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>> No.767347

>10MB hdd space

>> No.767352

>128mb ram

>> No.767390
File: 214 KB, 1418x1800, 5eefca59b9b1206662091d47c73a0aec2e036e11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm legit taking art/anatomy courses because of Daz right now.

Who would have thought that my quest for the Ultimate Waifu would take me there. Waist-to-hip ratio, stylisation, hourglass figures, proportion, how much you can push boundaries depending on the pose and the lightings. And I still can't make my Ultimate Waifu real. I need to know more. I need to learn more. I need to learn the ultimate perfection ratio, the numbers, the maths. The figure in my mind, realized. Free of uncanny valley, the numbers clicking just right, the answers to the equation.

I believe it can be done. It must be.

>> No.767393

That's the spirit anon. I'm on a similar path. There's a lot of 2D art that I find stellar, but nothing in 3D satisfies my needs. Currently I'm focusing on facial sculpture on ZBrush. I will train as long it takes to realize my vision. Godspeed.

>> No.767395

>New real-time render engine coming to daz-studio:
but that means all the stuff for iray needs to be converted to a new shader language or what

>> No.767396

>Drawing feet too big is a better statement than drawing them too small.

A statement of wut? Stating you're being gay because you're into man sized feet?

>> No.767397

>because of Daz r
why not learn a real 3D modeling app then instead of dialing settings ?

>> No.767398

Where can I download private betas? I want to try Filament

>> No.767638

I'm in love with the default G8F face, help me

>> No.767642

What? Daz is implementing Filament? lol, they are going to have an unironically better RT engine than Blender now.

>> No.767704
File: 2.87 MB, 960x3040, 79452151_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enough talk post coomercore

>> No.767708

How good is filament supposed to be anyway?

>> No.767747

I'm pretty much an expert when it comes to anatomy and art. I've sculpted so many faces I'm capable of differentiating between the nuances within the same race.

No matter how much I study, learn, and reproduce I could never create a "perfect" face. I might come across the perfect face of an IRL waifu but there will be a moment in time when I will come across another face even more beautiful or beautiful in a completely different manner.

I've come to terms with the fact that I will never be able to successfully create beauty. Only God can. I can only be inspired by it and create less than perfect reproductions. This is fine because at no point in human history was any artist able to draw a beautiful human face not based on actual people. Nor will anyone ever achieve that level of artistry.

Fact is the picture of the perfect waifu in your head is already based on actual people. Are you sure you sure it's all about maths and not something more deeper?

>> No.767764
File: 447 KB, 1024x1024, 1568048202175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nor will anyone ever achieve that level of artistry.
God is in the numbers, punk. Just give it time.

>> No.767796

>only gawd can draw

Pfft! Creating 'perfect' faces in terms of beauty to your taste is rather easy once you are accomplished enough to do what you describe.

What I do is I take the same topology and then spend a few days creating variations of that face to the likeness of who
I consider to be the most beautiful people I've ever seen by recreating my favorite actresses, models, pornstars, dream girlfriends etc.

Once I have these I use morpher slides to rapidly try out out what amounts to several million variations between those to extract new face mixes that themselves
are more beautiful than any of the sources.

Then you just repeat this process with a few of your generated candidates to zero in on what is then the ultimate representation of beauty to you.
Chances are this face is gonna be more ideal than anyone you can ever hope to find in life since you're creating something that would only exist
in the natural world if we had a 100 billion people instead of ~10.

>> No.767820
File: 566 KB, 1800x1071, dczcf96-5efdb719-32d9-4324-b82e-72829537a540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my own experience, 2D to 3D is hard because artists often do tricky things with perspective. Or more accurately, to use a 3D term, "focal length".

Say, if you wanted to animate a 2D OC like I did months ago, even if the artist is exceptional at keeping proportion between drawings, and many aren't, you can be tricked very easily by different virtual "focal length" between pictures. And it's very obnoxious to try to match anatomy when all you have of the character is several poses with differing focal length.

Protip: I learned, as bizarre as it is, to start with the legs. They're thin and long, so they don't change much with different perspective. Do the legs correctly, you have the proportions for the hips, then you have the proportions for the waist and the head.

>> No.767839

I bought a fairly recent copy of Poser Pro and everything still looks like the 1990s in it.

>> No.768098

Anyone recall the morph package for GF3/8 that included "push cleavage"

>> No.768188

>thinks moving morph sliders someone else creating is equal to creating something

Ok, mister Kruger...

>> No.768190

>I bought a fairly recent copy of Poser Pro

Return it as fast as you can. I have spent so much time and poured so much effort into Poser I'm now an expert. So heed my expert advice: DON'T EVER USE POSER.

Poser 11 is basically Poser 7 except all the features of 7 now actually work. It's the most frustrating programs out there. There's no possible way of knowing whether something doesn't work because of user error or software bug.

I can't believe people charge money for it when Daz is free and a far more superior package.

>> No.768191

How is this an example of the Dunning Kruger effect in any way?

Oh sorry, didn't see this is in fact a DAZ thread. I'm not a dazlet I'm talking about morph targets I've myself created for geometry I've myself created.

>> No.768195

>Daz UI almost hasn't changed in past 20 years
No wonder shit feels so dated and out of place
UI overhaul when?

>> No.768202

>I bought a fairly recent copy of Poser Pro

>> No.768266

>What I do is I take the same topology and then spend a few days creating variations of that face to the likeness of who
I consider to be the most beautiful
>I can create the perfect face, let me start off by copying other faces

Dunning pls...

>> No.768294

Seems like a valid approach. What should one base perfect beauty on if not beautiful people?

The Dunning Kruger effect is about being too incompetent to realize how you're incompetent.
My approach doesn't seem very incompetent as it provides a very feasible route to approach perfection
that any artist can easily replicate to judge for themselves soon as they're able to do decent portrait work.

If you've followed any of the research into beauty in recent decades you know how an averaged face from a number of random faces is consistently rated as being highly attractive.
All the 'flaws' tend to cancel out, where as a feature is too big on someone and too small on another when combined from more and more people
you end up with an 'average' result that ends up being rated way more beautiful than the average score of the candidates rated alone.
Like you take 10 'fives' and run them thru an algorithm that averages out their features and out comes a face that is rated as an 'eight', that type of thing.

If you're interested in the subject of human beauty you've prob heard of this before, you've also prob heard of the Marquardt 'beauty mask'.

It stands to reason that if you create averages of already highly attractive faces you'd end up with even more attractive faces.
Now what I do is simply manually weight those averages so I overshoot and undershoot this mix til I find the sweetspot blend that is most tailored to my tastes.

Now is this something I've created? Well, it sure wasn't someone else who created the result I ended up with.
Would I be able to do this without the assist of a computer? Not really, or I guess but it'd take pretty much forever to manually get there.

Main point is one do not need to be some BS divinity to surpass even the highest levels of you beauty you've seen anywhere.
All one need is the power of human brain, the processing power of a everyday computer and the highly accurate input values as indicated by your dick.

>> No.768305

>It stands to reason that if you create averages of already highly attractive faces you'd end up with even more attractive faces.

100% disagree

The most beautiful faces are not "average". They're a combination of weird features that if one of them is a little off the end effect will be an ugly face.

Case and point: Bruce Willis' daughter vs. Anya Taylor Joy.

