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File: 195 KB, 750x650, 8303[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
771311 No.771311 [Reply] [Original]

How can I learn to make nice looking low poly 3D models, a la N64?

>> No.771314

Use the two spheres lodged inside the front of your skull, direct them towards said content.
Now look at your image. You see those surfaces?

Open up your favorite DCC 3D software and replicate what you see and modify it to fit your needs.
That sort of retro graphic is sorta the digital equivalent of drawing stick-figures.
If you can't figure it out just by looking you're hopeless.

You can see every polygon and pixel on those models, what part of how this is made seems to be a mystery to you?

>> No.771337

Walking into the tail rotor of a helicopter would be a good start.

>> No.771344

dont mind the grumps op. low poly isn't complicated and in a few days you should be doing what you want to, it all comes down to learning your tools and techniques. blender is fine for that low poly count modeling, and you will want to learn to make good textures. that's it, really
look up grant abbitt his guides are simple and straightforward. for textures u need to learn drawing and painting I guess

>> No.771350

better design
low poly is harder than high poly
keep going

>> No.771371

>low poly is harder than high poly

1000000 times this, and that is why games back then had a development cycle of a couple of months for a 20 man team
while they take multiple years these days for a ~200 man team.

Things where a lot more difficult for people back then so they where more willing to
challenge themselves further by making this difficult art style.

In order for it to be realistic for an ordinary person to make this artstyle you almost have to have a silicon graphics computer
from the era. they came installed with an earlier precursor to todays 3D program that had a special lowpoly workflow that made it possible
to place vertices at very specific vectorized angles that cause the geometry to have that N64 soul.

>> No.771373

what this anon says is 1000% true. I've been working highpoly for film production
and let me tell you when you go from making a movie rig with a thousand bones and skinwrinkle controllers to this
it really puts everything you've taught yourself to the test.

Me and my team took a crack at this and we spent approximately 9000 man hours recreating the minecraft guy.
When you have so few polygons to work with it is really difficult to figure out how to best use them to capture the human form.

If you sit down by the computer and attempt to do this in one go you better wear diapers because you gonna shit yourself before you're anywhere near done.

>> No.771380

stop trolling Op pretending it's somehow silly easy to do lowpoly

Thing to understand is that in highpoly you can use how much stuff you want so there is no fucking limit to what you can do
So it's easy the same way it's fucking easy for an adult to sculpt things out of real clay out of real atoms.

Lowpoly is like limbo dancing, the more snakeshit you go the more difficult it gets.
Everybody can make something out of everything but very few can make everything out of nothing.

Oh, and it is not "1000% correct" that you need a silicon graphics computer to do this op, but it is like 999% correct.
Because if you disable certain secret modern features in your blender you can make it look almost like real PSX era GFX.
But it is very hard to disable all these modern clutterbloat features unless you are an absolute expert and also japanese.
Because you gotta be able to squint your eyes real good at special Asian angles to see all the correct buttons to press.
So I would recommend going on ebay and look for a SGI machine if you're at all serious about doing this.

>> No.771381

Holy shit, are the rumors true? One of the Five of Lowpoly is among us?

>> No.771397

Welcome to 2020

>> No.771474

and lowpoly is only difficult if you're challening yourself to get the lowest possible polycount you can. If you approch it as an art unto itself. If you're a hobbyist and just want to make fast easy model then it's not so much that it's low poly but it's arbitrary poly. Which IS easy.

>> No.771479

>Nice looking

>> No.771495
File: 1.33 MB, 1024x1152, quake3_skins_by_kenneth_scott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ditch this ugly japo garbage and imitate the best in both low poly modeling and texture painting

>> No.771628
File: 21 KB, 397x230, 1599579570542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nice looking
>a la N64

>> No.771656

She cute mermaid girl

>> No.771725

It's not that difficult if you can draw. But doing it freestyle without reference is tremendously difficult.

>> No.772137
File: 3.00 MB, 800x600, 1580055656107.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Learn all the possible color-theories and master the use of distinct palettes.
-Silhouette over small details when it comes to the mesh.
-Textures do most of the heavy lifting when it comes to details, but on N64 you want to use gouraud-shading (vertex color) gradients with crucial parts (ie. eyes on the face) using its own texture. The PS1 look is more forgiving, as you can legit texture whole mesh.

>> No.772186

Why would you ask us when our wip threads look like shit?

>> No.772325

god damn I want to fap to those models and these pixel art textures

>> No.772347
File: 316 KB, 2480x3508, 1600478513449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically study 2D drawing/art as well. it will give you a good point of refrence, one of the things youll need to do is make your textures do a lot of the heavy lifting, and if you dont know how to do texturing well your fucked for lowpoly.

I have 8 yrs exp and im just now figuring out this kinda shit, coulda saved myself half a decade if i had.

>> No.772359

what is the source for this model?
what game is it from?

>> No.772394
File: 739 KB, 400x400, tanuki.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.772430

Wtf he has a dick

>> No.772432

have a strong understanding of character design theory

>> No.772440


>> No.772586 [DELETED] 


join to troll a small streamer

>> No.772599


>> No.773818

I think these are some of my favorite textures ever made

>> No.773827

Why do people ask this retarded question as if low poly was hard or a skill by itself?
Sure it takes talent to make a low poly model look appealing, but its not like this is something you learn aside from conventional 3D modeling.

>> No.773990
File: 386 KB, 3840x2160, EhhC9SvUMAA6Pww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

n64 had texture filtering that made it look like vaseline was smeared all over every texture. The picture you posted looks more like a playstation model.

