. Try searching gelbooru for red_head, blush, cunnilingus or something

>> No.779210


>> No.779382

Thank God that SOMEBODY is finally taking up the mantle of unleashing Overwatch videos on the 3D animation porn scene.

>> No.779390
File: 494 KB, 1176x1075, 1573742696185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to pose XNALara models easily without needing to guess which armature (bone?) will stretch the model unnaturally?

>> No.779392

do u know how to rotate joints

>> No.779394

I click one of those long thingies and press R and move the mouse

>> No.779694

Idk why, but most models OW downloaded from there are making blender drop to low fps when animating, anyone knows why?

>> No.779704

Because Blender is shiet when it comes to rigging/animation.

>> No.779732

Post wireframe.
You probably picked up a model your PC can't handle.

>> No.779747

Or he simply picked a tool that cannot handle those models. My two years old computer performs better in Max today than a top of the line computer running Blender. By not choosing under-optimized software like Blender, I'm actually saving thousands in hardware, which I can then invest in whores and cocaine.

>> No.779794

>be modeller for activision-blizzard
>spend months making this character
>years pass
>no one plays the game anymore
>the character is only remembered for porn where they have an off-model body

>> No.779878

Every newbie i see that wants to make lewd OW smut ends up quitting 6 months in.

>> No.780018
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Subdiv and triangulate modifiers can make things very slow. Also, normal maps slow down blender a lot.
It runs fairly high poly models pretty well as long as the only modifier active is an armature.

>> No.781739

Honest question to the good people of this thread.

Why is posing so fucking hard in Blender? You have to MANUALLY move each individual bone in the figure. In Daz Studio you have parameters that you can slide that can make basic bones move in a figure. Like making hand gestures etc. etc. etc. It literally takes a whole day to make somewhat decent pose in Blender. The camera is also aids. The only 2 good things about Blender is the render preview and that there's lots of models that can be imported.

>> No.781740

> You have to MANUALLY move each individual bone in the figure
no you don't, learn to rig properly.
>The only 2 good things about Blender is the render preview and that there's lots of models that can be imported
Blender is for making things, not playing Barbie dolls you degenerate DAZ fag.

>> No.781742

>no you don't, learn to rig properly.
??? What does rigging have to do with anything. You still have to manually move each bone.
>Blender is for making things, not playing Barbie dolls you degenerate DAZ fag.
It's multi purpose you fag. It can be used for rendering and animation purposes.

>> No.781762

>??? What does rigging have to do with anything. You still have to manually move each bone.
Peak dunning kruger

>> No.781777

>??? What does rigging have to do with anything. You still have to manually move each bone.

You are confusing the 'rig' with the concept of the 'skeleton' and 'bones'.

It goes like this:
The actual skeleton is the core part of what is meant when people are talking about a 'rig' but they're not the entire thing.

'rigging a character' refers not only to weight your geometry to the bones (skinning) but to set up all the systems that you will use to generate the animation
for your character. Systems that include things such as inverse kinematics, IK/FK switches, look/aim constraints, script controllers, sliders etc.

DAZ is essentially just a rig someone else made packaged into a 'snap dirty pictures' videogame.
It is frowned upon in art communities because it is a lot like you are taking a picture of a painting someone else made as opposed to painting a painting yourself.

>> No.783404

Where do you get models for this?
i've been learning how to 3d model and animate for a month and it's been fun, but where do you find NSFW models?

>> No.783405

check out smutba.se

>> No.784916

Inverse kinematics and bone constraints.
Learn how to make that happen, and then you can pose way faster. Also custom bone shapes help.

>> No.784942 [DELETED] 

Is there reason that whenever you download a file you get the author settings? Like how they have their windows and tabs.

>> No.785052

What a fucking retard. Daz is the ultimate dumbass filter.

>> No.785221

how do I stop being a dumbass

>> No.785447

killing yourself

>> No.785860

Too much mesh and scripts running on too weak of a machine. With higher detailed models I'll duplicate them and reduce the polygon count to like 5%, still keeping it attatched to the same armature. Rig/animate with the low poly and then render with the original.

>> No.787724

is there any resources of animations themselves? unity and unreal have asset packs of animations but I've never seen any porn ones

>> No.787847

First you have to learn the 12 principles of animation, which takes 1 minute per principle

>> No.787853

Buy a mocap suit.