BW's daughter is very unattractive but with a slight modification to her jaw she suddenly becomes attractive.

Anya Taylor Joy's eyes are anything but "average". If you were to fix her weird bug-eyes with that of a perfect face you would get an unattractive face.

You're looking at this approach mathematically when in reality beauty is not the sum of its parts. I have many years of experience drawing and sculpting. I can always tell when an artist uses a reference or when an artist creates his own face.

I'm telling you, no matter how much time and effort you spend on getting the perfect waifu face, at some point you'll come across a real-life face that's even prettier. Ad infinitum.

>> No.768311


Beauty is not the sum of its parts. This AI face generator shows you can have an infinity of non average faces all of which are beautiful.

>> No.768367



>> No.768463
File: 427 KB, 1000x1300, Full143063_3bcd8d75f40dea72fe2a39b5404c1675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anagord discovered normal maps

>> No.768478

more like Analyogurt

>> No.768651


So how do I use this correctly, evertime I try to run the .dsa file from "my library" it tells me there was an error reading the file.

>> No.768656
File: 51 KB, 800x1088, ymtj03zvakl51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Create a new, empty scene. Load Gen3 and select it. Adjust the morph you want to transfer to gen 8 and favorite it with the little heart icon. Run the script for the specific sex, you should see the progress window pop up and go through conversion.

>> No.768678
File: 1.04 MB, 1000x1000, thanks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks homie

>> No.768680

So about this Daz to Blender bridge
Can i import whole scene to blender ready for render or it just one character in T pose?

>> No.768681

Generally just the character but you can parent props to the character itself and give it a shot. YMMV.

>> No.768682

>n parent props to the character
Blunder retarded again
The Max and Cinema bridges import any character or prop
only Blunder only imports G3 or G8.

>> No.768683

Most props will work fine exported separately as objects as well as some authors actually providing obj files.
One thing to note about the Blender bridge is that you will have a GIGANTIC amount of memory used from just a single character.

>> No.768685

Kinda disappointing
What about that other daz to blender program forgot its name, I remember people was saying you can import whole scene, but maybe I just remembering it wrong.

>> No.768686

There were a few, you can probably still find threads about them on the official daz forums under the blender section.

>> No.768694

what hair is that?

>> No.768695

That's a person, not a render. Cosplayer EnjiNight.

>> No.768700

From what I can see the bridges only just run a basic export FBX -> import FBX flow. Nothing really impressive. Looking into the the script itself the code for it in part wasn't even written by Daz.

Don't put your faith in these "bridges". I would advice to learn to do them manually.

>> No.768702

The best part about them is the fix they do to the materials. I've tried the prior bridges and they usually require a lot of shader/material fiddling for transparencies and getting the material the same translucency value etc.

>> No.768734
File: 185 KB, 1024x1440, stadium_by_octanepinup-d7n469v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HDRIs a shit. How do I get good at actual lighting? I've read up on 3PL, what's the best way to practice. iray realtime previews? Should I use denoiser too since it doesn't affect lighting as much as detail to the materials?

>> No.768740

Will he also discover how to make good looking female faces?

>> No.768746

His ass morphs are alright. The rest of his stuff is pretty much bogged Cher.

>> No.768751

broken arms

>> No.768752


>> No.768889
File: 13 KB, 456x459, daffy_lewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he uses Daz for non-porn


>> No.768898
File: 1.01 MB, 730x1033, surrecturus-illusio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For cute or cool renders

>> No.768928

This, and wallpapers or DnD character portraits for $.

>> No.768941
File: 1.68 MB, 9000x3375, amz_lxr___tara_by_papadragontg_de4pg2p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting to old for this edition
Most of the Daz/Poser userbase are ancient coomers.

>> No.768954

Lighting with Iray actually requires skill because you can't just use mesh lights which don't activate Iray shaders (e.g., gloss). If you want an easier time lighting a scene (albeit nowhere near as photorealistic) then just use OctaneRender instead. Its PT kernel is also faster than Iray.

>> No.768957

Nay, I want to learn good lighting. I want to learn and practice skill.

>> No.768981

You have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.768982

Not him but I'm interested. Please elaborate.

>> No.769021

not him either but what he said matches up with my own experience as a 3D hobbyist and i'm also curious to see you prove him wrong

>> No.769036
File: 148 KB, 672x1169, Vanellope 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Blender bridge really opened a whole new realm of possibilities for me haha

>> No.769045

>mesh lights which don't activate Iray shaders
>Octane nowhere near as photorealistic
wtf did i just read?

>> No.769110

basically this

>> No.769112

>mesh lights which don't activate Iray shaders (e.g., gloss)
ah so that's why everything looked flat and lifeless when i tried to use them, guess it's spotlights and hdris for me only then because octanerender looks like ass

>> No.769140

The issue with photorealism is that reality is far from being all that. Photorealism is for pussies. Look at all that poor colouring out of your window right now. God's world could really use a better renderer.

Photofantasyism for the win. There has been no photofantasyic renderer developed that I know of, and I think it's a conspiracy by God (and Jewish developers) to try to imply God's renderer is better than any photofantasyic renderer we, humanity, could create. Which is absolute nonsense, of course.

>> No.769167
File: 156 KB, 1920x1080, day 28 hotel 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When technology has gone so far that you mistake a real human photo with a rendered 3D character.

>> No.769173


>> No.769200

Are you making a visual novel?

>> No.769245
File: 23 KB, 500x282, cc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redpill me on Character Creator 3
What is this and why would I use it?
Can I make my own characters and bring it to daz, if yes will it work like genesis?
Or it for something else?

>> No.769260
File: 217 KB, 681x516, Screenshot (1277).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a hair in daz like this one? I have a milf character who this hair would be perfect for.

>> No.769261

Iray > choking covid death > Octane

>> No.769262

It's literal cancer that thing. Don't touch it.

>> No.769264

Start with the Ll Incandescent packs

>> No.769265

Shush blendlet. Your cancer software is aids. Maya is king you fgt. learn real software.

>> No.769273

>Literally coming to every thread just to randomly sperg about blender
Why Autodesk shills are so cringe?

>> No.769294

>Literally coming to every maya/max video on youtube to force people into joining their cult

Why are Blenderinettes so cringe?

>> No.769297

But i never do that

>> No.769333

Not me. It's a screenshot from an Adult VN called Pandora's Box.

>> No.769334

You sound like a schizo

>> No.769372

It's pretty trash, you will still need your daz library if you want anything decent looking. Before there were bridges to a bunch of other software than it was sorta okay for it's realtime renderer
Dax hair G3, Force hair G3, Kylie hair G3, Pixie Pretty hair G8, just a few of the somewhat similar hairs I've got in my library.

>> No.769378

What the point of this software than, not sure if i understand and it's not even free
Surely there must be something about character creator

>> No.769380

wtf guys it's free, i must try it

>> No.769390
File: 47 KB, 500x650, noemie hair ref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, I also found pic related which with a little zBrushing fits the bill nicely.

>> No.769407
File: 62 KB, 680x680, 1575259983550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of rendering speed increase can I expect going from 1080 Ti to 3090?

>> No.769426
File: 87 KB, 947x1288, image_86143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's anything like when the 2080 Ti came out, you have a couple weeks of waiting for a beta version of iray that supports it. A couple months for it to be stable.

>> No.769453

Its skin texturing thing looks great. I don't know if you can transfer the texture layered for further touch-ups in Substance though.