>> No.774023
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today i will remind them.

>> No.774128

Which one is supposed to be better? I like them both

>> No.774138

i'd say the playstation version is better.
the texture filtering makes the forms read different (notice the character's right shoulder) in the n64 version. plus, the playstation's sharp textures gel better with the aliased models present on both platforms.

>> No.774147 [DELETED] 
File: 1.47 MB, 3840x2160, Screenshot_11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.776731
File: 29 KB, 640x585, 1585417240809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess ill ask here

Is there a good tutorial/course/book for lowpoly? everything i can find is like some "tree" lowpoly tutorial, can do that shit in 2 minutes already, i want a proper resource for learning this. im out of luck?

>> No.776734

Some books from the Japanese スーパーテクニック / Super Technique series focus on game and low poly content

>> No.776752

Of course it had to be in a language I can't fucking understand.

>> No.776916

use it as a good excuse to also start learning japanese.

>> No.776924
File: 209 KB, 500x283, crucified.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you do, don't do the retarded trendy indie dev style "low poly" which is just flat shitty textures and neon colors. NO PS1/N64 games looked like that and it's a disservice to great low-poly art, I hate it.

>> No.776961
File: 285 KB, 1024x768, parasite-eve-2-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lowpoly work of Square and Konami was fucking amazing. Sometimes I just watch replays of their games to marvel at the way they used to handle things.

>> No.776971

Limitation breeds creativity. Then again, they recruited people from all over the industry with lots of experience.

>> No.777006

Making the textures is the most difficult part. I've been modeling for a few years, self taught, and have barely started trying to figure out texturing.
Have any tips for making decent PS1 textures?

>> No.777024
File: 17 KB, 256x505, 3116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go look at Megaman Legends concept art. Those guys were wizards.

>> No.777113

I've never been completely satisfied with the low ploy work I've done. But I've made a lot of progress in the past year. /3/ actually helped me a ton.
It really is all in the textures you use. Look and study the PS1 and N64 models.
One thing I do if I just want to test out the polygons I've made is use high resolution textures and just render them with smaller resolutions to save time and see if that's the look I want. I picked that trick up from here a few months ago.

>> No.777114 [DELETED] 
File: 180 KB, 600x600, pumpkinheadlow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.777115

Would you mind sharing some of your progress?

>> No.777117

Tbose textures are great and remind me of Simon Bisley and Carl Critchlow (among others) art, but all those designs would look better with more polygons, while anime looks just right in low poly.

>> No.777118

Why is it vibrating like a Playstation model?

>> No.777121

Because the lowpoly crowd are total hipsters and making it look like it's running on period correct trash hardware is part of the charm to them.

>> No.777154

It's older than Christ but it's the only decent one.

>> No.777155

high contrast fractal noise displacement in world space, so every time the vertices move they automatically jitter around erratically.
it was done for shits n giggles.
fuck you pos nigga

>> No.777190

get out of here stalker

>> No.777195

nice balls nigga

>> No.777227
File: 35 KB, 1024x1024, e82cdf913979cfacd28ec588d6867a66ec5d3678r1-1073-1073v2_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry anon, it actually looks good, i appreciate the help.

>> No.778197

You have to specify if it's rotating or not

>> No.778264

why not just tell us these super cool features to disable?

>> No.778272

I love this board

>> No.778276

the right one is better easily. the left one ony looks preferable because you can get away with an even lower shittier texture like on the arms and people wont notice, but they will notice once its smeared all over. basically someone left dogshit laying around and the smear engine stepped in it.

>> No.778765

>and also japanese. Because you gotta be able to squint your eyes real good at special Asian angles to see all the correct buttons to press.

>> No.778769

I'm not OP but I downloaded anim8or because I want to make lowpoly characters to make music videos with and I think these resources will be super helpful to me.

>> No.779017

Anyone have any tips on making low poly terrain and rooms ala PS1?

>> No.779032

subdivided, to counter the jittering

>> No.780425

But it's a model from a N64 game.

>> No.780476
File: 4 KB, 125x125, 1500847514554s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Back in the day modding GTA Vice City, we learned one important rule:
"a good texture is worth a thousand polygons".
All these beautiful car mods from amazing artists, 100k polys and the game would literally choke. It choked on anything more than 10k or so. Add 3 or 4 new cars to the game and now they have to be in the 1k range.
Basically, you dither down, and find a happy medium. Focus more on texturing to trick the eye.

>> No.780527

any good tutorials for this kinda texture work? mustve been alot 20 years ago

>> No.780561

i'll keep it real with you, anim8or isn't very good. sure, it was good when it was one of the few minimal choices, but now there's hundreds of free animation/modelling suites and they're all much better than anim8or.

only reason to use it is to do baldi's basics rule34

>> No.780744
File: 1.95 MB, 500x466, 1580774851601.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game is 23 years old

>> No.780747
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x960, 1566350101550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.780817

Wow, I can almost see Aya through that screen door filter.

>> No.781778

So cute!

>> No.781779

Set yourself a budged of polygons per character then try making it.

>> No.781814

people saying low poly isnt hard probably draw stick figures. its much harder to create a unique and interesting aesthetic style than to do photorealistic.
in fact realism is the baseline in art, if you cant do that youre shit. learn anatomy and you will be able to stylize more effectively.

>> No.781895

limit your ram consumption to the same level has the N64 but a bit more. Do lighting per-vertex. usually a character shouldn't go over 500 vertices. Look for n64 spec.
source: I'm a retard who program game engine instead of producing anything.