>> No.787889

are they good at making animations? I heard there is a lot of clean up needed. and I don't know if a male performing animations will translate to a female rig

>> No.787942

Literally me but hwhite. The hardest part is after doing all that work but not making money, it really is based on whats viral, coomer 3D kino is niche already

>> No.787971

You really only need to capture the general movements for the body movement with motion capture. The rest of the work is using wiggle bones or softbody physics on your character's breasts and thighs along with animating facial expressions by hand. As long as you have a good IK rig, there shouldn't be much cleanup. Also, don't worry if you're trying to do mocap for a female rig as a guy—Andy Serkis didn't need to be a 600-year-old hobbit to do Smeagol and if you've ever played with Mixamo animations, you know that the mocap will translate to any rig as long as it has proper constraints.

>> No.788140

>the hardest part is not getting paid for creating 3d erotica
That you aren't making mony is the best part of the whole thing. Imagine if you made $50,000 in your first year - you'd be doing this for the next decade. Our people spent 1,500 years spreading Christianity, science, and industry, and yet, in the last 100 years we've become enthralled with cooming, of all things!

Time to step up Anon. Why don't you make your animations in WebGL and start creating product showcases & package them on nicely-themed Wordpress sites & sell those for $10k a piece? A much better use of your time. Better than touching your dick.

>> No.788145

>Better than touching your dick.
fake. theres nothing better than touching the dick.

>> No.788147

yet here you are posting

>> No.788148

posting takes only one hand ;)

>> No.788149

nigga you better stop cooming

>> No.788150

ever seen that recent pic of that kid that got cut in half? he managed to keep "living" but lost legs and the dick. no more dick touching for him. can you imagine? we take it for granted, it can go anytime, so in the meantime, use it like youre about to lose it tomorrow.

>> No.788154

oh yeah I saw that pic recently. but did you see that he's now an artist having works displayed in the Museum of Modern Art? In an interview, the half-boy claimed his injury allowed him to focus on "reaching for the heavens instead of reaching into [his] drawers."

>> No.788213

>Our people spent 1,500 years spreading Christianity, science, and industry
Science and industry are much more recent than that you absolute clown

>> No.788308

On a similar note, I am wondering how long it will take me to get good enough at 3D to make good quality clothes/hair in Second Life. I am a complete beginner but I'm going to start by learning Blender using the Udemy course and Photoshop, then move on to things like Zbrush, Marvelous Designer, etc. I really want to make good quality mesh items for Second Life, it's not really to make money desu, but ill definitely make decent money if I get to a good level

>> No.788315

I picked up blender to make clothing mods for a coomer videogame and it took me like two months to finish my first decent project. MD is a different beast, you'll need to learn the quirks of the program and have some notions on sewing on top of that to make something decent. I have been using the program for three months now and I still haven't quite figured out how to properly fit garments to busty characters, for example. This guy (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT_Y4okpd6G0DUaNl1bT1sw)) helped me a lot in learning the programm, he has some of the best tutorials out there.

>> No.789596

What software does general butch use?

>> No.789614
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>Science and industry are much more recent than that you absolute clown
The Ancients would like a word with you.

>> No.789628 [DELETED] 
File: 237 KB, 1188x1584, 1D2BEF41-9FCC-48C4-B234-303DF8E1A1AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.789730

The ancient greeks (and chinese, and indians) doing few measurements and some maths is still far from the whole epistemic method that we call "the scientific method" or less formally "science". More or less empiricist philosophies had always existed but Science as we know and do it began with Galileo. Quoting Albert Einstein: "All knowledge of reality starts from experience and ends in it. Propositions arrived at by purely logical means are completely empty as regards reality. Because Galileo saw this, and particularly because he drummed it into the scientific world, he is the father of modern physics – indeed, of modern science altogether"

>> No.790179

I seen this mentioned on one of Sagan's Cosmos episodes. Was there ever any record of what Eratosthenes thought about his estimate? I bet he thought Earth's circumference was too ridiculously big and tossed it out.

>> No.792256

>complete noob to 4 sec clip of a hand jerking a dick = 1 hour
>learning the 3D program + animation = 1 week
bullshit, learning proper animation takes way longer than 1 week, with also learning the software from noob level it takes YEARS

>> No.792258

aristotle was doing empirical studies of animals that were still the state of the art of zoology in the time of darwin

>> No.792259

he wrote a book about it. the book itself is lost but i don't think he would have written one about a measurement process that he thought was wrong.

>> No.793421

not OP
i figured out the basics but now i cant get the info on how to make 2 characters interact ?
or even have 2 characters ?

do i have to make them separate and then combine with some convoluted gimmick shit ?

>> No.793424

Just import a second rig into the scene. Or even better, reference the rig into the scene.

>> No.793427

i see import under file but i cant import another model it seems...

>> No.793879

I wish GeneralButch had a process video from start to finish. His streams are unwatchable with that giant fucking watermark all over the screen.