But yeah. What's the deal with Character Creator? Daz is a proper scene + render program but has a very difficult learning curve. The deeper you dive in the program the more functionality it has but you're on your own because most tutorials out there are normie tier.

All I've seen from CC3 is their real-time render scene. I don't think you can even add lights and such.

The only use I can think of is creating non-narrative NPC's for games.

>> No.769485

I have zbrush, how do you sculpt the eyes until they look cartoony like star?

>> No.769519

I don't think that is the case because the 20xx series added new systems like the Tensor and RT cores which ofc needs changes in the software to utilize them. The 30xx series is basically the 20xx just stronger.

>> No.769591

Fair point but I'm still mad from being an early adopter of the 2080. Although I'm completely fine with the amount I paid giving me a top dog for two years. Can't wait for 3090 but may hold out for the ampere Quadros now that I have an adult job.

>> No.769625
File: 409 KB, 1243x2048, DAS RIGHT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.769682
File: 406 KB, 1500x844, 84383064_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno. I'm starting to think my numbers will never be right. I look at masters of the field, some real masters, and I just can't. Oh, I can create a bimbo or some children or stuff like that. But I can't create perfection.

Ganseki recently came back in the field. He uses Daz now. I've got the hair (Monica Hair). I've got the ear shape (#05 of EJ fantasy ear). I've got the jewelry (GDN Magic Twirl Jewelry). I've got the dress (RainbowLight minidress with an add-on). And I still can't match the proportion. It's driving me insane. Do I lack the Spark? The genius in some of us that can match the perfect thighs to the perfect waist? A divine source of beauty only accessible to the blessed?

Would I, for all eternity, be cursed to gaze at perfection, without ever being able to create it?

>> No.769689

Does your job involve 3D? Quadro for DAZ sounds overkill

>> No.769706
File: 193 KB, 623x637, 2020-09-14-1600118644_623x637_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, what a steal!!


>> No.769711
File: 1.61 MB, 2254x2600, ZeldaLingerie1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to make characters stylistically similar to the Dead or Alive games or something like that in Daz using only its own tools, morphs or whatever?
Daz sounds like it would be really handy for me at the moment, but from what I've seen with Daz it's always either the signature la creatura look or something obviously kitbashed with assets imported from somewhere, or custom made completely outside the program and just ported to Daz.

>> No.769738

What's a good neutral but natural pose set for g8m? It's just for some generic character design sheet, I don't want him to stand in the stiff A-pose but I don't want him to look too... anything in particular. Just like a neutral standing pose for a human.

>> No.769739

Why don't you pose it yourself (maybe even using reference for having it even easier)? That's literally the whole point of this software.

>> No.769743

>That's literally the whole point of this software.
Posing in Daz is an unpleasant experience, given its low viewport performance.

It's also disturbing, since the anatomy is wonky as fuck. Only coomer autists can withstand it.

>> No.769747

Don't think so, Iray can only do one thing, muh photorealism
Just wait for new render engine daz going to add "soon" or import it to other software

>> No.769756

How good is filamet supposed to be anyway? it being real-time should make it faster than iray by default right?

>> No.769757

came here to hate-read the thread but your comment made my time here worthwhile. thanks anon

>> No.769758

Feels weird to be modelling a cock so much but this shit has a lot of sliders. Also this whole Daz thing is more fun than I though. I'm still learning but I'm aiming to be able to make my own porn in some days.

>> No.769761

It doesn't really have anything to do with renderers. I'm asking whether it's possible to achieve nice stylized/semi-stylized face and body meshes with Daz tools/assets alone or not. If I will need to do the whole character modeling pipeline outside of Daz or import shit from Smutbase or whatever then it defeats the whole point of using it for me.
Is posing in Daz less painful than, say, in Blender? Importing characters to Daz just to pose them sounds retarded and most likely not worth the effort, but at least you can assemble scenes and do rendering there as well I guess.

And I haven't used Iray, but it can't be that bad. PBR can be stylized, it's more of a question of the models themselves, materials/textures, lighting and post-processing. Art direction in general. You need to know what you are doing, what end result you aim to achieve.
Though if I decide to get into Daz I will get Octane for it.

>> No.769765

Trying to pose a human model and a non human model together and make it look good is a pain.

>> No.769766
File: 261 KB, 1000x1300, melody-for-rynne-8-09-daz3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How good is filamet supposed to be anyway?
No idea but yes its going to be much faster that's for sure
> I'm asking whether it's possible to achieve nice stylized/semi-stylized face and body meshes with Daz tools/assets alone or not
Yes definitely there is tons of stylized and semi-stylized assets in Daz store alone, probably even more outside.
Yes if you learn proper 3D software and how to make characters there is no point to port it into daz just to render, since Arnold, Cycles etc are better renders anyway.

>> No.769769

I'm new to Daz. Is there any must have addon?

>> No.769778

>I'm new to Daz.
Leave while you still can.

>> No.769800

Quadros are somewhat similar in performance to their geforce counterparts but quadros are made for prolonged rendering. The pc will be sitting in another room chugging out one 4k image at a time.

>> No.769820

found the blendlet

>> No.769825

Now I understand why there's no variety on porn games and is always a normal guy doing the fucking. Trying to find poses, fit things like cocks or make the poses yourself is a fucking pain in the ass.

>> No.769844

Take your meds schizo
I dunno why you saying this, sure daz is fucking awful software but its probably one of the best in term of making poses
80% of daz porn games are made by lazy cunts who don't even know how to light their scene.

>> No.769853

Headlamp on everything too.

>> No.769859

Octane is in the same league as Arnold, Redshift, V-Ray and Cycles.
There's no reason one can't achieve great looking renders in Daz besides the lack of competence.

>> No.769900

>Octane is in the same league as Arnold, Redshift, V-Ray and Cycles.
Cycles and Redshift aren't in that league either and you forgot Renderman and Clarisse.

>> No.769916

>want to change the skin texture of a model
>model is just a head swapped default G8F
>turns out the head of the default model is still somehow under the new head so if I change the texture, only that head changes and leaves the new head untouched
Just fuck my shit up. How do I resolve this? Using one of those sculpting programs? I'm still kinda new to Daz and 3D modelling.

>> No.769919

>model is just a head swapped default G8F
Oh god, you're one of those. It's naruto, isn't it? Or RWBY? Head swapping is only used by the "cosplay" community, which instead of properly doing things, just swap the head of the model for the head ripped from an official game somewhere.

I've got no pity for you, son, and what's more I've got no solutions for you either. Model your Hinata with a real gen8 head, it's not that hard. Just pick any asian head shape on the market.

>> No.769926

It's actually a DoA model. I don't know why the fuck the guy just didn't use any model from the hundreds of XNALara that exists. Maybe I should just search a better model.

>> No.769929

You need to use both hdri and lighting setup, sometimes you can get away with only hdri but for best results use both

>> No.769933

Same answer. Either use a pure gen8 model, and that's not hard, or never change the body mats. Either way works.

> I don't know why the fuck the guy just didn't use any model from the hundreds of XNALara that exists.
Daz has hundreds of options and outfits that couldn't be imagined on XNALara or stuff. So when some retards try to implement a "cosplay" Daz model, they mostly just put the head of an official model, mostly from games, into a gen8. The issue there is that it doesn't work: Daz models have their own faces, their own heads, and just propping another head on top does not look good, by any stretch. And does not take kindly to any change of texture, ofc.