>> No.782474

lol this is some low poly trolling

>> No.782476

>the left one ony looks preferable because you can get away with an even lower shittier texture like on the arms and people wont notice
Didn't your parents teach you right and left, anon? It's the right texture that's smeared (and half the res in places).

>> No.782864
File: 33 KB, 480x360, 1497824224108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

play fifth-gen games with wireframes

>> No.783207

This is the most patronising board on 4chan

>> No.783210

Because this board has the most dumbasses who don't even do the core subject of the board.

What are you supposed to do, continually post great advice in the same thread that shows up week after week from people who have no dedication to learn, who never make progress? Who just want an easy solution handed to then on a platter and will never try?

Why wouldn't you patronize them.

>> No.783260

Just don't reply

>> No.783296

I'm the one who typed that reply to Op. It didn't come from nowhere, the N64 guy has been at this for a long time.

At first we told him about goraud shading and edited normals, self lit diffuse only materials and what render featurs to use to replicate the 90's look.
But then it was like "uuh too much information, how do I do more simple software???" and started inquiring what software was used back then.
So instead of learning something simple and follow a short instruction he got it in his head there was just too much 'bloated features'
in contemporary DCC's to allow your average joe to tie their own shoes.

Then once some helpful anon told him all about what we used back then he also learnt about the 90's hardware those legacy versions of 3D software ran on.
Realizing this hardware is now difficult and expensive to obtain he started mythologize them old SGI machines.
Like it was somehow these ancient relics that bestow it's operators with the mystic powers that enabled 'lowpoly soul' unobtainable today.

At this point telling him to either use his own mind to figure stuff out or abandon this endeavor is a kindness.
When you notice someone is stuck in frog-like limbo with clownmusic slapping their face so they divert their eyes in another direction warrants an attempt.

>> No.783323

>Like it was somehow these ancient relics that bestow it's operators with the mystic powers that enabled 'lowpoly soul' unobtainable today.
Peak Dunning & Kruger.
All he had to do was render with an old render engine, which can be found in nearly all modern DCCs. Max Scanline, Maya hardware, C4d standard renderer, Blender Internal renderer (2.7x), Lightwaves old renderer.
People who think hardware/software is an substitute for hard work and skill should be shot in the face and buried anonymously.

>> No.783327

N64 romhacker here. Use low poly as expected, and vertex paint for the shading (or just normals if you want that SM64 look).

N64 uses 3 point texture filtering, not bi-linear. For textures, ensure they fit into TMEM by being under 4096 bytes (16 colour 64x64, or 32x32 32 colour to simplify it.)

Textures that are not in the powers of two cannot tile, on the actual hardware, they'll have corruption in the middle of repeats.

Use either segemented (SM64), vertex animation (DKR), or weighted by bones (1 weight per vertex) (Rare games).

Hope this helps.

>> No.783336

>Realizing this hardware is now difficult and expensive to obtain he started mythologize them old SGI machines.
Like it was somehow these ancient relics that bestow it's operators with the mystic powers that enabled 'lowpoly soul' unobtainable today.

/3/ users will do absolutely everything possible to avoid actually just making models, I don't get it

>> No.783380

shut up and post your work

>> No.784218

Is there a guide on how to make models like this

>> No.784228

yes. here it is:
1. move the vertices to where you want them to be
2. paint the pixels the colors you want them to be
now that you have the ultimate low poly guide, you faggots can finally stop asking this stupid question

>> No.784233


>> No.784252

Thanks I'm new to this so sorry if I asked a repeated question

>> No.785547
File: 64 KB, 594x658, testmodel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to post this in response to a post in the other lowpoly thread but image limit reached
A lot of lowpoly magic is obviously in the textures but good textures need good UVs
Which I was never able to get a real grip on.
Anyone have a good UV tutorial? One preferably on a lowpoly person? This shit's honestly been killing me for a while.

>> No.785548

>find a low poly model with a similar art style extracted from game
>study texture layout

>> No.785619

Cool model got any tips

>> No.785734

Easier said than done honestly I think
They're very clean and when it comes to my idea of workflow, I couldn't really replicate it.
Knowledge of art/drawing helps but I'd imagine just studying older models can be enough
This has been my favorite tutorial starting out. ends way too early though.
There really is too little resources for lowpoly modeling unfortunately

>> No.785739

I dont know why anyone would want to go back to this crap.

>> No.785782

I just think it looks nice

>> No.785856

because they're not going "back" to anything? half the people that like this are kids who weren't alive when the ps1 was coming out and their context for it is minecraft. it's just a style now, and styles are arbitrary.

>> No.785930

I can ding low poly, im talking about the low rez crt look.

>> No.785951
File: 126 KB, 640x224, pdsqvrwop9f21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In terms of the filter on an emulator, the art was designed on a CRT and intended to be viewed on a CRT, so the art could be designed around the artifacts they caused and sometimes incorporated for effects or increasing the effective palette. Dithering is a really obvious one, it doesn't exist to make a checkered transition of color or shade, it exists because the way pixels will get slightly blurred (on most intended hardware) will make colors that don't exist in the console's real palette. Here slight blurring is used to make the waterfall look transparent, but if you ever play the game on an LCD or emulator without filtering, the waterfall is seizure inducing. The image you're specifically responding to looks pretty hyperbolic, though, most people didn't have CRTs that bad, so it's more played up for nostalgia or personal preference.