I dunno what I can tell you. Don't do that retarded thing, please, and just model your own Kasumi from the hundred of faces available in store? Or something like that.

>> No.769934

I guess I should start working on modeling my own original gobbos. Thanks, anon.

>> No.769936

There is 2 options for you
Get bunch of G8F shapes and try to remade DoA character, gonna take some time but yes you can do that
Or port G8 model to Zbrush/Blender and sculpt head, its a hard way and you need to learn sculpting what going to take tons of time

>> No.769945
File: 270 KB, 978x944, 1597501684484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you ascended and rather than spending hours dialing in multiple morphs simply pull all shapes you want in blender's sculpt mode in a couple minutes and import it back as your morph

>> No.769946

Show your results anon

>> No.769948

>sure daz is fucking awful software

It is not. It takes a long time to master Daz Studio as funny as that might sound to you. It's easy to get into, but hard to master. There's a lot of depth to the program and if you are judging by the simplicity of the whole program then you are a fucking retard. It's better to have something simple and more accessible to people with a lot more options if you want to do more with the program. And yes, you can do a lot with Daz Studio which I bet you don't even know half of it. Iray is not the best rendering engine, agreed, but if you have invested in a GPU instead of CPU then it is still one of the best choices.

>> No.769970

>It's easy to get into, but hard to master.
>Daz Studio
t. megabrainlet

>> No.769975

Daz is very weak software, awful, clunky as fuck UI and dog shit performance, make it feel like something from 2004, yes its simple and easy to get into but that doesn't make it good

I understand what you trying to say by hard to master, but i don't really think its hard to do, there is not much to master in general.
Understanding of lighting and composition is probably the most important thing you need to master for daz

>> No.770006

100% this, blendlets will never understand

>> No.770030

>very weak software, awful, clunky as fuck UI and dog shit performance,
LOL you mean Blender don't cha

>> No.770033

Yes. But to think that Daz is better than Blender is peak retardation.

>> No.770034

No, retarded is to even compare the two.
one is an full blown 3d app (at amateur level though) and the other a premade content render and posing app

>> No.770063

Calls other people retarded.
Uses the word "app".

>> No.770065

ok boomer

>> No.770072 [DELETED] 

eat shit zoomer

>> No.770074
File: 84 KB, 602x771, DazF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm late to the shitslinging but I see what both of you retards mean.

Daz: shite interface, bad or missing documentation. Has surprising amount of stuff hidden away in menus and sub menus if you are autistic enough to find them or learn from other ancient Daz users who have found it somehow. I only recently learned daz has a build in node based shader editor.

Blender: Lots of people hate the interface too but at the very least you easily modify it compared to Daz' archaic F3 settings window. (picrelated)

Either way, every software has it's use depending on the individual.

>> No.770102

The question is, if you learn Daz Studio and all the small "hidden" things, then why would you bother moving to Blender or other programs which require a lot more learning curve and all your time spent learning Daz3D will be gone since no two programs are ever similar.

>> No.770103

If you managed to learn all that in daz, a fair amount is transferable to other software as node shader editing is pretty common. Daz is very obtuse with is morphs. It's arguable though that Blender or any other software is better for rendering. Depends on the users hardware, workflow and situation I guess.
Creating morphs is commonly done in other software too. Check out smutba.se, most of the figures and scenes posted there originated from daz but the users ended up preferring blender.

Using most any other software than Daz will end up giving you at least a start on a marketable skill too.

>> No.770104

Also animating with daz is absolute shit tier.

>> No.770113


this is literally the dumbest thing ive ever read

imagine blaming your lack of talent on some imagined universal inability for humans to draw an attractive face

>> No.770119

Right now my main issue of not switching is that I render with my GPU and iray is the best choice since I don't have to "learn" a new software and where everything is etc. Also someone mentioned the posing in Daz3D and that is absolutely true. Posing saves you so much time it's actually ridiculous. If you had to manually pose each time you would be losing so much time. You can even mix and match poses in Daz Studio. Let's say you like the arms of one pose, but nothing else? You can select only the arms and use them in another pose without applying the whole pose. It's pretty legit.

>> No.770121

Blender and other software arguably have better GPU rendering options. Blender for instance uses CUDA.
Rigs and armature in blender make short work of posing too. If you use the Daz to blender bridge that was just released you can try it out for yourself. Just try not to be discouraged from the new interface and way things are handled.
That said, the bridge is kind of wonky, you'll need lots of system memory because the current bridge sends over a lot of useless morphs and shapes assigned to every item your sending over (hair, body, clothes). This is no fault of blender but the script made to bridge the tools.
Also, you'll find many more up to date tutorials on just about anything blender related.

>> No.770123

People who daz/poser either get stuck in their restrictive basic tools, quit or use it as a stepping stone to a different software where they begin creating their own assets.

>> No.770142

Daz uses cuda too.

>> No.770143

>where they begin creating their own assets.
That's if you think people only create models using 3D programs. Most people just want to make a good render of a character the most easy and efficient way possible.

>> No.770150

Agree, but why the fuck some of you guys even comparing Daz to Blender in the first place, or saying madness like Daz is better
>Daz is shit
>B-but Blender is shit too, heh take that blendlets!
What it's even have to do with anything?

>> No.770157

I joined in late but it seems like some bimbo rendering autist thinks daz is the best.

>> No.770159
File: 742 KB, 1280x984, the thing in.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing is evil. Nothing in Daz has been, or will be, as evil as this thing. This thing is repugnant, revolting. It is the abhorrent cancer born of a diseased mind, a repulsive blight upon the face of God's earth.

No matter what you believe, Daz isn't as foul or nasty, because it doesn't have the Thing. The Thing is Blender vile and loathsome Thing all alone. It's not a thing born of others. It's a Thing born a Blender.

>> No.770160

blendlets btfo

>> No.770194
File: 258 KB, 3020x1280, Aya Brea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellas plz, bimbo in harmony

>> No.770196

So... This is... The power... Of Daz...

>> No.770201


>> No.770204

How can one coom to shit like this?

>> No.770220

Daz has plenty of those almost invisible buttons.
Essentially yes. I fucking hate this community.

>> No.770223

>diverting from the point of the argument
that's a strawman faggot

>> No.770227

I am not in an argument with him, that was another anon - I am just pointing out the irony. This is my second post in this thread.

>> No.770435
File: 253 KB, 2619x1280, Sisters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.770444

Ah yes, the thing that you're not supposed to interact with mouse with, but press N instead, is evil, because you can't memorize shortcuts.

Navigating daz viewport (which you're supposed to do 99% of the time working in a 3d environment) via a fucking microscopic gizmo in the corner of the window is acceptable though! Can these shitters fix their navigation, holy shit, is it so hard to do it like in blender?

>> No.770447

Suffocate yourself between those balloons. I know you'd enjoy it; it's a win-win for everyone.

>> No.770454
File: 97 KB, 884x1280, bowsette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.770572

Is there a way to port a character from an old figure to a more modern one? I would like to port Pabu (which is a character for Aiko 4) to Genesis 8.

>> No.770609

Do you think Daz is a waste of time, all things considered?

>> No.770646

I remember dimly it's not possible directly but only V4 to G2 to G3 to G8 or so.
It also involved a plugin named GenX

>> No.770647

not as much as Blender

>> No.770678

I think of it as a hobby. All hobbies are time waster, by definition.

>> No.770715

if it's a morph for gen4 or G2, there are scripts for it. https://www.deviantart.com/darkhound1/art/Legacy-to-Gen3-morph-converter-1-1-buy-it-here-589021408

>> No.770727

You could probably learn how to draw decently and the whole 3D character creation pipeline in the time you've been posing generic goblinas in Daz.

>> No.770760

You could probably find gf in the time you've been shitposting on /3/

>> No.770773

what >>770647 said, if daz is a waste of time then blender is the greatest waste of time

>> No.770774

You can find some DoA morphs on DeviantArt

>> No.770799

You can literally sculpt a model in blender you fucking retard, or cloth or any props
Good luck MAKING something in daz

>> No.770803

Let me see the Blunder goblinas you sculpted.

>> No.770805
File: 265 KB, 1920x1080, chun-li-vp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I don't really sculpt characters in blender, but saying its bigger waste of time than daz is just dumb
There is definitely people who do make goblins in blender

>> No.770807

hard to believe someone with talent wastes their time on Fagchan /3

>> No.770809

4chan is not even that bad, but holy shit this board is just so awful, what is kinda sad since i like CG

>> No.770820

There are several industrial professionals and even VIPs or celebs posting regularly on 4chan.

>> No.770822

Why even importing back in Daz though

>> No.770826

>There are several industrial professionals

>> No.770868

It's like criticizing someone for collecting stamps. It's a very silly critic.

Which is why all the blendlet shitposts always elicit for me either a small smile when the shitpost is good, or a vague frown when they derail the thread. Certainly not the rage the shitposter seems to want.

>You won't get a marketable skill with your hobby!

>You should learn Blender and get a REAL marketable skill.
Maybe if I wanted to be an modeller, but I learned on this very board that they have nasty lives. I'm happy with my job anyway.

Most of the shitpost fly way below my head. It's targeting someone else: maybe someone who did Daz professionally? But then, putting aside porn, who does Daz professionally? And post on 4chan?

>> No.770879


Yeah, Blender is really just garbage compared to DAZ Studio.

>> No.770888

Daz has been used in pre-production for movies like the Avengers. It can be used to create a scene and plan shots quick and easy with almost no technical 3D skills.

This whole "learn X and get the job!" attitude is retarded. It's no different that a "5 secrets to become a millionaire" type of book.

Daz is just a tool. Figure out what you're trying to achieve first, then figure out if Daz or whatever else can help you out with that goal.

>> No.770892

>bad hand anatomy
>doesn't know how to make a fist
>le basic bitch western anime face which every amateur likes to sculpt
>0/10 cloth
>giant long shins
>terrible knee anatomy
>flat ass (you tried to hide it but fucked it up with the first one from the right)

I get it, anon. You can follow YT tutorials by mediocre artists.

Too bad some faggot with Daz can achieve the same exact look in under 10 minutes, with no knowledge of sculpting, and without any of the flaws I listed.

So who's wasting their time again?

>> No.770905
File: 61 KB, 470x1024, dazlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

successfully bring about or reach (a desired objective or result) by effort, skill, or courage.

How cute, this Dazlet thinks that moving some sliders and do nothing but change the proportion of pre-made models has something to do with skill or effort...

>> No.770906
File: 1.79 MB, 1000x1300, rin-for-genesis-8-female-00-main-daz3d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shutup and post girls!

>> No.770911

Holy shit imagine being this retarded

>> No.770926

that's because it's made by poorfags for poorfags, it's literally plebeian software

>> No.770941

Doesn't that apply to daz as well?

>> No.770963

no daz is for paypigs, please buy our pro bundles

>> No.771105

Genx was one but I've had better luck using non daz store items like "Darkhound’s Legacy to Gen3 Morph Convertor" and the script that was in this or the last thread.

>> No.771129
File: 42 KB, 720x529, 11791535_7aw2bzhvqvivosilcn8d-w-thumb-1419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS is "coomercore"?...

>> No.771138

Where can I find that script? It seems to have been posted in this thread because people are replying to it, but the post itself seems to have been removed.

>> No.771157

How do I get to this level

>> No.771166

I wish I knew how to make good materials

>> No.771178


How do I make clothing for daz?
I mean i know how to model it, but how do i convert it to daz, I use this "Transfer utility" but it doesn't look that good
Any tips or tutorials?

>> No.771206

Preferably girls that don't look like this alien...

>> No.771207
File: 157 KB, 736x1458, anime girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you have against aliens?

>> No.771279

pleb taste

>> No.771418

The UI and the material node editor in particular make me feel like a quadruple amputee, to the point I'd consider just uninstalling Daz and trying to purge all memories about it, but I did not spend time going through 33 pages of G8F characters in the shop and seeing things no human should ever see to find like half a dozen of vendors with decent looking girls for nothing, so I will still try to get the hang of Daz and put it to use.
Character creator and pose library are what I want from Daz. Between FBX export, the bridges and Diffeomorphic, what is the most headache-free way of getting Daz models and poses into other software? Don't care about materials as I will be setting up my own either way, care only about meshes and rigs/poses.
Alembic export, if it works without problems, is a last resort option, I guess.

>> No.771473

The various bridges daz has introduced. Don't count on many updates though.

>> No.771542
File: 178 KB, 1400x700, 0924-slider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.771547

Either I'm doing something wrong or it's not available yet, the last version is 1.9.9.

>> No.771588

Upgrade is on the DIM launcher. Don't forget to install the new blender plugin from ~AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\DAZ 3D Add-ons

>> No.771590

1.9.9 is the latest version of the blender plugin, perhaps you already have it. I didn't see the ugpraded plugin on DIM until last night (EST)

>> No.771617

So it supports geografts now, anything else?
can I use other genitals now?
do morphs still horribly bloat the transfer?
why can't they enable gen 1 and 2 ports?

>> No.771619

why are some people so butthurt over others using daz?

>> No.771621

The eternal coomer.

>> No.771715
File: 495 KB, 1566x1241, fg-school-02-daz3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I utterly despise FG's approach to lights in his ready-to-render environment. Which is to say, in the mind of this inbred retard, ready-to-render with default iray settings, no ISO, no tone mapping, no additional iray settings provided.

What, so it means those lights all have individually the intensity of the sun? Who cares? It is well known apartment lightbulbs have roughly the same luminosity as the sun. This won't pose a problem if you want to do realistic renders. None at all. After all, in real life, wristwatch leds are well known for their ability to blind you by the sheer amount of light they provide.

Eyeballing light is fine, I don't really care if it's not physically accurate 100%, but eyeball it fucking down, at ISO 200 very minimum.

>> No.771746

i wish there was a way to simulate clothes being dramatically too small. i've fiddled around with dforce settings but if you push the expand-contract ratio beyond like one or two percent into the negative the clothing just explodes into polygons

>> No.771748

>the year is 2020 A.D. Coomers have evolved to the point they are now complaining about the lack of competence of other coomers.

Progress in our world will be progress towards more pain.

>> No.771751

Have you tried like 1.23 percent or something? dforce documentation sucks ass

>> No.771755

Yeah. You don't start seeing a difference unless you're jumping in increments of at least a percent or two. It's lame.