>> No.786398

can someone rip a ps1 model for me?
i can't seem to find the model online or through any resource sites. but i have no idea how to rip models from games.

>> No.786517


>> No.786565
File: 209 KB, 1200x900, 1603642659989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you rip the model for arle from the dr slump ps1 game for me.
also if you are able to do so i would also appreciate if you could rip the model for the trainer kid from "digimon world" and the greymon model.

but those are just extra if you get the chance i mainly want arle i want.
i can't seem to find ripped versions of these models online anywhere.

>> No.786718

You have to provide the files. I don't own that game.

>> No.786732

PS1 games a re a fucking nightmare to rip. If PSXprev doesn't support the game, don't bother.

>> No.787036
File: 419 KB, 800x800, 1605925828338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.787047

Ah yeah because it's very easy to replicate a AAA assets with AAA consistency with an indie dev team

>> No.787080

Not even close from the looks of it. This is my first day here and it's surprisingly relaxed lmao. Maybe not as relaxed as the /esg/ in /asp/ tho

>> No.787089

i think there are some roms for both games online, i don't think they are too hard to find.
is that so i wanted to better understand how the model is constructed but it looks like maybe i might have to eyeball it and guess but it won't be the exact same i guess.

>> No.787185


Start lurking start learning , make yourself useful.

>> No.787673

These threads are why I primarily come to /3/

>> No.787676

I would say start with the base colors you want then add the detail next. After some of the detail is added, that's when you want to start putting in shadows to create a contoured look.
It really depends on the style you're going for. But generally that's a good rule to follow in terms of order of operation.

Also, if you're making a texture that has skin and cloths or skin and something else on top of the skin, always remember to texture paint the skin first before you begin painting the clothes. It's basic yes. But I figured I'd just say that because it's sometimes easy to forget.
Also, if you're drawing ribs or something fleshy, generally you want to add that last.

>> No.787678
File: 2.94 MB, 352x927, 1598107848922.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly anons..... I just want to make models like this.

>> No.787679
File: 411 KB, 1542x856, low poly anti ali.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone guess what resolution the texture image is? Maybe the anon who made this can address what the format was.
I was kind of thinking 128x128 like the anon said in pic related

>> No.787725

As far as low poly goes its pretty high rez

>>787678 is 128 at least maybe 512

>> No.787737
File: 65 KB, 936x614, EXo1UUFU8AAnn45[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go check out the #256fes stuff, ps1 accurate shading and all that shit really doesn't matter, all that shit is just a distraction, just start making your models please.





>> No.787752

Very nice stuff. Thanks for sharing the Twitter stuff. I saw a lot of great stuff under the hashtag

>> No.787963

>thinks things have to be photorealistic to look "good"
>doesnt realize "good" is subjective
>has autism

>> No.788027
File: 1.04 MB, 1920x1080, reference fat merchant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never tried to make a low poly texture from scratch, so I thought I would give it a shot after browsing these threads for the past three days.
My process was basically this:
>sculpt a 3D reference model using dynotop tool
>create a new object to build low poly mesh based off of the reference I made
Finished product came out to be:
>275 verts
>128x128 texture image painted in Blender
I was going for a sea shanty merchant kind of thing, a very successful one at that. Translating the proportions through the image texture was what I really wanted to try.
I'll show a few pictures of the 3D reference I made then post the finished low poly model with the texture I made.
Learned a lot of what detail you can get out of it by playing around resizing the UV.
Side note, I didn't want to focus on the boots. The primary goals were to get that fat merchant barrel bottom and man boob shadows fairly done with what I got from this thread.

I'd like to see some of the stuff you guys have done too! Share it anons!

>> No.788029
File: 1.05 MB, 1920x1080, reference fat merchant 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.788030
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1080, reference fat merchant 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.788031
File: 1.34 MB, 1920x1080, fat merchant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.788033
File: 1.32 MB, 1920x1080, fat merchant 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.788034
File: 1.32 MB, 1920x1080, fat merchant 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.788035
File: 327 KB, 729x1316, Jack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on a SM64-inspired platformer.
Just finished off the first pass at my character for it. Been modeling for years, but I'll be the first to admit I'm fucking shit at humans and stuff.
Haven't done any serious texture work or anything yet. Plus the mesh itself needs some more tweaking t.b.h.
Still it's enough to start putting it in the game. I got the movement and stuff all set up, for the game, but now it needs some animations to get the feel of things right.

>> No.788036
File: 1.56 MB, 1920x1080, fat merchant 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.788037
File: 1.37 MB, 2576x1932, sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the rough concept sketch for him as well.
If it's not already obvious, I'm not the best at drawing people either :^)

>> No.788039

Keep it going anon. I've let too many personal projects pile up in the past, so I hope you can do better than I have in that respect. I like the face because it reminds me of a mix of one of the Veggie Tales models and something from Treasure MathStorm lol. A little advice for making the game,write down all the assets you plan on making. Map it out. Give a good idea of what you've got to work with.
Also in general for development, write down anything and everything you need to do in the next week/month/etc and the order you need to do it in. This will give you a good idea of how fast you can work and a better idea of your own capabilities. If you ever feel stuck, take a break and work on some tasks you know you can get done fast. It will help build momentum..
You'll find that animation isn't that difficult once you practice and get the hang of it. Plenty of resources on YouTube.