>> No.771780

That's a rule of life. Everywhere there is something professional developing, you'll get grumbling people grumbling about stupid stuff. It's a corporate rule by this point.

Blendlets never had those problems, but then Blender never was professional nor corporate.

>> No.771782

I may be a coomer and a furfag, but I have standards.

>> No.771820
File: 2.09 MB, 1080x1920, Rin-chang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first Daz render and it's all your fault.

>> No.772097

what's his endgame?

I did nothing wrong

>> No.772248

What did you post, loli or furry?

>> No.772250

Rin-chan in a lewd bikini.

>> No.772258
File: 14 KB, 360x360, 391100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made for fat, bumpy Orc dongs

>> No.772268

Nothing wrong with this picture

>> No.772269

This is a blue board

>> No.772272

There is at least one fully nude goblina in this thread right now >>768941 and also shit like >>767704 >>770194 >>770435

Someone got really triggered by a cute girl with an almost clearly visible nipple and reported it, most likely.

>> No.772282

I reported that image for sure and I watch porn all the time and I have no issue with erotic content.
But this is a blue board dedicated to 3DCG and we don't need to make this place a haven for any loli coomers and vore/furfags.

You allow shit like that to fester you'll get an influx of depraved scum that will cause every semi-sane person to abandon ship.
Can't you see how low effort coomers like dazlets are like a cancerous cyst on any 3D community?
They ctrl-c ctrl-v replicate the shape of the booby the dong and the vagana mindlessly and at such a rapid pace
that it eats away at the body killing all it's healthy functions and leaving nothing but piles of useless uncanny no-effort porno in it's wake.

On an internet where we're neck deep in porn is this really what you need in your life anon?
More irrelevant porn at the cost of everything else?

>> No.772284

I really appreciate you saving the high quality content of Doughnut Bundertards from more depravity.

>> No.772285

So why you aren't doing anything about the other, even worse images, faggot? What are you even doing in the Daz thread in the first place, huh? This is a containment zone, you should be policing its borders from the outside.

>> No.772286 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 100x100, 1304051362094.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guise, I need halp. Mai objects are locked and won't rotate properly. The centre point doesn't matter. I can only get it to rotate on one axis but the centre point is somehow offset from the head. It's also a mirrored object (lower leg) fyi.

Please... I'm fucking losing my mind here. I've probably made it worse by literally clicking on everything. Ye gods...

>Posting in an active thred

>> No.772289 [DELETED] 

Blenderfag btw.

Global rules apply. No troll plz.

>> No.772290

Oh /3/ is fucked alright we're like /3/rd world nation where drinking the tapwater is highly unsafe because it's 50% raw sewage.
But we're not a failed state where the cartels are dangling mutilated bodies off bridges or we go out organizing mass rapes
and beheadings to praise the great Coomallah either.

People who think the floor we're on is the bottom have no idea what lies beneath the sediment when you let the bottomfeeders burrow.
There's a Marianas trench that goes all the way down to crush porn from the darknet and the nameless horrors that lies beyond.

I'm not policing either just reporting the more destructive crimes I happen to come across them.
Those images are attention seeking trolls, as such they're inoffensive as they wont attract any pedos like other image.
I realize now dragon girl might be some vorefaggotry but it's too cryptic to attract any vorefags.

>> No.772291

ever tried /x ? It's shizo and larping central and makes /pol look like a kindergarten.

>> No.772292

Wait, you thought >>772250 is somehow loli and that's why you reported it?
Please kill yourself out of /3/.

>> No.772295
File: 518 KB, 1649x540, taday on sci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know of /x/ mostly because I used to be on /sci/ and they came to ask us many interesting questions about various phenomena thruout the years.

Clearly depicts a child, reads like a 12 year old tops and then only because of the the breasts. How does that not qualify as a loli to you Mr. P-Bear?

>> No.772299

Wtf are you even talking about retard

>> No.772309

What he said

>> No.772334

Wtf, there's a whole thread full of weirdos trying to summon succubi. I can't tell the larpers from the schizos, holy shit.

>> No.772374
File: 125 KB, 1750x790, 1601272164857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a place of study and peace.

>> No.772400
File: 38 KB, 542x543, 1599156932479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's no racial filters for the Daz store

>> No.772403


>> No.772404

Which is very inconvenient, I agree. I wanted to do a native American/blonde German deepthroat some months ago, and it was a pain to get both the native American and the blonde national socialist.

For fuck sake. I really wanted just to render Nazi porn, not in a bad way, mind you. Some dribbles here and there, but it was all in good fun. Why can't I filter by ethnicity?

Rereading it, I realize now that what I'm typing could be construed as a shitpost, but it was all true. I wanted my native American. I wanted my German. And it took me far too long to get my native American and my German, with the filters in the Daz store. It shouldn't be.

>> No.772433

I just downloaded a file from https://gfx-hub.net/ and copied the files into my library structure. But when I start Daz studio it doesnt show up. Am I supposed to do something special? I use the free version of daz studio.

I'm a newbie.

>> No.772461

There are prerequisites for pretty much everything. Check out the Daz official youtube for help installing content.

>> No.772462


>> No.772487

Thanks friend, I'll check it out. Figured out where the files landed but characters only load half.

>> No.772592

Like most people you will probably end up reinstalling everything when a rogue morph fucks up your library.

>> No.772662

Didn't the blender 2.0 bridge support geografts?
Why am I still getting the error has occured image?

>> No.772843

Can we get a real time rendering engine built in to the damn program already?

>> No.772851

It's cooming soon.

>> No.772900
File: 152 KB, 1920x1080, the-awful-emperor-hd-for-genesis-8-male-16-daz3d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WITNESS this absolute unit, the utter immensity of this lad

>> No.772907

Is this supposed to be baron harkonnen from Dune?
Looks kind of accurate

>> No.773081
File: 555 KB, 1900x900, the-streets-of-steampunk-11-daz3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, Stonemason really outdid himself that time. I want to do a Victorian render just to use his environment.

>> No.773110
File: 30 KB, 500x650, Berenice for Genesis 8 female.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Berenice or Bernard? I swear these characters get more ugly and androgynous every month.

>> No.773169

Is there a way to add facial hair in VRoid?

>> No.773170

One of the downsides of more realism

>> No.773173

Hope you have 25GB of GPU memory.

>> No.773259
File: 648 KB, 1500x1125, md-the-orc-village-05-daz3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't worry about it, Stonemason's stuff is relatively well optimized.

On the other side, you've got things like MD Orc village, which somehow takes 6 GB of VRAM with a few huts and a lowres ground. Being this bad at optimization actually takes skill.

>> No.773326

> we don't need
Who are these "we" you are talking about?
Speak for yourself.

>> No.773331

Having been here for 10+ years interfacing with the board frequenters one can tell being a blue board is something the majority here is very much in favor of.

Being a part of humanity on planet earth for several decades one can tell vorefags and fiddlers are not well tolerated by ~anyone.

That be the 'we' I'm referring to anon.

>> No.773351
File: 294 KB, 1252x897, DAZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kills the coomer

>> No.773400

Does it comes with chained feet and cages too?
Praised be Allah and death to infidels.