>> No.788040
File: 2.85 MB, 1280x720, platformerMovement.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! Yeah I've got tons of documentation and stuff written down for the game, environments lined up with the relevant endless amounts of reference, and a list of general assets and stuff I'm starting with. I'm quite familiar with animation and workflows, so no worries there.
I've been doing 3d for a living for years, but I'm rather new to doing game-dev. Figured making a SM64 clone with my own spin would be a fun way to get my head around UE4. At least before I move on to the inevitable coomer game to rake in the coomerbux. Which also has a fuckton of game-docs ready and waiting.

Right now with the SM64 game I'm still working on the testbed. Fine tuning the feel of the game before I start laying out levels and stuff. I'm just at that point where I need something other than the default UE4 mannequin to start working on how things feel, and the nitty-gritty stuff, since a lot of that is dependent on how the character animates.

Webm related is where it's at currently. It's not the best, but I've been learning a lot from doing it, and started to reach those zen moments where you're not really fighting the software to do what you want.
I should mention I'm aware of the character rotating after the wall-jumps, too. It's a simple fix that I just hadn't gotten to yet.

>> No.788044

>those zen moments where you're not really fighting the software to do what you want
Gotta love it when the synergy kicks in.
yeah, if you've been doing /3/ for years then you'll be in great shape for sure. Keep us posted m8. I wanna hear updates. Thankfully lots of resources for UE4

>> No.788045

>Gotta love it when the synergy kicks in.
Yeah no kidding. Never thought I'd reach that point with this sort of thing. It's been so long since I've had to learn something 100% from scratch, it felt kind of like I forgot how to actually learn new things. I had tried Unity last year and just couldn't really get my head around it. UE4 has been surprisingly intuitive. I spent around 3 months trying to learn Unity and never got those zen moments, but in 3 weeks of learning UE I get it no problem.

>Keep us posted m8
Yeah I've started hanging around /agdg/ threads and posting there whenever I need help or make any significant progress. Really great bunch of people, real nice and willing to help out if you're having trouble. I've had /3/ as my main board since like 2013 and it's nice to have a group of people that aren't completely cynical and arguing about software constantly. Reminds me a lot of what this board used to be like.
But yeah, I've been mainly posting there for game stuff. Though I guess I'll post animation stuff in threads like these whenever I get to it.

Cheers, friend!

>> No.788736
File: 453 KB, 1238x1178, Jack v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some more work on him. Making him a bit less fat, but still with that stocky lumberjack build.
I'll probably leave the face as it is. At least for now. Not really sure where the best place to take it is, and I kind of like the simplistic look for the head.

>> No.788743

Get some asymmetry on the transition between his pants and shirt going.
Also work on the shoulders. This looks like a discount Roblox model right now, but you can see the direction it's going, which is always a plus.
Low poly and round shapes are difficult to mix, so don't be discouraged if it looks like shit for a while.

>> No.788878
File: 307 KB, 1626x1484, ortho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get some asymmetry on the transition between his pants and shirt going.
There shouldn't be, it's a mirrored model. Might just be the angle. The torso and pants are 2 different meshes, as are all the other joints, so it might just be weirdness from that.

>Also work on the shoulders.
What do you suggest? I'm pretty new to modelling people-shaped things, so I'm having a hard time picturing how they should look like. I wanted him to have kind of a broad look to the shoulders.

>Low poly and round shapes are difficult to mix, so don't be discouraged if it looks like shit for a while.
Thanks. Yeah for the most part I've just been sculpting a hi-poly for the torso and bottom. I plan on going the lazy route and throwing a triangulated decimate on top once I get the shape right. Normally I wouldn't, but I've been studying the Mario model from SM64, and a lot of the geo there just doesn't make sense. So I figure it's more about the silhouette than anything considering there's no actual deformation because it's a segmented model.

>> No.788881

Oh fuck, I misread "get some asymmetry" as "got". My bad.
Yeah that's definitely the plan. Just wanted to get a solid body shape first.

>> No.788954

on a CRT television the pixels would blur together
if you were using a CRT as your computer monitor it would basically look like a painting, but why would you ever do that?
>wow this looks like shit on my OLED display
>what were they thinking several decades ago?

>> No.789127

Yes i know i grew up during the 8 bit 16 bit era and tube screens.

>> No.789405

The arms are merely sticking out of the torso, which is not remotely how it should work and will lead to issues when deforming.
Get someone to T pose for you. Think of the shoulders as a transition between torso and arms, they are what connects them during animation. You'll want them to propagate shape and movement between those body parts. An oval sphere works out decent as a base. Concentrate on the placement and, if your model agrees, touch their shoulder right above the shoulder blade, then ask them to move them in all directions.
Really helped me. Don't be afraid to ask others, too, as most people are willing to cooperate for that purpose.
I could try to take and annotate some pictures if needed, but it'll take a while. Utterly ruined my right shoulder in an accident, so I'd have to wait for my model.

>> No.789437
File: 5 KB, 552x11, lul Polycount Improvement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried making a character model while adhering to N64 technical limitations. 2nd attempt is not only almost half the polys, but even looks better after studying cartoon proportions.

>> No.789438

Boo Hoo, Fuck You

>> No.789455

Kys zoom zoom

>> No.789460

If I owned a helo, and someone walked into my rotor, I don't think I would even want to keep the chopper at that point. There could be little gore chunks in the internals you could never get out and the thought of that makes me want to barf. At the very least, I'd replace EVERYTHING in the tail.

>> No.789462

I'm older than you.

>> No.789463

It all depends on how you walk into rotors or propellers. No joke. I had contact with the prop of a Cessna 172, 1989 Tradewind Airport/TDW shortly after getting my PPL. Obviously lived to tell the tale.

>> No.789464

Oh boy it's a booomer

>> No.789466


>> No.789485

A boomers younger sibling, big difference

>> No.789488

As you kids say: cope & seethe

>> No.789496
File: 454 KB, 1416x1506, Mario 64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The arms are merely sticking out of the torso
How is that bad? I'm basing it off of how Mario's model from SM64 was constructed (and a lot of other N64 games as I understand it). It's got even wonkier shoulders than mine does.

>will lead to issues when deforming.
It won't cause problems deforming because it won't deform at all. It's a segmented model. It's like rigging a robot or something. Each segment is weighted 100% to it's own bone so there's no deformation. As it moves, the rounded "cap" that's clipped into the torso will show maintaining continuity, yet none of the parts are connected.

>> No.789500

... I'm a dipshit. Didn't understand what you were going for.
In that case, just proceed as planned.

>> No.789597

No worries, it's all good. I appreciate the help nonetheless. It's nice when others share their solutions to things that they found difficult at one point.

>> No.789598
File: 121 KB, 1200x852, EZEKtmRUcAAlONQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dream is to make a lowpoly game with cute girls.

>> No.789606
File: 126 KB, 90x90, tenor (9).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally what is your excuse.

>> No.789615
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, android1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I would post more of my practice with low poly. I was able to work on a more detailed 128x128 character. But I thought I would go with some inspiration from >>789496. Since he was making models with disconnected limbs. Plus that's probably easier to learn with for now at my skill level.

I made the model very quickly and started editing with pixel art. I have never done this before but I learned a ton from doing it. This is the order I made the image texture in:
>upper arm
I got really lazy at the hands, plus I wanted to watch a Christmas movie and move onto the next characters I wanted to practice making.

>> No.789616
File: 1.09 MB, 1920x1080, android reference.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is kind of what I used as a body reference. It was seriously an unnecessary step for the rest of the body, but it was helpful for the torso. To make the reference mesh, I used cubes that I just extruded the faces and then used the sub divide modifier to get a rough shape of the man's torso size for reference before I started actually creating the character's torso object.

>> No.789617
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1080, android2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too anon. What's all that shiny looking stuff on the panel on the right?

>> No.789618
File: 1.29 MB, 1920x1080, android3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.789619
File: 1.52 MB, 1920x1080, android4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.789620
File: 1.36 MB, 1920x1080, android5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I probably spent the most amount of time on the torso and the upper arm section. I just couldn't think of how to tie the upper arm to the torso. But when it came to the legs, I think I connected more with what I thought would look nice.

>> No.789621

Any anon care to take a shot as to whether or not this is a 256x256 texture?
Also, aren't triangles bad?

>> No.789624

>Also, aren't triangles bad?
That model is triangulated anon.
If you look closely, you can see that it makes clean quads.

>> No.789627

Thanks anon. I guess as long as they're inside of a square then it's fine for UV unwrapping. Never tried it before.
I'll look up the technique.

>> No.789674

Learn to texture, the texturing is everything.

>> No.789742

After reviewing this image in particular, I think I'm gonna go back and add more shadow to the back. Maybe even redo the dark red line above the waist because it's too thick. I was still trying to figure out what I was doing when I made the torso.
Also need to add shadow on the arms. I'm happy with the legs tho

>> No.789753

>Dithering is a really obvious one, it doesn't exist to make a checkered transition of color or shade
Explain dithered sprites in GBA games then

>> No.789789

>Explain dithered sprites in GBA games then
The people spouting "pixel art mushes colors together to look better on a CRT" are just full of shit. It's a meme that's been propagated ever since emulators hit the scene. There's no actual evidence or documentation that this is the case, it's just a meme constantly spouted when retards are called out for using a CRT filter on emulators.
It's the same shit when you call someone out for playing as a girl and they start making up excuses like "I don't want to stare at a dude's ass all day", as if the focal point of the video game is the fucking ass and they'd be staring at it to begin with.

For what it's worth though, dithering is a thing that does blend colors. Odds are for the GBA it's a stylistic choice, and a way to keep color bit-depth low.

>> No.789938
File: 1.35 MB, 1920x1080, android6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I went back and edited the lines on the back and added shadows on the arms. It's alright I think. Much better and fits more with everything else.

>> No.790331
File: 1.38 MB, 1920x1080, mermaid_render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm just starting out here is my attempt. It ended up looking for playstation than n64. the textures are too low res and not detailed enough, but it's not a hard figure to model at all.

>> No.792052

Unironically read loomis

>> No.792123

god damn look at that CAKE

>> No.792125
File: 804 KB, 400x500, 1490731182975.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wanted to try super low poly but every time I start modeling I feel guilt using a computer that costs over $5000 to model something that looks like it came from a game that came out in 1999.

>> No.792198

No rules, just tools.
If Michaelangelo had access to a jackhammer, he'd use it.

>> No.792282
File: 70 KB, 426x691, blender_bQFD0o0cOY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried turning a house I made in 2D into 3D, I think it turned out alright.

>> No.792285

just do it bro
don't limit yourself by that. or if you really want go buy a shitty laptop and model low poly on that

>> No.792286

good shit anon

>> No.792301


>> No.792308


>> No.792363
File: 252 KB, 1080x1327, EofjwDLXUAENthx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Use the two spheres lodged inside the front of your skull

>> No.792371

easily, /3/ has the most dedicated shitposters

>> No.792578
File: 835 KB, 300x201, 1514087337936.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you anons think the image size is for the texture here (>>792125) ? I'm thinking at least 128x128, yea or nay?
Really nice.