>> No.773404
File: 22 KB, 400x400, Bog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha! That looks like garbage. What, do they use 8k BMPs?
Agreed. I'm a dazlet but I mostly do pinups and things for my own wallpapers. No exaggerated morphs. I'm also on the 3DX discord and have been warned several times for posting "visible blood" in inspiration channels. This was stuff like armored gals with a cut on their brow, not gurofag shit. Apparently that's not appropriate but musclebound futa bimbo giantess with cocks larger than they themselves are is completely fine.
It truly is a slippery slope once you allow "nsfw" stuff. I'm glad that has mostly stopped that one frenchfag.
Speak of the devil

>> No.773419
File: 841 KB, 1920x1080, palace-02-daz3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha! That looks like garbage. What, do they use 8k BMPs?
IIRC that's because every single piece of architecture is its own prop, not a bone, a prop, with its own 4k texture.

The roof? Independent prop with a 4k texture. Doors? Two props with 4k textures, and so on. One of those simple huts, alone, takes something like 3GB of VRAM, and even scene optimizing it does not really help. Don't quote me on the exact numbers, though.

On the topic of wtf environment, there's Charle's Palace, which - with its bundled lights and iray presets - converges so slowly it takes 25,000 iterations to reach 1%. Thanks for the help, Charles, it is appreciated.

>> No.773641
File: 3.85 MB, 1920x1080, beach-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any good looking breaking waves for Daz? I can't find any and I think I own 3 or four options, but none look good as breaking waves at the shoreline.

>> No.773652

What the shit with daz store new design?

>> No.773683

is there ANYTHING good looking for DAZ?

>> No.773687

oh jesus fucking christ. Trying to create custom textures for Futalicious is fucking stupid. If you try to use the given textures, you gotta color match both geografts to the body AND the other texture. Fucking hell. How do people do it

>> No.773694

i come to these threads when i want to feel disgusted

>> No.773711

>i coom to these threads when i want to feel disgusted

>> No.773735
File: 2.43 MB, 3200x4400, elven vixens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These renders are incredible. When will coomer games finally embrace realism? I'm tired of the Barbie-doll looking bimbos they keep using.


>> No.773758

>These renders are incredible.
Yeah, I find it hard to believe such crap can be publicly shown without shame.

>> No.773760


>> No.773762
File: 229 KB, 501x333, 2020-10-04-1601839090_501x333_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.773764

Valavriel, you need to go back and work on at least making the poses of the two characters different enough. And change the bump maps while you're at it.

>> No.773768
File: 38 KB, 610x354, meme_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aye, captain

>> No.773777
File: 2.83 MB, 1350x1080, out.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.773779
File: 1.74 MB, 1920x1080, 4ulidodp1k451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.773780


>> No.773781
File: 600 KB, 600x595, 794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.773804
File: 50 KB, 624x624, 119177719_875999259593988_3156843503903506707_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.773811

stonemason is great, but I hate steampunk and those retarded gears everywhere. Why is steampunk even a thing.

>> No.773812

grotesque, never post again

>> No.773880
File: 14 KB, 300x316, yandere_dev_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried rendering with RTX 3080/90?

>> No.773919


>> No.774063
File: 166 KB, 2560x1440, Goblina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW no ninja-viking-goblina-gf

>> No.774078

what model?

>> No.774080

She's a bit cartoony or stylized for my tastes. Specially the parts covered by her clothes.

>> No.774091
File: 247 KB, 2560x1440, Goblina006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellas, I can't stop staring at her goblin face. Send help.

>> No.774092

the long philtrum is kinda weird desu

>> No.774093

Weebs thinking animu proportions works on realistically shaded faces confuse me.

Have they masturbated exclusively to 2D so long they can no longer see when they're making crosseyed alien monky people?

>> No.774095

They seem to shit out more of the Bratz dolls than the goblin types.

>> No.774098
File: 164 KB, 2560x1440, Goblina007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tara is a normal human bean!

>> No.774221
File: 80 KB, 960x1248, winnifred-for-genesis-8-female-00-main-daz3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the target audience for this

>> No.774222

Oh hell, is that an actual promo for a product?

>> No.774230

If you need a creepy witch maybe? I don't get why it's rendered in a modern era.

>> No.774231
File: 1.59 MB, 730x1032, tara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.774233
File: 722 KB, 2560x1440, DELETETHIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.774235
File: 499 KB, 2000x2600, freja-8-05-daz3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freja 8 vs Tara when???

>> No.774237

God I want her to crush my skull with her thighs

>> No.774266

Why are the straps of her LARP quality leather bikini following the contours of her body. Did she superglue it onto her skin?

>> No.774267

Typical daz stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if the clothing included in her bundles don't even have fit morphs for her.

>> No.774356

Gif Author

>> No.774366

We don't talk about those people here. Speak of the devil and you shall summon him.

>> No.774368
File: 131 KB, 502x421, kstEW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow! Some decent pose freebies! (or cool "paid" poses)
>They're all set for characters with high heels
It's a pretty easy fix but annoying as hell. This userbase, man...

>> No.774369
File: 306 KB, 1329x1707, Contra_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.774371

Ah, a familiar face, it's been a while.

>> No.774375

That's a cute girl.

>> No.774416


>> No.774457
File: 30 KB, 374x550, 81vH1GhXzCL._AC_SY550_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come Poser failed compared to Daz?

>> No.774458

Poser cost money

>> No.774460
File: 459 KB, 743x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creating the ultimate waifu is like trying to achieve perfection. It literally cannot be done. It’s an unachievable goal.

But that doesn’t mean you still shouldn’t try. The point is to obtain new skills and use them to bring you closer to perfection. It’s about the journey, not the destination.

You’ll invent tons of waifus and all of them may be different from each other, but they’ll still be incredible and magnificent on their own. Because you tried to make them perfect. That’s pretty admirable, Anon.

I hope you have a great time on your journey! Maybe we’ll get to meet each other’s waifus someday.

>> No.774463

I told myself I would stick with Gen2 and V6 but then I saw Arabella for Gen3 and said this is the one! Then, along came a character for Gen8, actually a couple of them. The cycle continues.

>> No.774464

It went through too many hands over the years.

>> No.774482
File: 8 KB, 325x155, Download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no Genesis compatiblity
and the Poser Figures are awful

>> No.774483

>Community creates la femme

>> No.774602

I have rage quit Poser so many times I lost count.
Version 11 and it runs and crashes like an early Beta.
Fuck Poser.

>> No.774655

Shut up 3dlet

>> No.774656

That almost sounds like a site or software.

>> No.774668

back to your Blunder donut

>> No.774673
File: 275 KB, 2000x1000, AmandaTrap2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright fellow shitposters, looking for suggestions on items to recreate the following:
Leatherface from Texas Chainsaw
Amanda from Saw
Actually, heck. Any horror suggestions welcome. I see some of the above assets are available ripped from Dead By Daylight but they are pretty low res and have completely different art style than most Daz stuff.
I'm working on porting the Saw beartrap now.

>> No.774677
File: 61 KB, 1015x1043, SawTrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the texture can be passable with some metallicity options changed in the shader on import. I just don't like how low poly the headband is but in most cases hair would obscure it?

>> No.774690

I'm blind, looks like it is screen accurate with the headband.

>> No.774706

What kind of sick porn are you making, anon?

>> No.774708
File: 118 KB, 960x1248, west-park-legacy-iray-addon-00-main-daz3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't actually do porn anymore and when I did it was vanilla. I just like making cool wallpapers for myself now. Sometimes DnD character renders for friends.