>> No.792632

get warosu to fix their /3/ archive search so that old answers can easily be shared.
how the fuck is it still broken after all these years? is the owner dead or something?

>> No.792647

>Also, aren't triangles bad?

How many times does /3/ need to be told that quads are made of tris? How many times does /3/ need to be told that tris are not automatically bad?

I see a post like this almost every day and it's honestly starting to drive me nuts.

>> No.792841

The real nightmare, as well as the most essential part, is pixel texturing. Can't fuckin do it.

>> No.792849

that's the fun part. also way easier than rigging and animating. you must suck at art to begin with

>> No.792866

Or take matters into your own hands and pour said advice into an inifinitely resharable image format.

>> No.792874

/ic/ can probably help you more with that than the people here.

>> No.792969

>how the fuck is it still broken after all these years?
because this board is almost as dead as /gd/

>> No.793865

Nice job anon

>> No.794892

this is just pixel art

>> No.794913

Just people with background in art(any good art school also teaches traditional techniques) and a lot of experience on their backs.

>> No.795647

just take some existing models as references and try to replicate it lol

>> No.795680

LOL so insightful!
You've really touched upon some useful information there friend!

>> No.797116
File: 16 KB, 248x212, gn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.797804
File: 486 KB, 1148x608, lowpol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to make one with very low resolution. maybe went too low. I need to get better with pixel

>> No.797827

>maybe went too low.
Nah, you're perfect.
Reminds me of some Dreamcast shit like Jet Set Radio.

>> No.797829

I'm glad, I was going for that. I would like to progress to make stylized erotica this way for fun.

>> No.797837

>maybe went too low

Post UV map+texture

>> No.797847
File: 32 KB, 512x511, tex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Texture is 128x128. It's very messy. I wasn't sure how to approach this but I think I can make something cleaner outside of the modeling program now that I have an idea of the size of the elements on this size of texture.

>> No.797859

Your texture reslution is fine, but you're wasting huge amounts of texture space for no reason - especially if that's the only texture you even intend to apply to the model. Face that are a single color don't need big spaces on your UV map, and can even share space.

>> No.797890

Except the "CRT filter" on emulators does not actually emulate a CRT.
>blend colors
It's about conforming the game palette to the NTSC palette and having it look good.

>> No.797915

People aren't turning on the filter because they're concerned if a shade of blue is slightly off compared to NTSC. They're turning it on to feel smug and superior because "the pixels blend together just like shitty televisions!"

>> No.797919

It's bad if you're doing AAA games

>> No.798190
File: 264 KB, 500x500, line.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I packed it got a a few extra pixels in density with some space too. going to fill it with some additions.

>> No.798457


>> No.799723
File: 998 KB, 1000x1000, four.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.799725

that's not enough polygons to activate my penis

>> No.799766

Says you. This pixel-bush is more than enough to activate mine.

>> No.799779
File: 2 KB, 128x128, newcolor2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Able to save even more space after fucking with it more. didn't really have a plan with this. I could either go more intricate or go bigger. maybe some kind of different form of skimpy clothing for a kind of strip tease

>> No.799846
File: 11 KB, 384x1104, sword2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can i improve this texture?
looking to make a stylized grimdark sword.

>> No.799871

lowpoly コロロШ

>> No.800440
File: 2.85 MB, 1920x1080, eveningscene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a little scene with the house I made and a bunch of other assets, I also tried playing with shaders.
Flat lighting may be nice to but I have no clue how to achieve that.

>> No.800472

>Flat lighting may be nice to but I have no clue how to achieve that.

Depends what you mean by flat lighting. If you mean 'no lighting', just delete your light source and set the world color to be whatever you want.

>> No.800474

I love it, looks great

>> No.800814

I like the blocky aliasing of Playstation textures better than N64 fuzziness.

>> No.801713
File: 360 KB, 930x525, blender_fn4cvT07Zl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess that would be it, I'm talking about the way it look in the solid mode viewport with lighting set to flat.

>> No.801721

Just plug your diffuse color directly into the material output node without any shader.

>> No.801763

The computers used to model 90's assets were way over $5000.

>> No.801834

That works, thanks anon.

>> No.801844

Yes. $5k in 1998 got you a nice Pentium II machine with a decent amount of memory and a lower-end workstation graphics card like the Oxygen series from 3Dlabs.

$10-20k for something more serious (dual PII or better, a dual DEC Alpha) with an Intense 3D by Intergraph. Lets tools of the time like 3D Studio Max, Softimage or Lightwave soar.

$25k and above (with no upper limit), that's multi-CPU, multi-GPU SGI territory(fully upgraded SGI Octane in 1997 for the price of an Italian luxury sports car).

Be thankful that you can do this stuff so cheaper now.

>> No.801894

Even in 1998 you could have modelled that asset on a $650 machine.

>> No.801897

That wasn't the point of my comment, but that capable, production-ready hardware used to be expensive. In 1996 I had to choose between either buying a new car (that I needed) and a workstation (that I needed for freelance work). I decided on the workstation.

>> No.802167
File: 110 KB, 1100x661, section-sketchup-software-cad-orig_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only program I could do 3D was Sketchup. Every other software seems to have too many options and be an overkill to make a low poly character. Is there any software more simple and approachable than blender?