I had an idea of having a female character fleeing towards the camera while clutching her beartrap frantically. With the killer walking briskly after her part a bit further down the hallway. West Park structures seem to be a good setting for it.

>> No.774712
File: 530 KB, 2560x1440, Barkeep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To add, COOMING was what initially got me in to this hobby but I ended up growing tired of the exaggerated proportions that most artists use. That was probably from joining the 3DX discord and seeing their monstrosities. Rendering CUTE GOBLINS is where it's at now.

>> No.774743 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 484x404, 3dX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets see what those 3DX discord boyz are up to right now in the work in progress channel!
Oh, oh no..

>> No.774827


I'm pretty new to Daz so i want to ask
Is it possible to import character from Character Creation 3 to Daz?
I mean so its work just like Daz genesis models with daz rig etc

>> No.774928

Per the Daz forums when I googled you question:


The tutorial page may help you. You can definitely export FBX, and import into Blender or other programs, so I would think it is theoretically possible to import to DS. Question is, why would you want to?

>> No.774943

Where da 3DX discord invites at? I want to add my futa horse dick bimbo muscle loli giantess snuf rape guro to their collection

>> No.775047

Post what you're working on.

>> No.775048

Because greeble fever.
It's a fetish of sorts.

>> No.775049

Her san-paku gives me anxiety.
Well lit though.

>> No.775051

This >>774267
98% of DAZ "creators" are lazier than iguanas on a sunny day, and if you've ever tried to validate their install media, you'd cry. Most of their output is broken af.

>> No.775052

1) World's worst UI
2) Terrible "assets"
3) Smith's red-headed stepchild
4) $$$

>> No.775053

>West Park
Have some imagination, anon.

>> No.775057

I'm working on becoming a better blendlet and creating my own structures but west park for now.

>> No.775070

There's literally hundreds of ready-made assets that are better than West Park, don't get stuck in Tutorial Hell while you lern 2 blunder better.

>> No.775072

I've got most of the basics to intermediate functionality down. I'm just too self critical when I start making something on my own.

>> No.775105
File: 257 KB, 960x1248, teen-jane-pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is supposed to be a teenager

>> No.775110

>> No.775123
File: 490 KB, 1287x1738, Products.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rotten restroom may work.

>> No.775130

>over a dozen hallways/corridors
For what purpose?

>> No.775196

Because they're fuck-all easy to build.
Remember, DAZ authors are generally turn-key lazy.

My suggestion is to digest lots of renders. Hundreds. Thousands.
Get to where you can name any set on sight.
Then keep going.
Eventually you'll hit a plateau where you can discover assets that haven't been used to death. Then you can publish a render that won't earn your username instant disrespect.
But by that point, you should be capable of creating your own assets according to your vision.
It's just like poetry, by the time you can write something passable, you already know there's nothing new under the sun.

>> No.775205

Yeah, I can usually instantly identify an asset flip game on the steam store or unity by the characters. Not so much the environments yet though.

>> No.775224
File: 50 KB, 497x456, 1566996831189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can usually instantly identify an asset flip game on the steam store or unity by the characters

L-like what characters? Asking for a friend

>> No.775254
File: 2.05 MB, 2800x3200, adam-and-eve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it shit?

>> No.775274

The most common body for skyrim mods has been V4.

>> No.775376
File: 266 KB, 1440x1920, 84o6jm0e0kq41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've found a hitomi tanaka head morph. Anyone know of a body morph for her?

>> No.775517

There's shitload of body morphs. Here's an example. Just reduce the hip size and increase the tits

>> No.775553
File: 104 KB, 1000x1300, humpty-for-genesis-8-male-04-daz3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$19.95 plus tip!

>> No.775564

Impressively, it's only 500 MB of textures.

Damn, Stonemason. When you want, you really can. Legit impressed right there. I've seen individual tents clocking more. I seriously don't know what I can say, there.

>> No.775572
File: 195 KB, 960x1248, z-shield-maiden-poses-and-expressions-for-freja-8-00-main-daz3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Z Shield Maiden Poses and Expressions for Freja 8
Doesn't actually have shield poses.

>> No.775621

is there a way to apply an iray shader preset without fucking with the original maps? i want to apply a camo shader, but i want to keep my original pants normal map, and glossy map.

>> No.775625
File: 1.37 MB, 1616x795, free_3d_obj_file_download_daz_poser_blender_hearse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

duplicate item before you apply the shader. Apply shader to either duplicate or original, go back to the specific surface of the unmodified one and right click > copy surface, paste in to the corresponding surface of the modified item.

>> No.775744

Daz Productions Inc is such a mysterious company. You barely hear about the people behind the scenes. Also, it's kinda funny how the company is run by Mormons, yet they're responsible for the most degenerate porn online.

>> No.775765
File: 778 KB, 922x1200, 151803e3be78359dced97b20e49092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New filament preview from the beta

>> No.775766

About only 12 seconds of render time

>> No.775768

pretty much the same speed as opengl

>> No.775769

Read the paper behind Filament. Cute little piece of work, but one who took many short-cuts in order to be real time. Expect a better render than both OpenGL and 3Delight, especially with PBR materials and shaders, but still something that is recognizably fake and not photorealistic from naked eyes.

I only hope this will make the thousands of 3Delight porn comics slightly better in quality.

>> No.775803

Yikes, I hope this is not the realtime solution they're going for.

>> No.775812
File: 3.81 MB, 2200x1400, 8cbb0d4797b9d3853555a3b9d12ed2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.775813

Hmm, I'll try a scene from scratch. I just opened a cabin scene I've been working on but in the beta and lighting is all goofed up.

>> No.775828

>run by Mormons

>> No.775832

Probably just by their HQ location. Last rumor I heard was that it was bought out by arabs.

>> No.775842

Lmao it looks so fucking bad
It's not like i expect marmoset or eevee but fuck this shit looks like real time renders from 2005

>> No.775849

Is it in public beta or still only for best goys?

>> No.775851

When you apply the shader you can hold ctrl which will open a pop-up menu where you can select to ignore textures.

>> No.775854

public, unless my account has been flagged for special goy from being a paypig.

>> No.776007

Ctrl when applying anything will give you more choice. Really useful for things like poses, which you can decide to apply to only parts of the figure.

>> No.776017

Urg, filament does that thing openGL does when hair behind transparent glasses disappear.

>> No.776057
File: 79 KB, 500x650, 1602221108_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That fucking Vikings show has a lot to answer for. No Viking ever looked ANYTHING like this.

>> No.776234

Cuz dey wuz black

>> No.776259

Show us.

>> No.776260
File: 743 KB, 1080x1080, ddk4h5t-9c4afde5-f252-4023-9f37-028bfdd9edb4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a google search away. tritiumcg does a lot of morphs.

>> No.776686

is there a way to get Blender bridge without installing dazcentral?

>> No.776688

Daz central is completely optional. I still use DIM.

>> No.776689


isnt DIM like snooping around and shit?

what are the differences between DIM and dazcentral?

>> No.776690

Not sure about Daz central. I installed it and nearly immediately uninstalled it. Not a fan of it's setup or interface.
No idea what you are talking about as far as snooping in regards to DIM though.

>> No.776904

try again, hint: mention them by name and they ban you from the forums for anti-semitism.

>> No.776931

Ah, almost arabs.

>> No.777237

New thread