>> No.802172 [DELETED] 

>Is there any software more simple and approachable than blender?
I'd say Cinema 4D. I have no experience with it, but plenty of retards seem to be using it without any problem.

>> No.802175
File: 46 KB, 649x653, 1612869163001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will wait for more suggestions, but I will give it a try. Seems to be simpler than blender. Thanks, anon.

>> No.802188

I don't know why this anon deleted his post, but he suggested Cinema 4D. I'm using it and it seems really good. Thanks a lot, anon.

>> No.803327

Metasequoia, Wings3D

>> No.804893

not only that, due to the aa pass the game ran at a solid 10-17fps, while the left ran at reasonable speeds.

holy shit do I hate the n64 version.

that out of the way, the right version is a blurry mess while the left is a very clean image showing off every detail correctly.

>> No.804895

make it low poly, abut use a high res texture, I will tell you now, you may not want to go 100% 4k but people like the low poly + textures giving more detail aesthetic, if you want to make console perfect stuff, thats on you, but higher detail is kind of the key,

>> No.804899
File: 14 KB, 374x406, alien_compiled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.804900

i want to test my lowpoly skills so i'll be spending the next few days modeling this character, posting updates as i go.

>> No.804928


it's 256px I'm 99% sure. I do this exact stuff for a living.

>> No.804930

good luck anon! please post as you go in the WIP thread

>> No.806243
File: 539 KB, 719x391, uv-scroll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.806269

Looks like its about 4-600 tris with a 256 square texture.

I can tell you right now, though, that the model itself is not the hard part. The real talent making that was the texture work. The artist has an eye for color palettes and they know how pain convincing details at low resolution. The UV map is also excellent with minimal deformation and very consistent texel density. A lot of artists would have dedicated more texture resolution to the face, but this guy has made made it work.

>I just want to make models like this.

Then do it.

You won't manage something this good on your first try, and probably not even on your tenth if you don't have some kind of artistic ability already, but it's absolutely attainable by just about anyone if they set their mind to it.

>> No.806271

>The artist has an eye for color palettes
he found a palette online

>> No.806278

>I can't do anything without google so neither can anyone else

>> No.806290

Bit of stretching in there

>> No.806294

On a flat surface, too. Don't know why they wouldn't just project on Z axis

>> No.806307

based. my mentors and I were influenced by quake2 modeller anyway. traditional low poly by doing it vertex by vertex. texturing is another matter though.

>> No.806311


>> No.806324

Photobash and paint over.

>> No.806421


>> No.806445

I'm assuming they projected it, then adjusted the mesh and forgot to reproject

>> No.806452

I assume its intentional to give the wave some visual interest.

>> No.806520

>Hey guys, I want to learn how to paint a good minimalist style. How do I get started?
>Just look at the fucking subject and use your eyes and replicate it. It's not that hard!
Brilliant advice. It's a wonder nobody thought of that before.

>> No.806551

>use a reference bro

How the hell can i learn to use references properly for low poly? Usually references are much more detailed, so when i end up following the outline and then subdividing it still looks like shit.

>> No.806558

>How the hell can i learn to use references properly for low poly?

I didn't think there was a way someone who was literate could somehow still be too stupid to trace an image, but here we are.

>> No.807591

the best analogy i can come up with is as follows:
high-poly modelling is the painting equivalent of having buckets of paint and brushes
meanwhile low-poly modelling is like trying to achieve the same in a limited stroke count with a minimalist color pallete

>> No.807592

>he started mythologize them old SGI machines.
to be fair, this is totally my jam. I absolutely would restore someone's boat anchor in order to get Authentic PS1 Graphics.

>> No.807596
File: 1.52 MB, 2880x1800, 7fbe93dd77adab865df9a1b94ff6bf47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Q3 is now "low poly"

>> No.807603
File: 907 KB, 1844x3224, ffmodels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final Fantasy 7 and 8 have some higher poly models than Quake 3 does.

>> No.807606

Ah yes, modding q3 is what started my 3d journey. Those textures still fresh as fuck to this day.

>> No.807704

this came out like a half-day ago OP, you should check it out,

>> No.807727

>best low poly
Best low poly are 3ds games.

>> No.807728

How did you get FF7 models into blender so cleanly? The ones I've tried importing don't come in with vertex colors and a lot of doubled verts.

>> No.807729

Imagine doing art while simultaneously being this shit at art.

>> No.807732

This. A clever way of giving the impression of waves breaking.

>> No.807785

I just realized this is supposed to be water. I thought it was a field of wheat with a scarecrow in it.

>> No.807796

Wait a second, I thought it was water, but now that you mention it it's clearly a wheat field. I don't know if I should blame the phone screen or my own stupidity, kek.

For a wheat field the distortion could be made a bit softer, slower, and it would work better I think.

>> No.807803

Yeah you're right, I was right the first time. He should probably add a very soft crosshatching texture or something to make break up the surface, because right now the noisy bits look like the clouds reflecting on the surface.

>> No.807836

no, that's what he did. some of us did actually know him.

>> No.807848

It's been a while since I did it, so my memory is a little fuzzy, but you will need Noesis. If you can't get it to work with the files for the playstation version, try the PC version.
I have this saved in a .txt file, I think I used it as an export command for Tifa's model.
-ff7weapon 0 -ff7weaponbone 32 -vertclr -ff7batch -combinemeshes

>> No.808000
File: 1023 KB, 800x800, 614300093948.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know who made this?

>> No.808021
File: 264 KB, 512x384, FinalFantasyFourHeroesOfLight.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's from a DS game.